» * jrjû j p l i t ï j i Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County VOL. XXI R£»icW OF WORK OF ÛREbüiUEOISiAÏL'PE ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927 NUMBER 20 ILLUSTRATED TALK GilEGGN STATE NEWS FOR CLOS MEET OF GENERAL INTEREST Sixteen senators voteti against a LIST AC AD A FOOD IS SECRECY ATTENDS bill to provide for distribution of au­ CAREFULLY HANDLED CARNIVAL PLANS tomobile license plates by the sheriffs of the various counties instead ol A fter com pleting a close checkup Bovs A* Close-Mouthed As Sew ing through a centralized office as now Circle W omen A bout E vent on all sources of food supply for handled. Brief Resume of Happjnings of Senate Holds Governor's F i­ The legislature of Washington ha* people in this section, L. S. Leach Forests As Recreation Grounds for The News rep o rter has been un­ refused to appoint a committee to con- of th e state bureau of food and dairy the Week Collected for nancial Measures For Ail People to Be Exploited for with a committee from the Oregon inspection, stated yesterday before able to get a complete line on the Our Readers. Action. legislature with relation to fishing : he le ft fo r Salem th a t he found sani­ affair which will be put on by the excellent men of the com m unity club at the hollowing the interesting talk of ta ry conditions here in legislation on the Columbia river, sc- Stores, hotels, restau ran ts, j high school gym on F eb ru ary 28. ! Ranger A rm strong at the last coir.- Last Week of Section is Entered—) cording to a letter received by the s The Old Oregon Trail Association ; m arkets and dairying equipm ents There is considerable secrecy about 1 m unity club m eeting, considerab.e House Adopts Raise in Legislators i ch'ef clerk of the senate, held its annual meeting in La Grande «tending t'ieTim e for obtain- i w ere inspected and, aside from a few I the preparations. It seems th at this j comment was heard to the effect Pay—Soldiers’ Bonus Time Extend A bill c this week. ’ m inor .................." suggestions, " 1 — Mr. u Leach ' -------------- found J1 fellow and th at ha* a brilliant idea, | that the residents of E astern Clack ed—Repcal of Motor Vehicle Lav.i ing the state soldiers’ bonus or loan, " > A Volunteer fire department to serve and he is going ahead with his »tuff am ai rea^.v know very little aboiu Extended—Senate Approves Wilsorj was passed without opposition by the ev ery th in g in good order. national forest within the r.s an auxiliary to the paid city depart­ One establishm ent here should be but for fear it might be used by some River Road. house. It provides that one may ap- boundaries of th eir own county. It ment has been organized lit Albany. ______ ply for cash benefits up to June 30, given special credit, according to In ­ one else, he won’t tell the reporter. The George Law­ As if a rep o rter couldn’t be tru sted *s °^® n tru e th a t large in terests lik Taxes to bo collected tn Washing­ 1930. and for the loan to June 30,1945. spector Leach. j are b etter known at distant ton county this year total $1183,834, Prlem.—When the legislature coni Representative Pierce’s bill permit- rence and Son dairy is conducted on with a confidence. Absurd. One thing we gained from a slip points. The com mittee on program of which amount 5239,493.62 goes to vened Monday for the last week oil ting dancing after midnight and until ss high a stan d ard as any dairy in th at more inform ation should be the state. the session attention was focused o r | 8 A M ,n count)es ot th „ „tate of the sta te and is much superior to H. C. Stephens made yesterday. He those generally found in cities of said th ere would be plenty of monej gained by the club members abou* ths senate, where the governors fi j lesser population, failed to pass, J. W. Lillie, warden of tho Oregon narcial hills were held for action. Gov , Repeal of the motor vehicie certlfl- this size. The equipm ent is thor- on hand and he should know since the forest r.s our g reatest local as­ state penitentiary durimi the past two ernor P atterson’s financial measures! cats of title law which was sought in ' 5USllly modern and the g rea test care he run* the bank, Bob Cooke has set and they have secured a lecture- years, was reappointed to (he office passod the house last week with Utile j a bill introduced by Senator Upton, I 's being taken to insure E stacada a been p retty busy too with this affair for the meeting on F ebruary 25. wh by the state board of control. op-ositlcn, but It was believed thal'- was defeated In the senate after a . ! c*ean milk supply. Sylvester Law and perhaps w . may look fo r a Ford will illustrate his subject with lan Farm ers In the Alpine district of considerable opposition would develop! lengthy and somewhat heated debate, j rence’ who is the m ana*c r- was tram - to be setting up among the kewpie tern slides showing many of the for Morrow county organized a farm bu- est service activities. The speaker dolls as a prize for the w inner of a in the senate. Twelve senators voted for the repeal “;1 fo r his work at ° - A- c - eaU Of 60 members at a meeting Inst W’ill be George E. Griffith, of tin razzle-dazzle. In addition to passing the tithing, 0f (be certificate of title law, while- > bill, so-called, which takes 5 per c e n t 15 SPnators voted against the repeal. 'T IM B E R MOVEMENT We shall try to find out something departm ent of public relations of thi week at the Alpine high school. forest service, Ground squirrels were reported corn­ of the gross earnings of all state' Voters to to Pass Paas on 0„ Salaries Sa|arieil NEAR LOADING CAPACITY for next issue. Voters Music will be furnished by ih. boards and commissions for the gener s’ out in large numbers in many parts Voters at the next general election al fund, the house passed tne gover- wm rags on a prcposefl constitutional \ D urinK the Past wcek the move' MOUNT HOOD FOREST N EW S community chorus and Mrs. H arry of Wallowa county, and farmers have Kitching in a solo num ber. Mrs. .-en forming rodent control districts. nor s income tax bill. The income bill; am ,nnment prohlbiting salarv in- ™ent ° f lo^ irom the E astern Clack- H arry A. L aB arre will give a reading passed the house after brisk debate crea8es for botb sta te and county otfi. j v n a s section has approached the cap- Suffering from an attack of hie Ranger A rm strong talked fire co­ Everyone is cordially invited. The with 49 voting for, nine against and cers (Iuring the term s for which t h e y a c ity of the loading facilities. The operation and prevention at the oughs for the p:i;t seven days, Rd two absent. • were plectedt under a resolutlon intro. I L feDee Logging company is piling the monthly meeting of the Springw ater meeting will be held in the Estacad ’•'.c^.rs, 77. civil war veteian, wusneui Shortly after word of the passage duced by Senator Brown and ttpproved lo t» into the pond east of E stacada grange on F eb ru ary 12. The a r­ Hotel a t 8 p. m. dsath at his home in Lebanon !n»i of the Income bill by the houäe reach by 22 of the 30 senators. as though a tim e lim it were set upon rangem ents have been made for him week. AS THE GOVERNMENT SEES ed him Governor Patterson issued n By 31 vote*. the house passed Rep­ h< jir cutting. The Bear Creek Out­ to meet with the Dodge community Influenza eases reported Ih Oregon statem ent, regarded as a warning tc resentative Graham ’s bill, which does fit. is also operating at full steam. club this coming Saturday evening. or the week ending Fourunry 5 nunt- The D epartm ent of A griculture ii the senate, in which he said that “It ,, . . , , away with the personal liability of au- C. B. Tuggle, car inspector fo r the The W estern F orestry and Con­ er 204. according to the report of would in my opinion prove unfortunate „ _ , . „ . , r \ £ . P. company rep o rts th a t over servation Association, forest service its recently released outlook on the .Jr. Frederick D. Strieker, stala health .................. . . . . ................... -cmobile owners or drivers for injur- if the bill should be mutilated by in agricultural situation, makes it pi > : ies to their guests. The bill carries 300 oars wore loaded out 'a s t week officers and national park officia's of,'leer. discriminate amendment before its ar. emergency clause. It was opposed T h is tim b er is all milled in P ortland met in Tacoma W ednesday. Reduc­ th at farm ing will not be any belie On order of its directors the On- final passage." fo r the coming year than it has bee by most of the lawyers of the house, | S e v e ra l cars of sawed lum ber from ing forest fires caused by careless­ While this should be the last week , , ho urged ,t wag throw, down the the miVls located here w ent forw ard in the past unless acreages ere - < ivio National bank closed Its rtcort. ness and active cooperation with the duced and less products raised. Fol l?st week. The it..-.lituiIon is the old of the session, it is generally bettered har3 for negliKenCfi and that ,t would also. press were two of the objectives of st national hank in that sertlon ol that it will be impossible to clear ur 1)p dpclared unconstltutIonai. lowing are the condensed finding.", the meeting. the calendars within the prescribed 4C A bill tntrodured in thp house by F IS H PLANTING !S A continuation of low retu rn s f ... ) agon. ¿h at national forest land is being day limit and the session may extend , , i A M_tt i_ _ , ' Cramer, to pron.bit livestock from run­ NEARLY COMPLETED used by the people of Oregon ar.d most crops unless acreages are re into the following week duced; domestic demand will bi ning at large In precincts through Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lench, who h*Vf< I Washington is evidenced by the re ­ House Passes Textbook Bill which a state highway runs came ini T. J. CrAig and W. R. K inca!d port recently issued by the assistan about the same as in 1926; same in •■es'ded in Coos county since 1878 The house passed the so-called fret for a severe roasting in the senate, j of the sta te fish and game commis- district forester. There is a total of provem ent in foreign purchas n beve just celebrated Gioir fiotti wed- text-book bill after considerable erga "hd failed to pass. Iiron will finiuh th e ir w ork of distrib- 215,000 acres covered by perm its fo: power, also larg er foreign produc­ ’ing anniversary at their homi 1 ft tnent, the vote being 35 to 21. with Tha senate reconsidered and ap-j n tin g fish f ro m 'th e hatch ery a t Delph city w atersheds, pastures, summ er tion to offset; Borne increase in far. 'ly r t’o Point. four members absent. proved a bill repealing the present law •Creek this week. The fish now being homes, schools, cem eteries, fu r farm s labor and wages may be lower; r The total sales or stamps and The bill provides for the vole ol making it incumbent on men desiring ’ ¡berated are a y e a r old and nearly trap p e rs’ cabins, sawmills, corrals change in the prices of buiiding me. stamped envelope* at the S.lndy post- erial or farm m achinery; il sec citizens who may levy a special tax to obtain a m arriage license to first re a d y fo r th e patf. A rep o rt of the and other business enterprises. effice during 1920 was $181133, which prices are not likely to be higher by school districts, and those whe subm.lt to a medical examination. seaso n ’s ou tp u t o*f th e Delph Creek A recent fire slogan contest by showed nn increase over the sales in lower prices for corn are in prosper elect may purchase texts for school Th.i annate indefinitely postponed a hatchery will be published in the Boy Scouts developed some origin 1925 ol $1-18,78. pupils, the cost to be borne by the resolution providing for a constitu- News. J. C. M orei'snd is superinten and clever ideas. The w inning slo­ as south will increase corn and The city of St. Helens has purchased crease cotton; livestock must be h tl special levy, hot to exceed 81.50 foi tlora! amendment creating the office tlan t of the plant. gan subm itted was “ Save Tomor­ 1520 acres of land ccm prlslrg the w.j- at present basis if present prices ar each pupil of elem entary schools, each of lieutenant governor, row ’s F orests Today,” to hold; hog producers have favor terslied adjacent to Salmon and Mil- year. Governor May Be Budget Officer Siim Baughman, P. E. P. Co.’a ESTACADA HI IN THIRD able outlook as also have egg prod ton creeks to protect tho city’s Water D istricts of the first class, which The senate approved a measure PLAI IE IN BASKETBALL clock man, reports 44 inches of snow- ucers; wool m arket appears firm a. supply. The price paid wa» $7.50 per means Portland alone, may choose tin sponsored by Governor Patterson pro­ on the divide between Intake and present prices; dairy industry ¡3 o acre. texts for school children to uso in theit viding that he shall be the state bud- E stacada Hi, a f te r h er d efeat by Big Bottom and 30 inches at Bit studies. Other districts of the state get officer. Twenty-one senators voted H andy this week, is fji about third Bottom. The w onderful forest cover a stronger basis than last year; p, tato prices cannot hold unless ovc will follow recommendations of the for the bill and nine opposed. It pre­ ¡»lace in the county, according to in the Clackamas w atershed insures An Eastern Oregon baSketb.-lll tour planting is guarded against; low, state text book commission as to the viously was passed by the house, Coach R obert M anning. And having the release of this stored up m oist­ ncy will be held in Pendleton Febru­ books chosen. One d istrict-o r more The budget bill gives the governor b ea te n Oregon City tw ice and being ure a t the time it will be most need­ prices fo r cabbage will result unler, ary 21. 25 and 26. according to present production is held down; onion pr may take advantage of the new law power to appoint a budget m aster, and d efe ate d by only a sm all m argin ir> ed. pinna, with team s from Umatilla coun­ duction should b^ reduced sharply and other districts may still elect tc appropriates $25.000 for the adminls- th e last m oments of play by Sandy, The tim ber from 7500 acres of ty, Morrow and Gilliam ebunties com bean acreage should be reduced frea have books bought by individuals as tration of the budget department. th e champions o f the valley, the boys land is required each week for Amcr peting. at present. There is no compulsion It was one of the principles set out have made a very good showing, ica’s Sunday newspapers. Canada i last year; caution should be exc Fire losses in the state exclusive of cized not to increase strawuc: ry pr< in the measure for any district to use in the Patterson platform when he th e score in th e Sandy game Friday now supplying us with three fourth." Portland during the inondi of January duction; the apple industry iiwlicat the new method If it does not desire sought nomination and election to of­ n ig h t was tied until the last m inute of our new sprint m aterial, yet we e g g r--iteti $197,654, according tb » It. fice, and the senate vote grants to him -v/ien th e loss of Jennings on a mis­ still allow fires to burn over as much a more stable condition. report r re parco by the siate Ure mar­ With only two dissenting votes. Sen the power which he told the voters The O. A. C. rep o rt states th tak en count and a sudden sp u rt of land as we cut. shal, There word a (otn.l of 48 fires ator Eddy’s educational bill, providing he would seek of the legislators and the general level of farm prices co. he oponents rolled in the winning for a state board of education of seven would use. if given to him, to reduce tinues to decline; th at the Dccen-bt reported. basket fo r the w rong team. INCREASES LIGHTING OF Governor Patterson last Tuesday an laymen, passed the senate. figure was 16 points below th a t o state expenditures. O utlook for sports next year is FORD SALESROOM the same month a year ago. nounced appointment of Vine W The measure would give the board The senate, by a vote of 19 to *, -very encouraging to th e coach. For Pi- ree of Madia« as district attorney of laymen authority to prepare the with two members absent, approved a football th ere will be twelve le tte r The Cooke Motor company has course of study. It differs from bills house bill introduced by the Tillamook Dr. G. W, Midford, who w-as tho lor Je'ferson county to fili the va- men back and basketball and base­ made a g reat im provem ent in the Introduced in 1923 and 1925 by Sens and Washington county delegations to have been reeo \crin g from a sc: r. ncy caused by lha resignation of ball hav« good chances also. lighting of its office and salesroom ious stomach trouble and who was Fr: nels Mafrh. tor Eddy in that the former measures authorizing construction by the state by the installation of floodlights. Be­ operated upon some time ago, be­ prescribed the course of study. The Marceli school tils’rict will got highway departm ent of what will be sides adding to the efficiency of the came worse and Monday was take f-om tlie fund to be received n* hack known aa the Wilaon river toll road. ESTACADA ALL - STARS Rustling Bill Defeated HUMBLED BY CHECKS plant, this im provem ent is appreciat­ back to Portland. He was operated : x >n on the O A 0. grunt hinds In Encountering strong objection from Senate Opposes Phone Investigation ed by the city because of the favor­ upon again yesterday. m e county the sum ot $6658.95 to w estern Oregon representatives, a Twenty-four members of the senate E stacada w ent down to d efeat be- able impression it will make upon ■build its grette sc.iool, -vliieh burned house bill, desired by eastern Oregon recorded their votes as opposed to , , . , ore th e Checkerboard team from visitors who travel the highway at o w< eks ago, interests to combat cattle rustling adaption of a memorial introduced by J n j , . , - , night. Sunday’s nm-: w eather brought ou. Good business men every­ „ Atl A - AM _ T 1 -»AM A MAA««Aa4tn , M. M _ J , MMM '« Portland M onday night by a score of Giilnet fishermen rfe mal; I tig ' was defeated in the house. The meas C Senator Dunne requesting a federal 1 | a num ber of people from Portia i | 39 35. W ith a short line up fo r the where recognize the advertising valu tei.es, ninn ili u" tc 15) potimi* ure would have provided that a ven investigation of the telephone rates and Oregon City who enjoyed the evening, the local basketeers found of sufficient illumination. lie- bent. T' us t r '.he itin tiri not dor of livestock or hides would have now effective In the state. The me­ day in the park and motoring ovoi ‘.he invaders too much fo r them. Van ■ vi KUfflrier.'.Jy fit»nv>‘ to int lento to turnish a vendee with a bill of sale morial was Indefinitely postponed. the loop road. filyke and H ayden were out fo r the HOW THE STORY GREW ny of aalmcn before the win­ for eaoh animal or hide. Senator Upton has introduced a bill game. ter season clone* March 1. Construction of 100 miles of th* abolishing the state fish commission T E M P E R A N C E UNION I t was a fast and hard fought H ere is a story from the Portland central Oregon highway, between and placing the duties of the depart- IN A L L D A Y MEETING Pori nd, with n total value of $3,- I game, nevertheless. Ray Lovelace of T eleg ram : Burns and Ontario, asked for in sen ment under the state board of control 532 619 for building rermit* t* ucd in ► he A ll-S tars being high point man “Oregon City, Oregon., Feb. 14 The \V. C. T. U. will hold an ali Janu ry, ranketi In third placp among Creating of the office of superintend­ ate concurrent resolution 5, was ap­ [ o f th e gam e with 14 points. ^Special)— Mrs. Nellie G ardner -lay session at the Methodist rhurch the '"ties Of the Pacific const In value ent of the Oregon state penitentiary proved by the house. teacher a t E stacada, is at her home- Friday, at which .he chief speaker of bui ding, and v a s but $26,345 be A senate Joint resolution providing was provided in a bill Introduced by Jim A bbot of Salem was here on in Portland recovering from a fall will be the county president, Mrs. hi- l San Francisco, which ranked sec- for a constitutional amendment tc ¡-'ena'or Moser. The superintendent down the 16 steps of the school. Her E. V. Andrews of Oregon City. raise the pay of legislators from $3 tc ..oulu have authority to appoint a business S aturday. r.d. face was badly bruised, but she es­ Everyone is invited. A pot luck $10 a day, was adopted by the house warden and deputy warden. The Oregon Washington Railroad A The new bill In addition to repeal caped other h u rts.” This bill Is part of the adm lnlstr* lunch will be served at noon. The m atter will be referred to the Navigation cenipary has filed appli- W hat happened was th a t Mrs. rion program to place the various pris­ -g the peddlers’ license tax, fixes th* people at the next election. itlon --.lth the pub’lc service commi*. 'ast hsitf of the year for securing mo G ardner had the m isfortune to stop, EWALTS ENTERTAIN The house also adopted a senate on industries on a profitable basis. •Ion for permission to construct a Joint resolution calling for the adop Members of the board of control said tor vehicle license« as of June 1. Un ion a dust pan a t the top of the stairs ! 'ghway In the city of Astoria to ror.- der the present law the last half ol a t her home in Portland and was An enjoyable 500 p arty was given tion of Oregon. My Oregon.” as the he superintendent would act aa ex­ t with its propo« -n new ferry route ecutive officer of the institution and the year begins July 1, The last hall bruised about the face in the fall ¡W ednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. betwe.n Astoria and Imbler official state song. license fee under the new act would This happened during a week-end Lloyd Ewalt. Those invited were Mr. By indefinite postponement the sen would be held responsible for the An airpiane landing field, a nere* ate killed the hill providing for old /anaeptr.ent of the penitentiary Indus­ be hast«! on 40 per cent of the total ¡visit and she was back at her scho-4 and Mrs. Norman L nn, Mr. and Mrs ty of Pendleton for tome lime, has license fee. Monday w ithout loss of time. Clcve Heiple, Mr. and Mrs. A rthur He also would have general age pensions under a state commie tries lit n »«-cured through flic work of tie­ Senator Bailey has Introduced 8 ------------------------Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E arl Me t 'onnell, supervision over the entire prison •loti adm inistration. rce commit! of the Pendleton Joint revolution referring to the voter* Tim Brownhill enjoyed to the “ fui Mrs. R. H. Currin, Miss Elsie Poole Th« senate postponed indefinitely s plant. I'onm > rcial association A tract of of the sta te a constitutional amend­ lest" ex ten t and capacity an excellent and Kenneth Ewalt from Portland. Salesmen Exempt a t Peddler« bill authorizing an appropriation ol 'i-i ci three mi bs east of the city, ment , - naking the provisions of the dinner a t the table of Mr. and Mrs. High honors were won by Mr. and The senate passed a road and high­ 150.000 or a woman's building at the has been leased for five years. old soldiers home This bill was spon way committee bill eliminating com­ workm en's compensation act compul Robert M anning, Wednesday even­ Mr*. Norman Linn. A most unique