Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 02, 1926, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
of cioes
Fifty f«.et of the lower end of the j
incline railway operated by the L a,
Dee Logging Company of Estacada. i
w’as swept out by a landslide early
Two new non-union billposters
Monday morning, according to a re­ have started operations in Estacada
port brought in by C. B. Tuggle, car Every available space has been cov­
inspector for the P. E. P. Co.
ered with their signs in the past
The incline is 5900 feet long and is ; week. The attraction they are ad
used to bring logs from the logging vertisirg is Douglas McLean’s grea.T
operations to the Clackama s river, picture, “That’s My Baby.” The
where they are loaded on cars and show w'ill be here December 9-10 and
proceeds will go to the Masonic
hauled to Portland for milling.
A large crew is being brought building fund. It is likely that wi
from Portland by special train to­ will soon carry an ad by the new
day. It is estimated that three days billposters, Rose & Bartholomew.
will be required to repair the break. |
Mihvaukie’s session of the Greater
Clackamas Union of Clubs in the
Union high school Saturday evening,
December 4, promises to be one of the
most interesting yet held of this or­
ganization, according to the Banner-
Courier. The dinner will be served
at the usual hour of 6 :30, with each
person paying 50 cents.
Arrangements are being made to
entertain 400 people, and covers will
be laid in the spacious 70x80-foot
dining room for that number. The
ladies of St. John’s Parish have the
Those who were on the street Sat
banquet in hand, and they are sparing
A very well attended meeting of
no pains to make it one of the best the parent-teacher association was urday evening near the depot had th
that has ever been held in city. The held in the high school auditorium or pleasure of seeing a single chunk o
metal valued at $25,000. No om
dinner will start the proceedings of Tuesday afternoon of this week.
was guarding it and yet it was per
the clubs, which will commence
Miss Spring, the county nurse, was fectly safe because it weighed 9,00<
promptly at 6:30 o’clock.
present and gave a very interesting pounds. It was the giant turbim
The Milwaukie Community band taik on contagious diseases.
wheel for the P. E. P. plant at Oal
will render selections, and the Pala­
She also announced that plans Grove, which had been sent out fo
cios mandolin and guitar orchestra were under way to give to those ! truing up. The wheel is now be
of Portland also entertains. Mr. Pa children, whoso parents were willing, | ing reinstalled in the local station.
lacios is a member of the Portland the serum for prevention of scarlet J
symphony orchestra and director in fever. This serum will given by Dr.
other orchestras in the Rose City.
Wallace on December 10, providing
Prof. James Matthew's of Wiliam there are 200 children ready to re- !
By Lillian Duncan
ette University will be the principal ceive it.
was held at the begin­
The Dodge, Springwater, Currins-
speaker of the evening. He is a well-
known educator and public speaker, ville and Estacada schools will be ning of this schol term to see whic1
and the Community club is indeed combined from which to draw the* Flass could get 100 per cent studen
above given number, so in all proba-- j body dues first. The class to gei
fortunate in engaging such a man.
100 per cent first to be presentei
Members of the Eastern Clackamas bility this meeting will be held.
a pennant by the losing clasr
club will leave the bank corner a t '
5:00 p. m., Saturday. All who have helpful things which the P. T. A. are j The senior, the winning class, heii
room to spare in their cars and all sponsoring this winter and, no doubt, a class meeting Monday at whic
who need transportation are request­ much good will be accomplished time the freshman class, who wer
the last to get the dues in, presentee
ed by President Ames to be at the 1 through their efforts.
hTe T. P. A. holds regular meetiings the seniors with a pennant.
corner promptly at five o’clock.
on the fourth Tuesday of each m unth
and invite your presence and help
The junior class held a class meet
at these meetings.
ing last Monday to discuss the junic'
banquet which is to be held soo;
Several committees were appointed
The Eastern Clackumas Community
work will soon begin on th<
club lacks nothing in enthusiasm.
Only one thing is known for sure planning of this event to make i
A spirited meeting was that of last about it. It eats wood. It runs on the best yet.
Friday evening. Not a jarring note four wheels. Is capable of getting
was struck, which goes to show that anywhere in the country. It has
The girls inter-class baaketba'
a fight is not the only sign of bouy- two engines, one a Chevrolet and contests have been played. The jun
ant energy.
one a Ford, and sharp teeth. lit is ior girls defeated the senior girl:
A. G. Ames was elected president being exhibited by C. P. Boyer. He 30-17, and the sophomores defeatec
for the ensuing year; Mrs. W. J. would like wood to feed it.
tho freshmen 62-4. The winners the:
Moore, vice president; Maude Sher­
played for the championship, th'
man, secretary-treasurer, and H. C.
juniors winning after a hard figh
Stephens and Bob Cooke, directors
Mx-. and Mrs. Henry Heiple enter­ by the close score of 26-25.
The program was given over to tained a number of guests at their
short talks by members, readings and home in Currinsville one evening last
All boys who are turning out fo’
band numbrs. Suggestions made by week at a delightful 500 pa rty.
basketball held a meeting Tuesday
members will form the basis for the
Those winning high honovs for the and plans were made for the cominj
club work for the coming year.
evening were Mrs. Sam Dunlop and basketball season.
Practice wil
D. B. Eshitman, and low scores were start Monday.
revived by Mrs. Wallace Smith and
Sam Dunlop.
The boys inter-class basketbai
The gardens about Estacada have
Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Hei- games will be played in our gymna
mislaid the planter’s calendar. Po­ plc’s hospitality were Messrs and sium immediately after school or
tato vines wiil not die and spuds Mesdames Don Allen, Theo Ahlbcrg, Thursday and Friday of this week
with tender skins of new potatoes, Fred Bartolomew, Sam Dunlop, D. B.
are being dug. Home grown lettuce Eshleman, H. C. Gohring, W. W.
Football Boys Plucky
radishes and such are being brought Rhodes and Mrs. Wallace Smith.
The football team is to be con-
to the table by those wise enough
A most delicious lunch was served grtulated on their courage and
to have planted late gardens.
The at the close of the evening.
stickto-a-tive-ness in playing so man;
People’s store had local strawberries
heavier and more experienced team
on sale one day 1 wtsaeekhisS ut
without being utterly discouraged
on sale one day last week. The drug­
The standing for the whole footbal
gist has a boquet of rich, red rasp­
Merchandise of every description season are;
berries in the show window. Chas. covered the stage of the Liberty Estacada
Weaver picked a gallon of this friut theater Tuesday night, and the au­ Estacada
West Linn
Saturday, when he came home from dience was leaning forward in their Estacada
Clarke County, Wash., where is seats while Bob Marchbank, the pop­ Estacada
Mol alia
teaching. And someone has tomatoes ular showman, read off the lucky E.tacada 62
ripening in a little plot just back of numbers.
Estacada 33
the News office. We are watching
It seemed to be the good fortune of Estacada 13
them ourselves.
the youngsters to cop most of the j Estacada
prizes that evening.
The names of the donors, the ar-1
tides presented and the winners
Estacada Hi lost a hard fought follow:
football game to Gresham Hi, Thurs­
Henry Bohn, tire boot— Mrs. Sail­
day, to t he tune of 6-0. The game ing.
was evenly contested with neither
Smith Hardware, cooking utenaiU' A beautiful new line of box candy
team having much advantage.
—Otto Kiggins.
is on display at Linn’s. The well
Gresham scored its touchdown on
J. K. Ely, dress goods— Ray Keefe. J liked makes of Schraff’s, Sweet’s
a pass over the goal line. Estacadi
Lovelace-Gorham, groceries — Boy and Bunte are being handled this
had several chances to score but with freckled face.
year by Mr. Linn and if it is deli­
lacked the punch to put it over,
People’s Store, coffee measure and cious candy in a beautiful box that
handicapped as they were by a mud­ groceries— Mrs. Sagner.
will pletse her, your problem is
dy field.
Estacada Bakery, cake and bread I settled.
Sarver, E s t a c a d a quarterback, — Mildred Rhodes and Alta Darrow. j
played a good game for the losers,
Lawrence & Bartholomew, scratch
making repeated gains through the feed— Lois Bates.
Gresham line.
E.tacada Tel. Co,.batteries— La- 1 Mrs. Charity Rawlins, eighty-six,
vina Grable.
a pioneer of 1862, passed away here
Bob Cooke, Veedol— Ray Metcalf.| Tuesday after a long illness. She is
Holsum Bread, bread— Claud Lar-i survived by a son, Ben Rawlins.
The funeral was held at the Mt.
Thomas I. Kirkwood, Pastor
Sunday School at 10 a. m., Mr.
Sagner Electric Stors, flashlight— | Zion chapel yesterday, Rev. A. DeMoy
Ed Shearer, Superintendent.
Verna Douglass.
Cascade Garage, 5 gals. Zerolea*
The service of worship at 10 a. m.
The subject wiil be in keeping with — Ben Filer.
Estacada Pool Hall, cookies— Eo-
the day which is “Universal Bible
Many people like to give home
win Dubois.
The News, calling cards— Leslie made gifts. Such may be found for
Christian Endeavor meets at 7 p.
sale at the bazaar given by the ladies
m., at the church.
Liberty Theater, brass trays— of the Chistian chruch in the I. O.
Services at George and Eagle
Dan Jennings, Elton Keith, Gilbert- O. F. hall, according to Jennie Krie­
Creek as usual.
ger, secretary of the ladies aid.
The ladies of the Eagle Creek Gilligan.
A business men’s lunch will be
There will be another country store1
Creek church are giving a bazaar at
the church, Friday evening, Decem­ night on Wednesday, December 8. served at noon on the day of the
Special music will also be • feature. sale, Saturday, December 4th.
ber 3, at 7:30,
Over 500 men in the Methodist
F. J. Harkenrider went to Oregon ; Episcppal churchc8
Oregon were
-ity on Tuesday evening on usi- app0jntej ag ¡Troup leaders for the
state-wide Methodist Men’s Council,
A carload of Buick sedans were re- which is to meet in Portland on De­
rived this week by the Cascade cember 9 and 10.
\ Under the direction of Suporin-
Mr. and Mrs. T. Yocum spent the tendents in charge of the four dis-
veek end with relatives at Yamhill, j tricts of the state, and with the co-
• operation of the pastors, three men
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eshleman and have been appoined from practically
Ir. and Mrs. Wallace Smith spent every Methodist church in Oregon,
"’uesday in Portland.
These men are known as “broadcast-
Mrs. E. J. Weiant of Portland was a cm,” and their responsibility is to
eek end guest at the George Law- acquaint the men of the church with
.„nee home.
jthc Pr°8ram to be offered at the
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring had' council. An attendance of 1500
¡inner on Thanksgiving day as Oregon Methodist men is expected,
uests of the Harry Smith’s.
Representatives f r o m Eastern
Julius Moreland of the Delph j Clackamas county who will attend
¡reek fish hatchery, is reported a: j are, Estacada, J. G. Hayman, G. E.
ot being well.
! Lawrence, O. E. Smith. Eagle Creek
There was a very well attended A. M. Kenneman, Joe DeShazer. II
lance given at the Estacada h otel! H. Udell. Viola, John Hamilton,
>n Thursday evening.
\ Ray Miller.
Charles Hicinbotham who is q u i t e ----------------------
riously ill at the Oregon City hos- j
ital is reported as somewhat im-
Mrs. Celia Hammond from Seattle j gene, Ore., Dec. 2.— (Special.) Ore-
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wallace j son won the radio debate with the
mith, for several days.
| University of Sydney, Australia.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitching and j team which was held October 16
amily were guests for dinner on j by getting 272 out of 376 votes cast,
.hanksgiving at the Julius Krieger ; it was announced today.
Baiiots were received from 73
Mrs. J. R. Townsend of Portland, j towns in Oregon in addition to Port­
ent several days the past week at i land, according to Dr. Dan E. Clarl
he home of her son, Lester Town- j of the extension division. Ballot:
end at Faraday.
were also returned from Longview
Mrs. Nelly Marshal of Portland, j Orchards, and Vancouver in Wash’
■as here several days as a guest j ington, Blanchard and Jerome, Ida-
t the home of her sister, Mrs. ho; Woodland, Cutler, Berkeley and
lizabeth Allen.
Sacramento, California.
All of the school teachers who
'•e living at the Geo. Lawrence home
Charley Linn was out from Gresh­
>r the winter, all went home for am Thanksgiving and took dinner
with his cousin, Ed Linn.
A carload of seed potatoes was
Miss Mary Alice Reed has gone
nipped from Estacada last week to Seattle, Washington, for a two
Chey were consigned to potato grow weeks visit with relatives.
is of California.
Mrs. Coupland entertained Mr.
Thelma Wilcox who is attending and Mrs. R. G. Ellis for dinner on
). A. C., spent the Thanksgiving va- Thanksgiving.
ation at the home of her parents,
Miss Vera Chandler of Portland,
ir. and Mrs. Ray Wilcox.
The La Dee Logging Company spent a few days visiting with
as forced to close down their oper­ Triends here. She came out to wit­
ations this week due to the incline ness the grade school program on
Tuesday and remained over for u
cashing away Sunday night.
Miss Leila Howe and Theo Howe hort visit.
The Rebekahs held a splendid mcet-
;me home to spend Thanksgiving
ay with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. .ng last Wednesday evening. Mrs.
-Viollie Bates was initiated into the
J. F. Howe.
Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker entcr- order, ’the degree staff and mem­
ained the Fred Horner family and bers of the local lodge are going to
he C. A. Colson family of Dodge Gresham December 13 to put on the
work for the lodge there.
>n Thanksgiving.
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Rhodes and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reed of
laughter Mildred, drove to Oregon Faraday, entertained Mrs. J. W.
Jity on Wednesday evening to be Reed and daughters Mary A lic e ,
vith relatives over Thanksgiving.
Florence June, and Mr. and Mrs.
Two new families by the name of itoscoe Deming and children for
iirkle, have moved into our com- uinner on Thanksgiving day.
nunity. The men will be employed
A number of ladies of the M. E.
jy the P. E. P. Co. at camp 1V4.
hurch gathered at the church Tuts-
Mrs. John Christenson, of th( iay and held a "clean up’ day, jus,
Jregon City Enterprise, and Miss polishing things up. They have new
spring, county nurse, were luncheon carpets in the church also, und are
ruests of Mrs. W. J. Moore Tues­ -celing very proud of the appearance
o f their rooms.
The sidewalk was blocked yester-
There was a family reunion at the
iay in front of the Smith Hardware
J. P. Woodle home Thanksgiving.
vith wire for a 260 rod fence, pur-
Those who came from out of town
hased by Joee Wieedcrhold for hn
,o attend were, Rev. U. W. 1’ogu.
new farm.
and family, of Yamhill; Myrtle V.
Chas, Harlan is visiting at the
Morgan, of Portland; J. C. Kicky, ol
nome of his daughter Mrs. Ralph
George, and J. P. Woodle, Jr., anu
Wade and other relatives in this vi­
wile of Portland.
cinity for a time. His home is in
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin
Miss Florence Hassel who is at­ : Pent Thanksgiving here with rela­
tending Normal at Monmouth spent tives. They, with the W. J. Moore's
¡.he Thanksgiving vacation at the ained at the Estacada hotel in the
Mrs. Morton returned to
nome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs evening.
iier home in Portland the same ev­
A. S. Hassel.
Guests at the Theo Ahlbcrg home ening and Mr. Morton remained
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A nere to attend to some business.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bradford who
E. Adams and daughter Shirley, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skidmore all of have been the caretakers of the Hol­
man ranch for several years, are
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Deming and leaving this week for Salem, where
children Charles and Dorothy, of Se­ they expect make their home. Mr.
attle, were visiting at the home of Bradford has accepted a position
Mrs. Deming’s mother, Mrs. Mat- with the State Poultry Association
Reed, from Thursday until Monday. j i that place.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Womer enter-
L. V. Van Slyke arrived this week
to take over the barbershop former tamed a number of their children
ly run by Otto Nelson. The shop will Ion Thanksgiving day. Their guest,
be known a.* Van’s Shop and is tc | were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodard
specialize in ladies’ and children’s and daughters Helen and Hazel, of
Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wil-
W. G. Moore of the Estacada ho-I cox and daughter Thelma ,Erma and
tel served a cafeteria meal at Caza­ Vivian, and Mr. and Mrs David Esh
dero to the men of the construction leman of Estacada.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dale spent
crew rushed out from Portland to
repair the damage done to the in­ a pleasant day on Thanksgiving when
they entertained a number of guests
cline railway by Monday's storm.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Posson enter­ at dinner. The following were seated
tained the following guests for din­ around a bountifully spoad table: Dr.
ner on Thanksgiving: Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. William Dale and son Billy,
Gideon Krigbaum, Mr. and Mrs. of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of
Hass Tracy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hay Portland, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith
den, Miss Vivian Gorham and Jack , and children, Lois and Walter, and
Krifbaum. .
I Mr. and Mr*. Dale.
No official estimate of the north­
west dried prune crop is yet availa­
Unofficial estmates range
around 60 million pounds. The Cal­
ifornia crop is officially estim.-.ted at
294 million pounds. The coast crop
therefore appears to total just a lit­
tle more than early Bea9on estimates.
European production is expected to
be a little larger than early estimates.
The marketable supplies however,
may not be larger than last year ow­
ing to the small carry-over in the
United States.
The movement does not seem to be
fully satisfactory and there, has been
a tendency toward lower prices. Com­
petition in European markets io keen
between California, Yugoslavian, and
Pacific northwest prunes. There Í9
a well organized movement in Yugo­
slavia toward standardization of the
prune crop. This is part of a move­
ment to promote better merchandis­
ing of this commodity which is rated
there as an important national as­
set. The Ministry of Agriculture and
other governmental ministries are
lak.ng part in thin work, and compe­
tition from Balkan prunes will un­
doubtedly increase in succeeding
Australian dried fruit in-
t r. ts are pressing English trade.
Cal fornia prune interest have de­
cided to do somewhat less advertis­
ing thb season in the United States
markets, but instead there will be a
strong “sales promotion” campaign.
This work ¡3 expected to reach 450
cities and will require tho services of
200 salesm :i for eight weeks. Ad­
vertising to supplemnt this work will
be used, and new packages have been
developed to stimulate trade,
With Yugoslavian prun0 interosti
pressing for the European trade and
california intorcsts out after the
domestic business, Pacific northwest
prune interests are feeling the
pressure and considerable discussion
is going on about what to do. It has
been pointed out that the whole
Italian dried prune crop of the Pa­
cific northwest provides the equiva-
■i nt of a few ounces per capita for
the people of the United States. This
point has been raised and seems per-
ti.ient: Why not standardize the out-
mit so that it will meet the approval
of the American trude consumers;
chen cooperate in merchandising
more of the Italian prunes, instead
of exporting the bulk of the crop
n the face of high tariffs, unstable
economic conditions, and increasing
Dog owners who have not paid
h ir county license ; and who believe
that th' y are to scape, are destined
to b(. d: appointed.
Following the law the enunty
clerk is making out a list of those
who refused to pay the license, and
the list will soon be in the hands of
the sheriff and district attorney,
and the latter stands pledged to
bring suit against every person
The law is specific that where suit
has to be brought to collect the pen­
alty is $¡0 '.nil costs, Which are
heavy, and the license fee which is
now $2 for males and $4 for females.
h: i for 1989 licenser,, w th tho
.927 iiccr.oo a! .iocL duo. The same
:>!-.n will be pu ,-jed in 1927, except
that the delinquents will be reported
:uch earlier.
Under this new law, 3620 licenses
have been issued, as compared With
112 in 1925. The money goes to
owners of sheep that are atacked or
kiibd by doge, the county court al­
lowing twice the assessed value of
the animals killed. This does not
nearly compen-ate the sheep owner
; the entire number of sheep are
njured through the scare.— Banner-
C. F. Howe enjoyed a pleasant
urprise whi-n h s brother J. A. Rol-
Uon of Pasco, Washington came In
Wednesday evening for a few days
visit. Mr. Howe had not seen his
brother for over 30 years and it was
a great meeting for them, indeed.
Mr. Robson is a railroad man and
will in a few years be pensioned,
having been with his company the
required time.
Compromise Condemned
Compromise is but the sacrifice of
one right or good in the hope of ob­
taining another—too often ending in
the loss of both.— Edward»,