Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 27, 1927, Image 1

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r I & g i u
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
: LARGE C R O I lüEW MA» !» iHt
NI Ai i E ì ì j p
Callister as hb sponsor. The bill
a duplicate of that turned down
the people at the last election.
This is the second income tax meas­
r u p n ir
¡i í n a o
ure to appear in the house. Repre­
Snow in the mountains not only !
sentative James H. Hazlett of Hood
delays and shortens the dreaded fire
Prison Bills Recommande.' -y
Brief Resume of Happenings of
one put belore the people by the state F*n« Large Time Had at Community Janie» Closr.er Buy» Out Roy W ilcox’
.u !*0,„! U " f. j ° . ' <L " * ^6*
Goverr.er Paiterson Pass
the Wcdk Ci llectfcd for
Garage Busin«»»
grange at the last election and voted
use. Two feet r.t Cache Meadows
with Littie Ofiiciation.
Our Reacers.
ar.d three to four on the level : t Fish
An Overflow party would have
Final arrangements were made this
1,1 on, 0, < e
It Is understood that still another
en necessary if many more had at_ week closing a deal between Janie«
. ‘ 01111 d11' an< ot Pl Pcdks of
Income tax measure is scheduled to been
the same altitude ia very welcome.
Telephone Investicj-tion Proposed —
The Hood River county court ap­
make Its appearance,
Tax Bills Introduced — Petition
°* I o r l*ind pointed W. J. Kocken county fruit im
Senator Bell’s bill providing for <he Masonic hall when th# kick-off in Closner succeeds Roy Wilcox in the have »''small''” crew
at work riggirg a spector.
Methods Charged — Members Pay abolition of the state emergency board, i he drive for a community hall was business of the Cascade Motor com
V “ Smn
Increased Inctalment Dealers Hit— a °
° “ 1°1 pr*bably hTve YhT support ?lut over under the auspices o f a com- pany o f this city. The company
near ihc" P " f Kptl’ nff, camp8 in stlape
Oregon’s 1926 apple crop Is estimat­
ed at 3.100000 boxes, with 5021 cars
8 , . „ Apiarist W M .P .
¿ T majority
X T Ï 'l 'S . S l T Æ
< "«** *?
* > * « >■<««■
>» '* « ***** " W —
« » * *« « * S M . T / J , ‘ 1 ^ S i , V
s' .
^8V0 accePte(1 a ; shipped up to January 15.
Joint committee on ways and means, giving them credit for the success ¡and Chevro.et lines of the General'
Salem.—While no important meas it was indicated in a discussion of the if the occasion, they respond that all i Mo tors corporation and have a well cement ° ^ ' ne ^
1U* e tan*{
A modern 100-room hotel will be
ures had passed both houses durm& propoged b|„
that committee.
he credit is due to the firms who equipped shop, commodious storage
r ,
built In Ln Gran Ic thia year, accord­
the second week of the session when
Wculd Eneouraa# Recreating,
lonated supplies and prizes. They i room and accessories sales room.
j ... ’ a‘ “el
an aierl J,rJ?!ecV 'e as" ing to a late announcement.
0 la'Vtttik District, vis-
the legislature adjourned over Sunday.
Wl!hdrflwal from the tax rolla o{ tp. nentioned the People’s Store. L~- | Mr. Closner who formerly lived in ■ . / ? ! ' “ t>n * "
Joseph E. Elliott, 45, was killed
“ ay6,
is put-
yet most of the important measures rrox|mately U 0 0 ,000 acres of privata- Barre’s, Linn’s, Ellis’, Bartholomew the Springwater district is well L ^ l!i 'V1 a
i while bin-urn« slumps at his place
of state-wide interest have been in­ ly owned cut-over and burned-over and
*r'A t.a«,MHA*
Lawrence, Estacada m
«.*. r Eita
. . - . known here. O f late he hat been
ln 1 e " inter at ° ak t' rove
j one milo Northeast of Canby laat week.
troduced and referred to committees forest lands which are largely unpro- cada Hotel, Marchbank’s Estacada located at Elmira, where he Is inter­ I ranger station.
Receipts of the state real estate de-
Thls week it is expected the commit- duct(ye
that , he ownerg may
Pharmacy, Rose’s Lovelace and Gor­
ested with J. C. Moore in the saw-1 ter was a business visitor here Stf- partm nt during 1020 aggregated $17.-
tees will settle down to work anu give encouraged to hold the lands during ham’s, Smith’s Hardware, Cascade mill business.
j urdayi
-5160, according to a report just Is­
serious consideration to the important the time necessary to mature forest Motor Co., Cooke Motor Co. and the
Roy Wilcox has taken over the ag-
A record o f fifty thousand fires in sued.
Then too, they wished to I
_. .
. „
„ , ,
crops now growing or to be grown Ncws.
CIackai™* county for Buiek the United States annually causes the
The logging camp of Clark & Wilson
The spirit of harmony which pre­ upon such lands, Is provided for In a hank the orchestra, which made its enc>r
vailed between the governor and the hill introduced In the house by Repre- lebut on that occasion, four young auto"'.°‘»,le* and will establish district average forest officer to scratch h-s | at Wilnrk, closed slr.o-e onrly Pocent-
!>*:•. resumed operation last week with
"«*• at Lstacada* Canby, Mol- head this time o f year when l,c i. try-
legislature at the opening of the sea- enta Ives Mott. Chindgren Peterson, icn, Messrs. Yocum, Roblev, Bur- **•
Uiit» M
n , J
, Ann.’ U l..
Z t! 1
^ _I _ 1 -
I inn* t A
(A 1 — n i' . .. iL .
. .. A
slon was in evidence during the sec- Winslûw and stcwart.
rett and Dort, who will do well with alia, Sandy and possibly Milwaukie ing to perfect plans for the protec­ 20;l employes.
ond week for the prison bills spon­
And they also wished to This change in the county agency will tion o f the area for which he is
Tho Redmond pi niofflce Is now list­
A resolution providing for submis­ nusic.
sored by the governor passed both sion to the people of a proposed con­ hank the people who came from a be effective on August 1. Until that personally responsible.
ed us an oifias of the second class,
time Mr. Wilcox will remain here.
houses with little opposition.
receipts having gone over the top De-
stitutional amendment increasing com­ distance.
They provide lor the transfer of pensation of members of the legisla­
camber 31. with $250 to spare.
Then too there is the Artisan, He has about 20 new and used cars WON GAME BY A
jurisdiction over the prison from the ture from |3 to $10 a day was pre­ W oodcraft, Masonic and Eastern I to dispose o f and is making bargains
Monmouth voters last week ap-
governor to the board of control, and sented to the senate. The resolution Star orders, each o f which made o f the used cars by giving free lie.
pr. v\:u the bond ls;.ue to purchase a
for the head of the rrison to be known followed the passage by the senate of some contribution to the success of ences with cars o f $400 value.
The All.Stars played the Coliseum sito for proposed now normal school
as superintendent instead of warden, (he hou.e resolution providlng {or the affair.
And several farmers
In retiring from the local garage Checkerboards last Monday evening buildings. The vote was 186 to 8.
the second official to be known as ,myment of $B a oay oxpense money brought in rich cream fo r the coffee. business, Mr, Wilcox wishes to ex­
Beth the Handon and North Bend
and the timer’s whistle won the
, t0 ali gg members of the legislature They wished to thank them all.
press his thanks to the people o f this game for them. The geore was 43 ch: 1. hers of commerce have approved
This session may set a record for The meagure doeg not require the
So while the man in the street
vicinity for the support they have to 41.
Another minute and the the pr posed game preserve from the
proposed investigations. During the governor’s signature. It will increase would give credit to the ladies, they
score would have been tied or the Coqtillle river at Bn nil on to the Cali­
first week resolutions were offered to the cost of the session by approxi­ pass the credit along except when
cordiality will be extended to his suc­ tables turned, if the play had con- fornia lino on the south.
investigate the fish and text ben); mately SIS 000.
the ladies were interviewed separate­
t-’nued as ln the last quarter. The j
commissions, also to make a survey
ly they insisted on Mrs. H. C. Goh-
Would Repeal Auto Title Law,
Tho potato production of Columbia
Checkerboards excelled in the pass­
of the state government, and the past
;ig getting full credit fo r her tire­
Repeal of the state motor vehicle
ing game but were not able to find county this year in shipments eclipses
week an investigation of the telephone
certificate of title law is sought by ft less efforts.
the basket in the local gym. The the combined carlots of the last five
business was proposed.
bill Introduced by Senator Jay Upton
breaks went largely to the home team years, according to A. L. Morris, pota-
Telephone Investigation Asked.
Leslie Hicinbotham wag surprised From the standpoint o f spectacular 0 inspector of Columbia county.
Senator Upton also Introduced
Without a dissenting vote, the house bill changing the county allotment of
'fte r school Tuesday when he found playing, the All-Stars r » "
The St. Helens Pulp & Paper com
passed a resolution providing for a funds received by the state from all
15 of his school friends gathered to good, making several baskets from
any began last week shipping us
special commission to investigate the motor vehicle license fees from 25 per
help him celebrate his seventh birth- the center o f the floor. The Checker­ . re dact of kraft paper into the mar
telephone companies operating in Ore­ cent, as at present, to 30 per cent card party to be given by the United ■’•y. Mrs. Smiley Lovelace brought boards we re unablo to gut going at
itots of the world. A carload Is now
gon. The commission, to be compos­ According to Upton’s plan, 25 per cent Artisans next Wednesday evening, ♦he children down. The sleigh riding the beginning o f the game because
leaving each day. There are 260 men
ed of the attorney general, 'ex-Gover of the county fund would be used for February 2nd.
gave way after a glorious time, to one o f their players was a p’ck-up
n (he payroll.
nor Oswald West, Colonel A. E. Clark road purposes, while the remaining 5
the birthday cake and trimmin’s
vho had not played with the team
There was collected by tho state
and four members of the house, is per cent would go for whatever pur­
their coach, Ray Brooks, said.
treasurer during the last two years
Instructed to initiate and prosecute, poses the county saw fit,
Next Monday night the local team o'r.orltanee tax aggregating $1.117,-
any proceedings it may deem fit to
A bill introduced by Representative
have another hard game, Th;s 100, or approxlmataly $350,000 In ex-
Mrs. Raymond Lovelace entertain­
bring about a reduction of telephone Mark Paulson of Sllverton prohibiting
The body o f L. W. Jones, 71, fath­ will be with the Portland Woolen ( ,;ess of that collected during the pre-
use of pictures of persons "real or
j ceding biennium.
er o f H. S. Jones o f this city, who league.
Following cn the heels of an investi- ‘m'Rinary'’ ln connection with cigaret day afternoon. The luncheon tables
died Saturday in Corvallis was brot
U! r i t0p n0tC,her8 in thC‘ r
Thomas W. Riches. Rilver.on na-
garion in Oregon, ordered by the dvertisemonts was withdrawn by him
The All-Stars are playing tonight ;lvt, d1„d >t h|R homfl ,here lagt week.
here for burial Monday in the famil-
house, of rates, service and intercor liter the house committee on public tasty lunch was served. Those win­
He was born at Sllverton 73 years
porute relations with parent com­ morals returned a majority report ning prizes at bridge were Mrs. Sam
Dunlop and Mrs. R. H. Currin. Mcs. rest the remains o f hi* wife who died the score with the only team which «fro and lived there all his life. He
panies, the senate received a joint gainst it.
dames W. J. Moore, H, C. Gohring, six years ago. Mr. Jones had beer, has beaten them this season, the was postmaster from 1888 to 1892 and
tnemor.al addressed to congress call­
The house rassed the Briggs bill for
a resident o f Oregon for thirty years Gladstone Aces.
from 1898 to 1907.
ing on that body to institute an im­ removal of the county seat of Jack- Don Allin, Ted Ahlberg, Harry
The score for Monday’s game is:
His death was due to natural causes
mediate naticn-wide investigation oi son county from Jacksonville to Med Smith, R. H. Currin and Sam Dunlop
Plans for construction of a sulphite
Estacada 43
Checks 41
all phases of the allegeo telephone l0r(j Tbe autbor 0¡ tbe bjn recalled were those present at the party.
pulp and paper mill of largo size at
F. Lovelace 4
17 fl Capen
LaForge Baby Dies
monopoly existing in the United to the house thRt the question was
Astoria have been matured, and
Van Siykc 10
6 Cooper
States, with particular attention to the voted upon by citizens Of the county
contract on preliminary construction
R. Lovelace 18
11 Bailey
relations between local companies and removal received almost a 2-to-l
work has been awarded according to
Ralph Leonard, 11 months old Edmondson 11
6 Boyle
And the present system.
recent announcement.
verdict. Because of a technicality, he
1 E Capen
The showing o f the picture, “ The
Undoubtedly some effort will be saio. the supreme court declared the
forge, died January 1G from pneu­
A11 even 10,000 liens have been
Four Horsemen o f the Apocalypse”
made this week to whip Into shape Section void.
monia. The funeral was held Mon­
signed up by Lane county farmers
will not be until March 3-4-5, it is
measures to provide the revenue nec­
for the proposed branch of the Pa­
The senate, by a vote of 18 to 7, announced by R. G. Marchbank. He day, January 18.
essary to take care of the increasing approved over the veto of ex-Governor
cific Poultry Producers, to be estab­
needs of the state.
lished at Eugene, according to Q. S.
Pierce, a bill passed at the 1925 ses­ unable to avoid it.
In addition to the announced wrest­ Fletcher, county agent.
Petition Circulators Hit.
sion of the legislature providing in
AR E SUGGESTED ling bout between Ben Blaisdcll of
Circulation of petitions as now prac­ creases in the salaries of the secretary
Receipts of the state insurance de­
Eagle Creek and Bill Thornfon o f
ticed in the use of the Initiative and of state, state treasurer and attorney- CHILDREN PERFORM
partment during 1926 aggregated
The only suggestion* we have re­ Portland, the trainer o f Blaisdell,
referendum is forbidden by terms of general. The bill provided that the
FOR THEIR PARENTS ceived for the name o f the road down who is none other than the famous $702,789 32, while disbursements to­
a bill introduced by Representative salaries of the secretary of state and
taled $32 904.52, according to a repor’
the north bank o f the Clackamas Riv­ Moose Norbeck will also appear and
Norveli. It provides that laws pro- aate treasurer shall be increased from
The Estacada Parent - Teacher’s er is that o f Rarflcada Highway, to put on an exhibition o f jiujitsu, prepared recently by Will Moore, state
posea under that method shall be pub- {4500 t0 ?5400 „ year wh|Ie the
met last Tuesday after­ suggest the road to Estacada via B; 1- physical culture nnd muscle control insurance commissioner.
iished ln newspapers and notice given pensatlon of the attorney-general shall
high school auditorium. ton. F'rom the same source we have demonstrations. Norbeck has toured
Flfteon thousand cubic yards of
that petitions are on file in the office l)g lncr<>ased from |iooo t0 $5000 The
consisted o f a dia­ the suggestion o f Car-Spring Road the world meeting all comers in rushed rock lias been contracted for
of county clerks where they may be
prev)ougly wgg approved by the
logue and a physical excercise by the for the highway on the south side, wrestling, having had a eircus job in *o he 11 cd on the Oregon-Waxhlngton
signed by interested persons. It Is bouse
under the direction o f their although the correspondent saw n< which he took on all comers anyone highway from Pilot Rock through
forbidden for anyone to solicit signa­
Installment Dealers Regulated.
teacher, Miss Rowena Herman, a reason for changing the name by staying with him ton minutes being I i’ondleton to Fro'-wntpr, C. E. Carter,
tures for pay.
Should a bill introduced In the house solo by Mrs. Harry Kitching and a which it has gone for 30 years.
given a dollar a minute. He studied ,;it engineer, announced
The bills propose a tax of 5 mills
pass, it will force each dealer ln the round-table discussion on “ Children
Oregon City papers are endeavor­ jiujitsu in Japan and will describe
Will Moore, for the pest four years
per annum on intangibles, tnd a tax
state who sells articles, no matter and truth” led by Mrs. W. J. Moore. ing to attach Oregon City to the hat method of defense as a part of
nsur toce commissioner, fire merahtl
of 16 mills per annum on corporate
how small or how large, on the in
A committee was appointed to in­ names o f each o f these roads. Theie tfcc show Tuesday, February 1, at ind rasl estate commissioner under
excess. Both these imposts have been
stallment plan, to file his accounts vestigate the social conditions o f the is no objection if such is the desire the Liberty theatre.
he administration of ex-Govcrnor
found productive of much revenue in
with the county clerk of the district town in so much as they affect the o f the people in this end o f the
j Walter M. Pierce, resigned his office
other statee.
n which he lives. Not only Is every moral welfare o f the school children- county although there seems to be no
o become effective February 1.
The measures contemplate reassess
dfSler ln the state affected, but every
Among the topics discussed by more reason for it than to hook up
rnent of property throughout the state
When Waiter E. Smith, formerly of
buyer. The measure almost means members o f the association w-as a with Portland or, to stay within the
so that existing inequalities may be
! I.lrn county but now a resident of
the entire abolishment of the Install­ proposal to include in next year’s county, with Milwaukie. There will
smoothed out and a new determina­
A rally o f District No. 4 o f the j Ilsniath Falls was 4 years old, he
ment buying plan, now used by prac­ school budget, support for a week- be an official name given these roads
tion of values had. To that end the
County Christian Endeavor Union ' wallowed a needle. The other dny
tically all dealers.
day bible schooL
and that name will stick once it
state tax commission is given added
was held at the Methodist Church on I '.hen he was 37 years of age. the
The Moser committee, of the 1825
1 gains common use. It would be well Tuesday evening, January 23. After I- edle worked out of his body through
authority over taxation and assess­
session, at Its final meeting, definitely
ment laws of the state and it may fix
oi should a bUl put into the h o u s ior tho*e '" t e s t e d to send in names, ’. devotional service led by the co u n -1 1 " hlp
d termined not to recommend the
the value of property in arriving at
by Representatives North and Bailey
on*J’ re8POn*® *° far has been ty president, George Ross, o f Jenn.
beep nten of Baker county have
proposed compulsory competitive In­
if Multnomah county become a law. jfrom Portland.
uniformity of assessment.
ganized under the name of th* Ba-
ing’s Lodge, a pleasant hour was
dustrial Insurance bill, the enactment
Tax Levy Appeal Favored.
Bill Amends Marriage Law.
Th* road irom Oswego to New- spent in playing games, followed by :«r County Wool Growers' association
of which is desired by the casualty
Speaker Carkin introduced in the
Representative Mann la s Introduced
Wilsonville has just refreshments.
At the annual meeting to be held
r.surance people of the state.
houee hie measure allowing appeal to
With Mr. Ross were his sister. Miss ibout May 16, permanent officers will
The office of state apiarist is to be in the house a bill which repeals the ^een designated as the O-W-N High-
the state board of control from the
Lola Ross. John Runyon o f Glad­ !)<• elected and a conatftution and by-
reated under the terms of • bill law requiring a man to have » certlfl- way’
tat levy mace by counties and other
stone, and Alex Lehman o f Milwauk­ nws drawn up.
sponsored by Senator Elliott. The bill cate of good health from a physician
municipal corporations, and to allow
ie, a form er county president.
There was one fatality due to in-
rovldes that the apiarist, who would before he can obtain a marriage li­
appeal when the issuance ot bonds or
The following societies were repre­ ustrial accidents in Oregon during
be appointed by the governor. shal* cense In Oregon.
Other evidences of indebtedness shall
The move sponeored by the League
sented: The Epworth League o f Es­ he week ending January 20, accord-
be a person who has had not less than
have been determined upon by conn
Oregon Cfttee to obtain a larger
tacada, and The Christian Endeavor ng to a report prepared by the state
five years' experience in bee culture.
ties and other municipal corporations.
ellce of county road money for use
Societies from Eagle Creek, Spring- industrial accident commission. The
His salary is fixed at $3000 a year.
The bill, which generally incorporates
water and Estacada.
victim was J. C. Longquist, timber
The purchase of supplies and equip­ on city streets met with disapproval |
what is known as the "Indiana plan,"
The C. E. o f the Estacada Christ- f,d,er. °$ Portland,
ment of every kind would be taken of the state senate, when the bill In-
Is similar to one introduced by Cardin
ian church received the banner for
Horde* of mice are devaatating
out of the hands of every board, com­ rodneed by Senator Davis was Indef­
at the last legislative session. It was
the largest number in attendance at <ra!n fields In Klamath Falls section
mission and institntion of the state initely postponed The bill sought to
passed by the house bat killed la the
the rally.
j >t the country and a well organised
government, from the Janitor to the increase the apportionment of county j
Irive is under way to rid the roinmun
»tate bonse to the executives of the oad funds to the cities frotp 5“ to I
An income tax bill with a property Uair8r. lty of Oregon. Oregon Agricul- ¡0 per cent of all county road money
By the way, thia ha» always been t Glen
#____| who 1,Jf
and _________
Richard ____
Five years ago thi
offset made it. appearance in th* , ural coIlege gnd
#U|# normaJif
aiaed from property withio the rlty a popular road name in this section are attending school at Corvallis, !nlc*
• similar Invasion of gra,
¿owe with representative Mark He . D„ Te, „ d ln th# gut#
^ eo#. rood district*.
| heretofore.
j were horns over the week-end.
’ I n•M , "• ar ,hara-
líttüN STATE fi EWS