Devoted to the Interests ot t stem Clackamas County VOLUME XX. EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURí NO. 46. PICNIC AND RODEO H IN ESTACADA PARK Several hundred people gathered in beautiiul Estacada Park on Sun- ; day to enjoy the pjpnic and rodeo sponsored by the Longshoremen’s . Union and Waterfront Workers of ! Portland. In the afternoon a wild-west show I or rodeo was staged under the su- I pervision of Mr. Everett Wilson. Several wild horses were ridden very well and other stunts includ­ ing a wild and furious potato race was featured. "Red” Shaniko seemed to be the popular rider of the day. In the evening a fine dance was given in the pavilion with a fine orchestra from Portland furnishing the music, with a good crowd pres­ ent. Estacada Park is an ideal place for affairs of this nature and, now, since permission is given motorists to drive their cars into the Park there will no doubt be a number of picnics of this sort before the sea­ son is over. MRS. WILCOX ENTERTAINS Mrs. Gerald Wilcox entertained a number of friends at an afternoon f u n c t i o n on T h u r s d a y , as a farewell prior to leaving to make her home in Eastern Oregon. Cards were the diversion of the afternoon adn high honors were won by Mrs. Byrdie Rhodes and Mrs. Agnes Wilcox. Those enjoying Mrs. Wilcox’s hos- pitaliay were: Mesdames Rhodes, Wilcox, Currin, Heiple, Cary, Esh- leman, Gohring, Ahlbereg, Smith, Lovelace, Ewalt, Leihammer, La Barre, Mae Reed, Mary Reed, Car­ ter, Gladys Duus, Syron, Moore. A delicious lunch consisting of chicken salad and wafers, ice cream and cake and coffee was sereved at the close of the aUernoon. Mrs. Wilcox always proves her­ self a most charming hostess and her friends shall miss her most keenly in the social affairs of the town, Federal Commissioner News from the N ek ’ boring Towns UPPER EAGLE CREEK Guy Wilcox, accompanied by W. H. Randle, left last Saturday for a trip to Eastern Oregon, over near Antelope. Thye expect to return on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Turbandt, of Redfield, South Dakota, friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McKay, were the guests of the McKays on Sun­ day. Mrs. H. F. Kinney, of Cambridge, Idaho, a niece of Mr. McKay, was also a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McKay. Mrs. Lizzie Bluhm, of Oregon City, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Roy Douglass, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Hannah, of Portland, were calling on Mrs. Han­ nah’s parents’ Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Douglass on Sunday. Mrr. and Mrs. Lee Shaw and fam­ ily have moved over near St. Paul, where Billy will work in a logging camp. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were Estacada visitors on Sunday. Mr. Gibson attended the rodeo and Mrs. Gibson called on Mrs. Denning. Rear Admiral H. 0. Stickney, re­ Ray Woodle and family and Fred tired, who has been appointed by Sec­ Hoffmeister and family spent Sun­ retaries Hoover and Kellogg as Fed­ day up near the Country Club, en­ eral Commissioner to the Sesqui-Cen- joying a picnic dinner together. tennial International Exposition com­ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Paddison and memorating the 150th anniversary of children were Portland Sunday and American Independence and which j will be held in Philadelphia from June took dinner with Edward Shields, 1 to December 1. Admiral Stickney1 Mrs. Paddison staying over and re­ will be In full charge of the United turning on Monday. States Government exhibit, which will be the largest of*lts type ever made. GEORGE ITEMS $1.50 A YEAR .Y, AUGUST 19, 1926. PRONUNCIATION AID DOVER DOINGS Frank Beatty is busy getting a dam in Eagle Creek at the shingle mill, preparatory to flooding down shingle bolts. He is also preparing to rebuild the mill within a short time. Mr. Beatty took his wife to Ore­ gon City the latter part of the week to be treated for blood poison in her hand. Rev. Heisey, the district superin­ tendent, conducted services at the Dover church Sunday afternoon. The Misses Kathryn and Lydia Krieger have returned home after several weeks vacation spent iwth relatives at Portland and Seaside. Mr. J. G. irieger’s mother, of Portland, is staying with the family this summer; at present she is con­ fined to her bed. George Roberts is painting his brother John’s new home in Sandy. Henry Udell returned to his work at Bridal Veil aftere spending a number of weeks at home. Miss Violet De Shazer spent the week end iwth her sister, Mrs. P. P. Pashall and other friends on the Mt. Hood Loop. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGinnis (formerly Iva Parks) were visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity the latter part of last week. Ralph and Raymond De Shazer are busy getting out ship knees and sawing them with Ralph’s mill. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Seward are preparing to install running water in their home. June Webster, descendant of the famous lexicographer, Noah Webster, presents a copy of her ancestor’s work to the Publicity Department of the Seuqui-Centennlal International Expo­ sition Association to help them in pro­ nouncing properly the name of the big events which opens Juno 1 to cele­ brate the 150th anniversary ot the signing of tho Declaration of Independ­ ence. There are many types of pro­ nunciations heard but there is just ono proper way Noah says. It Is “Ses- Kv.-uh-cen-ten'-ntar’ with the accent on the first syllable of the “Sesqui" and on the second syllable of the “centen­ nial'’ ACME BAKERY OPENS DOORS TO PUBLIC On Monday, about 4 o’clock Mr. E. N. Bates, superintendent and foreman at tho H. B. Snyder mill in Dodge, was instantly killed. He was assisting some men in un­ loading logs from K. nome on Friday evening. After the Women’s Auxiliary to the Legion er what you have in mind for your T. iteming, Lester W, Humphreys which she was president, also Mr. and Mrs. I. Paulsen. the members attended the own honored her with a farewell party. of Mr. Charles Mathew had as dinner wants along this iiue or for anq iohmuii N, Smith. Identity- of memorallized in a very fitting and dance given at the Community Hud The guests for the afternoon in­ solemn manner their loved and hon­ guests over ¡Sunday, his sister, Mrs. by Mr, and. Mrs. R. L. Hayden. ,-ome social function which you are the Eastern investors was not made cluded the members of the Auxili­ Morrow, and otiier relatives ana you will surely find just public. member, Mr. and Mrs. George Townsend planning ary and a number of very intimate ored friends. the right thing here. “We shall meet and we shall miss friends of the guest of honor. Mr. C. A. Johnson and son, Vic­ nave returned from their vacation Give them a trial and we believe NORTHERN FOLKS HERE» Ci.rds were enjoyed during the af­ her;There will be one vacant chair; 1 tor, made a trip to the mountains at Newport. They report a very you will be more than satisfied. pleasant trip. ternoon and high scores were won But her leve and good lives ever. over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith have by Mrs. Myrtle Townsend and Mrs. The she’s passed to over there.” ! Mrs. T. D. Carruth and Miss Hel­ The dance given at the Commun- BOY FRACTURES LEG been enjoying a visit from their Mae Reed. Mrs. Florence Gohring .ty Hail on Friday evening by the en Merditn, of Portland, were call­ cousin, Mr. Eari Smith, and wife received consolation prize. newiy-weds, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. James Guttridge, the eldest son and daughter, ing on Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen on and Mrs. Smith's ROWE-COX NUPTIALS Mrs. Wilcox was presented with a Hayden, was well attended and ev­ of Mr. and Mrs. George Guttridge, mo'her, Mrs. Day, Friday, Aug. 6. of Everett, lovely gift from the Auxiliary in Miss Sarah Rowe, of Milwaukie, eryone had a good time. We ail .net with a a very painful accident Washington. They returned their recognition of her faithful work in Ore.,' and Mr. Walter Cox, of Ei- join in wishing Ray and his bride a «day morning st the R. S. Guttridgs home on to report that all are well now and entertainmen at the county fair Everyone says the county fair ( ited 1 Liberty. by motor for the south. able to work again. Sunday. this year is to be the best ever. at Canby this year. . i * • * 9 * -