EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1926. LOCAL ITEMS Everyone wants to go county fair at Canby. to the I FOP. SALE—Span horses, weight 2900, or will trade for cattle or hog;; team ill good condition. Roy Doug'ass, Eagle Creek. Phone Es- t re a da 16-3. 19 OBITUARY Reserve the dates of September 21-22-23-24 for the big county fair at Canby. Last sad rites for Mrs. Elizabeth i ® J 3 3 F iiS S H E I B S Sparks, wife of A. E. Spark of th i. V . ____ Mr. R. C. Deming arrived on dace, who passed on Sunday aft r- Mr. C. F. Howe wars a Portland Wednesday even:ng from his home ncon, August 1, 1826, at St. Vin- GOOD FIR WOOD FOR SALE WANTED— 25 to 30 dry cows. Vic- vÿitor on Wednesday. Mr. Walter Cox recently pur­ in California for a visit at the R< ed ent hospital, Portland, with com­ $2.50 a cord on premises; beauti­ torLeon. Estacada Phone .12-4 Horse racing every day at the chased a fine new Buick sedan home wh_re his family are also vis­ plications following an operation ful Narcissus bulbs ¡5c doz.n post­ 8-5-26 through the Cascade Motor Co. for appi ndiciti: juat two week, be­ paid. itors. Mr.. G. Stoncman, Phone county fair at Canby this year. fore, were held from Finley & Son’s 59-111, Estacada, Ore., Rt. 2 ■ High Grade piano near Estacada Boys and girls club work will be Mrs. John Lovelace, Mrs. R. F. chapel, Portland, on Wednesday, Miss Florice Douglas and a friend will bc sold to reliable party at from Portland were visitors here on bigger and better at the county fair Lovelace and daughter, Jean; Mrs. August 4, at 10 o’clock a. in., com­ FOR SALE OR TRADE—A regis­ big saving, $t0 monthly will handle. Ar.lberg and son, Arnold, and Mr. mit al being made in Rivc-rview rt Canby this year. tered Hampshire ram, 3 years Sunday. Wooster were in Oregon City on cemetery. Rev. Lloyd B. Garrick, old. This is a good animal and a T A real buy, write at once for par- ! ticulars. Tailman Piano Store, Sa- Mrs. Nina B. Ecker returned Tuesday. a Presbyterian minister of Port- sure breeder. If interested call Mrs. L. M. Thorton is visiting at 8-5 home on Sunday from a fine motor i 'ar.d, officiated, while the services and see. Henry Viles, lit. 4, Bx 34, | lorn. Oregon. the home of her mother, Mrs. Jake trip through California and north Mrs. Minnie Hansen, who has at the grave were in charge of Estacada, Ore. 7-29-tf j WORK HOftSE— 1400 lbs., will give Moss, for a time. been visiting in Blaine, Washing­ Mountain Chapter, O. E. S., of Es­ ern Mexico. him away to ome reliable party ton, is new on her way to Yellow­ tacada. FOR SALE—Get your orders in for Miss Lulu Sparks, of Portland, -> ho will care for him. Wm. Nel­ Mrs. Veda Stubbs and son, Ed­ Deceased was born in Albany, N. Crawford Peaches, Dei Estacada, son, 1 ‘i milts east Eagle Creek. was a visitor at the Wills home on ward, of Gresham, were visiting stone National Park by motor with relatives. Y., on the 20th day of November, $2.50 per bushel. Get them at | Saturday. several days at the home of Mrs. 1859, being 67 years of age. She place $2.25; bring boxes. Ready in; FOR SALE—Wood, second growth Stubbs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Several fine car loads of cedar was a teacher in the Fort Dodge, about 10 days. Estacada Heights on Mrs. George Lawrence is enjoy­ poles have been ¡.hipped from here Iowa, city schools for seven year» Jr... Somers place. George Copeland. j 4 ft., $4.50 cord; 16 inch first ing a delightful rest at the beach Dale. growth, $6.50 cord. Tel. 32-111 19 recently under the supervision of prior to her marriage to Alexander where she is with relatives. Mrs. W, J. Moore entertained her Mr. J. W. Wheeler, of Portland, Mr. E. Sp_rks at Ponca, Nebraska, in WANTED—Loan, $1,000 on good I real estate security. Address G. FOR SALE About 75 \\ nite Leg- Miss Ruth Dillon, cashier of the son and .his wife, Mr. and Mrs B. Looney, of Currinsville, doing the 1887, and resided at Dixon, Neb­ G. Estacada News. I horn Puliet8> Hollywood strain, 5 Estacada State Bank, is enjoying a Thomas Morton, of Portland, at din­ loading. raska, for a number of years. _______________________________ I months old. Also cream separator. ner on Thursday evening. well deserved vacation at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks came to Ore­ TIMBER WANTED— Cedar poles, x. S. Snyder, V¡ mile east of Esta- Mrs. W. W. Rhodes and Mrs. W. posts, p.hng all sues. Quote : cada t offjce. 8-12 Mrs. P. Cahill and sons, Cecil and W. Smith drove over to Stayton last gon in 1902 and in 1906 located in Mrs. Margaret Kilgore of Port­ Estacada, being among the first and prices, state shipping points, ____ ;_________ Burton, are moving to Spokane, land, was visiting relatives in this week to get Mildred Rhodes, who duantuy c..n fur . su, when could t h o s e FINE YELLOV/ PEACHES Wash., to be with Mr. Cahill where had been visiting there. Ella Mae most prominently identified resi­ ship. .Mederrneyer- . on the ., Jas. T Somers c__ ▼ielhity over the week end. dents. Deceased was a charter mem­ - - Spot - Lumber - cr-eh. - are now ripe Martin Co., - Portland, ■ Or he is employed. Smith accompanied them home to ber of Mountain Chapter, No. 103, egon. place. George Coupland. 8-12 t4 Mr. Elizabeth Hillyard and little The American Legion announces spend some time at the homo of her O. E. S. of this place and also a daughter, of Boring, was visiting another of their popular dances for brother, Mr. Wallace Smith. member of the Past Matron’s Club, f o i l SALE— Vaughn Drag saw, i’ot- FOR SALE—20 head of ewes. A. her mother, Mrs. John Irvin on Sun­ August 28th, at the Eagle Creek alijrna incubator, Kirstin one-man of which she always took a promin­ D. Burnett, Eagle Creek. 8-19 stump puller, used doors and win­ day. Mr. Doc Howell, of Portland, is ent part and was a much valued and hall. Sandy music has been engag­ dows, furniture, stoves, etc. visiting at the Deardorf home for a loved member who will bo greatly ed for this dance. ELECTRIC LUMBER CO.’S Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eshleman and Pointer’s Furniture Evchange. time. Mr. Howell lived in Spring- missed. She was a woman of rtrong son, David, visited relatives in Sa­ BARGAINS IN LUMBER 7-15-26 Miss Irene Hayden and Beveral water some twenty years or more a- character, had hosts of friends and lem over Saturday night and Sun­ girl friends from Portland were here go and is renewing old acquaintanc- was greatly loved by those who 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 3x12, 6x6, and rU ii SAi-E— B_st yeiiow free stone day. on Saturday night and Sunday at s and visiting old familiar spots knew her best. p.ueh grown, 90c per box. Bring 6x8 sized. Besides her husband, she is sur­ container. Notice of ripening time Miss Edith Harkenrider was ab­ the home of her parents, Mr, and again. 4x4, 4x6 6x6, 6x8, 6x12 rough, vived by a haif brother, Mr. Will will be made in th.s paper. Kinney sent from her work at the telephone Mrs. W. R. Hayden. Miss Avis Cgdanau, Miss Thelma Springer, of Manson, Iowa, and two & Lambcrson’s place opposite Gar- j Phone Redland 46 for prices. on Thursday and spent the day in Some very fine films are being Wilcox and Messrs. Howard and half sisters, Mrs. G. K. Todd and field Grange H..11. 22-ti FOR RENT—-Five rooms and bath, Portland. shown these evenings at the Liber­ Glen Davis and Vernon Marshall Mrs. Dora Mercle, of Fort Dodge, Geo. furnished, second floor. MONEY TO LOAN. We have plenty Pointer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson and ty and if you are not attending you drove down to Newberg on Sunday Iowa. Thee fioral offerings were beauti­ of money to loan on farms at 6 children, Arthur and Gloria, have are missing some really good pic­ to spend the day with Miss Florence per cent—from one to twenty 1 ...—V ...... moved to Ranier, Ore., to make tures. Watch their ad in this pa June Reed, who is there for the ful and appropriatee music was per and you can choose those which :ummer. sung. A largee number of friends years. No commission on large their home. you wish to see. from Estacada, Gresham and Port­ loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaca­ da, Oregon. 6-19-tf Mr. and Mrs. Lester Townsend Mrs. Fred E. Burns, of Glad­ land were in attendance at the fu­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leihammer stone, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew neral. returned on Sunday evening from a were guests of friends at St. Helens, Anderson, of Walla Walla, Wash., Any girl in trouble may communi­ delightful vacation of two weeks at Ore., on Thursday evening. They cate with Ensign Lee of the Salva­ were recent visitors at the H. C. OBITUARY the coast. also attended the dance given on Stephens home, tion Army, at the White Shield Mrs, Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harders, Mrs. the Swan that evening, which was will be remembered as Miss Bertha Mildred Alta Dwyer was born at Home, 505 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Ava Bronson and Mrs. Peter Ruhl sponsored by the Legion and Aux­ Burns, who formerly made her home Estacada, Oregon, November 24, Oregon. 9-20-tf were Oregon City visitors on Tues­ iliary of that city, 192i, and died at Garibaldi, Oregon, FOR SALE — Early Crawford here. day. August 8, 1926, age four years, Peaches 50c and $1.00 box. Come A marriage license was Issued on Mr. and Mrs. Dale Denson of eight months and fifteen days. and get them. Stills, Eagle Creek. A thorough cultural and professional scholar­ Mr. and Mrs. George Walters, of Saturday in Portland to Mr. George She leaves to mourn her depart­ ship is the outstanding characteristic of the Currinsville, are receiving congratu­ Lincoln Perrise and Mrs. Maud Mcacham, Oregon, have been visit- State University. rOK SALE—Wheat and Oat Straw. lations over the arrival of a little Eleanor Graham. Mrs. Graham :ng at the home of Mrs. Mae Reed. ure her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ John Maishail. 8-12 Training is offered in. Mrs. Denson will be remembered lis Dwyer, three brothers: Donald, sen at their home on Sunday, Aug. taught in the Estacuda schools fot as Miss Vivian James, daughter of Henry ai.d Lloyd; and two sisters: 22 departments of the College of Sth. a number of years and has many WANTED—Oid walnut furniture. Literature. Science and the Arts. friends in this community who are Prof. Howard James, who was su­ Lois and Mabel; besides many other Any kind. State what you have Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, ac­ interested to learn of her marriage. perintendent of the schools here a relatives and friends. Architecture and Allied Arts— and price. Moloney, Boring. 19-3t She had been ailing since last number of years ago. Business Administration — Educa­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. March, when she was stricken with tion—Journalism—Graduate Study Wilcox, drove to Government Word received from tne Schrock FOR SALE—One bay mare, good —Law—Medicine—Music—Physi­ Springs, Wash., one day last week. family, who are spending the sum­ Word ha» just been received from pneumonia that ran into tuberculos­ saddle hoise, six years oid, wt. cal Education—Sociology Social They report a very enjoyable trip, mer in Iowa states that they are California of the marriage of Miss is which caused her death, 100 lbs. Inquire Model Supply Work—Extension Division. having a most wonderful time. flelva Beebe and Mr. Paul Giddings, • The funeral was from the home Co,, Estacada. 19-3t of Mr. and Mrs. Rice near EsLacada, both former teachers in the high Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson, of They write that the weather has 51st Veer Opens September 27, 1926 Rev. Rankin officiating. Mildred Portland, were visiting on Sunday been quite cool much to their pleas school here. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop sang one song, and other W ANTED—Man to spread prunes For information or catalogue Write The Registrar, Universitÿ of at the home of Mrs. Davidson’s par­ ure for they had anticipated very Giddings have accepted positions in songs were sung by Miss Avis Cad- in dryer. W. K. Corbin, Rt. 1, Oregon. Eugene, Ore. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fantz, of Cur- hot weather peculiar to the middle California schools for the coming onau and Miss Florence Hassell. Estacada. 19-lt west. year. rinsville. Interment was at the Oddfellows cemetery. On Tuesday evening at aa meet- ng of a number of citizens of Esta­ THE METHODIST CHURCH cada, it was arranged to have a high­ Ira F. Rankin, Pastor. way celebration in conjunction with The pastor will preach next Sun­ die Labor Day celebration to be •ield Sept. 6th. A further notice day morning on the subject; “Make will appear in these columns next the Tree Good.’’ He will preach Sr* B R E A D F R E S H EACH DAY ■veek, giving a somewhat detailed Sunday evening at the eight o'clock service, 0n the subject: “The Own­ account and program. Cake«, Pie«, AH Kinds Pastry er an j His Slaves.” Sunday school convenes at 10 a. —SPECIAL ORDERS FOR PARTIES— CARD OF THANKS m. with Mr. Lawrence as superin­ tendent. Immediately following the Will Roast Your Beef or Turkey W’e wish to thank our friends for Sunday school is the Junior church IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL ANY TIME DAY OR NIGHT AND heir kindness during our recent at 10:45, with Mrs. Rankin in THE SERVICE AND RICES ARE ALL IN LINE WITH COM­ bereavement; also for the beautiful charge. This is the boys' and girls’ MON SENSE. WE ARE DOING OUR JTMOST TO MAKE flowers and songs. service, and they are all urged to THE ESTACADA A HOTEL THAT ALL MAY BE PROUD OF. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Duus. attend this half hour service. WE SOLICIT YOUR SUPPORT. Epworth League Devotional NOTES OF INTEREST TO THE ESTACADA HOTEL meeting Sunday evening at seven o’­ FARM TR READERS clock. Prayer meeting at the church 'The Agricultural Committee of the Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Oklahoma Rankers Association. In Us “Praise ye Jehovah. O give report, recommends that the hankers thanks unto Jehovah; for he is see that a competent agent Is appoint­ That puts us in a position to meet ed in each county and that he has a good; for his loving kindness en- degree from some agricultural col durcth for ever.” Psalm 105:X. the Big Opportunity when it comes. You are aivtays welcome at “The lege. They believe that the agricul­ tural possibilities of the state should Friendly Church on the Hill.” We can’t hope to reach financial in­ be better advertised and that each True education combines theory and practice and its goal is service. county bankers association should dc Oregon's Land-Grant College affords the liberal training essential dependence without systematic sav­ some work along that line to personal culture and civic efficiency, combined with special train­ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ing for leadership in fields vital in modern life. ing. Mr. Owen Smith was here to pend the week end with his family. Vn$éM*Â ESTACADA Acme Bakery THE ESTACADA HOTEL It’ s What We Save Let us explain our different plans. One of them is certain to meet your needs. And 4 per cent interest helps. Estacada State Bank r r PAYS TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE HOME BANK Science Searcy County l i n k e r s Association, Arkansas, entertained es Its guests recently - o n t seventy-five farmer# and business men The result was the organization of the North Central Ar­ kansas Agricultural Association Us purpose will be to co-ordinate the ef­ forts of the farmers and business men In promoting a better agriculture Searcy Couuty bankers are giving 109 settings of purebred eggs for distribu­ tion to the boys and girls' clubs in the county H. 9 Mowrer. chairman of the Agri­ cultural Committee of the New Jer-ey Ranker# Association together with H J Baker director of eaten* a work in the College of Agriculture, made a complete lour of the state in# spring, calling ou the county agent* and agricultural committees of -he rarlous county organizations to gel a definite line up or the pork done and the plans for the coming year Wav# end- means tor furtherin# the progi ti •f the state committee ware eoaiid «red «I the#* ceaf#rence# J Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate of Van Woodard, de­ ceased has filed her final account in the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, and that Monday, the 2,th day of Septem­ ber, 1926, at the hour of 10 a. m. in the forenoon of said day, in the County Court Room of sa d Court l»as b.en appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objwtions tin re to and the settle­ ment -hereof. Dated and first published, Aug­ ust 19, 1926. Ln.st publication, September 16, 1925. • DORA HIRTE, Administratrix of the estate of Van W oodard, deceased. Addres.-, Estacada. Oregon. Wm. Wallace Smith, Attorney for Administratrix. for Basic and General Training— In the school of Basic Art# and Sciences and th„ departments of Industrial journalism, the Library, Physical Education, and Music. Technical and Special T rain in g — With curricula leading to the bachelor’s degree in schools of AGRICULTURE HOME ECONOMICS CHEMICAL ENGINEER­ MILITARY SCIENCE ING MINES COMMERCE PHARMACY ENGINEERING VOCATIONAL EDUCA­ FORESTRY TION fall term beg in s se p t e m e e r 20 For latest Catalogue and information address THE REGISTRAR Oregon Agricultural College CORVALLIS