Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 03, 1927, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
'.l'.a rapids project. Copies of the me- T H O R N T O N PINS BEN
morial were orderod sent to Oregon's
delegation in Washington.
Attorney-General Van Winkle, in a
ft was a Whirlwind match and
The committee appointed by the
etter to President Corbett of the sen- plenty rough which the cash custom-
Estacada Community Club to confer
:c, held that either house of the iegis- f era gaw at the Liberty theatre Tues-
with Ranger Armstrong relati.» to
Soluti n of S'ate's Financial iuture has authority to order investi- day night, Bill Thornton o f Portland
Brief Resume of Happenings of
organizing a fire fighting unit in Es
tacada, met at the residence o f Henry i
Oi Ficulties Overshadows
the Week Collected for
ture has authority to appropriate : dell o f Eagle Creek,
Beers last Monday evening.
Each i
Are to Have Club’s Aid
All Other Legislation.
Cur Readers.
lunds for the cost of such investlga-
The wrestling logger took Thorn-
committeeman will sign up the avail­
! ton by surprise fo r the first fall in
able material in his district during
The amount o f constructive busi­ the next week, and all those signify
The attorney-general said that the j 9 seconds with a reverse hantmerlock.
Governor Has Finança Pronram—Split
ness passed on by the community club j ; h'elr wuVi'ngnMs'to co’-op«rata*in
r .„a
„ . .
Session Proposed—Old Age Pension
at last Friday night’s session would thig community affair will be asked to J
, *
,by, a" 0Verh*atM oil
Bill Introduced— May Abolisii Vot­ tion of whether the legislature could j ble, in which neither could gain an
__________ ________
put most legislatures to shame. And mcet at the band hall at 7:3o pm., ! .
l° y®d ,h® Stnr "ltU at Me­
ers' Primary Prmphlet— Would Re­ compel the attendance of witnesses. advantage, although both applied
| Minnvllle, .ast week, causing a los«
He said that in cases of investigations several holds, Thornton clamped 0n the subjects o f discussion were almost February n ,
establish Poll Tax.
estimated at $3000.
authority should be conferred by sta­ a body cradle which caused the log as varied as the lawmakers deal with
If sufficient signatures are secu r-;
even including matters o f revenue.
ed to warrant organizing, equipping j T,' e Poos
Logging company’s
ger to beat the canvas.
The speaker o f the evening was and training the unit, officers will be camp ou Cunningham creek closed
Would Create District Courts
Coming back for the third in splen­
Salem. — When the legislature
Poliowing a compromise reached did condition, the boys mixed it free- Ranger A. V . Armstrong o f the for gelected later and Mr. Armstrong will ! Iast weok fur 8n indefinite period,
illW and instruc­ Thn
hree hundred employes are out of
assembled for the fourth week of the between members of the house seek- iy for 18 minutes when Thornton est service who gave interesting facts give them the trn
session there was little to its credit ing and opposing an increase in the pounced on Blaisdell amidship and concerning the fire hazard his branch tion necessary to make them 100 per wot!:.
in the way of important measures salary of circuit Judges from $4000 to arred some 99 per cent o f the wind o f the government has to cope with cent efficient.
There were 4(10 Industrial accidents
passed up to the governor for his sig- $6000 a year, the house by a vote of out o f him. Then with the primitive
the summer time. He asserted that
The committee, consisting of Ar reported to the stnle Industrial acci­
nature aside from the bills turning 40 to 17 passed a bill providing for a bear hug, he held the local boy for forest fires are caused by man to chie Yocum, Henry Beers and F, N dent commission du.-ing the week end­
over the management of the peniten- salary of $6000.
the count.
the *i*rming extent of 70 per cen Cadanau,urge anyone who is interest ing .Innttary 27. No fatalities were
tiary to the state board of control.
The house indefinitely postponed
Fans were not backward in ex- and ,treMed the need for a mobile ed to attend this meeting, even tho report««.
Apparently the question which ever- Representative Swan’s resolution pro­ pressing dissatisfaction over the lack f ° rce to gain action on fire» as soo. he is unintentionally overlooked in
A movement is on foot to reopon
A volunteer force the preliminary canvas.
shadows all others ¡3 that of taxation, viding that no bills increasing salar- o f attention on the part o f the ref­ as discovered.
the Cove State bank. Stock at $130 a
Although a number of revenue bills les during the incumbency of the of- ree, holding that several times Blais­
share is now on saie and If enough la
have been introduced no concrete pro­ ficial be considered.
dell used his great leverage in a re­ munitics o f Springwater, Dodge
subscrioed for, the hank will resume
gram affecting the state’s finances has
Governor Patterson, during his in­ verse wristlock, and had Thornton's
Henry Beers, A. F. Cadanau an,
been evolved. Among the important augural message, insisted that the shoulders on the mat. They ask for
In addition to the feature picture
A financial statement prepnred by
revenue measures before the house salaries of public officials ought not another chance for the Eagle Creek Archie Yocum were delegated by
“ Bobbed Hair" the Rebekah lodge i> tho city recorder sh ots the total as­
are those providing for a tax on cor- to be increased during the terms for boy and Blaisdell offers to tackle the President A. G. Ames to make plan
their benefit show on Monday am sets nf La Grande to be $1,233,601.01.
porate excess; a 6 mills tax on Intan- which they had been elected,
Portland grappler again on a “ winner for cooperative effort by the club it Tuesday, February 7-8, will put or
The corporation business Inst year to­
securing for the forest service th<
gibles—money and credits; for read-
Creation of district courts in coUn- take all’’ bassis.
a local talent farce entitled "How th taled 1516.443.80,
justments of assessments on proper- ties of more than 1500 and of less
The preliminary was a poor show.
Story Grew." There will be eigh
Japanese truck gardeners of Hood
ty; the "tithing bill” taking 5 per cent than 100,000 population is proposed in LeFevre took a fall out o f KoKomo teer units.
characters in the play which dea's River estimate that their tonnage of
of the gross revenue of money making a bill introduced in the senate. The in about 9 minutes.
Community House
with an episode not uncommon in asparagus for the coming spring will
boards and departments, and three in- court would consist of sot less than
Mrs. W, J. Moore for the Auxil!
the life of a small community.
roach 24 cars, an increase of 10 cars
come tax bills.
one judge, to be elected for a term of
ary and Bob Cooke for the Legio
over the yield of 1926.
Representatives of the public utill- six years,
ties and farmers conferred in Salem
An old-age pension bill introduced
James William Park of Astoria has
Legion in a community house. The:
last weak In an effort to solve tho tax- in the house provides that the pen*
designated by tho war depart­
A fter watching Bill Thornton do
Edwin Shearer, superintendent o ment hm second alternate for Senator
atlon problem, and a committee vaB sioaer must be at least 65 years old up Ben Blaisdeil Tuesday night, W. ing o f the community spirit among
the poultry department of the stat
appointed consisting of Earl Fisher, and without any income or property, E. Parker, who is working fo r the the young folks and the protectio
Stanfield’s appointment to the Unitod
fair since 1910 received 14 Barre
state tax commissioner; R A. Shunt- directly or Indirectly; must have been
States military academy at West
-a Dee logging outfit, issued the that supervised entertainment woul Rocks from his old time friend, Be
way, representing agriculture, and * resident of the United States for at
ortland man a challenge fo r Feb give arc felt by the Legion to b F. Keeney, Eugene, Oregon,
John A. Laing, representing the Utili­ least 15 years and of Oregon for 10 euary 22 at the Liberty. Thorntoi much needed.
Eire loss in Cottage Grove during
Pledges of suppoi
Mr. Keeney is the assessor o f Lan
i years,
1926 was $2825, according to a report
agreed and fans are expecting a from that source were assured.
county and as a recreation breeds a
A resolution introduced In the sen­
Submits Finance Program
compiled by S. L. Macklln, city fire
The ladies o f the club through
lively match. Parker recfintly held
exhibits Barred Rocks, having been a
chief. This is divided Into $1325, the
Governor Patterson took a hand in
motion made by Mrs. H. C. Stephe. t
..he middle-weight championsh.p
the game for 40 years.
loss on buildings, and $1000, the loss
the matter last week when he an­ tenant-governor who would serve as A ashmgton but is now in the light placed the responsibility for the ncx
As an exhibitor he has no equal :
nounced that he would send a special president of the state senate,
heavyweight class. He was brought public entertainment sponsored b; the West, sending birds and winning on contents.
-nessa-j* to the lcgi.Matu,* auVniittlng would receive compensation at the rate out by Ted Thye who describes hin the club Upon the men and speoifiev
While sliding down the bsnister at
in all the leading shows from Chicago
a finance program for their approval of $15 a day while serving in this ca .-s one o f the limber, tricky kinc.
lat it must take place within . to Los Angeles.
Gladstone school last week, Arden
It was the general belief when the pac' ,,r'
and a hard man to handle. Parker month. They reported $38.25 in tb
The birds sent to Shearer are sonn Dunmire, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
governor made his announcement that
l‘ ree Counties From Road Costs
DUnmire of Fernridge, was Impaled
ias only lost one match since he bank as a nest egg toward a cor., some of Keeney’s choicest mating
he favored a tax on fntangibles. a cor-
A state *on*' "Oregon, My Oregon,” entered the light heavyweight div­ munity house, and dared the men te
by two large splinters which entered
porate excess tax. a motion picture 'vcul<1 bp ndopt<>d officially under a ision, that to Billy Edwards. T a m beat it. They also called attention t
his abdomen.
tax and diverting a percentage of the rei(>lBtion OClored by Senator Butler Mayaki, champion jiu jit6u wrestler, the fact that J, O. Tunnel’s name hsi o f an exhibition flock.
Jrmes Edward Nichols, three-year-
Counties through which state high­
money collected by boards and com­
gives Parker great credit for his ma, been omitted in the list o f merchan’
old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. B. Nichols
missions to the general fund.
work. Thornton wants to post a sid^ who contributed to the social las
of Riddle, was brought to a Rosehurg
It is quite possible that before the expense In connection with construc­ bet that he can handle Parker, bu week,
A. H. Anderson, 71, died this hospital suffering from a long gash In
session ends a resolution may be
all Parker has to say is bring hin.
Would Have Factories
morning at his home in Eagle Creo' his side caused by falling on a pair
passed referring to the people the re­ bill introduced into the senate as a on and let him do hia stuff.
W. F. Cary spoke on the possibility at 5 o’clock. His death was due t- of pruning shears.
peal of the 6 per cent fax limitation,
o f increasing prosperity here throug valvular heart trouble which ha-
One of the few remaining land­
which Is now a handicap in raising enacte<t by law.
A well attended party was given payrolls.
He said that communitj kept him confined to his bed for th
marks in La Grande must go. The old
revenue. The house has already passed
In two bllls pa8sed by the senate iast night by the Artisans after a
aid in the way of free taxes, build past month.
Grundy nome, built in 1877—constant­
a Joint resolution to submit the mat- cour-Hc* are relieved from any ex- short business session. Prizes were
ing sites or bonus loans would bring
Funeral services will be he'd Sal ly the home of the Oraudys during the
ter to the people and It is believed pcnse connected with the construction won at 500 by Mrs. Wm. Cary anu
industries here which would use ou urday at 1 :30 pm. at the Eagle Cree
last half century—will be wrecked to
the senate will adopt the resolution. of bridges and overhead and under- C. F. Knowlton. Mrs. Archie Yocun.
raw products and aid both town an church,, Interment in the I. O. O. T make way for local progress.
A bill proposing to replace on the grade crossings on state highways,
and Tim Brownhill were congratu­ surrounding country. Alder for fur­ cemetery at Estacada.
More than 2000 Deschutes cour’ y
assessment roll all household furnt-
Tbe bouse committee on roads and lated on their low scores. A noodle
niture, boxes and plates, oak am
Born in Sweden, Anderson carm registered voters failed to vote In the
ture was killed by the house.
automobiles is adverse to making any supper was served.
and other woods not now being utili to America some 40 years ago. H last general election, J. H. Haner,
It is believed that most of the appro- chanGs In the present law covering
The party was well finished of. ized, clay for pottery, waste fruit fo was highly respected in his commur
county clerk, said recently, In an­
priation bills will be in shape to dump the fees or taXe8 assessed against bus with a dance with Mrs. Ahlberg at
alcohol, milk for cheese and crear, ity. Surviving him arc his wife, Ar- nouncing that notices of lapses of r e g ­
into the legislative hopper this week. and truck line operators. The com- the piano.
for butter were mentioned as a iev na, and three sons, Fred, Ben rn
istration were being mailed out.
This would Insure passage of these niittee voted unanimously to report
of the sources from which we ma; Elmer, all living at Eagle Creek. II•
Oregon monthly pensions have been
bills during the fifth week of the see ‘,d0 not paes" 00
expect factory revenue. W. F. Cary was a member o f Woodmen lodge 7
would change tho present scheme of DR. MIDFORD AGAIN TO
granted as follows: Anson B. Wills.
RECEIVE PATIENTS A. N. Johnson and J. M. Moore weri st Portland.
taxation by levying a 2 per cent tax
Portland, $40; George L. Harding,
appointed to canvas the matter.
The special committee to Invest!- on gross revenues of the operators
Portland, $30; Edwin M. Rarnett,
A fter an illness o f two months,
gate the state textbook commission amj a]g0 g|Ve e certificate of necessity
Highway Named
Hermiston, $20; Charles B. Arthur,
will probably return its findings in a nnd public convenience to such oper- during which time he was operated
A resolution was passed urging th
Toledo, $25; Edwin E. Stillwell, Cot­
few days on the basis of testimony ator
upon fo r a stomach disorder, Dr. county court to officially record th
tage Grove, $20.
received at the public hearing last The voterg-
pamphlet circulated S. F. Midford is again able to be north side o f the Clackamas river a.
Quail and China pheasants have
week. A complete acquittal of the throughout the state to all voters pre- out. He says he is still a little shak- the time o f its dedication last f a l .
Arthur A. Harriman, Minister
been killed near Wapfnltla in consid­
commission is expected.
liminary to primary election will be oy but will be able to attend to office The name of Clackamas Valley High
Bible School at 10 am. Chr s’ erable numbers by the recent cold
Would Abolish Parole Officer
discontinued If the step taken by the practice next week. This will be wel­ was approved by the club.
ian Endeavor at 6:30 pm. Ever.ii r weather. With temperatures ranging
An administration bill requested by house members Is followed through. come news to the many who know
This matter and other road mat­ preaching at 7:30.
from 30 to 40 degrees below zero at
him as their family physician.
Governor Patterson providing for abol-
Movie Tax Proposed
ers was placed in the hands of r
We have entered into a contest i the peak o ' the storm, cattle have
committee composed o f H. C. Step: the Bible School which - overs the e,
ition of the state parole board prob-
Every theatre, motion picture house,
suffered greatly.
ens, Douglas Johnson and J. V. tire school. We are hoping that tli:
ably will be introduced In the house or concert hall In cities or towns of r o STIMULATE INTEREST
A survey of the broccoli fields of
this week. If this bill Is approved, over 1000 population would be forced
GARDENS ■Ioore who were instructed to g will increase interest in attendin'c
Douglas county Indicates that but lit­
with it to the county court.
applications for parole will be con- to pay a minimum license fee of $100
We are looking forward for complet tle damn-e to the crop was o- casloned
sidered by the state board of control, if house bill 252, Introduced In the
ng plans for the addition to ou-
Road Signs Securad
A meeting o f the Garden club is
by the recent freezing weather. Dur­
The bill also would abolish the office house, becomes a law. An additional called by Mrs. W. J. Moore for 3 pm.
J. W. Moore reported that he ha 1 building to care for the Bible schr.o ing the cold spell growers wore great­
of state parole officer, which carries $100 would be levied for every ln- Saturday at the library. The club is secured a sign for the top of the and Ladies’ Aid. We aim to preacv
ly worried for fear that there would
a salary of »125 a month.
crer.se of 250 In seating capacity. The composed o f all men and women in­ grade between Estacada and Spring and live a gospel which is sound t-,
be a heavy loss.
Plans for a split session of tbe leg- bill would exempt school houses. 11- terested in the subject o f garden­ water and asked that the club giv. the Bible in doctrine and filled will
The Florence State bank wsa
islature will be outlined In a bill pre braries, lodges, halls and other places ing and will be able to give help to posts to erect the sign. Bob Cookt spiritual power. You are invited to
sented to the legislature during the used principally for religious, educa- those who need information aa to the volunteered the aervicee o f a truck worship with ue and we will make robbed last week by a lone, unmasked
man of about $12 000. Miss Harriot
week by Representatives Olson and tional. fraternal or public purpoaei. kind o f plants which do well in this for its transportation.
you feel glad that you came.
Woatherson, cashier, was alone In the
German of Multnomah county. The
In a house luxury bill, theater tick- section.
Musical Numbers Enjoyed
bank at the time and was locked In
measure will provide two weeks dur- ets are taxed direct, along with lip-
Violin duets by R. O. Baker and
the vault after the robber had taken
Ing which bills which it Is desired to sticks, boxes of candy, tickets for pro- to 19 for indefinite postponement
Theo Ahlberg. accompanied by Mrr
all the money In sight
consider may be introduced. Then feesional athletic event« and other j Immediately on killing the senate | Ahlberg, solos by Miss Alta Kersh-
Thoma. I. Kirkwood, Ps.tor
Charles Cleveland of Gresham was
the session will adjourn for two weeks thing*.
[ bill the honee passed a bill which ner and Mrs. Sam Barr and recita-
Sunday School at 10 am. Mr.
appointed by Governor Patterson a
and member» will come together again
The house approved with only ten would continue the 50 per cent addl- tiona by R. E. Beck and Betty Barr Shearer, superintendent,
for a month following the recess.
dissenting votes the bill for the state tional license tax on commercial cars were greatly enjoyed.
Service o f worship at 11.
The member of the state fair board to t r ­
The house adopted a house Joint highway department to go Into th# operating beyond a radius of five
A lucky thirteen new members theme, "The Spirit o f Evangelism" ee ,-d Horace Addis Mr. Clev
resolution providing for appointment 1 uslr.es» of building a toll road to Til* miles from an Incorporated city, but were received.
will be discussed. During the month mayor of Gresham and chairman o ’
o f a committee to confer with similar amook over the Wilson river route, would relieve traveling salesmen from
o f February, the major emphasis will the building committee of tbe Mull-
committees from Washington and Cal-
The house adopted a house Joint paying the additional fee.
be upon evangelism which is the sup. nomah county fair board.
‘ foraia legislatures on a uniform In- resolution whieh would repeal that
The new ski course has been com­
A poll tax would be re-established
reme task o f the church.
come »ax for the three states
section of the »tats conetltution per- in Oregon under a bill Introduced In
The Christian Endeavor meet* at pleted at Swim, one-half mile bey- d
An annual tax of 50 cents per kilo- mltting the stete to guarantee interest the bouse. All residents would pay
’ he church .Sunday evening. The top- f’ OvernmMnt camp, ac-ording to
watt on all hydro-electric power manu- on Irrigation district bonds for a per- a bead tax of 13 under the terms of
ic ia “ Fellowship through Christian received I d Portland recently
factored and sold in Oregon Is re- od of five year*
The measure, if the La Pollett bill. The bill falls to
course is 12 feet wide and more
Endeavor.” Ephesians 4: 1-6
quired in a bill which Edward Scbul- adopted by the senate, must be sub- specify aDy penalty for violation.
one-quarter mile long. It haa a jump
merich of Washington county intro- mitted to the people,
The house Joined the senate In
W. C. T. U.
Cook Book sale, near the end of the course.
duced in the bouse.
Appointment of this official will be adopting a resolution providing for
Registration of men and women at
Saturday, February 12 at Drug store.
Senate Memorial Adopted
left entirely In th* bands of the gov- observance of the 200th anniversary
the University of Oregon la nearly
of George Washington.
The senate voted to adopt a memor- arnor.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Darrow are equal, according to the report of Vir­
lal Introduced by Senator Joseph urg-
Commercial Car Tax Continued
Repeal of the federal inheritance
rejoicing over the arrival o f a 9H ginia Judy Rsterly, daan of women.
Ing congress to act favorably upon
The house defeated a senate bill nx law was urged in a memorial ap
pound son, on Thursday, January 27. The total number of women register­
; r. i ns leeislaion which would au- hich would have repealed the ped- proved by unanimous vote of th* sen
The Garden Ciub will give visitors Mother and son ar* getting along ed amounts to 135«. only 168 less than
«hor.^f eariy develo pment ot the Urna- - 1 * ¿ li cene# tax. Th» vote was || ua.
the number et men enrolled.
som «thing to talk about.