Seven EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1927 OUR COMIC SECTION Calamus T ea Was Served By MARTHA M WILLIAMS (Copyright.) HAT was Joe Bubson hello-iu’ about?” Mrs. Muiu usked Along the Concrete PROFESSIONAL CARDS W . A. Heylman W m . W . Smith ATTORN EYS-AT-YAW We will take care of any legal business you may have Insurance, Loans and Collections ESTACADA Telephone & Telegraph Co. Inc. “ SO THE PEOPLE eagerly. DR. W . W . RHODES OSTKOPIIATU E\e Nelson tried to answer casu­ M A Y TALK ” ally: "(Hi! Nothin’ much I Just ask­ PHYSICIAN ANI> SURGEON in' If we had a stray red yearlln’ iu Office in Liehthorn Bldg. Estacada our pasture." But in spite 6f her­ self her eyes fell. DR. G. F. MIDFORD Whereat Mrs. Main said: “ Humph! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON You re a sleazy liar. He brung you X-Ray Equipment, Glasses Fitted, a somethin’ of some sort. WUut wus Office and Residence Second and it? Answer me straight!’’ Main Streets. Estacada, Oregon ” Xo{hin’ but a bunch of calamus- Telephone Connections root,” Eve stammered. "Calamus!” Words cannot express DR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON Mrs. Main's scorn. “ Are ye goin' ter DENTIST learn ter chaw it? I’ll warn Sam Evening Work by Appointment Birdsong be better look sharp. With Phones: Office 315. Residence 5051 this calamus-dope a-workln’, you might Estacada, Oregon say yes ter the wrong feller.” Eve stiffened. “ You'll please let Near Depot me and my concerns be," she said. O. D. EBY "Remember, I’m your boarder—and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW the best part of your livin'. Also, Ladies’ and Children’s General Practice. Confidential 1 don't have to stay on here any Adviser. llair Cutting a longer than suits me. 1 can marry Oregon City, Oregon Specialty if I, and I don't have to take Sam Birdsong.” S. E. WOOSTER “ Ye cun, e h ! Of all the ougruti- Hair Cut 35 Shave 15 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance tude ever I heard tell of, you’re the Rentals beat," Sirs. Mann flung back. “ When Farm Loans a Specially you’d a-died in yer cradle, after yer L. V. Van Slyke, Prop. Telephone Estacada. Oregon mamma went hadn't u-been 1 taken and raised ye up ter real human size.” “ Sure you did,” Eve scoffed. "Paid C. D., D. C. and E. C. Latourette your rent that way. The place is ATTORNEY’S mine. You agreed to raise me right, Practice in all Courts. feed, cloth and school me, if 1 was let First National Bank stay until I married. And L didn't Oregon City, Oregon 11 know a word uliout it until a month Pipes and Fittings back—thought you paid money rent (Jet our prices before you hny and got it back and more for keepln’ Dryer Pipes Made to Order GATES FUNERAL HOME me.” For Sheet Iron Work, re­ (•resham 2171 “ How come you ter git so wise, pairs, Soldering and plumb­ missy?” Mrs. Main demanded angrily. ED LINN AT LINN’S INN ing, call at the Eve tossed tier head. "1 went to AGENT Judge Johnson,” she said. “Told him A M E S S H O P how you nagged and complained of Estacada, Oregon Phone 543 MAIN STREET my appetite, uud how I wore out J. E. GATES shoes, und asked him to find me am other guardian. Then lie told mo about the bargain—says he cuint go buck on it—but the minute I show him u husband worth havin' he’ll put me in possession. Ilow'd you like that?” In answer came n volcanic eruption —reproaches, appeals to high heaven, torrents of abuse, at last violent hys­ CONFECTIONERY AND terics. Then Mrs. Main collapsed— fell to the floor in a dead faint. Eve LIGHT LUNCH tried dashing cold water in the un­ conscious face. Desperately she run to the kitchen adjoining, and to her joy found a teakettle boiling. Sudden­ ly she struck something hard iu the pocket of her house frock the despised INTERNATIONAL MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES calamus. In a wink she had a potful brewing. Three minutes later she was pouring tiny spoonfuls of it through 1 her patient's lips. But an nngei couldn't have been welcoiuer than Billy Bellamy, who came iu without ceremony after a glance through the window. Billy was reading medicine with old Doctor Ware. He wus also an i MARCEL SALON fathoms deeii in love wit it Eve. hut had never until now hud the ghost of STRICTLY SANITARY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED a chance to say so. Haircutting 35c Shave 15c “ The Lord sent you, I do believe,” she said fervently to Billy. "I was MASONIC BLDG., ESTACADA ART SMITH, Prop. scared poor Mammy Main would die —with only me to help her." "You’re doin’ Just the right thing,” Billy assured her. “ Now we’ll lift her to the lounge." "Wait. I must do somethin' be­ fore she comes lo," Eve said with half DAILY TRIPS FROM a giggle. ESTACADA TO PORTLAND ¡She nodded. “ It’s only this: Pro­ LEAVE ALL FREIGHT AT WAREHOUSE pose to you—in dead earnest—while In ordering your freight sent through us you receive personal service I have the chance.” both in Estacada and I’ortiaud that will save time and money Billy all hut staggered. Perhaps C. IL JOSSY PHONE lH-1’2 t all und Deliver Service that was why he had to prop himself with both arms around Eve. Warned by a groan, they sprang apart—and spent the next half hour trying breathlessly to do nil the things Mam­ my Main insisted must be done at once. Municipal Terminal, Six’ h and Salmon Sts. Phone Main 7733. The first was to bring forth black­ LINN’S INN. Estacada, Oregon.—DAILY berry cordial. Such a mission re­ quired two for fulfillment. Even ut A. M. P M. p M. •A M. M PM P M. P M. that it was tedious. At last Billy 2 : to « 20 L t . Estacada 8:00 1 30 Portland 4 : 30 found the right jug. Eve, peering be­ 2 :>o « r.o Eaftlc Cree■k 8:15 Cla< karnas 4 : 45 8: 2 ID 7. 00 Barton 8:25 Carver 1 4 : 55 yond him, reached for something odd 3 :05 7 25 Carver 8:15 Barton 5 15 (j 15 —a cunvas-wrapped parcel so heu\y 3 11 7 35 ClackamaaI 8:55 Eagle Creek 5:1 2.» 9 she could not move it with one hand. 3 30 7 M Ar. Portland Ar Estacada 9:30 6 00 10: 00 Billy drew it to the light. Both •Daily except Sunday scanned it narrowly, then laid it buck SUNDAY—Leave Portland 10 a. and hurried to Mrs. Main, trying bard to look us though they bad not si cn it. They found her shaky, but she sniffed the pungent odor gratefully, saying in h weak voice: "Eve I got my come uppunce fer fer talkin’ T H E mean ter you. 1 do believe I'd a died hadn t of been fer that calamus tea.” “ I won’t forget,” Billy said gaily. "When I want to bring the dead to life—try calamus tea. But here’s somethin’ even better, handing her a (Trapne-led continuously fer ten consecutive years.) glass of the thick spicy peach brandy, OUR STRAINS: Hollywood, Tancred and Improved European. State at least twenty years old. “ It does put heart in ye." Mrs. Main Certified Baby Chicks, Hatching Eggs and Breading Stock for 1937 said almost dreaming, after a swig delivery. and several sips. Suddenly she looked We sell orly what we produce ourselves, and since the supply is hard at both the young folk - some­ limited, suggest that orders be placed early. A good many orders are thing in their faces stirred her strange­ already in so do not delay. If you desire good delivery dates. ly. “ Did—did you find—anything We specialise on large, white eggs of good shell texture. All eggs set else?" she asked brokenly through in our incubators weigh from 34 to 30 ounces to the dozen. quivering pallid lips. Eve took her band, patted it and said: “ Never OREGON CERTIFIED llltLKDER. Member Oregon Accredited Hatch­ mind If we did—we left things as we ery and Breeders’ Co-operative Association (under the supervision of found them.” the Oregon Agricultural College.) “ They taint stay so." Mrs. Main cried, sitting up. “ I got to tell the truth. In that leather bag. Insble the THE MARQUAM POULTRY FARM canvas, is money—my rent for nine­ BREEDERS OF WHITE LEGHORNS teen years. I chested you pinching so to save It but I couldn't endure to One. Nile East of Estacada, Oregon, on Garfield lload go bare and empty-handed when I had to leave." "You are not going to leave.’’ Eve said 1 1V. And Billy nodded asaeet Earlier Shop PLUMBING Yeh— They’re Like That THE FEATHERHEADS / CLABCE . - \ wHV you ' re S o much T hinner X lioul D nt have K nown vou - hovu is T hat dear ldtlb . MABL& ANKJE ? J p / You HAVE NT SEEM MV \ r VREODY in 5 0 lo n & - o p \ COURSE HE'S a REGULAR 8oY~' UP To EVERYTHING’, B u t IT w a s only y e sterd ay his T eacher tbLD ME T hat he was T h e v m o s t responsive child , S hed ever had ' in her S_ X C L A S S E S - . __ . / / Vou MEAtJ MA3Y BELLE . CM S*-*ÈS So S m A K T - m Y d e a c - 5HES iM FOUÇYw uOvU-~ REALLY S he .' s SO ADVANCED rot? me ? a g e , G i l l a n o I S om etim es T h i n k S m è s T oo V FPECOCIOUß rrc- n e . . ^ , f S FELIX— THAT f C larice me Y z g a r R. G. M ARCHE A N K BOB'S BARBER SHOP X is JoUCH A BooR— mon ES t S he bo asts about h e r MARY ANNE T i l l M d o / COULD S C R E A M !., . A n d T a t J om 5 a v ,3 ESTACADA TRUCK LINE isaoiiiis. M ICKIE, T H E PRINTER'S D EVIL -ftnie.J w av s cwaw C c d since tie S t a r t e o mj -rue MEVJSPAPSR GAXAE, S E 1 TV4' BOSS, WJMO KIM C E M E M 0 6 R VUMEM tO M £ WEVCSPAPER EDITORS T H O U G H T IT WUS S M A R T TO *AAKE FUMWY c r a l l s ajovjt weeoih Q a uew pair op PAUTS O R A B U S H E L O F SPUR? DM S u G - S£ft.tP TlO M S , O EG R A O IU G THE/A SELVES g O L 'E T H IM ' A\WFUL Tooting Our Horn A u P ME KOCVki BOrftJRS «/WO UDEO T O SEWO - tvaei R p a p e r s S ix o r & OM T t e a r s t o a So^sc^iee«. vurrvouT