EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, £t«ht THURSDAY, JAUNARY 6, 1927 COUNTY AGENT’S NOTES » nnotL J o t E conom ical Transportation Ed Shearer, Springwater, has ar­ ranged with the county agent for a demonstration alfalfa plot, showing ihe relative merits of ihe ground limestone, barnyard manure, super­ phosphate and potassium sulphate on ihis important crop. RULY the most beautiful Chevrolet ofChevroletpopularityhassentChevrolet in Chevrolet history! Truly an production to tremendous volume— and achievement which must immediately only the economies of tremendous volume change all existing ideas as to what the plus inspired engineering make possible buyer of a low priced car has a right to the manufacture of so fine a car to sell at expect for his money! Chevrolet prices. Here is the irresistible appeal of un* We urge you to come in for a personal in­ broken, flowing body lines—of modish spection. And we ask you to come, notin new Duco colors, fashionably striped— the customary casual mood—but actual­ of notable smartness—of that flawless ly anticipating the revelation you would silhouette regularly associated with the expect when the world’s largest builder costliest of custonvbuilt creations. of gearshift automobiles announces a completely new line of cars whose truly Here are score after score of advance» great value is based on irresistible beauty ments in design, literally too numerous to list completely—but typified by one- iece full-crown fenders, bullet-type and a host of improvemen ts including t mps, coincidental steering and igni­ tion lock and large 17»inch steering New AC Air Cleaner New Tire Carrier wheel. T E Here is definite assurance of longer Iite, more satisfactory operation and even greater economy—for all models are equipped with a new AC oil filter and an improved AC air cleaner! 6uch features as these are usually found only on cars costing up into the thou­ sands. They are marks of distinction on i».’lat yCU want; seil what you for presence of strawberry weevil, don>t Want. lOtf Except for a few strawberry f i e l d s --------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on unimproved roads this work is FOR RENT— 2 and 3 housekeeping nearly completed. rooms, also sleeping rooms— men Don C. Mote, extension entomol- preferred. Terms reasonable. Mrs. 'ogist of the Oregon Agricultural col- F. E. Hammon, East of Christian iege has announced a new poison church. 14-15p for strawberry weevil, discovered by the Oregon Experiment station in PIANO i OR SALE near Estacada, High grade quality piano to be sold 1926. The new product is more ef- . , , * .. • , at bargain. Terms $10 monthly. For fective and cheaper than commercial . . ■ T . particulars and how seen, write J. A, products used heretofore. , ,, „„„ .. . Givens, factory piano adjuster, The county agent will see that „ , ’ „ _ ■* , ’ 413 , North Boren Avenue, Seattle, Wash- Clackamas county strawberrey grow­ mgton. 14-17 ers have an available supply of the poison befoit harvest time. USED CARS Plans are now being made to hold -------------------------------- •---------------- a large meeting of strawberry grow- k’SED^ CAES AT THE NEW 1927 ers later in the season, at which time LO'lt PRICES. CARS LOOK the use of the poison will be ex- GOOD AND IN GOOD CONDITION. plained. Mitchell 1922 touring............ $ 65.00 ______________ Paige 1921 touring .............. 75.00 WASHINGTON'S LICENSING LAW 1922 Hudson Speedster tr’ng 150.00 Studebaker 1922 touring ’27 In the state of Vi ashington the license, very good 300 00 licensing law provides that all com- Ford truck> pneumatic tires mission merchants must pay $25 for good condition 150 00 a license, must keep accurate and 0 lds ton truck, good pneu- compleie records of ail transactions. matic tire8( cab windshield When a commission merchant re- Rndkflat body 250 0() ¡ceives products to sell he must send 19o3 Ford roadster> winter the shipper a statement of the re- top 125 00 ceipt of the products and their eon- -26 nearly new Harley David- dition. Returns must be made with- son motorcycle and side car 300-00 in thirty days for products sold. A 1921 Ford coupe ...... 12g 0Q maximum commission of fifteen per HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO cent is allowed. All commission ‘ Gresham, Oregon j merchants are bonded for $o000. Reliability Service t There is considerable agitation f o r ---- ------------------------ - _ _ ________ a law that will better protect the A LARGE LIST of good use Imple- farmers in Oregon and no doubt a ments, gas engines, cream sepa- oui will introduced in the coming rators, drills, spreaders, plows, disc session of the legislature. harrows, etc. Hessell Implement Co., --------------------- :--------------------------- Gresham. 14-15 Jim beard of Esacaua was chef a t _______ __________________ liillockburn during the holidays. He NOTICE TO CREDITORS is some cook according to the 40 ' --------- Portland young people who were up In the County Court of the State of there. | Oregon for Clackamas County. L. V. Van Slyke visited his parents In the matter of the estate of Philip in Portland New Year’s day. M. Wagner, deceased. L. A. Wallin and R. T. Crake, rep- Notice is hereby given that the un- resentatives of the Ford Motor com- dersigned, George K. Armstrong pany, demonstrated the accessibility and H. B. Davis, have been appointed and explained the care of Fordson administrators of the estate of tractors to about .40 enthusiastic Philip M. Wagner, deceased , and users here Tuesday. have filed their bonds and qualiftied Ed Steinman and his brother Phil as such administrators. All persons left Tuesday for a trip of several having claims against said estate are weeks, luej will Visit places along hereby notified to present the same, the Rooseveit highway in an en- duly verified as by law required to deavor to find a »unable site for a the undersigned, George K. Arm- service station. Phil bteinman has strong and H. B. Davis, or either of just returned from Tacoma, Wash- them, at Estacada, Oregon, or to ington, whore he was engaged in their attorney, W. S. U'Ren 515 wed drilling for the city. Oregonian Building. Portland,’ Ore- Lesiie Lovelace returned Thurs- gon. day from Olympia, Washington, Dated and first published January where he visited his grandparents. 6, 1927. Last publication February 2, 1927. Do you plan your day's work, al- GEORGE K. ARMSTRONG, toung a certain amount 0i time to H. B. DAVIS, each task? Try it, always aiming Administrators. to shor.en the time spent on routine W. S. U’REN, activities so as to g.un more for Attorney. p,easant occupations. Miss Lila McKinney spent the hol­ iday vacation ai home from her work at normal school. Wallace Smith attended the fight in Portland on New Year s day. Mrs. R. H. Carter visited in Port land on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. .Toques. and reports them as well and doing nicely in their new work. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilcox and daughters. June and Joyce, were vis­ iting relatives in Vancouver, Sunday. Miss Fiorence Hassell was at home with her parents over the holidays from her studies at the normal in Litichi! ItllHihC hi It il Urtili Monmouth. .------ -- Glen Ely. Florence June Reed ard Thelma Wilcox returned to Corvallis Friday and Saturday. January 7-8 LOVE’S BLINDNESS” to continue their studies at O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs Perry Cahill and Antonio Moreno and Paunne Stark. "A GIMP COMEDY" family : re leaving soon for Spokane to make their home. They shipped Sun.. Mon.. Tues. January 9-10-11 their household goods this week. "THE SEA BEAST” Best Rice John Barrymore. Boil rice in a large quant ty of water until tender, then pour it in­ Wednesday, Thursday. Jan. 12-13 to a colander or sieve to drain: cover "HEARTS AND FISTS’ with a clean cloth and put it in a Margaret de ia Motte. John Bowers. warm oven or over a vessel of hot water. As it steams each grain Friday. Saturday. January 14-15 swells and becomes separate. "THE WANING SEX" t Currinsville Mere Pt ices C bbage pound ............................ 0 4 c 1 ian^arr es- nice ones, pound 10c ( 1 1 flakes package .. 10c ‘J na-M’>e. t h e new cereal, Pic ?5c Pota* í per 100 pounds $1.50 ' ' '-e3‘ F°od grade, bushel...... $1.50 $2.35 I. • : es House Dresses, each 79e New Ginghams just in. Get our Priîe* B"b Cooke, who broke a small bone in his heel about Christmas time is in Portland today for treatment, ihe injury has given him consider­ able pain,