EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER o f money to loan on farms at 6 FOR SALE— 7 Pigs, 8-weeks old. ' Mexican laws in regard to the L. H. Ewalt, Currinsville. Phone per cent— from one to twenty righto o f private property are the years. No commission on large 32-11. ¡-•'me a ; in this c untry, and the loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaca­ !------------------------------------------------------- , government may not confiscate da, Oregon. 6-19-tf CORD WOOD for sale; 1 1-2 miles without paying for the same. In j cast o f Eagle Creek grange hall; the present religiouj controversy down there this fact has b'.en made FOR SALE— Concord and Sweet­ •33.50 a cord. Raymond DeShazer. water Grapes. Bring your con­ 11------------------------------------------------------- 1 to appear otherwise by certain of tainers and pick them at 3c per lb. 3F0R SALE— 7 pass. Cunningham the U S. newspapers. * • * * touring car; $500 cash. Cost J. S. Osborne. 48-tfc $6300, new; in A1 condition. M. Senator Reed o f Missouri has ex­ pressed the desire to retire from WANTED— Loan, $1,000 on good C. Moloney, Boring. real estate security. Address G. the H-nate and get himself a home FOR SALE— Apples; 25 cents a with a back yard, where he can G. Estacada News. box; you pick and furnish boxes. ha.e a dog. If he has the thought i------------------------------------------------------- : Suitable re­ P. M. Wagner, Estacada, Ore. in his h ad that the back yard of LOST— Rebecca pin. ward will be paid if returned to I------------------------------------------------------- 1 the White House is what he expects he should b . warned net to give Mrs. W. H. Gabcel, Estacada, Ore. •’OR SALE— 9 good, eight- weeks up his present job nor buy a dog. old pigs. J. A. Shibley & Son. • • * • P.OOMS cr rooms and board. Phone ;------------------------------------------------------ | 6313. Henry Ford announces a five- FOR SALE— Fine Apples and Po­ day week for hiis 217,000 employes tatoes; all kinds, at K inney & T with no wage reduction, virtually FOR SALE Six-weeks old Pigs for Laniberson’s place opposite Gar­ sale. Walt Lumon. Phone 19-7. field grange hall. giving them one fuli day with pay. , A very handsome thing to do, and it migh: be hoped his men would appreciate it enough to make good use o f the time and not as an oc­ casion for getting across into C an ­ ada after booze. • • * * “ I will stand with the president when he stands with Ore­ T h: movie actress who married gon, and I will oppose the president when he opposes the best Jack D«mpscy because he carried i interest o f Oregon,” the title o f champion slugger is now \ ^ad and downcast. The usual re-, .,ult may now be looked for in a short time. Every western state has a bi-partisan congressional delegatio“ f o r L c o n o r'.ic a l T r a n s p o r t a t io ?t ! r V Commands Respect W herever You Go! Bert E. H aney S a y s— Amazing multiple-cylinder qualities o f per­ formance! Elegance o f appearance that is un­ matched in many costlier cars! These are the qualities that win respect and admiration for your Chevrolet wherever you go! The smart ^custom-built style o f the bodies is doubly emphasized by new alluring shades o f enduring Duco! A nd on the Fisher-built en­ closed models you will find not only exterior beauty o f design, but a wealth o f interior re­ finements as well! Luxurious upholstering, Ternstedt window lifts, Fisher one-piece W windshield, rear-vision m irror, automatic windshield cleaner, centralized spark and gas control, a handy front-door pocket and an approved stop-light, all serve to give the Chev­ rolet owner perfect motoring satisfaction. Call at our showrooms—see these splendid cars! Know how completely they meet your every motoring requirement! OREGON’S NEED IS AN OREGON SENATOR • Touriagor $ 725 Landan $ V$*Ton Truck Chassis O n ly 1-Ton Truck ** / * * J ti A lì % Prices f .o .b . Flint, Mldhu Two prisoners, a man and a wo­ man, were taken from jaii at their request in a Washington city last week, joined in holy wediock by a justice, and then returned to con­ finement. Nice thing to remember in after years by their children— if they have any. / LOW PCaTLAiiQ ^¿OREGON 4 $100,000 in premiums ©cT. 3 0 "Wov .6 r/ Larger, Greater, a more Uupe nloui array o f pure bred Beef and Dairy Cattle, Hones, Swi- c, Sheep, Goat, and Foxes than . . . „ „ . . . . , , 1. 1 . 1 l t . . c »i.iu ________ 1 ever assembled here or _ elsesvixtre. rviso m m iu isi. mi« land Product» Show; Puci ,e VntemnMonal Dairy Product, • ,'jl " h o w l Tiulu.tri.it L: p o a liio iu a iv l U o r y/ H rm- S h o w o ll‘rrln a »rc.ste«t ’n Swiming the English Channel hac become passe, so now a deep—seea diver issues a challenge to anyone to race him on foot across the bot­ tom o f Hampton Roads, Virginia a distance o f seven miles. What foci aunts can be thought up these days fo r money and notoriety. V€U WILL NEED CLOTHES and in buying WILL WANT TO SAVE MONEY I can meet your needs by rolling you Comer Suits, “ All Weather ; Coats,” Overcoats and Women’s Coats made to order. Prices $9.95 I to $18.60. I Comer guarantees a fit and sat- i f action. “ You will get what you buy” . Let me take your measure and send fo r what you want. Yours faction. fo r economy and Religious foreign missions are reporting a falling o ff in the sup­ port formerly extended then. Es- j pecially is this voiced by Metho- dits missionaries in India where many have been forced home by lack o f funds. This may be ac­ counted for in part by deflection o f many to other religious beliefs which enter into such work, by lack o f interest and the general use of the automobile which fills no churches. * • • » Shrieking locomotive whistles which have heretofore been the terror o f small children, the cause for old Dobbin to break and run and gave old maids the fidgets, are to be replaced on the Milwaukee road by a chime whistle that will woo a babe to sleep and yet be heard as far as the old kind. Millions o f dollars will pour in­ to the coffers o f motion picture pho­ tographers for pictures of the r lorida disaster. Thus something that brought death and destruction to many and a world catastrophe, satis­ puts sordid wealth into the pockets o f others. Down in Tennessee they have I. F. CLAY, Comer Representative voted on the question o f evolution Estacada, Oregon. and the majority say it is no good. But the majority are not always W. P. Ferrel is bark from Old Vir right. It simply records an opin­ giuia Is still buying fat cows, hogs, ion. A majority might vote the > te. Has 56 hogs for sale weighing 120 earth flat, but that would not make average. Call at ranch. Barton, Ore. it so • What would you give, Mr. Farmer,to have set before you for inspec­ tion and study the very finest and be t bred livestock in all America? A year o f your life or ten acres o f your best land, wouldn't you? The lesson learned would be worth it. Yet. you can have thnt opportunity without the sacrifice. At Port­ land, October 30-Novembor 6. the 16th Annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition will exhibit the largest and greatest assemblage o f livestock ever shown under one r >of or at one time in the land. Dairy and Beef Cattle, Horses Hogs, Sheep, Coats, competing for the largest premium list ever published <100,000. Also you will see the great fox exhibits. There will be th world-famous Horse Show, too. and a Land, Industrial and Dairy Product, Exposition. This bank deems the Pacific International an opportunity o f a lifetime fo r every furmer in this vicinity, and we say: GUI ESTACADA STATE BANK i? in m m THAT’S WHY OREGON HAS BEEN IGNORED Vote for HANEV FOR THE SENATE Paid Adv, by Haney Campaign Committee SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES All Kinds of Stationery and Leading Periodicals Will Procure Anything in Our Line on Short Notice THE ESTACADA PHARMACY THE ESTACAD a HOTEL IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL ANY TIME DAY OR NIGHT ANL' THE SERVICE AND r RICES ARE ALL IN LINE WITH COM­ MON SENSE. WE ARE DOING OUR JTM OST TO MAKE THE ESTACADA A HOTEL THAT ALL MAY BE PROUD OF WE SOLICIT YOUR SUPPORT. THE ESTACADA HOTEL m o to r c i A * * * * * * * * The Opportunity of a Lifetime or else a rabid progressive in its representation except Oregon— This state has been considered s afely republican and not neces­ sary to be appeased by legislatio n and appropriations. * * * * COST /i * * * * * CASCADE MOTOR COMPANY Wilcox Bros. Estacada, Oregon AT * Another skull has been dug up In Java which the diggers seen to think is the missing link between man and the ape. Some day they are going to prove this thing on themselves, and they’ll be sorry for it. *• “ ** Chassis O nly * Society circles are all agog over the coming visit o f Queen Marie of Rumania. Aside from her wearing a r«gal crow n," she is a very esti­ mable English-speaking lady, a first cousin o f King George and a granddaughter o f the late Queen Victoria. She is o f some import­ ance, evidently, as she will be the gu„st o f the government while here and most o f her appearances will bo only in a pub ic capacity. T1 RmrDCOf $ Sedan-- Small Down Payment and convenient terms. Ask about our 6% Purchase Certificate Plan. QUALI TY 7, 1926 * * * NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The airplane was successfully Department of the Interior, U. used the past season in the Imper­ .Land O ffice at Portland, Ore­ ial \ alley to combat the cantaloupe gon, September 17, 1926. mildew. The planes scattered poi­ Notice is hereby given that Ralph son dust over the fields, flying at F. Bowen, o f Cherry ville, Oregon, the rate o f 100 miles per hour. viro, on July 5, 1923, made Home- i ad Entry. No. 07426, for SWÎ4 Law officials say women crimi­ >Wl*. Section 21, Township 2 S.. nals are increasing. They are ac- Fange 6 E.. Willamette Meridian, j live as bootleggers, narcotic pëd has filed notice o f intention to dlers and as members o f holdup ake Final Proof, to establish g.,ngs. The great variety of roles e ..im to the land above described, a female may adopt in bobbed hair before the Register U. S. Land and male attire and changing back Office, at Portland. Oregon on the will suggest how difficult it is to 26th day o f October, 1926. intercept her in all her operations. Claimant names as witnesses: Sylvester Amundsen, o f Cherry- ville, Oregon. J. Amundsen, o f Cherryville, Oregon. George H. Thomas, o f Cherry- V.____ . . ville, Oregon. FOR SALE— -A four room house and three lots with city wrater. gon. light.* all in good repair. $1150. WALTER L. TOOZE SR.. $300 or $400 will handle this. Sec R -gister. the News. First pub. Sept. 23. 1S2«. i Last pub. OcL 21, 1920. ( MONEY TO LOAN. YY, bave plenty ( Will AND FOR DALE AOS that startled the motor car industry HpHE motor car industry was start* led when Buick presented the new Buick with an engine vibra­ tionless beyond belief. If you have driven this great new car, with this remarkable engine, you know why. Its fluid smoothness makes other motor cars seem rough, harsh, noisy. People who have driven Buicks for years and people who have owned much more expensive cars, are captivated by the luxury of this one. THE G r ea test BUICK A-lo-IJ EVER. B U ILT n /,. c ^ a d e MOTOR COMPANY WILCOX BROS. ESTACADA, OREGON