EASTERN All Your Needs- Hay, Grain and Feed Grass Seed Berry Crates Stock Remedies Chick Feed Fertilizer OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAMNTEREST Brief of Resume of Happenings the Week Collected for Our Readers. CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1028. .rAX REFUND TO OVER SUMMER TOURIST TRAVEL EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS GREATER THAN EVER Washington, July 15.—Counties of Western Oregon containing lands of the Oregon and California grant will receive about $8,000,000 and maybe close to $9,000,000 In ad­ vances from the United States treasury to balance taxes lost in the last ten years, instead of the $5,- 000,000 which has been commonly used as an estimate of the sum to be paid as a result of approval of the bill recently signed by the presi- ident. The increased amount over the The tide of summer recreation and touring from California north into Oregon, Washington and British Co­ lumbia has already become large and promises much to exceed that of : ny former year. Tourists who ere t the continent to California are mo ? and more learning that a mo- tor trip uionK lhe entire Pacific c 0- st offers more of enjoyment ;;nd scenic beauties and wonders than arc f oun(j aiong any 0f the routes BIDS WANTED The Board of Directors, Sehoo' District No. 108, will receive bid up to July 23, 1920, board to met. at the high school building, bids t» be for painting the grade sehoo building—the building to receiv. one coat except where old paint is sealed or loose. These places must be scraped and well cleaned and at extra coat put on . The job is to bi done in a good and workmanlike manner. The board will furnish the paint. Board also reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Wm. DALE, Clerk. Money Money to Loan on Farm Mortgages Clackamas county has bought a new county farm, to cost $15,000. Albert Parker, 34, of Mapleton, was drowned In the Siuslaw river. Pamella lake, which has been dry­ This knowlegde is increasing trav- “Don Q, Son of Zorro,” a picture See us about your Spray ing up again, has been closed to fish­ $5,000,000 is accounted for by the el Up and down the coast by eastern thatTsünds in" a 'cUss "by “itself "as ing. ncreased rates which have obtained tourists. Our own people are lean,- the mogt marvei0u8 romantic melo Carey Real Estate Co. Will pay Market Price Rev. Joseph Y. Stewart of Albany ‘n *he 'f nd gra.nt ®°Untl” Sln.Ce in& of the enjoyment of such a trip drama ever produced. At the Lib and me the numbpr of e Californians who erty . . tonight . . . . and . tomorrow night. for Eggs nuniDer oi aniormans wno was elected moderator for 1926-27 at 1916. The new law fixes the valu- ana the annual Presbyterian synod at Eu ition for purposes of computation niotor north in the summer time is ._______________________________ it the figures assessed in 1915, but increasing. Also more who live in ------— ..........— jrrr-c gene. provides that the amount each y ea r, the Pacific Northwest are using the | Japanese orchardists of all parts ol hall be ascertained by applying the great connecting artery of the Po- ¡ BARTHOLOMEW the Hood River valley have organized ax rate of each succeeding year in c¡fíc highway to enjoy the beauties a Japanese Parent-Teachers associa and LAWRENCE ach county. If the tax rate had and comforts of California. tlon. -emained stationary the sum to be Th{¡ 0 „ Highway commission Phone 601 E sta c a d s, O re. Fire destroyed the hop drier on the GEORGE LAWRENCE & SON fnnn n n n approximately made a traffie census June 16 at th(, A. F. Luther farm in the north Albanj Phgne No. 37-3 key point at Grants Puss where the | district. The loss Is estimated ai However, the tax rates Have ad- Pacific highway is joined by the Red­ The only milk sold in Estacada from Federal $3000. u c e d materially in most, if not wood Highway. This census showed accredited Tuberculin free cows One of the largest prune crops In ill the counties and E. J. Adams, a total of 4419 cars passing that the history of Yamhill county Is as­ ecretary to Senator Stanfield, Who point that day, of which 3670 were PROFESSIONAL CARDS. sured for this fall, according to a re­ as given considerable attention to 0n the Pacific Highway and 749 on cent survey. he working of the bill, believes the the Redwood Highway. Of the to- About 2000 3-lnch fish In the pools um now due the counties will run tal of 728 foreign cars, 542 bore w. A. heylman Wm. W. Smith of the Gales Creek hatchery died last veil over $8,000,000. | California licenses, showing the im- week because of a rise of temperature Another important effect of the | portance of California travel to the ATTORNEYS AT LAW In the water. egislation which has not perhaps states of the north. This north and We will take care of any legal Fifty-two laying hens on the poultry >een fully sensed is that the ad- south travel along the whole Pa- business you may have farm of Arthur Bryant at Franklin, ancing of these sums to the coun- cjftc Coast will undoubtedly be stim- Insurance, Loans and Collections. 17 miles northwest of Eugene, died :es, and continued payment to the ulated by the new movement for Recharging with 48-hour Service from the heat. ounties each year of sums equiv-; joint publicity of all the Coast Frank Menefee, ex-mayor of The lent to current taxes on the re- states. Repairing with Best of Materials DR. W. W. RHODES How thig summet. traffic comp¡ires i Dalles and prominent legal prsontlon- ested lands, will postpon to the We carry new batteries that are winter travel ig shown lhe I er of,Oregon for many years, died at ustant future the distribution of ^ Osteopathic fully guaranteed to satisfy you my funds to the other nominal CtínsUg talcen by the California High- j Olympia, Wash,, aged 60 years. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Commission January 18 and 19 Grasshoppers are eating up the po­ 'eneficiaries of the land grant fund j Your particular kind of oils and the reclamation, lagt where the two hig hw ays cr0S3 Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada tato and hay crops on the farm of hat is to the greases may be had here in correct Overton Dowell Jr. on Mercer lake In und and the United States. At | the gtate line between California he present rate of timber sales the and Q Thig showed fof th> measure the western part of Lane county. DR. G. F. MIDFORD receipts will hardly equal the sums two days a total of 656 cars, of The city council of McMinnville has the government will advance each which 61 were on the Redwood and Physician and Surgeon authorized an Intensive campaign on year to meet future payments to the 595 on the Pacific, which is the only Xx-Ray Equipment Glasses Fitted the European earwig which is said to Wilcox Bros. Estacada, Ore. Office and Residence Second and be spreading through the community counties. real winter route. Much of this Main Streets, Estacada, Oregon. Sales will have to be speeded up winter travel is of northern curs A huge brown bear, followed by two Telephone Connections to accumulate beyond that enough going and returning from Califor­ cube, after killing the horse of Dewey Nelson, forest patrolman at Larch to reimburse to the government the nia. DR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON mountain, chased Mr. Nelson up a tree. eight or nine millions soon to be ad- anced and to pay also the million GRANGE O. K. AT PETTING Dentist Three women were injured when a md a half dollars of accrued taxes HIS LEADING LADY AVERS rock weighing nine pounds was thrown vhich the government paid the Evening Work by Appointment Phones: Office 315, Residence 5051 by a blast through the walls of the ounties when the revestment act Hollywood, Cal., July 17.— “Red” home of E. B. Wert In the outskirts vas passed. Estacada, Oregon Grange’s assertion, after four weeks of Oakrldge. { Under that act the railroad w as; 0f love-making in the movies, that Tillamook county has awarded A. .irst to be paid for its interest in i co-eds are better kissers than the HAIRCUT 35c SHAVE 15c O. D. EBY Guthrie & Co. of Portland the contract 'he land, accrued taxes were to be , motion picture girls, drew some All other work at popular prices to bore a 204-foot highway tunnel on mid and the proceeds after that dis- ¡ snappy retorts from Mary McAl- Attorney at Law the Neah-kah-nie road. The contract , ursed in the ratio of 40 per cent to lister, his pretty leading lady. General Practice. Confidential Ad­ price was $15,334.40. he reclamation fund, 25 per cen t: Grange quit the movies flat today BOBBING AND SHINGLING A SPECIALTY viser. Oregon City, Oregon Reconstruction work on the entire ach to the state and the counties, and tomorrow he leaves for Wheat- distribution line of the Pacific Power >.nd 10 per cent to the United ¡ on, III., to pilot his famous ice w a-1 & Light company In Freewater began Robert Gilman, Prop. tates. The railroad has just been gon for the remainder of the sum- Near Depot. S. E. WOOSTER last week. The cost of the work Is iaid in full, $3,901,088. There is mer at $18 a week. Before check- Real Estate, Loans, Insur­ estimated at $12,000. n hand in the fund as of June 30, ing out of Hollywood, the gridirion I ance, Rentals 215,457, which will be appiled to- star declared he didn’t think much The state highway commission at a Farm Loans a Specialty. -ard payment of taxes accrued up of his own ability as a film sheik. meeting to be held In Portland July Telephone Estacada, Oregon 29 will open bids for the construction \ o 1916, the total of this obligation < Hollywood accepted “Red’s” mod-1 of approximately 35 miles of road and 'jeing $1,571,044. est retirement at face value, but If the Stanfield bill had not been when he said the movie girl» were j C. D., D. C. an d E . C. L A T O U R E T T E a number of bridges. To vote on creating a Union high >assed all hands could look forward “pepless” in their kisses, he aroused ATTORNEYS school district comprising Canby, Mun- o the wiping out of this obligation | a wail of protest. Practice in all Courts. “Why, that’s just horrid of First National Bank, Oregon City, dorf, Union Hall and six other dis­ ind the beginning of distribution on tricts, a special election will be held he basis of the Chamberlain-Ferris ‘Red’,” Miss McAllister said. “H e: Infants’ and Children’s Oregon. ict in another two years or so. The knows he doesn’t mean it. He Just in Canby on Friday, July 30. iw changes that situation, to the says that because he is going back The annual meeting of the Oregon irrigation and drainage congress will lenefit of the counties, which will home to his co-eds. e saved even the cost of collecting “I haven’t seen any college girls be held at Hood River October 14, 15 e taxes. To meet the advance j getting by so big in the movies, ind 16. The dates were set at a > the counties everything that goes though there are plenty of them meeting of the directors in Portland. We Carry a Full Line .ito the fund will be required for trying to crash the gates. BAR BER S Applications and inquiries forecast- n indefinite period of years. BATHS “And 1 don’t think a co-ed puts ng early construction of a hotel cost­ Indeed, if the situation runs a- iny more pt.p ¡n her kisses than the ing at least $25,000 at Odell lake, ac­ L adle«’ en d C h ild re n ’« H air- C u ttin g a S p ecialty . cessible from the Natron cutoff rail­ ■ng another 10 years or so without girlg on the gcreen. l bet .Red- can Shop on Broadway, Estacada. For Girls at ..... road, have been received at the forest . -gely increasing the sales of tim- j gbow the girls back hme some new r, the land grant fund will be so i tricks in lovemaking that he learn- office at Bend. An election held Tuesday In Milton bu / taking care of the counties ed out bere_» the other beneficiaries will see „ , , ,. , , .. . , : to determine whether or not the city .. . , . Grange s leading lady thinks the SATURDAY, JULY 24 en then no prospect of realizing . . , “ . should issue bonds of $30,000 to pur ... . .. , ,, ice man is under-estimating his own ■ T» from the proceeds. How- , chase a new Diesel engine for the inything , . ..... . , love-making prowess. “Reds not a ;ver, during this time increased va- , , , , f , , , , , city light and power plant resulted in . .. ., : bad lover, himself, she continued, lue will come to the government s . . . . , Gil favor of the plan. , , , .. . , “Believe me I had to make some holdings by the increase of growth i . . , ~ . . Albany’s fire department will walk , , . ' , e . . violent love myself in some of the and of stumpage values. Sales of . ' out on a strike August 1 as the result . . . , j close-ups to prevent ‘Red from timber may be speeded, and further „ Get oar prices before you buy of the dismissal by the city council . . . . . . . . , stealing all the scenes. lation to assist in selling may „„ , , . „„ Dryer Pipes Made to Order( of Russell Knlghten, chief of the de­ l»r Green . j . j | He can sure make love and I’ll partment, according to an ultimatum . .. . . forgive him for what he said about For Sheet Iron work, klready there is evidence of in- ,, “ _ . . . . .. , presented to the council. __ j „ __ L j .____4|_ the co-eds being better neckers repairs, soldering and ¿ased effort to dispose of the tim | than the picture girls. plumbing, call at the Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive of jr by the interior department, “And I hope that he will get Portland, during the month of June, ; hich is believed due to the presi- . . . . . . . . . enough of this ice business and re­ aggregated $513,690, according to a dent ., s interest in the matter since . . . . . „ MAIN STREET. ... i . turn to the screen some day.” report prepared by the state fire mar­ ie , learned . that proceeds from sales n .. . . / ,, i ■ , . . . , . . . t,, 1 Grange threw his powder puff shal. There were a total of 69 flree. ave lagged so far behind the obli- , , , . . . of which three were of an Incendiary nations of the special land grant and K make-uP bo)! and he ha" origin. ind. Total sales to June 30 am- Baggage packed preparatory to Considerable activity has been . unted to 4,116,456, allowing for 18 ,a ',< a ins’ shown In the prune market In Douglas he receipts on hand and applying Oregon's first woman magistrate, county during the last few days. Al hem on the reimbursement of tax- Judge Mary Jane Spurlin of Mult- though buyers have covered every sec s paid in 1916, the land grant fund nomah county's District Court, has tlon of the county It U estimated that s today $1,355,586 “in the red." been further distinguished by ele- leas than 70 per cent of the crop has vfter climbing over this red line, vation to the position of national been contracted. he proceeds will begin to apply on treasurer of Phi Delta Delta, wo- Broadway Garage R. A. Sawyer of Portland was elect­ ei'abursing the advance to the men’s legal fraternity. Anita V. For each amali filled book of ed commander of the Spanish W’ar ounties under the new law. It Robbins of Los Angeles, a deputy HENRY BOHN. Estacada f r K Green Stamps at our store veterans at their annual convention r>ok 10 years to pay th4 railroads city prosecutor, was made vice-pre­ at Baker. For senior rice-commander “Get the Habit.” IT PAYS little more than four million dol- gident; she and Judge Spurlin, Lee Hurst of Albany was elected, and irs. How long will it take to pay who recently took the bench on ap- R. A. Campbell of Portland was elected hc counties 8 or 9 million, plus pointment by Governor Pierce, were i junior rice-commander. mother million more of the old ac- the only westereners honored thus, The Esitern Oregon Light A Power rued taxes, plus payments perhaps — Spectator. company has filed application with >f $700,000 yearly in tax equiva- ■ . the state engineer for appropriation C ree ham 2471 ent to be paid the counties as the Don’t forget the street dance this of water from the Grand Ronde river H . B . SNYDER ew law requires, “On or before the week Saturday night. ED ¿ IN N , A T L IN N ’S INN. for the development of 1264 theoreti­ ire$ day of October of each year A G EN T - ■ ............... W H E R E YOIJR DO LLAR H A S MORE CE NTS cal horsepower The cost of the pro­ .fter 1926.” The interior depart- counties, and the $8,000,000 stream E staca d a , O re. P h o ee S43 WITH S E RV ICE A N D Q U A L I T Y posed development was estimated ai ment wW begin at one the computa- will begin to flow as calculations J . E. G A TES JERSEY MILK AND CREAM Satisfactory Battery Service Storage Gas Oil Greasing Personal vc i eSre Cascade Motor Co. The “Square Deal” Barber Shop S P E C IA L UNION SUITS at 29c DENNY BROTHERS ? Kute Cut Coveralls $1.25 PLUMBING PIPE and FITTINGS AM ES SH O P Fluff Cake Flour at One Dollar Cash TIRE AND T I B E REPAIRING THE PEOPLE'S STORE GATES’ FUNERAL HOME __ __________ tion t Ute so-call ad advance to th# are completed.