Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 26, 1926, Image 1

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    aaimt (Ularkamaa
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
NO. 47.
$1.50 A YEAR
The Springw ater F air tim e is
draw ing close. Only three weeks
away. So everyone should be get­
ting busy if we are to make this
y ear’s F a ir our best. This is not for
ju st this imm ediate neighborhood,
b ut each nearby district 4or indi­
vidual is invited and urged to bring
displays, either fru it, vegetables,
fancy work, canned fru it, or, in
fact, anything grown or made here.
The co-operation of all our neigh­
bors is necessary to make our F air
its usual success, so begin now, if
you have not already done so, to get
your exhibit ready.
The F air board is planning to
prepare an exhibit to go to the
county fa ir a t Canby this year. A
prise of $60 is offered fo r the best
booth and we are going to do our
best to win th a t prize. So every­
body get busy.
The F air board consists of the
following: Chairman, Mr. Ed Shear­
e r; Secretary, Mr. L. S. T enny;
Com m ittee: J. A. Shibley, Wm.
Bard and P ete r Erickson.
The Ladies Aid of the Spring-
w ater church is planning fo r a
booth a t the F air where they ex­
pect to have a num ber of articles
of various sorts to sell as well as
their usual grab bag. The organ­
ization Is also planning fo r a lunch
counter, w here those who care to
may buy their lunch. The com­
m ittee in charge consists of Mrs.
Wiley Howell, Mrs. Carl Howell
and Mrs. J. F. Moger.
G rant’s Park, on the river road,
was the scene of a big picnic on Sun­
day, being given by some fifteen
Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges of
A num ber of local members of the
orders joined in the festivities of
the day and rep o rt a splendid time.
G rant’s P ark is owned by Mr. and
Mrs. B ert Twining, form er Estacada
reesidents, and is a m ost beautiful
picnic ground growing more popular
each season.
Over 500 cars passed through the
gates on Sunday.
The road to P ortland via Logan
is paved the entire distance now and
is proving a g reat im provem ent in
the road conditions b etw e en . here
and the metropolis.
W ork on the river road is also ad­
vancing nicely and before many
more weeks this road will be entire­
ly paved which will make a paved
loop to the city.
O perators of the Portland-C ar-
ver-Estacada stage line announced
the purchase of a 32 passenger 1926
Pierce A rrow bus which they expect
to put into service in about two
One bus will travel over th e river
road from C arveer and the other
over the regular route through Car­
ver to Estacada.
W ith the retu rn of our pastor,
Mr. Kirkwood, the reg u lar church
services have been resumed. Church
each Sunday m orning a t 11 with
Sunday school a t 10. Everyone is
cordially invited to attend.
The Rev. Mr. M. B. Parounagian,
a representative of the N ear E ast
Relief, will speak a t the Spring-
w ater church, Sunday m orning at
11 o’clock. He will also speak at
George in the afternoon, and at
Eagle Creek in the evening.
P arounagian is an A rm enian by
birth, and no doubt will have a
very interesting message In regard
to the relief work th a t is being done
fo r the people of the N ear East.
C hristian Endeavor social
evening will be a t the Ed (5losner
home on F riday evening of this
week, A ugust 27th.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. G uttridge en
tertained a num ber of relatives from
Portland on Sunday.
Roy Smith, of Portland, was a
Sunday guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Smith.
Evelyn Dibble was visiting Edith
Howell on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. N ettie Grable has gone to
Portland fo r a visit with relatives.
Dr. and Mrs. W allens are visiting
relatives a t Carus for a short time.
Mrs. P ete r Erickson visited at
Tillamook fo r a few days recently.
The Carl W ard fam ily spent a
few days a t the coast recently.
Guests a t the W alter Strunk
home recently were Mr. S tru n k ’s
mother, Mrs. Califf, of G arfield, and
Mr. and Mrs. B arrett, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. F o rrest Erickson
have been spending a feew days va­
cation a t Bend, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shearer and son,
Gilbert, and Elva Shibley attended
a County C hristian Endeavor meet
ng a t Oregon City, on Sunday a f­
ternoon. They also called on Mr.
and Mrs. McClellan a t W illamette,
but form erly of here.
Mrs. Gould and daughter, from
Washington, were recent guests at
he F. Madden home.
Mr. Jarv is traded his home here
recently fo r some property a t E u­
gene and has gone there to make his
Mrs. E arl Shibley and children
moved from P ortland to th eir home
here on Monday.
A surprise p arty was giveen Mrs.
J. A. Shibley on Tuesday last in
nonor of heer and Jim M arrs’ b irth ­
day. Those present were Jim Marrs
and wife and son Jack of Dodge,
Jack M arrs and wife and their
daughter, Mrs. Ova Peters and three
children of Oregon City, and Mrs.
Dibble and daughter, Evelyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shearer, of
Portland, spent several days at the
Ed Shearer home here.
Mr. and Mrs. P roctor and small
son of F o rest Grove w ere recent
guests a t the Wm. Bard home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cogswell, of Eagle
Creek, were Sunday evening callers
a t the Madden home.
The members of th e W. C. T. U.
and their families and friends g ath ­
ered fo r a m ost enjoyable day at
F. D unlap home recently.
A delicious picnic lunch was
spread and everyone did his or her
p art to make this num ber on the
program a big succeess.
There w ere over fifty persons
present to ' enjoy this splendid
Mr. W allace Regman, of P ort­
1924 O verland coupe, bumpers
land, was arrested on A ugust 16th fro n t and re a r; other ex tras; good
fo r leaving a camp fire burning near paint; good tires.
Camp No. 7 of the Clackamas River
1925 O verland to u rin g ; looks and
D istrict.
runs like new car.
He was brought before Justice S.
1922 Chevrolet touring.
1923 C hevrolet touring.
E. W ooster and fined $10 and costs.
Dodge screen delivery, all in
good condition.
20 used cars in Fords, Chevrolet,
H arry K itchen’s team , while be­ Maxwell, Dodge, etc.
ing loaded with gravel a t Feed Co.'s
gravel bank, became frightened and Automobiles
Gresham, Ore.
made a lively run through Estacada
streets. F ortunately, with little or
Lady D uff Gordon, au th o rity on
no dam age to either team or wa­
fashions, says English women dress
poorly to please th eir husbands.
Hoover is nom inated and elect-1 P ut the shoe on the other foot in
ed, will sugar go up to tw enty-nine j this country.
They dress well to
dollars a sack again
j “‘««p their husbands poor,
Plans are very near completed, if not entirely so, for
a grand celebration and barbecue at Estacada on Labor
Day, September 6th, as work will be completed on the
Highway between Carver and Estacada. There is no rea­
son why the citizens of Estacada, Springwater, Currins-
ville, Eagle Creek, George, Bissell, Barton and Carver
should not all join in making the affair a grand success.
- It will not be having a good, sociable time only; but
will be an advertisement in a way that will bring the
whole locality to the attention of the outside public.
A program has been suggested with a parade, leav­
ing Estacada at 9 o’clock in the morning, going down the
Highway to Carver, crossing the river and returning by
the way of Springwater. There will be a queen to be
crowned somewhere along the line of parade between
Estacada and Carver. Judge H. E . Cross is expected to
perform the service at the coronation when the queen
wiii be placed at the head of the march into Estacada,
where lunch and dinner‘will be had. After dinner there
will games and public speaking. The Odd Fellows band
will furnish the music.
Everyone who has an auto should get in the parade
and make the line of machines ten miles long.
Hon. Walter M. Pierce, governor, will meet the pa­
rade at Carver and ride into Estacada with the procession
and deliver the oration of the day.
Floral Display
The Floral Committee for the Labor Day celebra­
tion wishes to announce lhat the display will be held in
the lower room of the I. O. O. F. building. There will be
seats arranged for a rest room as well. The committee
aiso requests that everyone bring their own flower con­
tainers and arrange own display.
'ihe prizes will be as follows: First and second for
best arranged geneiai display; first and second for
asters, Estacada s iiower; best display of dahlias and
best display of zenias. Prizes will be on display at the
Estacada Pharmacy.
The general committee decided that no prizes will
be given for best kept yards this year, as the scarcity ot
water has greatly anected the conditions of lawns and
The jo in t meeting of the Dorcas
and W. C. T. U. was en tertain ed at
the home of Mrs. Crawford. F if­
teen ladies enjoyed the afternoon.
Goth societies held business sessions
followed by a most appetizing lunch.
G arfield Juvenile Grange enjoyed
a weinie roast and ice cream dinner
a t the G range Hall last Thursday.
Owing to the rain, this was held in
place of their reg u lar picnic.
R. E. Davis and fam ily are spend­
ing a few weeks a t th eir ranch.
The fo u rth annual picnic of Gar-
f.eld G range was held at Dinty
Moore’s park. G rangers and their
friends enjoyed the day. A boun­
tiful dinner table was spread a t the
noon hour. In the afternoon Bren-
ton Vedder, county superintendent
of schools, spoke on the union high
school which met with th e hearty
approval of those present. Short
talks were given by W. H. Holder,
first M aster of G arfield Grange,
which was organized 24 years ago;
M ary E. Holder, first woman Mast­
er; Mrs. Clara Hicenbothom, Master
of Eagle Creek G range; and Olive
M aster of Garfield
G range. Six ch a rter members were
p resen t: Mr. and Mrs. Holder, Mr.
and Mrs. T. Yocum, Ida P alm ateer
and Mrs. Chas. Duncan.
W eatherby acted as chairman.
Mr. and Mrs. J . C. M oreland and
fam ily spent the week end in P ort­
The R. E. Davises, W alter Shrin-
ers and W. B. Lemons attended the
golden wedding
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chitwood, of
Damascus on Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. D illinger delightfully
entertain ed the Skip-a-W eek Club on
Tuesday, assisted by Mrs. Lemon
and Mrs. W eatherby.
Mrs. H. H. A nders and daughter,
Helen, spent several days in P o rt­
land last week.
Mrs. J. B. Robertson entertained
the Dorcas and W. C. T. U. ladies
a t a very pleasant p arty Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibson were
callers on Mrs. H. H. Udell last
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell, baby son
—'Leroy David— Mr. and Mrs. C.
iCouneman, Will Bluhm, Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil May, Mr. and MMrs.
Dawson Fairchild, little daughter—
P atty — and Mrs. Louise Douglass
were calling a t the home of Roy
Douglass on Sunday.
Will and W alter Douglass and
Virgil Douglass w ent to the m ount­
ains on S aturday a fte r huckleber­
ries, b u t didn't find very many.
Will got about a gallon.
Mrs. Dick Gibson was calling on
Mrs. Jam es Taylor, Frs. Claude
Sersanous and Mrs. E. N. N aylor
last Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Douglass
and Mr. and Mrs. V irgil Doug­
lass and son, Carl, w ere Portland
visitors on Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Kandle was visiting
a t the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Guy Wilcox, on Sunday.
There have been some horse buy­
ers in this neighborhood recently.
Roy Douglass sold a team .
Mr. and Mrs. Sersanous en ter­
tained Portland friends on Sunday.
“Oregon capital fo r Oregon in-
dustriees’’ th a t is the plea which the
Oregon S tate Cham ber of Commerce
is broadcasting to the business men
the state.
Industrial development from w ith­
in is seen by the state-w ide organi­
zation as one of O regon’s g reat
needs. To this end, service to local
industries is one of the initial steps
every Oregon city is askeed to con­
sider in its industrial program.
There is no discounting the value
of outside capital and industries in
this encouragem ent of productive
industries at home, b u t rath e r a rec­
ognition th at no more forceful pre­
sentation can be made to new capi­
tal and new people to invest and lo­
cate in Oregon than a dem onstration
of our own faith by ourselves in
w hat we have to offer.
1925 Ford Coupe, very good.
The tendency of Oregon business
1923 C hevrolet touring with ex-
men to prove their faith in the va­
lue of well-managed, local indus­
1922 Chevrolet touring.
If you don’t see the used car tries, utilizing farm products, iis be­
you are looking for, ask us; we coming more evident iin all parts of
the state.
Canneries, linen mills,
have it.
and other projects o ffe r evidence of
this wide-spread progress,
GEO. G. GEIL, Estacada, Ore.
Miss Emma Boone, of Portland,
spent the week end at the Baugh - '
man hoine a t Camp 10. Miss Boone
is a cousin of Mrs. Baughman.
Miss Mildred Ramsay, of Corval­
lis, spent several days visiting at the
Al A. Price, president of Price
George Ramsay home.
Bros. D epartm ent Store, and one of
Mr. H. E. W ooster and family and the city ’s most prom inent m e ­
Mr. and Mrs. H arry Poole le tt for d ia n ts, is making a flying s ta it lo r
their vacation last Saturday. They a seat in the legislative hail at Sa­
will visit a t the beaches fo r one lem by sta rtin g his advertising cam­
paign early. Mr. Price is dem ocra­
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. G unter and tic nominee, and intends to wage
daughter, Betty June, were dinner an aggressive campaign, with the
guests a t the Ray Erickson home at idea th a t he will be one of the
Camp 10 Monday.
three men sent from Clackamas
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGinnis spent county.
a pleasant evening a t the Kay Erick­
With a record o f civic activities
son home MMnoday.
perhaps equalled by no other man
Mr. and Mrs. E arl Jones are the in the county, Mr. Price has had a
proud parents of a fine 6 Vs pound hand in practically every forw ard
baby boy. M other and son are g at­ movement sta rted here during the
ing along nicely. This is the first past 25 years. He has oeen an uc-
baby born in our little m o u n ta in , tive booster fo r a g reat many city
town. Dr. Rhodes was in attendance.
and county projects, and has had
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. G unter and considerable to do with organiza­
daughter were guests a t dinner at tion work. He has never taken u
the George A rm strong home on g reat p art in politics except within
the past few years.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ramsay are
He was chairm an of the county
out fo r a few days visiting friends dem ocratic cen tral com mittee at
and relatives.
he tim e of his nomination, and
Miss Ellen Kieth, of Faraday, is previously served on the county tax
visiting at the
Geo. Townsend cor.scrvat.on committee. He is a
Mason, an Eih and a Woodman, a
Little Lee Erickson has been quite member of the board of tne Cm.
ill with a cold but is on the road to ber of Commerce, und hus serv. u
recovery now.
on budget com m ittees fo r both the
Mr. W agner, of Garfield district, city and county, lie was an inde-
visited at the home of his daughter, ia u g ab .e w orker to r pure wuun fo r
Mrs. Geo. A rm strong, fo r several Oregon City, and had more to do
days last week.
with the installation of a modern
Geeo. A rm strong and Jim Dear- -n e fight.ng equipm ent here than
dorf are building a cottage fo r the any other one man.
-chool teacher.
Mr. Price has also been an a r­
Miss A nna Scott and Miss Irene dent supporter of the good roads
Duvis are spending severul days at
..lovement, und hus been active in
„ho home ot Mrs. Geo. Arm strong.
projects designed to cem ent cue in­
Mrs. Betty W allace spent S atu r­ terests of town und county people,
day and Sunday a t her home near d u rin g his 25 y ears’ business ex­
perience in Oregon City, Al Price
Lee B anker Jr.* had his tonsils and
¡.as p u h u p s met more people und
adenoids removed last week.
made more friends than fails to the
Miss Agnes A rth u r of Gresham is
lot of the average man, and from
visiting a t the W. L. Stockton home
the inuications coming into his
a t Intake.
campaign headquarters, the possi­
Mrs. P ecrry Anderson and child- bility of his election as one of the
reen of Esacada visited at the Earl
tnree representatives appears to be
Jones home fo r a day or so.
adm itted.— Oregon City E nterprise.
Guy Wilcox and children and Hal
Gibson and wife visited at the Wm
ivandle home last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Schaeffer, Mrs.
The following candidates hav
Geo. A rm strong, Misses Irene Davis been announced .n the Highwu
and Anna Scott spent Tuesday even- Queen Contest, and as the time
•ng listening to the prize fight by .imited between now and the dal
radio a t the E. F. G unter home.
oj the celebration, no doubt, thei
w.iil be some rush voting and lot i
xcitem ent over this contest in tl;
v .x t few days.
If you w ant your candidate elec
We surely are thankful fo r th a t
splendid rain of last week.
We ,d hurry along w.th your votes ai;
were nearly sm othered with the oOg th a t your Queen is ru ler ovi
¡ms big celebration.
The Candidates—
Mrs. John Randolph, who has
Rutii W hitehead, Burton.
been quite ill fo r the past four or
M argaret Beck, Springw ater,
five weeks, is slowly recovering, we
Lola Johnson, Estacada.
are pleased to report, and hopc. shi
will soon be up and around again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller have
moved into their home here on the
farm .
S a t u r d a y & S u n d a y , A u g . 28-29
Mr. and Mrs. W orth Randolph,
“ A R IZ O N A S W E E P S l A K E S "
with the la tte r’s mother, Mrs. For-
ben, of California, have been spend­
ing a week or more a t the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Randolph.
Helen Lynch, Em m ett King and
Kale Price.
Mr. and Mrs. Evenson, of Red
1« * *
lands, and Mr. and Mrs. Elden Lan
M o n d a y & T u e s d a y , A u g . 30-31
kin and Mr. and Mrs. Em ery Pow­
ers and their children, Helen and
"F IG H T IN G D E M O N ’
Junior, with Miss Sylvia Powlsen, ot
neur Lents, spent the week end at
I t ’s an r . B. O. Picture
Seaside. They rep o rt a fine time.
♦ * *
Jim Sevier, who had a n b broken
Wed.-T h u r j . - F r i d a y , S e p t. 1-2-3
and injured otherwise, a t the mill,
"T H E i H H t E M U S K E T E E R S ’
•s able to walk aiound but will not
be able to work for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicinbothem,
M arguerite De La Motte
with their three daughters, of Stev­
W onderful cast. Admission 35-11
enson, Wash., spent a few days at
* * *
the home of their parents, Mr. and
S a t u r d a y , S e p t. 4 t h
Mrs. Sevier. From here they went
to Long Beach and enjoyed sea
bathing and ate clams to their fill,
Ii.ue S treak W estern
returning h u e on Saturday and
* * m
then to their home a t Stevenson.
S u n d a y , S e p t . 5 th
The neighbors gave Mr. and Mrs.
" S E V E N D A VS"
Martin Tcllifson a farew ell party
A week's laugh with
on Monday evening, the 16th. Mrs.
Tcllifson will teach at Molino and
e • •
Mr. Tellifson will still work at the
r D a y , Sept. 6th
mill here. They own a home a t Mo­
lino, where they moved their house­
"Seven D ays" as Matinee
hold goods S aturday.
If you wish your trad«, to rise,
you m ust surely advertise,