EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1926. The reign of crime in Chicago may CHEVROLET SCOUT PARTY Chevrolet recently produced its GATHERS INFORMATION be the subject of federal investigation 000,000th car. It is charged that aimed gunmen, Notes and Comment Tile Pacific Highway, serving as the chiefly foreigners, have destroyed ire, Main street of the Pacific Coast, is a suffrage in that city. It is a fact many By CHAD ALTON vtri ble "Midway” with a thousand hesitate to admit that most of the law­ w. A. heylm an Wm. W. Smith -idt -how attractions along Its paved less element now in the United States Brief of Resume of Happenings lent l. Every few miles between the is made up of persons bearing Euro­ ATTORNEYS AT LAW Charge is made, and investigation _________ Me: ’an border and the Canadian line, pean names. the Week Collected for We will take care of any legal may prove it .that liqu 'rs are sold on son- scenic gem, some wonder of na- the Atlantic liner Leviathan on the business you may have tur beckons the motor wayfarer from Our Readers. European run. The ship belongs to the beaten path. Insurance, Loans and Collections. the U. S. Shipping Board, and the J.’1" out of Grants Pass, near the government may be placed in the posi­ The state supreme court adjourned Cal: ernia line, are the “Marble Halls tion of padlocking one of its own Saturday night for the month of Aug­ of O.’Cgon.” These 140,000-year-old cav­ ships. DR. W. W. RHODES ust. ern:', their weird architecture extend­ ing mndreds of feet into Cave moun­ Governor Pierce has returned from Osteopathic A Los Angeles Judge has Informed Cheyenne, Wyo., where he attended tain, present a sight that is at once the world that If a woman submit to awe-inspiring and educatlnal, and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON K idney, B ladder, "extreme cruelty" from her husband the governors’ conference. well worth the side trip up a good P r o s ta te , H ig h B lood Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada for longer than four years the law Pressure, R heum atism , A total of 138 forest fires have been mountain road. A Chevrolet scout par­ C o n stip atio n , L oss of contemplates she puts a wrong con­ observed by officials of the Unitod ty recently visited and photographed V ita lity , etc. C a ll o r struction on It, and no divorce may be States air patrol at Eugene so far th.s the fantastic grottos while securing w rite f o r b o o k le t o n DR. G. F. MIDFORD granted. In the case which brought season. touring information along the Pacific re-energi:ing the glands Highway. ab 'ut this decision the lady told the Physician and Surgeon w ith o u t op eratio n . At a special school election Canby Buildings around the cave entrance court she had put up with It twenty Carey Rea! Estate Co. Xx-Kay Equipment Glasses Fitted years. The law of limitation seems to school district voted to unite with the have the appearance of a Swiss village DR. H. Z. THARP Office and Residence Second and P o r t la n d , O ro. apply In our courts of domestic rela­ union high school district by an over­ clinging to some steep Alpine slope. SZS P lt t o c k B lo c k Main Streets, Estacada, Oregon. tions. Visitors gather at the rustic Inn and whelming majority. Telephone Connections • • • In a sudden fit of maniacal rage at regular intervals a guide-lecturer "The days of the ox-cart are gone,” Mrs. Inez Warren, young matron, shot conducts them through natural tun­ DR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON leads off an ad urging the use of a nels. Each person carries his ow’n and killed her mother, Mrs. Melissa graphite lamp. BOB’S BARBER SHOP patent nostrum or cureall. Indeed they Bolton, 71, at Canemah. Dentist The Oregon caves are made up of have, and in many ways It were better Evening Work by Appointment AND MARCEL SALON Astoria post of the American Le Immense chambers, connected by that we return t? them. In those ox­ Phones: Office 316, Residence 6061 cart days people kept reasonable glon and business men have combined natural passages. The walls are mar­ STRICTLY SANITARY Estacada, Oregon SATISFACTION GUARANTEED hours, ate plain and nourishing food, to stage a drive to bring the 1927 state ble In odd formations: ceilings and floors are fringed with stalactites and drank, when they drank at all, pure legion convention to Astoria H aircutting 35c and stalagmites that have been cen­ sh av e 15c wines and liquors, and in all ways con­ The largest shipment of livestock 0 . D. EBY MASONIC BLDG. ESTACADA served their health and looked after to leave Heppner this season was ship­ turies In the forming, ART. SMITH, Propr. All through the winding corridors their children. The ox-cart was slow Attorney at Law but sure, never attempted to climb ped to Chicago last week and Included nature has laid out a decorative General Practice. Confidential Ad­ telephone poles or to rush a grade 25 cars of cattle and 16 of sheep. scheme worthy of a royal palace. The crossing. viser. Oregon City, Oregon Peach growers of the Willamette effects are more artistically designed * * * valley met at Salem and organized than if they had been conceived by the mind of man. Sturdy columns Lawyers who prepare our laws for what will be known as the Willamette rear roofward while bulky portiers Valley Peach Growers’ association S. E. WOOSTER Municipal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.—Phone Main 7733. enactment by the legislatures employ reach down from the shadowy top to LINN’S INN, Estacada, Oregon. phraseology which appears perfectly The hop situation near Mount Angel Real Estate, Loans, Insur- meet them. Massive posts stand side D A ILY plain in meaning to the ordinary per­ Is not as promising from the stand­ by side with frailest tapestry. These ance, Rentals son. Then they go back to where their point of yield as 1925. The early or are petrified forests, miniature (A) A. M. P M, p, M. * A. M. M. i P.M . P.M P.M Farm Loans a Specialty. ». Portland shingle hangs out and when a case fuggle hops will not be worth picking statues, a Dante’s Inferno and a Bird 2:00 6:20 Lv. Estacada 8:00 4:30 Telephone Estacada, Oregon 8:30 Clackamas comes up proceed to tear them all to 2:30 6:50 Eagle Creek 8:16 4:45 8:45 Marksmen of Oregon organized the of Paradise on a marble perch . Carver pieces and give them an altogether 2:40 7:00 Barton 8:25 4:55 8:55 One great chamber, far below the Barton Oregon State Rifle association with 8:05 7:26 Carver 8:45 different meaning. With them it Is not C. D„ D. C. and E. C. LATOURETTE 5:15 9:15 Engle Creek 3:16 7:85 Clackamas 8:55 how to administer Justice, but how Dr. J. D. Sheehan as president, at a surface and larger than a good sized Ar. Estacada 6:25 9:25 ATTORNEYS house, has a natural stone slab roof as 3:30 7:50 Ar. Portland 9:30 meeting held In the Portland armory they may defeat it. Daily except « Sunday “ (A) Saturday 6:00 10:00 smooth and even as though hewn by Practice in all Courts. V T ------ Francis Marion Collins, a resident human hand. Not a ray of natural SUNDAY-Leave Portland 10 A. M. Leave Estacada 4 . 3 0 P. M. First National Bank, Oregon City, Oregon. The pope at Rome has been present­ of Polk county for 80 years, died at light has ever brightened this cham­ ed with some wine from Spain said to his home in Dallas after an illness of ber. be two hundred years old. Safe to say several weeks. Mr. Collins was In his As visitors file through the damp If you wish your trade to rise, it will not be poured down the Vatican 92d year. spectral passages every turn reveal3 you must surely advertise. sewers. Water shortage In the Reed and flashes of fantastic splendor and the Hawley mountain and Weston moun half light of flickering torches only tain regions of Umatilla county Is re­ adds to the unreality of It all. The U. S. Forestry service has widened the ported to b« seriously endangering passages and provided iron stairways. the crops. HAIRCUT 35c SHAVE 15c Elijah Davidson, who still resides In CUTS MORE Following a battle with five sharks the territory, discovered the Oregon while fishing off Coos bay, Joe and Caves In 847 as he followed his dogs All other work at popular prices SLICES Louis Guedon of Astoria were obliged Into the main cavern in pursuit of a to take their 34-foot fishing craft wounded bear. BOBBING AND SHINGLING A SPECIALTY ashore for repairs. After having dispatched the beast, TO THE LOAF Work of scarifying and oiling the Davidson gazed about him by the light Robert Gilman, Prop. Mount Hood Loop highway having of a pitch torch and behld one of the Near Depot. An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and been completed, all the road equip­ most amazing spectacles ever set be­ fore human eyes. children’s between-meal snacks. ment has been moved to the stats The frozen brlc-a-brlc and ghastly highway shops at Salem. shapes caused the mountaineer to Construction of a $10,000 prune dry­ shrink back and seek the cave’s ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES er by S. A. Cummins & Sons Is under mouth,, fearful lest he be confronted way at McMinnville to accommodate by the unseen artist whose mouldings, The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. the bumper crop which will be har- drawings and carvings graced the fan­ ciful walls. vested, beginning August 15, Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The GEORGE LAWRENCE & SON Later Davidson returned with a par­ S. G. Oxborrow, who has Hood River same price as the regular large loaf. Phone No. 37-3 ty of friends and penetrated the Mar­ valley's only commercial peach or­ ble Halls, giving to the world the The only milk sold in Estacada from Federal chard, has started the harvest of this story of a subterranean palace with a Sold at Your Favorite J k if season's crop. His fruit Is maturing hundred rooms each w'hlch had accredited Tuberculin free cows Grocery and R e s t a u - J L \^ 3 earlier than In normal seasons, specially planned decorations. Klamath Falls during July experi­ The caves are located in the heart rants in Estacada andj ^ enced the biggest building month in of the Slsklyous 4,000 feet above the Vicinity. tltweit mtmiei of ifu Heiumjantify its history. Total building Investment sea. They aro 60 miles from Grants reached the sum of $841,433. over Pass and easily reached by a good mountain road from either the Red­ \ double that of any month this year wood Highway or the Pacific Highway. Oiling operations on the Old Oregon Trail highway, between La Grande Much fuss Is made about official and Sunset Inn, several miles west of corruption In enforcement of the pro­ Meacham, are now completed, accord­ hibition law*. There is less official S ee Our Line o f ing to Oscar Cutler, state highway en corruption at the present than at any glneer. time In the past fifty years. Any per­ | Money has been raised by the En­ sons who has read the newspapers and terprise chamber of commerce for the kept In touch with public event* dur­ ^ i that time will vouch for the truth purchase of land near Enterprise to ing of that aeaertlon. It 1* a matter of hls- 17 Shades to Choose From be used as a site for the proposed t >ry. _________ plant of the Black Marble and Lime i company. Special Price 50 c per pair Fire that ignited when the combine engine backfired into spilled gasoline destroyed 180 acres of standing wheat and 290 sacks of grain and a Holt combine on the E. R. Barzee ranch west of Moro. Growers of Evergreen blackberries are now beginning the harvesting of their berry crop in Clackamas county According to the growers of the coun­ ty, this year's crop will eclipse any In Its history- Western woolen and textile mills are In better condition than those general­ at 45c per pound. ly In the east, declared Chauncey Bis­ hop of the Pendleton Woolen mills, following bis return from a trip Hay, Grain and Feed ’hrough the eset. A saw mill and about 400,000 feet Grass Seed of pine lumber belonging to the H. M Maughan Lumber company in Powat Berry Crates ka Ridge, near Wallowa, was com­ For each small filled book of pletely destroyed by fire. The loss Is Stock Remedies Green Stamps at our store estimated at about 117.000, “Get the Habit” IT PAYS Chick Feed Fertilizer Agitation for the establishment of a landing field at Pendleton for air­ See us about your Spray A-i-ll planes has increased with the an­ i : nouncement that probably 2$ or 28 sd Will pay Market Price and know the thrill o f the Cen­ airplanes would land at that city dur­ ing the Pendleton Roundup. tury’s greatest contribution to for Eggs Illegal and fraudulent procedure m otor car progress— an engine, marked the progress of the first elec­ • H. B. SNYDER VIBRATIONLESS beyond belief. tion held in Chlloquln, a lumber town BARTHOLOMEW of some 100 souls, according to a com­ WHERE YOUR DOLLARS HAS MORE CENTS \ Car* arc wa ittng at our plaint registered with the district at and LAWRENCE AND OUR MOTTO SERVICE torney's office by T. L. Inook. resident CASCADE MOTOR COMPANY Phone 601 Eatacada, Ora. of the village, who demands a grand WILCOX BROTHERS - ESTACADA, OREGON Jury lavaatlfauoa. ____________ a a OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Money Money ] to Loan on Farm Mortgages PORTLAND-CARVER- ESTACADA STAGES The “Square Deal” Barber Shop JERSEY MILK AND CREAM ,Q C~r T ,O A F Thinking of School ‘The Buick Motor Company in vites every lover o f fine m otor cars to drive the Ipswich De Luxe Hosiery GREATEST BUICK All Your Needs- E V E R B U IL T One Dollar Cash THE PEOPLE’ S STORE I 1