Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 04, 1926, Image 3

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    E a s t e r n
Notes and Comment
Senator Borah says “ generally
speaking, both the republican and
democratic parties are dry.” We do
not know so well about the first
named, but never knew a democrat
that wasn’t.
There must be some value in ad­
vertising when the fact is known
By a recent decision o f the su­
that the cost o f the catalogue o f one preme court o f the United States the
mail order house o f the country- president may hire and fire officials
reaches 15 millin dollars annually.
without the consent o f congress. The
* * * *
case was that o f Frank Myers, fo r­
The supreme court o f Washing­ mer post master of Portland, and
ton has ruled that the “ Country who was dismissed by President Wil­
Store” feature of movie theaters is son. Myers had passed out before
lottery. the final decision came, so it is of
Another source o f getting something no interest only as settling a dis­
for nothing cut off.
puted point.
Day Produce Company
c ia c k a m a s
new s ,
T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r
During the first six months o f the
present year 207,231 dwelling hous­
es were erected in the 78 cities of
the country with more than 100,000
population. Taken with those in the
smaller cities and towns these fig ­
ures may go to explain some o f the
national prosperity.
If we could only excite as much
interest in our olgctions as wo do
over the visit o f atitlcd personage
from a foreign land, perhaps we
should havg less complaint
>w our public affairs arc con­
Government probes into the use of
money by the election candidates
show that much is used and that
most o f it goes to t he newspaper*
to pay for advertising. If expert pol­
iticians recognize the value o f this
form o f publicity, all merchants and
business men ought to heed the
4, m e
Latest news from the Chicago bat-
cl-.- fron T. i s that th • bootleggers have
declared an armisice and agreed that
here is business enough for al!
hands without fighting for it.
the mail robbery sector the govern­
ment has called out thg marines,
armed nil the poor hard working pos-
t ;1 clerks, and hopes to be out of
the trenches by Christmas.
Schneeloch C o -B o n d s
In paying homage to a beautiful
A British Columbia
queen wv should not forg. t t' :-.t
the linci t
French q u i. a who erected a high
fene ■ around herself until comm,-:
•ad i f vice versa, and th
people came along, broke down th-
fence, trampled her flower beds an.! - orbitici . H, -a .s tli, leading bu*
mad exhibit o f her bloody head to -¡ness in that province is whskey
the knitting women and howling mob cling.
at the foot o f her scaffold.
* * * *
France is to legislate against the
removal from that country o f rare
paintings and valuable antiqu s.
Ih e Lure o f American gold is ro
. torng that many articles classed as
national possessions though privately
owned are finding their way into
this country.
>Ji\ Butler of Columbia Un ensi­
:y is a prteey sporty old gay
y. h do t, rot thiy-k the ri
hould do away with “ he'l,” hi suso
an wants some word to cu
i moments when his ire i. or
- He'
anu Gravy
.uch like . implo expletives, he ays,
■re not enough.
i raccv,
Funeral Directors
Located at 115 Front, in Portland, is a Prominent Firm
That is Aiding in the Progress of Diversified Farm­
ing and the Development of the Surrounding Terri­
tory as Extensive Dealers in Produce, Poultry and
This is one o f the institutions that
has materially aided in the develop­
ment o f this section o f the state and
has especially been instrumental in
aiding the progress o f diversified
farming in the community.
furnish the farmer with a most ad­
vantageous market for produce,
poultry and eggs that is o f great
economical value to the public.
Their prices are far more favor­
able than would be secured by the
people if they had to ship elsewhere
for it is a well-known fact that this
house pays the top o f the market at
all times.
One o f the recognized principles
o f farming along scientific lines to­
day is the raising o f poultry and
livestock. It is because o f the ex­
cellent service and the desirable
market afforded by these well-
known dealers that this feature is
receiving more attention from the
farmer today and progress along
this line is particularly noticeable
in this community where the produ­
cer knows that he will receive the
highest price for produce, poultry
and eggs.
Another feature o f the satisfac­
tory service o f this popular house
is the courtesy and accommodation
which marks their dealings with the
This establishment is under the
direction o f conscientious and com­
petent business men and they have
associated with them only such as­
sistants as can be depended upon to
render the most courteous service
and the most efficient.
They are
always ready and willing to give you
.he latest quotations and those wish­
ing to market their produce to the
best advantage will do well to get in
touch with this well-known house.
We are pleased to compliment them
and to give them in this review the
prominent position that their pro-
• resave and reliable policies have
jrcssive and reliable policies have
We assure our readers that at this
establishment they will receive the
best o f treatment and the highest
market prices.
Doctor Harry Semler, Dentist
W i ? 0 ffic e * in, the L4[nbermen8 Building, in Portland, Conducted at Washington Stree? between 20th end 21st
Maintain, a Large Organization Developed to Give;
in Portland, is One o f the Modern Funeral Directing
trained Counsel and Complete Service in All Matters
«...d Embalming Establishments
___ • . „i in • this
Section oF the
Pertaining to Investment Securities, Serving a Large
Northwest. they Go Anywhere on Short Notice and
Clientele in the Entire Northwest.
Give Personal Attention to All Little Details antic
tesies,.. They Occupy Most Homelike Funeral Parlo, s.
Individuals can look to them for
suggestions as to the most desirable
bonds, for the disposal of bonds that
they now own, for information rel
ativeto issues in which they are in­
terested, or for any other service
which long experience and complete
facilities enable them torender.
Investment advice, like legal ad­
vice, should be based on a study of
each individual case. Before Ralph
Schneeloch Co., or any o f its rep­
resentatives sell a bond to a client,
they endeaveor to make sure that the
investment is best suited to that in­
dividual’s requirements.
Not so many years ago bonds wert
almost unknown among
Oid wealthy New England and New
York families, banks and insurance
companies had been buying them for
generations because they knew they
were safest and most convenient of
ail investments. But their sale was
confined almost entirely to the
w-aithy men and women and to largi
institutions. For many years they
were strictly a rich man’s invest­
The bond idea gradually worked
westward and as it came west i
grew from a mere idea into a defi-
nite plan among sellers o f bonds to
iet all the people know what a few
Among the professions which have
had known for years, that o f all developed rapidly in the past few
forms o f investment, none was bet­ years is that of the modern funeral
ter than bonds.
director and embalmer. Indeed thi.
It is no longer necessary for an
profession has reached a high state
investor to have $1000.00 saved be­
o f efficiency. No concern has given
fore he can invest in a good bond. the business more painstaking atten­
$500 and $100 bonds are now issued
tion than this well known concern.
and sold in large numbers. A few
They arrange a very fine funeral
years ago the man who bought bonds
without the large expense.
was the exception. Today it would
have become leaders in this i-pccirJ
bo hard to say just who are bond
field o f endeavor throughout this
ouyers, because every class, age and
section, and have merited the com­
condition o f people invest in these mendation o f the public.
safe and very popuiar investments.
Since the founding of their busi­
We wish to compliment Ralph
schneeloch Co. upon the highly val­ ness they have always been most fair
ued service they are giving the pub- end honest in their endeavor to give
.ic and wish to say that this service ihe best service. Not only has this
is most essential and is rendered in accrued to the benefit o f ihe public,
an efficient and concientious man­ but it has built for them a reputa­
ner. Readers of this issue will find tion that extends for miles around.
i cail at their office both interesting
The proprietors and their assistants
and profitable. You can depend up- are courteous and put forth their
n the advice, information and serv- j best efforts to comply with the wish
ce they offer. No matter what in-
s o f patrons. Their establishment is
iormulion you desire or under wiial ! -ompitte from a standpoint o f stock
■rcumstances you consult them, you and from it they are able to offer
will find that when you come to this service that is unexcelled.
-irm, the safety o f your principal
In keeping with their progressive
s their first consideration.
yet reliable policies, they have kept
>n close teuch with everything mod­
ern in their line o f equipment.
They cccupy funerul parlors that
are some o f the - most Up-to-date in
the northwest, It is indeetl a real
convenience to the patrons of the
company and shows a progressive
spirit which permeates every depart­
ment o f the firm.
Entering those parlors one is im­
pressed by the atmosphere o f inti­
mate privacy and homelike comfort,
and ¡3 filled with a feeling o f confi­
dence in newly made friends who are
to guide your actions during your
visit or take care o f the little details
"• hich arc so distressing in thi- hour
o f deepest sorrow.
The funeral parlors are brightened
up by mellow light and beautiful fur­
nishings. In these rooms ■ i , ,ct are
h> Id and every detail is arrar.g. d as
if the funeral was being h Id In your
own home. There i.; no extra charge
¡or the u ; of tli funeral parlors.
'iAs is '.veil known, they h: ve con-
• lucti d some o f the largest funera's
ver held in this section, therefore
e wish to compliment this firm on
the satisfactory service it is render­
ing the people.
Behnke-Walker Business College
Lensch B rothers Feed Store
Located in the Alisky Building, 3rd and Morrison Sts.,
in Portland,, Is a Prominent Dentist Enjoying an Ex­
tensive Parctice Over a W ide Territory. Specializing Located at 241 Front Street, Portland, is a Well-Known Located at 11th and Salmon Sts., in Portland, is One of
Feed House, Handling Dairy and Poultry Supplies of
on Extraction and Plate Work.
Giving Excellent
the Well-Known Commercial Colleges of the North­
the Highest Quaiity. Sold in Large and Small Quan­
Service in This Department.
It is the Logical School for Local Students and
tities. Very Popuiar With Commercial Pouitrymen
the Direction of a Most Progressive Manage­
and Dairymen. Excellent Results Obtained. Have
This doctor of dental surgery i.eed be no more, for dentistry has
Has Provided Metropolitan Advantages
Complete Stock and Ask Our Readers to Make 'Ilus
needs no introduction; he is well- now become a practically painless
People of this Section of the Country,
known and extensively patronized by
Store Headquarters When in the City.
Securing Positions for Graduates for the Past 24 years.
the residents o f this county. This treatments that prevent pain and
dentists has the undisputed reputa­
tion o f being among the ablest den­
tists o f the state, and to have a man
of his knowledge and skill in the
community is indeed fortunate.
The doctor is a graduate of some
o f the naton’s most reputable col­
leges, and is well recommended to
the practice o f dentistry, hi» offices
are equipped with the latest con­
veniences that science provides, and
let u» state that all instruments used
are thoroughly sterilized and that
his operations are carried on in a
sanitary and most pleasant manner.
It has been a general habit o f the
people o f the world today to neglect
the care o f their teeth, some from
pure negligence and some from fear
o f pain that on account o f the inef­
ficiency o f the dentist a decade ago
has given the people such a fear of
the dentist’s chair. But that fear
heal the gums. This doctor is highly
recommended for these treatments,
fo r the making o f plates, treatment
o f cavities and nerves and is a spec­
ialist upon all diseases o f the teeth.
You should seek his advice.
Now, fo r the benefit o f our read­
ers, if you are neglecting that tooth
because o f your dread o f the den-
list’s chair, think that if you let it
go it will slowly but surely become
worse, and if you have it done now
you will save much time and ex­
pense, as it will require shorter
time to complete the treatment.
Dentistry is a worhy branch o f
the healing profession, and for skill
and ability we are glad to recom­
mend this dentist. Appointments
may be made by calling at the o f­
fice or by phone. A boost for a
man o f this doctor’s standing is to
better the health o f the communiy.
Sable Motor Car Co.
I f you select your feeds from this
well known store you will be assured
o f the hghest quality o f merchandise
of the highest quaiity o f merchandise
on the market.
commercial feeds as have been test­
ed for protein, carbohydrates, fat,
and fibre in the correct proportions.
They stand behind their stock ano
give their years o f experience and a
large list o f satisfied customers as
In the way o f feed the manage­
ment has made an exhaustive ana
scientific study o f modern feeding
and all feeds are made up with ref­
erence to nutritive value. The best
o f dairy feeds can be secured here
and they specialize in poultry feds.
No matter what problem you may
have in feeding you will find the
management can solve it for you.
They are corteous and willing to
give you all information both on lo­
cal and foreign feeds o f which they
carry a complete line.
They deal on a mammoth scale
and feature many poultry supplies.
Dealing on so large a scale they hay's
a tremendous buying power which
not only secures them price conces-
siens, but also enables them to carry
a large stock at all times.
This is the official home o f the
famous “ Lensch” line o f feeds. They
Know when they offer their feeds
their customers are getting the high­
est quality in tested feeds.
With the acute business judgment
that has characterized their entire
career they realized that it was im­
portant that the people o f this com­
munity not only have an establish­
ment o f this kind but an institution
that would be thoroughly modern
and in keeping with the demands of
the present day.
The manager has had a wide ex­
perience in this business and is qual­
ified to judge which are the super­
ior feeds. Hence, when you take hi
word on feed matters you are fo l­
lowing the advice o f an expert in
the feed line.
Through the progressive effort of bucines: education and such train­
his valuable institution the young -1 ing can only be secured in an inati-
’ neration o f this section o f the stats ’ ition devoted to pr< paring its pu­
1 13 new offered the educational ad­ pils for business life.
vantages of any metropolitan city,
The manugenu nt of this school is
t is not often that counties like this progressive, uble nnd efficient, and
an boast o f such an up-to-date in­ • i hui!t for its.-If and the school n
stitution as this one. Not only can
putation of
ccomplishment and
the young men and young women of
niesty and it ; untiring efforts mer-
his county secure a general educa-
a lib ral sjr >or from the people
ion, but through this business eol- of this part o f th- f tate.
'g e can prepare themselves for theii
I his buain ss coli go i one o f the
ife work.
!ca ding inst:t-liions of its kind in
This a day and age o f business c f the- country, irad h
firiency. The man or woman who is no small men suro to
t the fame and
not prepared to keep apace with thr pre■rp. rity of th r orthwest.
It offers the■ peopi e of ,his country
lemands o f present-day business c f
ficiency is soon lost in the hurry thf advantage o f i i modern pro-
>nd bustle o f modern methods. It ¡.*
ssivo and • ffici’ nt business col-
lot necessary that a man become a lop e right here a lut >st at their very
aachine, but it is absolutely " -sen- ! - ir, and :n t
paper wc wish to
ial that everyone who wishes to b >i: ;e that this
the logicnl school
uccersful in business have practical I fr
Dundee Auto Repair A Machine Works
Smith s Flower Shop
Located at 223 East Water
‘ Po -rl -d i- one o f rlhe
in this Section, Special­
With Garage at 1255 Hawthorne Avenue, in Portland,
ng; Rings,
Is One of the Foremost Automobile Firms in This
Starter Gears,
Section, Being Distributors for Reo Cars and 1% and
Located at 6th and Alder Sts., in Portland, is one of the
2 Ton 4 or 6 Cylinder “ Reo Speed W agon.”
Leading Florists who is Prepared to Meet Your Every
It is a well-kown fact that there 'his count ry itnd F¡uro)¡>e use the
for Floral Offerings, Including Designs of the
Proved to bo the longest life car made in Am erica, shown by a recent
!s no institution in the community process.
Most Artistic Nature, Having Made Popular the Slogan that has met with greater favor
checknp over a period o f year*.
To pn*\rent the 1
o f power, to
“ Say It With Flowers.”
with the public than this establish­ have Raso line
iess and power o f the responsive
There is no other one establish­
aotor, it having been thoroughly
.ested in all kinds o f road conditions ment more worthy o f prominent
specially in hills, mud and out o f mention in this paper than that of
he way places not usually traveled the popular florist.
Not content with providing the
by automobles. Wc have yet to find
.he owner o f a Reo truck, “ The trade with the ordinary service as
Ipeed Wagon,” who will say that it is usually offered in establishments
!oes not come up to the standard of o f this kind, it has provided a stock
lower, performance, durability and and service o f the highest character
peed that is claimed by actual tests. which would compare very favorably
In making this review we wish to with that o f the most extensive and
direct your attention to this firm artistic dealers o f
nd to compliment them upon the cities.
It is a well established fact in this
progressive activities and the wis­
dom displayed in choosing the Reo section that this establishment of-
car and Reo “ Speed W agon," to of- fers the trade a choice from the
fer the people o f this section, who [ most artistic and attractive lines of
have learned to appreciate the »ter- flowers found anywhere.
In fact,
ling values offered in this nation- with a comprehensive knowledge of
ally known high grade car and harmonious combinations and ar-
“ Speed Wagon,” and the moderate rangementa that stamp them aa true
1 artists in th » line they have wen
enthused with the Muo«th- price asked for the value given.
There is no more popular busines?
house in this section than this well
Thoroughly conversant with every
feature o f the business in which they
are engaged it quite nattfrally fol­
lows that they would enjoy a large
patronage and that their establish­
ment wonld be the rendezvous o f all
persons interested in real and true
automobile values.
The Reo is the gold standard of
values in automobiles. They handle
the Reo cars and the Reo trucks,
“ The Speed Wagon.” It it a leader
la its class and the selection o f these
cars reflects the wisdom and true
knowledge o f motor car value that
has been responsible for the growth
o f this firm.
One has only to have a demon­
stration o f these wonderful cars to
no little distinction because o f the
eminently satisfactory and high
grade flowers provided for the con­
venience o f the public.
In the matter o f special designs
for weddings, receptions, all kinds
of social occasions a n j for funeral
or other occasions, this florist has
just about been made headquarters
in this section and the fact that
prompt and satisfactory attention Is
given mail and phone orders brings
large patronage in this department.
No matter what the occasion may
be that demands satisfactory serv­
ice, you will receive it from this es­
We are pleased to compliment it
upon its success and the leading po­
sition this establishment occupies in
this section o f the state.
economy an,J a quiet
ment. By reason o f the fact that humming mot<or, is the aim and the
thi management has had wid ex­ îcaire o f iever;y o * ii¡er oif a car. The
perience in every feature o f this bus engine is the heart o f the autumn-
n ss and because o f the compre­ Silo and \*dien it gets out o f trim it
hensive knowledge o f every bvench t** quires v iork o f n sp<■cialist. Gar-
o f the trade this establishment ha ages
and1 sh<ops Rre e quipped me-
continued to witnesi the increase in banically and1 do not employ men
the number o f patrons.
xcept for1 ad jlistini •nt o f cars.
By close microscopic examination
Motor entriine«-|g ar t entp’oyed
it has been found that grinding o* here who unelen ta nd iall typ< s o f
cylinders is far better than reaming motor.' fr<r>m th- simpl e stationary
What is cylinder grinding? It is a one-cylindi •r nio tor to 1th« four-cyl-
highly perfected method o f making nder, th- six, the (•ight and twelve,
cylinders round. Regrinding cylin­ ind no maiter what kin«I o f a motor
ders has a desirable effect on the you have, you1 will fini i that when
power in that it restores the motor It (JOOS OUt >f this shop it w ill be
to its normal condition. A rrgrinu- hitting on all cylinders.
ing job gives the owner a -easoned
In making thi- review we are glad
motor not obtainable in a new car to compiimi r t thi- e-talili-hment on
or tractor. Regmund cylin ders are the position i hey occupy in the husi-
better than new ones, not just agjaess life
good. The leading auto tractor andj refer th-
to all o f ou r
Commercial car pianufacturers «1 ■ readers.