EASTERN' CLACKAM AS NEWS. THURSDAY. DECEMRER 23. 132*3 Eastern Clackamas County Has Wonderful Possibilities i,B| « • - “5Ea DRUGS AND MEDICINE Steady incomes are being made and even small fortunes are accumulated by men who follow the business of raising or gathering medicinal herbs. Visitors to the East­ ern C lackamas section are sure to ask w hat the sheds, which may be seen on every hand, are for. These are the shelters set up over valuable beds of ginseng. This crop finds its market in China, chiefly, and is a very profitable one although it re­ quires great care and is a long time in maturing. Golden seal, Oregon grape root, mint, and cascara are other medicinal products grown or gathered. The market for balsam of fir is also presenting some possibilities in this section. The market for these products is right at our door since the large wholesale houses of Portland are export­ ing many tons to the countries of the Orient. W ATER POWER When the easterner talks of Muscle Shoals, he thinks it is the last word in gigantic electrical power development and yet Oregon has two projects which aro even larger one of them being in Eastern Clackamas Ccounty. Cheap power alone will not make industrial development, hut combined with easy living condition« raw materials and transportation outlet to the sea there is no limit to the possibilities here. As ¡in ex­ ample of what may he done the West Linn paper mill is shown. Th's mill is produc- ing 325 tons of paper per day. Wrapping paper, fruit wrappers, toweling, tissue, kraft, manilla and other papers are being made in the northwest from hemlock and spruce pulp. Industries such as these do not, as a rule seek locations in congested districts since their production costs would be higher there. Estacada would be an ideal location for canneries, woolen mills, sash and door factories, furniture and novelty plants, potteries leather manufacturing plants, or milk eondenseries. LUMBER— OUR CHIEF PRODUCT * h-l,t,” !,er inKEf i