Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 03, 1927, Page Six, Image 6

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The Leading Lady
W N U Service
(C o p y ri gh t by T h e Bobba -M er ril l Co. )
W h ile d es p on d en t o v e r the e n ­
fo r c e d h i d i n g o f h e r fiance, J im
D a l l a s , » l a y e r in s e l f d e f e n s e o f
H o m e r P a r k in s o a , S y b il Saunders,
pop u lar actress,
Is e n K a K * ‘ d t o
p l a y V i o l a In a c h a r i t y p e r f o r m
a n c e o f “ T w e l f t h N l ^ h t " on D u l l
Is l a n d , o n t h e M a i n e c o a s t . A f t e r
B assett,
T r a c y ' s fi a n c e , « e l l s J o e he h a s
h e a r d h e is s p y i n g on S y b i l t o
th e w h e r e a b o u t s o f Jim
D a lla s and earn the r e w a r d o f ­
fe r e d by the P a r k i n s o n fa m ily .
T h e b o y d e n i e s it.
T o A n n e he
b e t r a y s h is e n m i t y t o w a r d S y b i l .
S t o k e « te lls S y b il he has n e w s
o f D a lla s, and to s e c u r e p r iv a c y
t h e y a r r a n g e t o m e e t In a s m a l l
s u m m e r house F lo r a S to k e s tells
B a s s e tt she s a w S y b i l sh o t but
did not see her m u r d e r e r B a ss ett
n otified
the s h eriff.
W il­
l ia m s . T h e l a t t e r s u s p e c t s F l o r a
S tokes.
CHAPTER V— Cantinued
“ I ’d rather Mrs. Stokes wept uu to
the second floor." lie turned to lias
sett, "You have space up there, 1
"Space!” It came from Miss IMnk
ney before Basaett hail time to answer
— these hirelings of the law did not
realize where they were. “ We've put
up more people here tliun you could
(jet luto oue of those flea-bitten hotels
up your wuy.”
"Take her things up there. You
help her.”
Flora turned stricken eyes on her
husband, lie said nothing hut very
gently loosened her lingers on Ills arm
They trailed away. Miss I’lnkney stalk
lag ahead. Mrs. Cornell and Anne
made their exit hy the opposite door.
Roth were silent us they climbed the
Mrs. Cornell's door opened
uud closed on her, and Anne fared
on to hers on the side stretch of the
gallery. She looked down Into the
lighted room, saw Shine move toward
the entrance, heard his voice, loud uud
"Why, there's someone down by the
dock I”
The other men wheeled sharply, on
the alert. She stopped, lieud bent,
•‘Patrick— the d— d fool.”
It was
Williams. "Told to watch the cause­
way and staudlng up there like a
"Oh, It’s your man. I’ll go down and
tell him.” Shine wnnted to help ull he
could before Ills retirement to tbe
butler’s bedroom. “ He ought to he
where he won’t show. Is that It?"
“ Yes, tell him to stow his ca cc n N S
somewhere out of sight, lie ain’t there
to advertise the fact lie’s on guard.”
" I f he gets In the shadow under the
roof of Hie boat house,” said Russett,
"he can command the whole length of
It and not be seen from either side."
"Tlint's the dope. The neck of tills
bottle's the causeway and it’s going to
he corked good and tight tonight.”
Anne's door closed without u sound
The three men turned hack from the
entrance. “ Is that woman gone up­
stairs yet?" Rawson murmured to Ills
assistant as Williams stepped to the
middle of the room and watched the
gallery. He continued to watch It till
Flora and Miss Pinkney upiieared and
finally were shut away behind their
several doors, then he looked at Raw-
son and nodded.
“ Now." said the district attorney to
Rassctt. ” 1 want you to show me
where that pistol was."
Russett Indicated the desk :
"111 the third drawer of the desk.
Miss Pinkney Is certain it was there
this morning.”
"And you know It wasn't there when
you looked after the shooting?" Raw
son went to the desk its he spoke.
"1 can swear It wasn’t."
Rawson pulled out the drawer uml
thrust In Ills huial.
"Well, It's here now," be said, and
drew out a revolver
lie held it toward them on Ills palm
They stared at It. for the moment too
surprised for comment. Rawson broke
It open ; ttiere was one empty chain
"Can we get Into some room where
there's more privacy than this place?"
lie said "I want some more talk with
you, Mr. Russett.”
Russett directed them to the library,
lie put out the living room lights and
followed them.
Rassett was prepared for what he
had to tell. During the long wait for
the officers of the law his mind had
been ranging over It. shaking Imre
roui unnecessary detail the chain of
•vents that had ended In murder, it
was lni|x’sstble
conceal the altua
Aon between Sybil and the Stokeses;
ie could not If be hud wished It, and
ir did not wish It. A girl hsd been
vrutally done to death, a girl Innocent
>f any evil Intention, and his desire to
vr'ng her murderer to Justice was as
strong as either Williams’ or Raw
-on's. And they could get the facts
’•etter from him than from the mud-
.lli'il storlea of tbe others, (heir minds
-loaded hy prejudice and hearsay lie
Imped that what he said would he
eo'Aiy unbiased, the naked truth as he
knew It. That his revelations would
involve a woman whom he liked and
pitied would not induce him to with
hold anal ought to lie known Chlv-
atrv had no place in this great drama
Hitting hy the desk in the library he
as veiled the situation, what he had
heard, seen and knew. The men gave
an unwinking attention, now and then
stopping him to plant a question. The
trend of Williams' thoughts was soon
revealed—he suspected Flora Stokes.
When the matter wus thrashed out he
dime to an open admission with the
"Well, you have only one person
here who had the provocation neces­
sary to commit murder.”
Russett made no answer. If his
duty required him to tell ull he knew.
It did not require him to give his own
Rawson. who was smoking. Ids long,
loose Jointed frame slouched down In
an armchair, took Ills clgur from Ills
"O f course the woman’s the first per­
son you'd think of. She had the nec­
essary provocation and the state of
mind. Rut the way she cume In and
told them as Mr. Russett describes It
—doesn't look to me like a guilty per­
“ Why not?”
•'Sounds too genuine, too like real
"Don't you think It’s natural to get
excited If you’ve killed someone?"
“ Yes, hut not Just that way."
Williams leuucd over the arm of his
“ You got to remember something
ubotlt these people, Rawson—and it
counts hlg— they’re all actors."
Rassett spoke tip quickly:
“ No, she wasn't acting. You'd have
known that if you’d seen her. What
"And she didn’t, of course," cow
rotated Williams.
“ While you were running round at
the point the bouse was empty?”
“ 1 think Mrs. Stokes wus here all
By DR. FLOYD SPENCER, Ohio Wesleyan University.
the time. I never saw her outside.”
“ Any of the others come up?”
“ I’m not certain of ull of them. 1
T H R E A T of another great war, menacing the peace of all south­
know Shine d id ; 1 sent him buck to
ern Europe and the hear East, hangs like a sinister storm cloud
phone over to Hayworth for the
over the Mediterranean.
boats. And Stokes did, he came up
for the electric torch when 1 was In
The most casual observation makes it apparent to th*
here telephoning to you.”
things are wrong. Italy is fiercely bitter over Yugo­
“Then neither of them knew the loss
of the revolver hud been discovered slavia’s refusal to use the port of Eiume. The Y’ ugo-Slavs will not use the
and they hud plenty of opportunity to harbor because they want to develop their own ports along the Adriatic.
return It to the desk?”
Then, Salonika, the finest harbor on the Mediterranean, is guarded
Rassett nodded, and after a min­
ute's cogitation Rawson went on:
Jealously by the Greeks. Yugo-Slavia and Bulgaria, adjoining on the
"Doesn’t It seem odd to you that no
north, are looking with longing eyes at Salonika.
one saw Miss Saunders when she came
I f they should unite— they would have a combined population of
hack to the house?”
"No. They were ull In their rooms, 17,000,000, twice that of Greece and about equal to that of Rumania, still
exeept Shine, who was down at the
further to the north.
Point, and Mrs. Stokes, who was read­
On the other hand, Rumania, under Premier Averescu, is not only
ing on the balcony. I asked her par­
ticularly if she’d noticed Sybil pass envious of obtaining Yugo-Slavia but has been holding hands with Italy.
and she suld no. she'd been Inter­
Furthermore, the Greeks resent the Italian occupation of Rhodes and
ested in her book and wouldn’t have
ar» dissatisfied with their relatively unimportant possessions in the
noticed anybody.”
" I ’d give a good deal to know whnt Cv-lades islands to the west. Also, Mussolini has not been building
Miss Saunders did In that time. I
navul bases for sport.
think It would let In some light."
“ How so?"
Thus— should Italy make a suggestive gesture, or should Rumania
Rawson narrowed his eyes In con­ play politics too openly with Russia or Bulgaria, or should Yugo-Slavia
templation of un unfolding line of
and Bulgaria enter a compact or should Turkey threaten Cyprus, a
"Well, what took her out again to cataclysm could readily result. Of course nothing may happen— but the
tlie Point after she'd come In? She
pressure there is terrific.
hadn’t u good deal of time and she
wanted to change her clothes before
supper. It looks to me us if she met
someone In the house, someone who i
wanted her to go down there with
“ Mrs. Cornell says she was alone.”
“ She might have started alone and
By C H A U N C E Y M. DEPEW , Veteran Financier.
gone to meet them.”
“ Then It couldn’t have been Stokes,”
V p are the extremely practical people in the world and judge every­
said Williams, “ for Mr. Rassett says
thing by results. When I was a boy everybody on Thanksgiving day or
she wouldn't speak to him if she could
help it.”
¡Sunday went to church and the churches were full. But they were not
"That s right," Rassett nodded in really temperate, for everybody ate too much at the Thanksgiving noon­
agreement. "She’d never have made a
Stomach-aches became popular because they were evidence
date with him. She shunned him like day meal.
the plague.
I f you knew her you you had enjoyed Thanksgiving.
wouldn't see anything in that going
I reckon we shall have the glutton with us for many years, but as a
out. She was restless and unhappy I
und the place here— the sea, the j nation we are getting a finer standard of self-control.
views— fascinated her. It wus our last
Danger of excess riches does not exist in this country. We never can
evening und It was like her not to get too rich. We must seek a larger and wider distribution of wealth. We
want to iniss any of It, slip out for a
are getting that in a way through high wages, but more rapidly through
minute to enjoy the eud of It.”
“ And came upon someone waiting j liberalization of great industries. Workers as shareholders is one of the
for her— lying in wait and—”
best solutions of the problem.
Rawson did not finish. A thud and ]
The Biblical picture of a rich man getting into heaven with the ut­
crackling crash came from the living !
room. The three men rose with a | most difficulty no doubt was true when the metaphor was coined, but it
simultaneous leap und ran for the
is not true now. I don’t know of any time or age when great fortunes
Conditions in the Balkans Give Rise to Fear of
Another Great W ar
Keep Eliminative
System Active
Good Health Require * Good
NE can’t faal w«ll when therw
la a retention of poieonooa
waste in the blood. Thia ia called
a toxic condition, and ia apt to
make one tired, doll and languid.
Other eymptome are eometimew
toxic backaches and headaches.
That the kidneys are not func­
tioning properly ia often shown
by scanty or burning passage of
aecretlonai Many people have
learned the value of D oen ’e
P ills , a stimulant diuretic, when
the kidneys seem functionally
Inactive. Everywhere one find»
enthusiastic Doan's users. AaJc
your neighbor/
D O A N ’S
Stim ulant D iu retic to the Kidheye
Poster Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemlete, Buff.*\lo, N. Y.
“A Fool and His M oney”
“ Is there any doubt about our na­
tional prosperity?"
“ None whatever.
Look at the
amount we are able to pay for the
privilege o f seeing a prize fight."
v o u r H o rse
h e i a C o u g h . C o ld o r
D is t e m p e r , w r it e
t o d a y fo r a
Larger and W ider D i s t r i b u t i o n o f Wealth
Solution o f Economic Problem
were working more intelligently night and day than the Rockefeller and
Carnegie foundations.
Wealth in America is at work.
It doesn’t rust.
Moths do not cor­
Free Sample Bottle
60c and $ 1.20 at Drug Stores— W ri te for free booklet
Spohn Medical Co., Dept. Z, Goshen, Indiana
Relieve thit itching, burning tor­
ment and start the healing with
Deafness—Head Noises
“ Rub Back o f Ears'*
At An Druggists. Prire $1
Folder about "DEAFNESS" on request,
Give scalp trea tm en ts.
Learn th e S E L B O -
R A L S Y S T E M free. Sure results. 100 t r e a t ­
m ent k it $<>. S E L B O R A L , W orcester. Mass.
Quite U teful
Teacher-Tom m y, ure the skins o f
cats any use?
Tommy—Yes, sir.
“ Well, what are they used for?"
“ For keeping cats warm.”
Of all the people gathered in the rupt it. It no longer gives to the possessor any wonderful power, but
house that evening Anne had been
it finds useful employment, sharing its benefits in larger degree than
tlie most silent. Her ravaged face, the
contours broken by gray hollows,
bearing the stamp of shock and hor­
ror, hud been unnoticed among the
other faces. Now and then a pitying
Boat— the Boat
Only glance had been directed to her, grief
Gabriel in It.
as Sybil’s friend must have added a
she did was natural—a woman suffer­ last unbearable poignancy to the
By VERY REV. F. S. M. BENNETT. Dean of Chester, England.
ing from a fearful shock."
After her question to Flora her mind
"Couldn’t un actor put that on?"
had seemed to blur and cease to func­
"Yes, some could, but I'm certain
American mothers should band in a mothers’ union to preserve the
tion. She had run from the house not j
she wasn't."
of marriage, the preciousness of tlie home and the religious up-
"When Stokes came Into the room knowing what she did, gone hither j
of children. 1 lie home is the most precious possession of civili­
after the shot," said Rawson, “ how
speaking, listening In a blind daze. It j zation and it is worth the maintaining at all costs. Nothing can so save
did he behave?”
was not till they returned to tlie living
He seemed all right. Rut I can’t room that her faculties begun to clear
k union of mothers without distinction of wealth, or poverty, class
Neither n personal check nor a Lib­
honestly say lliat I noticed him much.”
uml co-onlimitc.
pledged to strive for its preservation.
erty bond Is legal tender. Legal ten­
’Oh, rubbish!”
Williams made a
Her thoughts circled round the
Washington cathedral will he a symbol o f the welding together of der Is a quality given a circulating
rolling motion in the scoop of the hlg
Image of Joe as she hud last seen him
medium hy congress, and possessing
hair. "You can't suspect the man;
—the vision of him as someone strange the groups of nations living together in the United States in peace and this quality It becomes lawful money.
lie was In love with tier. He didn't
and sinister. And the boat— the boat amity, even as the cathedrals of the Fourteenth century in England All forms of money do not possess
want to kill her, he wanted to keep
with only Gabriel In It—It kept com­
marked the welding together of the Norman-Saxon races in that country. full legal-tender qualities, yet each
her alive."
ing up like a picture revolving on a
kind has such attributes as to give It
‘Men do kill the women they love,
W ashington cathedral, I believe, will be a means of splendid educa­ currency, and all forms are convertible
wheel— going and returning, going and
especially when they can't get her.”
returning. Had he stayed, and what
tion in beauty for the people and a witness in the capital o f your nation Into standard money.
Yes, they do. I've known of such for? That question revolved witli the
of the spiritual side of your race. The builders of Washington cathedral
cases. Rut that's impulse. This wus picture of the boat.
premeditated." The sheriff pointed ai
have a largeness of vision and a magnificence of faith and they are build­
She thought of telling Rassett and
the revolver lying on the desk "Some gave that up—with the police expected
ing carefully for the generations.
time to day somebody located that she could not get him alone, and why
un, liaik It for u purpose— not to add to Ills burden with her suspicions?
hoot seagulls as you thought, Mr.
Yes, that was what It was— nothing
hut a suspicion.
She had no cer­
Rawson looked at the pistol;
tainty: Joe might have been In the
" I ’reinedltatlon. all right. Wus there boat, Joe might have got off the Island
anybody In the outtlt who didn’t know some other way. Tomorrow something
By DR. N A T H A N IE L SCHMIDT. Cornell University.
you'd opened that drawer mid found might come to light that would make
the revolver gone?"
these hideous fancies seem like the
Russett considered:
As a celebration of the birth of Jesus, Christmas seems to he grad­
Fletcher's Castorla hai
dreams of delirium. That was the
"Stokes didn't know. He came Itf state o f tiiitul she tried to maintain
ually disappearing. The name is indeed more popular than ever, but the been In use for over 30 years to re­
after I'd shut the drawer. I didn't when she went upstairs ami over­
lieve babies and children of Constipa­
hero whose advent is celebrated is no longer the Jewish prophet. It is tion, Flatulency. Wind Colic and Diar­
speak of It because Just as I'd got heard a man wus oil guard at the
through asking him If he'd seen H t i y - causeway.
Santa Claus.
rhea; allaying Feverishness arising
one, we heard Mrs. Stokes' scream."
(T O HE C O N T IN U E D .)
Whatever the evidence regarding the existence of Jesus there can he therefrom, nnd, by regulating the
Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimi­
no question as to the tremendous challenge the spirit associated with His lation of Food; giving natural sleep
❖ x : x -: x -:- x -: x : x - M v X v X v X M -:- x : X v X ': x -:- x -:-X v X :-X v X : x -:- x - m :- x -> x :-X'>
name presents to the order that prevails in the world todav.
without opiates.
The genuine bears signature o f
In view of the devastating wars between nations and sinister prep­
Mothers, o f A ll Denominations, Must Unite to
Preserve Sanctity o f Home
C o W
s ■
Your throat soothed,
head cleared, cough re-
C lieved—by the exclusive
menthol blend in
L U D E N ’S
“Legal Tender”
Much o f Santa Claus, and Too
Jesus, in Christmas Spirit Today
Especially Prepared for Infants
and Children of All Ages
ew H ave Ever Found H um m ing Birds’ Nest
Comparatively few people ever have beautiful ruby throat. Audubon called
the pleasure of peeping into a hum­ humming Nrds "glittering fragments
ming bird's nest, to behold two tiny of the rainbow." so gorgeons are they
ggs like round white beans, or to In color
see two hlrdlets which somewhat re­
sell.hie little beetles.
In the first place, the nest Is so
The members of the "Asparagus
small and so resembles the surround
club” call themselves a “hunch." but
Ing shrubbery that It Is easily over­
they are hardly that because they are
Then, too. It Is so cleverly
hidden by Its wise builders and so scattered all over the United States
disguised In Its construction as to and Canada, with a member In Imn-
require an exjierlenced eye to dis­ don and another In Odenhurgh. The
members are connected directly or in­
cover It.
directly with the grocery business and
Built of soft, pliant hairs and
it originated among delegates on a
adorned with hits of moss and foath
train hound for the national conven­
era. It forms a downy, cupllke. se­
tion of the Association of Retail Gro­
cluded home. The fairy hummer of
cers In May. UW. It was decided to
Cuba, the smallest of all the hum
call It the "As|>nragiis club," because
mlng birds, builds a nest ao tiny that
asparagus Is connected with the gro­
It can be covered completely with a
cery business and naturally suggests
c o p p e r cent. Its eggs look like two
a closely hound "hunch.” Then each
little pearls.
member was dubbed a “tip.”
The humming bird, more than .V»
species of which have been classified,
la distinctly American In the main.
It la a tropical bird, as fewer than 20
A swinging shelf Is very convenient
species are found In the United State«
In the kitchen or cellar and may h*
The one known to residents of accommodated where a cuphoHnd or
states east of the Mississippi Is the | table would he out oi ti e question.
Novel Club
Try Thit One
arations for still more terrible wars, a social system that allows multi­
tudes of men to perish in misery and starvation while enormous wealth
i* concentrated in private hands, and a deadening formalism and sec­
tarianism in religion, there is need of a prophetic voice that humanity
will recognize as coining from its inmost self.
American Colleges o f Today Training Youth to
Become Submissive Slaves
Both Landed
“Too doa't mean to say that Jack
married her. Why, she’s a mere no­
body, and his ancestors came across
In the Mayflower.”
“ What of that!
Her folks came
across srlth 1150 000," —Boaton Tran­
By DR. DO NALD J. COW LING. President Carleton College.
I f our forefathers had been trained in the colleges
todav they
would have remained submissive subject* to the king of England instead
of becoming freemen.
Co Stop them .
This dodging of the liberalizing cultural subjects, this pursuit of
the so-call*d practical studies by the majority of student*, i* taking all
the spunk out of the younger generation. Our forefathers were able to
fight for ideals of liberty in the Revolution only because the colleges of
the day were liberal enough to foster such ideals.
Stop theta quickly—«11 their c
diKcnftrt*. End thefeverind head
the porno, out. HtU, break ociis j
Tier tone the whow.yrttm. the
liable results have led a "
Ooo’t rely on lesser j
In the colleges of today the students are taught to be submissive
slaves to those who tyrannize over our personal freedom. When the
you: g people study only practical subje> t* they forget that there art
•tan lard« of personal liberty that must be main tamed.
Be Sure Its <
Get Red
With portnM