EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1926. of any religious organization to in­ t0 work, and who are looking for Among the free attractions at terfere in matters of state. work, right in Portland, this deina .h” county fair this year will be a Therefore, when the Roman Cath­ gogic sheet proclaims to the north­ /icrd of trained elephants. W. A. HEYLMAN, Editor. olic hierarchy is willing to obey the west that work is plentiful. Hun­ laws of Mexico, there will be no dreds, aye, thousands borrow Bntererf at the poetofliee In Estacada, I ¡ trouble NOTICE TO CREDITORS in Mexico. As a corolllary enough money to reach Portland, Oregon, aa aecond-claaa mail. , of the above, it is readily seene that only to find work as scarce as in the the whole controversy is merely a section from whence they came. Notice is hereby given that the Published every Thursday at ; tempest in a teapot, boiled down in­ The injury, the loss, caused these indersigned has been duiy appoint- Estacada. Oregon, to defiance of the civil law of gov­ thousands, which such printed re­ d administratrix of the estate of ernments by the Roman Catholic ports are responsible for, should be lames Smith, deceased, and any by the ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY. hierarchy. Histories of the future borne by those whose false repre­ aid all persons having claims a- will record this struggle for as­ sentations induced them to act to -ainst said estate are hereby re­ (A COaroaATION.) cendency by these two powers, one their injury and loss. Prosperity quired to present said claims duly ceking to release its people from needs no bolstering by an adminis­ verified as by law required at the S ubscription R ates : of my attorney, W. W. Smith, •n e Year . . . . ll.fcO he thrall that has enslaved them tration press, subsidized and fed by office within six months after the date of Six Months . . • • .76 hrough enforced ignorance for administration news agencies. this notice. .hree hundred years; the other .ceking to maintain that hold It the lesson of what befell the man Dated, July 28, 1926. BEGINNING AT THE CRADLE hrough defiance of law, and who interfered in a fight between the INA SMITH, hreetened disaster to the govern- Irishman and his wife had been prop­ Administratrix of the estate of erly observed, probabilities are that James Smith, deceased. It must be evident to a great the United States would not nrw have Member of people that the attempt nent. W. W. SMITH, all Europe hating and calling us to regulate vice and crime by law Attorney for administratrix, COOLIDGE PROSPERITY everything but rriends. When they Is not producing the desired results. Estacada, Oregon. needed our help and money we were From the time and ever since the Glaring headlines tell of the won- good fellows, but when we want our Date of first publication, July 29, first known law was promulgated, lerful prosperity which the Cool- money back we are “Shylocks” and 1926. Date of last publication Aug. crime has flourished and increased dge administration has given the numerous 26, 1926. other things. as the population increased, until ountry during the past three years, • t the present time we have what .lave you received your share? Out of th Democratic camp comes almost may be called a saturnalia .Vill the laboring men out of work Senator Caraway of Arkansas, who NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the •f horrible crimes that almost stag­ ndorse these attempts to bolster unblushingly says A1 Smith will undersigned of the gers belief or comprehension. Gov­ ip what everybody knows have been never be elected president, “because estate of S. M. administrator Ramsby, deceased, erning bodies meet and take heed deck years? Oregon papers are is a wet and a Roman Catholic.” has filed his final account as such in the County Court •f this and add still more man-made houting from the housetops that he But these two facts may not deny administrator, of the State of Oregon, for the laws to our statute books, and yet Oregon banks have $2,000,000 him the nomination by his party. County of Clackamas, and the Court there ia no diminution in the num ■ tore in deposits than a year ago. appointed and set Monday, the ber of offenses against society. They do not attempt to offer any NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION has 30th day of August, 1926, at 10:00 Courts established for the adjudi­ explanation for this; tho depres­ o’clock A. M. of said day, at the Court Room of said County cation of these cases only partially sion in general business may ac­ Department of the Interior, U. S. County in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time fulfill their mission, officers sworn count for it. Men who have money Land Office at Portland, Oregon, and place for hearing objections to to enforce the laws in many in­ loan, deeming the times inau­ July 28, 1926. said final account and the settlement stances are derelicet, and if not act­ to or the security declining in Notice is hereby given that of the same. C. E. RAMSBY, ively engaged in crime themselves spicious, value, are in their loans and Byron Mark Johnson, of Welches, j Administrator of the Estate of S. M. are passive through the use of increasing calling their bank Two Oregon, who, on June I2th, 1928, Ramsby, deceased. bribe money toward others who or three Portland real deposits. made Homestead Entry No. 07411, estate deals E. Hedges, Attorney, are, and things have arrived at a might increase the deposits. The for SWUSWUSEVi Sec. 24; Jos. Bank of Commerce Bldg., stage where law abiding citizens sale of Portland school bonds and N^NWV.NW1/*, N%S% NW Vi Oregon City, Oregon. Date of First publication, July 29, have but small respect for the deposit of the proceeds might NWVi, NV4NEV4NWV4, and NV4 1926. whole machinery of the law. This the NW Vi N W Vi NE Vi Section 25, materially increase such deposits, Date of Last publicat on, August Ik a humilating confession of af­ ahd so with other municipal securi­ Township 2 S., Range 7 E., Willam­ 26th, 1926. fairs to make after some two thou­ ties. Such deposits are deposits of ette Meridian, has filed notice of sand years of following, or a pre­ borrowed money and do not always intention to make final proof, to tense of following, the teachings of prosperity. Increase in establish claim to the land above fhe man who came to earth to show indicate taxation might materially increase described, before the Register Unit­ us the way to a better and nobler the deposits in the banks when ed States .Land Office, at Port­ manner of life conduct. taxes are collected, yet show no in­ land, Oregon, on the 8th day of In view of our present state of crease in general business prosperi­ September, 1926. civilization, in the fact that our ty. Inheritance taxes collected Claimant names as witnesses: lews do ont seem to correct our con from large estates and deposited Carl M. Raithel, of Welches, Ore­ Get our prices before you buy dltions, the apparent remaining in the banks would increase bank gon; Edwrad Epton, of Welches, D ryer Pipes Made to O rder teuth must stare us in the face that Oregon; Ed Peterson, of Welches, For Sheet Iron work, eur methods are wrong. Unable to deposits. Oregon; Henry Larsen, of Bright- The Oregonian lends its pages, or repairs, soldering: and curb the criminal instinct in men sells them, to those directly wood, Oregon. plumbing-, call at the after they have grown up by send­ maybe WALTER L. TOOZE, SR., interested in keeping the real facts ing them to prison and other means from the public. With hundreds of Register. AMES SHOP ef punishment, we must consider idle men who need work, who want July 29-Sept. 3. MAIN STREET. ether method or sink into utter ruin. We shall say that men are not born criminals but enter this sphere pure and undefiled. No one Jor Economical Transportation ran look into the eyes of a babe and discover there any evidence that it was sent iato the world oth­ er than a perfect Image of its crea tor. From this standpoint we must ar­ gue that its future welfare and use­ fulness must begin in the cradle and its education directed along the lines of religious instruction. Brought up to observe the funda­ mentals of the Bible , a thought many sf the present day wiil sneer at, by parents god-fearing thetn- 9 « 9 • •elevs, guided through childhood to honor and obey wiae parents, taught ta respect the rights of oth­ ers while demanding its own, in­ Chevrolet again electrifies the world structed in the folly of all vices and temptations that beset the young, b y increasing C hevrolet Values/ there is no reason for believing otherwise than that such children will grow to useful manhood or N ow in the greatest year in A cceleratio n th a t is a de» womanhood and, we may expect­ C hevrolet history— building light in traffic! Pow er that antly hope, with no taint of a vi­ cars in trem endous volum e conquers hills— cious or criminal nature. And, it to m eet an ever-increasing —such are the alm ost revo­ may be added, the parents who can­ worldw ide dem and— C hev­ qualities attained not see it i„ this light or are nag- rolet continues its successful lutionary a su p e rio r m e th o d of lectful of thus rearing their children policy of increasing Chevro­ by m ounting the m otor on the must and will be held responsible let values! chassis and by a new cam ­ here ae well as by a higher power N ow Chevrolet adds to the shaft w ith scientifically de­ that will demand on that great day p erfo rm an ce, b e a u ty a n d term ined quieting curves. an accounting of their guardianship. com pleteness o f equipm ent C o m e in ! A rra n g e fo r a The man of Nazareth left us this: that have been w inning the dem onstration! A dm ire the Suffer (allow) little children to w orld to Chevrolet— — at these brilliant beauty of the new »«me unto me and forbid them —by developing the sm ooth­ and striking Duco colors on not/' and the parent who is heedless est Chevrolet in Chevrolet e v ery m o d e l! M a rk th e of this admonition in relation to his h is to ry , by e n h a n c in g its greater convenience of the children has much to be laid at hit sm art a p p e a ra n c e a n d by centralized throttle and spark door when they go wrong. add in g features w h ich in ­ co n tro l! N o te th a t a ll e n ­ crease the econom y and sat­ c lo se d m o d e ls w ith th e ir h ist o r y in t h e m a k in g isfaction of Chevrolet pur­ bodies bv Fisher now carry chase and ow nership! an ap p ro v ed stop lig h t as The Oregonian prints what It s ta n d a rd e q u ip m e n t a n d A triu m p h of en g in eerin g l otk dignitaries in th* Mexican science, today's C hevrolet is have a front door pocket. situation. d*, t The of the the only low-priced car ever Roman Catholic chttrch say In sub- hen take the wheel—and to o ffe r every q u a l i t y o f T you Jtonee that If the government of will quickly learn that « - “ * 7 6 5 sm ooth car perform ance. Mexico will „ultify itaclf and grant today's C h ev ro let w ith its absolution to the Roman Catholic Forty to fifty miles an hour new sm oo thn ess, new fea­ h'*rarchy th .r. would be no trouble as long as you like w ithout tures and new colors, is a car in Mexico. In other words, the the slightest sense of forcing th a t only C h ev ro let cou ld o r f a tig u e l R e m a rk a b le b u ild —a v a lu e th a t o n ly hierarchy demands that it should be ‘'TSLSTfc* * 4 9 3 sm oothness i t every speed! Chevrolet could offer. Al FU. absolved from obedience to the laws of the country In which lu officl- •itng priests may bo. The hier- •rchy delmt that p r ( r ||a tn t| should be amenable to the mandate, of th. Roman Catholic hierarchy. The government of Mexico merely •merta that the Roman Catholic hierarchy and Its emissaries or rep- rvsenutivea most obey the constitu- tioa and laws of Mexico the earn« as •ny corporation or citisen of Mexi­ co. and that it will not and doea ,**'I'‘»**!H***M*v***,!**',*!K,'*,Mî***M!,*IM!,,!,<,M!,-f**I*,î**ii Eastern Clackamas News PLUMBING PIPE and FITTINGS \ew Smoothness p e a ______ n r ttire s — ors Law Prices' S se ‘510 ! 645 Ear* 7 5 5 A I CASCADE MOTOR CO. WILCOX BROS. N* w ofou* to / pretended right I ESTACADA QUALITY AT LOW COST TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING B ro a d w a y G a ra g e HENRY BOHN. Estacada I DENKY BROTHERS I BARBERS f BATHS L adies' and C h ild re n ’s H air- C u ttin g a Specialty. Shop on Broadway, Estacada. s THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. H. C. GOHRING, Proprietor ☆ Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought ☆ Open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, open to 8 p.m. ESTACADA, OREGON r ............. FROM THE NORTHWEST’S finest Bakery THE BREAD SUPREME DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY BY OUR OWN FAST “WHITE” AUTO TRUCK TO ESTACADA RETAIL STORES. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT “THE NORTHWEST’S FINEST BAKERY” I THIS IS THE TIME to consider the advantages of Domestic Electric j Refrigeration With the advent of warm weather a new problem ;; presents itself in connection with the economical 11 and safe preservation of family foods. The modern way is by means of domestic refriger ation. It brings you :: CONSTANT COLD- it just the right temper* • ature. « CLEANLINESS—No dirt in the box, no pudlles ; on the floor. UNFAILING SUPPLY—Close your home — go away for day* and when you return you’ll find the food in your refrigerator ju»t a* you left it. ECONAMY— DOMESTIC ELECTRIC REFRIG- f ERATION is actually cheaper in daily expense ; CONVENIENCE—New frozen deserts made pos­ sible and pure, dainty ice cubes for the table. We shall be glad to have you come in and let us ex­ plain the numerous advantages of domestic electric !! refrigeration. Portland Electric Power Company i ................. ,