Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 30, 1926, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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GRctÜiJ NEüÎô Ik .iS Wash* ngion’s Early Ae!veai~**es
Mow Assuming New ¿igniti?ne
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected ior
Qur Readers.
N ,
A meeting wag he'd at th-> Mill City
garage .las: Saturdcy night for the
purpose of organizing the Mill City
Sun club.
|J fS |H
M onument
Eugene’s first radio broadcasting
staticn is being installed at the Eu­
gene hotel and will be in operation in
about 10 days, it was announced.
f ,
4 J-
R. Roux, fireman at the ninin Coos
Bay Lumber company mill, was killed
when he was caught in an avalanche
of sawdust and chips in the fuel bin.
Meacham, midway between Pendle­
ton and La Grande, was the coldest
town in Oregon during the recent
cold spell, the mercury dropping to
32 below.
, ■
The Eugene woolen mills has an
annual payroll of *109 000 and em­
ploys 80 persons throughout the year,
according to Carl Koppe, o'ne of the
owners of the plant.
I :<
v 4 *-’
¡¡ È M il
' V" \
A monument in honor of the men
of Clatsop county who fought for the
United States during the Spanish war
will be erected on ¡he Clatsop county
courthouse grounds next spring.
Thirty-eight government
worked in Oregon during the month
of November and took 389 coyotes,
47 bobcats, cne bear, eight badgers
eight skunks and 12 porcupines.
The population of Oregon farms
decreased from 214,021 to 210,288 in
the five-year interval between 1920
and 1925, according to supplementary
figures from The census bureau.
t ( c>* b -L e
J **H *4 R Y JJ..
Good lookin'? gurraents are made
There has been considerable ar- by using the less worn parts of tv.o
gunient for and against britficiil :r -.rents, ’ ’laid« or checks ave
lighting of poultry houses, some pretty combined v.ith plr.in material,
claiming that while lighting may in- und silks with wool.
crease egg production, the vitality c f
the birds are decreased thereby. The
Since leather bu.v.s at a very low
agricultural experiment station of temperature, wc shoes a\o .-afely
New Jersey, which has n.^ue many dried only in a place not too near
experiments both with and without n register or a stove.
artificial lighting, states that it has
been conclusively proven that in-
Heat yellows silk, so a moderate!;-
creased egg production and better warm iron ¡3 best for pressing.
health are the results of artifi.ial
lighting of laying houses. A three-
A simple trimming suitable f r
year study o f 280 flocks, with a pep- children's garments ¡3 made on t o
ulation of 804,137 birds was made sewing machine
Tho b bbin 's
and these tests showed that on an wound with heavy mercerized or s’ lk
67.1 ogges were obtained thread. The stitch on tho machine
from pullets where no lights wer,c is lengthened and the stitching dcnc-
used and 75.8 with lights. The tests in the usual way except on tho
covered a period of five months wrong side.
yearly, from November to April.
Pressing a wrinkled pattern be-
EGG ASSOCIATIONS INCREASE i ° '-e placing it on the material saves
■ . . ■
! time in cutting.
Since 1913 there has been a re­
Pinning a seam instead o f basting
markable growth in cooperative egg
— . . .
association* in thi* country
They it often saves time. The p.m are
are in 18 states, embracing about 70 plscod at right angles to the edge
associations, w i t h about 50 000 °4 the seam.
members. Forty-eight associations
-------- *
handled 2,556,515 cases of eggs last]
Checking the size of n pattern be-
year, at $26,529,218, and it is cx ! fora a garment is cut out saves tine.
pected that 1926 will show a large The pattern is placed on the figure
increase over these figures.
and pinned together at tho scon?,
The length of back and front, width
Exhibits at fairs by boys’ and ° f back and front, shoulder length
girls' club members are regarded by 8nd neck size are adjusted to the
H. C. Seymour, state club leader, figure,
-—■ -• •
somewhat as the storekeeper's win
Oregon's total assessed valuation
dow display. Few persons rccog-'o f $1,110,077,348, is $20,000.000
nize the vast amount of work and j above last year.
care back of the exhibits. Starting j
.......... ...............
everal months before the fair, the
Last winter trappers captured
club members work diligently until 2,019 Oregon beaver, worth $28,-
the event.
oi machinery was only beginning,
The Pleasant school house, one mile
|FTER well nigh a century and with Its insatiate demand for lubn
east of SUverton, was destroyed by
three-quarters a new Interest cants, while kerosene, though the heal
fire last week. The fire had gained
has recently been aroused In Illuminant ever known, was danger
the earliest military adven-, ouo
. because
,, , poor relinlttg lef. g... oii: e
considerable headway before being
tures of George Washington that was llable t0 esl>lod«- lt *.* dliil
discovered and all the contents were
When barely twenty-one years old, in I cu c nowada>'s- when the world is bo-
1753, Washington was sent by Gov-1'" * combed f° r
petroleum to
Alice Sanders, an employe of the ernor Dinwiddle of Virginia Into t h e '" " 1'? mort! i;a9oltne' ,0 re M -° tha‘
_ ................
. _______,
___ ser far northwestern wilderness—that tr. -’ aoJ' ,ne ^ as °nce a nuisance and a
department . . In
Salem, was
loitsly burned when her clothing northwestern Pennsylvania—to warn n’ onaco .Tbe lnt^rnal combustion en-
caught fire from a heating stove theFrenchthattheym ustceas^ their Klnecrl.e ate<lthedom a!ldforPasollnt■•
back researcheR
to occupy
that region
Recent “ leum.
0W 'll®
" « ° f of
p" mo-
burns were
confined to
to her
her back
havg <lven
a new h,glorl.
The demands * of « > mill.cna
and left arm.
An order for 140.000 white ceder
railroad ties has been received at
North Bend from Japan. The order
filled bv
the coos
Coos uaj
Bav Lumber
wilt be
De rinea
Dy tne
company and the Western White Ce-
dar company.
Central Point's brick factory, lo-
cated On the Pacific highway at the
northern nart of the citv limits and
r . h T . . t e . !d l. J
. . .
Is expected to commehce operation
Within a short time.
The Salem chamber of Commerce
recently launched a movement to ob-
taln a radio broadcasting station for
fhflt Htv Tlip qtatinn would haVa a
y' ,
. ,
power of 100 watts and w oil la serve
both Marlon and Polk counties.
The Four-L hall at Westport, re-
pUted the finest along the lower Co
lumbla river, was burned , to the
... ,
ground last week, with loss estimated
at $10,000, covered by insurance. Re
building Is considered probable.
At the first session held in six years
the county treasurers of Oregon, num­
bering 15, reorganized their associa­
tion at a meeting in Portland recently
by re-electing for president D. G.
Drager of Salem, treasurer of Marlon
^ C, - ‘ j
the late market
The pear tonnag-
beginning» petroleum 1 value lay *aaetly this new intimacy and uatlef-
hbi*p»4 to 4ate reached i l l car*.
( (p u^incagu aad kerosene. The ape, sun din*
Brief Resume of Happerrngs of
the Week Crllecied for
Our Rcr.Jc rs.
The new *2.5fii> T # plant of the St.
Helens Pulp & Paper company was
completed n::d ho.;an operation last
The city of Mar difield sold S76.017
worth of luiprov- . :-.t bones to Port­
land buyers at a 1 rtmlum of $J:!.S0 a
Turkey growers of V;i!e expect to
ship 3009 birds for the Christmas
Abcut 15 J wore sold tor
C. S. Heinllnq. who for tho p:i3t four
Fear* has rcrvotl ns postmaster in
Roaeburg, h ■« h n nominated by
Prosldent Coolldre for another term.
Bud;: -t nt prop:.niions totaling $1,-
030.C04 have been authorised by the
Co . , olln(.. oourt fai. 1027. Th!g cx.
coeds last years buJgot by $574,473.
The raport oi tun chief of srgineers
recommend« to on- -css nr. a.iproprl-
atidn ( f f,3i.<:j.) to. VJk mook bay and
bar werk (or the year ending June
30, 1923,
Nrcmi, 3-ye:ir-o!;l dauqhtor of Mr.
and Airs. William Flschor of Maupin,
died in n Luna I k -tat as the lusult
of «wallowing colletJtraied lye three
months ago,
A lynx two I'oet hiyli and three feet
lor was trcpp -d n c.-ntly by "Brick”
Whitehead cn the 1. >rt 1» (erk of Deep
creek. It had flvo ciawa on its front
teet and tour on it«i ¡ear ioet.
Farmers of Malheur county are
planr.lr.g a rabbit drive, lt being eetl-
ma.ed that more i:,nn J59.000 worth
of (arm produce su. destroyed in that
county this year by the posts.
Due to depression in ihe lumber
business, the naker Whlta I’ ino Lum­
ber company has ar.cunced a 5 per
cent reduction in 811 v.-ar.es o( all em­
ployes receiving more than $3.40 a
Twenty-thfeo (¡CoplB were killed and
458 others injured In 3212 accidents
on the highways o( Oregon during
Nov,- m her, accord In : to a report com­
piled by T. A. Rai.cty, chief of the
state tra’ Lc squad. .
caJ significance to that expedition. ‘ ° r car?
constantly, lnvcu
during which Washington,, always 1 on 8nd chemistry were set at work
reckless of his personal safety, had ,v ll'c cap.ains of tho Industry to
one of hla narrow escapes from death
Pn re nr? iL^cT1
at -d
the hands of a treacherous Indian : ollne
a.. arg l This
a, was
" E,
r Proper.
ion cracking
of gas-
by the
Thfl rrench at that 0me
,od process, through which every yt rr.c.v
Canada and claimed the Mississippi see3 a larsor Proportion of crude oil
and Ohio Valleys. Tl^ugh the fringe turi]e<! lnt0 gasoline.
o£ English spoaking colonies along!
HiSh and Growing Demands
the Atlantic contained the chief Euro-
Today well-nigh 2,500,000 barrels cf
"™ ” " * « *
sotereignty over most of North Amer- satisfy the demand far motor car-.
)ca.g area They were apparent|y de. [ractors. trucks, buses, artificial gas
termined to occupy northwestern plants and the Innumerable by-prod
Pennsylvania, partly because It was f ucts. Invention Is constantly finding
j'J"'7" eveB then t0 be rlcb
petr0" new uses, as enterprise Just as con­
stantly finds new supplies of petro
leutu. The wonderful and rather mys-
Reflion'l Wealth Known
Pioneers and missionaries, Eng- ter,ous fluid has revolutionized social
uabj Fl.ench Qerman and Dutch, had habits and industrial methods; yet It
all reported to their governments ls °uly two-thirds of a century sinca
that the petroleum was of great po- the Industry had Its feeble beginning
tent,kl value- There Is. however, no; 'n the Pennsylvania oil country
reason to believe that Washington „ T * *
r " ! . “ 86 “ t ?
knqw of Its existence Or value until 750.000,000 barrels of putroleum. The
h)g a(Iventlire 0f 1753 Then he learfl- country will use 700.000,000 gallons or
ed that the oij had )ong beefi uged by gasoline and Will export 1.900.'. )
tbe Indians and the pioneering whites more. The production, processing and
fof fuel and liPht. for medicine and in marketing of petroleum Is pro,,. ‘ Iv
thkklng war palm. Washington was second only to agriculture among
sp fiiucb Impressed with its possibill-! American Industries.
ties that he later *• Tame owner of a
Roundly. 70 per cent of the world's
large area of oil-bearing lands. Al- petroleum industry is American. T- n
though the petroleum Industry in its billions of capital Is Invested In It—
modern form was then undreamed of, half the valuation of the national rail-
Washington was so sure that a tor- road system It employs Just about
Nine tract, of timber, located In
ian('" .V000 000 peoplV Th? P'!" oleum
that tn bis will De listed tnem as ms line system, grtdironlng a ge-m share
Coos, Lane and Linn coun les. were m03t Taluab^ holding*.
In the prop- of the country, pggn-cates Jbout 85.
.old at Roaeburg by the government 0yty schedule attached to the will ue 000 miles
Petroleum revolutionized
land office In a sale which aggregated wrote:
naval warfare by bringing In the oil
approximately $82,000. All of the
“ This tract was taken up by Gen burning ship; It Is fast revolutionizing
tracts sold were originally Oregon and e*al Lewis and myself on account of merchant marines in thi
me fa;;h
California grant lands.
,*le bituminous spring which It con Ion
Multiplication of motor cars.
tains, of so Inflammable a nature as along with the special taxation of
F. A. Patterson. 91, pioneer of Ore (0 burn as freely as spirits and as their gasoline, has m de po slble the
gon and father of Governor-elect I. L nearly difficult to extinguish.”
modern highway system
Patterson, died at his home In tnde
The Will of Washington
A True Social Service
pendence last week, deprived Of the
Some historians declare that In an
Perhaps the most nearly revolution
pleasure of seeing his son ascend to “ arller will Washington dedicated this ary result of Drake's mcdernlzatlon of
the highest office within the gift of 'burning spring" to the public
At the petroleum industry is to he found
the people of the state.
an5, rat*- 11 had Pa,*«d from bis own In the change It has brought In ae
. .
. . .
ershlp before his death. He sold this life of rural America It has carried
The board of regents of state nor- trgct for 1200.000. but, suspecting it the city »o the country the country
mal schools, by a vote of fire to four might revert to his estate under a to the city It has. by making po'sl-
selected La Grande as the location for mortgage, he warned his heirs that ble the cheap and quick transporta
the new state normal school which should lt do so It would be worth tlon that everybody nowadays en-
was created under s measure ap- much more than the $200.000.
Joys, enabled country and city to
proved by the voters of Oregon at
Although Washington s first kno^ know and understand each other as
the last general flection.
rAge of Petroleum * as gained within they never did before ft hr.v bro igbt
» £«w miles of the place where the social and educational privilege,-, -o
Opposition to the proposed plan of first oil well In the world was drilled, country dwellers that a few decades
establishing a game refuge for mule that first well was not opened until ago seemed absolutely dented to
tall deer in western Lake county has one hundred and »lx years later, them On the one hand It has en-
been encountered among land owners 1®5# tn that year Edwin Laurentlne abled the cltlea to spread out into sub-
Of the diatrlct. who maintain that the t,rake bor#d
flr*t w*'l. Just south urban areas and the zone of country
establishment of the reserve would nt Tlta*r|"«- Pennsylvania and really estate« on the other, it has enabl'd
tend to decrease property value.
^ r,*d th* fflodern
'“ <»*• lh?
*0 have
neighbors, society, church snd school
A long-distance telephone message
A Oevelopmsnt Wander
privileges, in-lmate arq tlntance
from John Maben. caretaker of Cra'et
Today the American Industry is the' ft is a btrnrlc fart that the trndrn-
Lake lodge, reports that the snowfall *AJor part of the world s oil business j cy toward division of interest and un-
has reached a depth of erven feet Americana are directing oil develop-fdemanding between city and country
five Inrhea In the Crater Lake Na m* nt* 411 0T9r ^
It Is all1 is the most serious Internal menace to
ttonal park. The snow la heavily part of the huge problem to makei-h* security of nations, to the integrl-
pure that the tomorrow« shall *ee ty of «ociety.
packed and was still falling steadily America» requirements met
More thin
anythin* else country
Up to last week apple shlpmentf decade the production of petroleum aftd city need to know and understand
from Hood River had reached 404'. has doubled.
Science and technt- each other end each other’s prob-
cars and estimates placed remaining
progredk have met all demaris lem.s. The easy transporfa'ion. the
stored stock* at 550 car*. The re Foreign investment and development ready opportunity for association snd
malnder of the apple* of first grad are In the nature of Insurance for the acquaintance that have come with
, the Age of Petroleum hgve made poe-
late-keeping varieties will be held fot
In the days of Drake and the Indus si Me in -bn fa
.ntry at least,
Si'-cT! !Z ;S ITEMS
^ / f COM PAXY of actors gathered on
Cull Island off the coast of Maine,
after a charity performance of "Tweifth
Night.” Some of them still in cos­
tume. No other people on the island
save the caretaker of the great house
and an old boatman. One of the com­
pany murdered. The victim’s body
lost in the powerful current. Who did
it3 That’s what you will wonder. A
real, a satisfying surprise.
An Amazing Mystery Story That W ill
Appear Serially in
beginning January 6th — Don’t Miss It!
Linn county's tax levy on the 192«
roll necessary to me^t budget require­
ments. will ho 27.1 mills, the seme
milluge ns the year before, according
to the statement c.f the county asses­
sor to the county court.
An air mall llghi has been installed
1V4 miles east of Heines. Thu light
b n revolving type of 1000 watts. M
one light hums cui ancth-r globo au­
tomatically Is lighted. The light Is
visible at Baker, 11 miles away.
Following a public hearing In Hood
River the county court and advisory
board cut tho tentative
$2.561.84 and set tho county'3 assess­
ment fer next year at $277,507 16, an
Inrrtaaa of 110.871.45 over that of
C. A. Reed, 48, switchman employed
In the Bpokano, Portland & Beattie
yards In Astoria, was killed Instantly
i when ho was cru; lied by a 76-ton
crano, which overturned on the main
] lino near the Astoria Lumber company
No dentha were recorded tn the Cot­
tage Grove aistrict. during the month
Of November, according to C. E. Frost,
health officer, who has filed hta
monthly report. This is the first time
that an entire month has passed with­
out a death.
A rock of about 50 pounds weight
crushed out the life of Basil Cham­
bers. 32. at the Hauser Construction
company quarry on Coos liver. The
rock loosened In the hill and came
down without warning, striking Cham­
bers on the head.
I-o-» C'arl!, rancher of the Hermis-
ton prsjert sineo 1910, was burned to
death at his home when his clothes
Ignited while he was dressing near a
red-hot. stove. Mr. Clark was past 90
years o' age and possessed all his fac­
ulties to a remarkable degree,
A large female cougar that had been
pr> ylng on goats and young hogs of
farmers southwest of Falls City for
some time was shot and killed last
week by Alfred Ferguson. It meas­
ured six feet sis Inches from nose to
tip of tail and weighed 115 pounds.
Mrs Henry Padjen of Slaters has
traded 11 sliver black foxes for a
band i ’ 250 sheep, according to word
received from Bend. Mr* Padjen 1*
said to have raised the foxes, and her
trade was made with a Lake county
rancher At present prices the sheep
are valued at more than $3000.
A proposed legislative measure pro­
viding for a super-irrigation commis­
sion, to be known as the state reclam­
ation board, reefed with broad pow­
ers, including authority to step in and
manage the affairs of any irrigation
district fhat Is In default of any of its
obligations, was considered recently
at a meeting of the trustees of the
Oregon reclamation congrea* la Port­