Five EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS. THURSDAY. JANUARY 13. 1027 303 have haod. 111., 50 year:, ago and had live;; n O regon 42 years DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR on C h ristm as day. Both Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Land Office at Portland. Cox a re 73 y ears of age. Oregon, January 7, 1927. The Larte county m ark et road fund Notice is hereby given that Nicho- cultivated any part thereof, and they have wholly abandoned said land for more than six months imme­ diately preceding the beginning of this contest. You are, therefore, further noti­ fied that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said en­ try will be canceled without further right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of ihis notice, ae shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re- sponding to these allegations of con­ test, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your ans­ wer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. You should slate in your answer tho name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. WALTER L. TOOZE, Sr., Register. Date of first publication January 13, 1927. Date of second publication Janu­ ary 20. 11127, Date of third publication January 27, 1027. Date of fourth publication Febru­ ary 3, 1927. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Eliza­ beth Sparks, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate ore hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my attorney, Win. Wallace Smith, Esta­ cada, Oregon within six months from the date of this notice. Dated December 23, 1926. First publication December 23, 1526. Last publication January 20, 1927. A, E, SPARK8, Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Sparks, deceased. WM. WALLACE SMITH, Attorney for Administrator 12-16 nroduced by a oae-mill state tax levy! ¡as Vanderhoof, of Marmot, Oregon, 3T 1927 will be greater than in any j who, on January 2, 1924, made o th er county r. th e s ta te except Mult­ Homestead Entry No. 05367, for nom ah, according to a sta te m e n t re ­ Lots 2 and 3 and SE‘,4 NWV*, Sec­ ceived in E ugone from th e sta te high­ tion 19, Township 2 S., Range 6 E., way com m ission by P. M. Morae, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice county engineer. of intention to make final proof, to H alsey ’s tax levy is 8.9 m ills, the The claim su b m itted to th e in terio r establish claim to the land above de­ low est am ong Linn county cities. It ¡'ap artm en t by Jo sep h in e county, un­ scribed. before the Register U. S. w as 9 m ills la st year. d er the O regon California land grant Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, On Salem ’s population is estim ated at tax refund lav. h as been reuuced from the 14th day of February, 1927.. 26,750, based on public u tility connec­ $610,164.98 to $030,664 in the process Claimant names as witnesses: tions and other records. . ad ju stm en t and recom m ended for Fred J. Bechill, of Gresham, Ore­ O regon City school census of 1926, pay m en t in th e la tte r sum, S ecretary gon; Ben Pickens of Sandy, Oregon; ju s t com pleted, show s 1920 children W ork announced. Henry Aschoff, of Marmot, Oregon; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of school age In the city, 983 of whom The total amount of money tlial ! Robert Aikins. of Sandy, Oregon. a re boys and 937 girls. WALTER L. TOOZE, Sr., will be required to conduct all state DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Register. An election in K lam ath Falls last ] functions d u rin g 1927, as estim ated 15-19 U, S. Land Office at Portland, w eek to authorize a levy of $50,740 ' by th e sta te tax com m ission, is $7,447,- Oregon, December 16, 1926. over th e 6 per cent lim itatio n for city < 561.80. T his am o u n t does not Include Notice is hereby given that Frank NOTICE OF CONTEST purposes carried by a vote of 252 to ] any ap p ro p riatio n s th a t may be au­ W. Donovan, of Route 1, Estacada, 45. thorized by th e 1927 le g isla tu re out- 'DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Oregon, who, on March 6, 1926, R up ert C arrlck, 22, resid in g n ear l side of th e estim a te s of th e ta x com­ made Homestead entry No. 07689, United States Land Office, V ernonia, was shot and killed alm ost m ission. Portland, Oregon, January 3 1927. for SEVi, Section 33, Township 3 S., Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for O it Readers. in stan tly by the accid en tal d ischarge of a gun in the hands of his b ro th er, Alvin, la st week. T here is now m ore th an tw o feet of snow a t th ° sum m it of McKenzie p ass and th e route is closed for th e w inter, w ith but little prospect of its being opened again until spring. The P resb y terian personage occu , pled by Rev. W. F. Shields ana fam ily a t W allow a w as destroy ed by fire F ri­ day night while th e fam ily w as a tte n d ­ ing C hristm as eve church services. To encourage th e grow ing of alfalfa In L ane county, the E ugene F arm ­ e r s ’ cream ery has announced th a t i will sell Grimm alfalfa seed at cost tf all farm ers who d esire to try it a: a forage crop. One of the w orst w inds of th e y ear sw ept over La G rande last week G usts w ere severe enough to caus som e dam age. A larg e p late glas window was blown In and re p o rts :oh. of brick chim neys being blown o v e i. F or the first tkn9 in sev eral years Y am hill county Is lra e from all w ar ra n t indebtedness, th e la st w a rra n ts being called In la st week by Home) P a re tt, county tre a su re r. T he county will s ta rt the new y ea r w ith a cleat, slate. E xtension of th e “stop stre e t" idea to the a rte ria l highw ays of th e atate was favored by the Oregon Automo­ ve conference at a m eeting held in P o rtlan d la st week. T his proposal ill be p resen ted along with a »um ber of o th e r am en d m en ts to the sta te m o tor code to tho leg islatu re when it convenes in January. FEDERAL ROADS INCREASE A duel, declared by companions of the two boys to have been in fun. ended fatally when Ja n ies Lowary. 16-year-old newsboy, w as shot through th e h e a rt by Bob Moyer, 14. of Pen dleton. T he shooting took place near P endleton. At a special election held recently, less th an 20 per cent of th e St. H elens re g stered voters tu rn ed out. Two c h a rte r am endm ents, p erm ittin g the Issuance of $6509 bonds for city im-1 provem ents. were voted down by a 2 I to 1 vote. Packers and growers of the Pacific 1 northwest will join hanos In an effon to pull the prune industry out of thf 1 slump in to which It has fallen in the i last few years. If plans discussed at a m eeting held In 9alem recently arc I finally put through. M artinao Vaequez. Mexican laborer em ployed by the Southern Pacific company, was burned to death a; Fields. 30 miles east of Oakrloge. on the new Cascade line, last Sunday. He was said to have built a fire in a stove with kerosena. James H. Cox and wife observer, two anniversaries on Christmas at their home in Marshfield They were Money Money HALO W AT Guaranteed RADIOS MADE IN OREGON Let me d mon.-trntc this west­ ern-built Radio in your own home See me for A and B Batteriai Clyde Schock Phone 69-7 you w il l n e e d c l o t h e s and In buying WILL WANT TO SAVE MONEY to Loan on Farm Mortgages t can mest your needs by selling you Comer Suits, “All Weather Coats," Overcoats and Women's Coats made to order. Prices $9.95 to $18.50. Comer guarantees a fit and sat­ isfaction, “You will get what you buy". Let i.e lake your moasurc and Carey Real Estate Co. send for woat you want. Yours for economy and satis­ faction. B F. CLAY, Comer Representative Estacada, Oregon. CUTS MORE SLICES TO THE LOAF An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between-meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The sAme Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same pride A s the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite y % H Grocery and R e s t a u - , f " \ «. rants in Estacada a n d | f~ r T / K p? Vicinity. yrxnxBa d{ i/uNctjutnJiunify — ........ office his duly corroborated applida- (January 23, 1922, by federal aid system was made through ' WiHamette Meridian. and as gro the completion of project, during; for hi< conteit he a„ that the f u e l y e t 1928, according to , Stephen Twarowgkl died )n the , the Bureau of Public Roads of the of 0 l.e{fon on or about the 21gt United State. Department of Agn- of j un