Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 22, 1926, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
NO. 42
Below we print a clipping from
the Canby Herald, on the candidacy
of A1 Price as a representative of
the people of Clackamas county.
We have known A1 for a number
of years, and no man in Clackamas
county is better qualified to repre­
sent the people of his district than
he is. One of honor, integrity and
ability, and will fight for the right
of his constituency.
To the older residents of Clack­
amas county the life of A. A. Price,
Democratic candidate for represen­
tative in the legislature, is an open
book, showing his
from young manhood to mature
years; from a position of obscurity
to one of prominence; from com­
parative moderate means to reason­
able affluence, and on no page of
that book is there a line that his
friends would have obliterated. In
later years his counsel and advice
have always been sought in com',
mercial and social affairs of his
home town, Oregon City, and valu­
ed, and his judgment on matters of
importance has been invariably
Should he be elected to represent
the people of this county in the leg­
islature they will have a good lis­
tener and a good business adviser;
a sane, sound and sensible business
man, safe as to our financial system,
reasonable in all requirements, but
unyielding to the demand for pro­
tection to American ideals of right
living. A wholesome man of good
physical proportions. A just and
able and honest man.
A1 Price is not rich, except in
generosity, but his commercial suc­
cess has given him a competence.
The big thing about him is his un­
failing common sense, and his
ability to
others and promptly reach wise de­
cisions out of the conflict of opin­
Those who know him most
intimately thinks he fits the need
of the hour and the position he
seeks upon request of his many
friends throughout the state.
Mr. Price is outspoken relative to
his position on public problems and
he has no hesitation in expressing
himself along these lines either
privately or publicly. He is a busi­
ness man and always deals with
public matters in a business way,
making no attempt to dodge or
straddle an issue. He is a business
man thorough and complete, and
the opportunity to send a real busi­
ness man to the legislature is now
before the people of this county.
$1.50 A YEAR
THURSDAY, JULY 22, 192«.
Several dogs in this community
were poisoned on Saturday and Sun­
day; whether accidentally or other­
wise it is not known.
However, it was, indeed, sad to
think such a thing should occur, for
if anyone wishes to get rid of ani­
mals there are much more humane
ways than by poisoning.
There is a possibility, however,
that this poisoned food was scattered
about for rats, but if such was the
cae, the owners of dogs should have
been notified.
Some of the dogs died very sud­
denly and no help could be given
them, but the Airdale belonging to
Mr. Ray Johnson was taken to the
hospital and is getting along very
The County Court is rushing work
on the market road between Carver
and Estacada. This piece of road
will be a great benefit to Estacada
as it makes a first class piece of
highway through to Portland and
Oregon City.
Our citizens have Judge Cross to
thank for this road as much as any­
one, as he was instrumental in the
initiation of the plan which has
made it a reality.
A Junior Christian Endeavor was
organized here recently. The meet­
ings will be held at the church on
each Wednesday afternoon.
The Canning Club girls held a
meeting at the home of their leader,
Miss Elva Shibley, on Friday after­
noon. Those present were: Mildred
and Gertrude Marshall, Evelyn Ay-
cock and Edith Howell.
Mrs. Harold Horner had as her
guests during the past week her
mother, her uncle and aunt and her
neice, all from Dayton, Washing­
Mrs. Wallens is enjoying a viist
with her mother, Mrs. Neitzling,
CREEK GRANGE I and her neice, Julia Christensen, of
Columbia Falls, Mont.
Eagle Creek Grange was organ­
Mary Elizabeth, Norman and
ized in 1873, held meetings for sev­ Bobby Shibley, daughter and sons
eral years, when it was disbanded of Earl Shibley, of Portland, have
for some years. Again on the 13th been visiting their grand parents,
day of June, 1901, it was reorgan­ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shibley.
Mr. and Mrs. Caruthers of Gresh­
ized in Wilbern’s hall, by J. S.
Casto, deputy grange organizer, j am were week end guests at the
with 25 charter members, of whom Wm. Smith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Erickson
six are still living. They are: H. F.
Gibson, Joe Brackett, H. C. Glover, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aycock visited
M. C. Glover, Mrs. Maggie Bates with relatives in Portland on Sun­
and Mrs. Mollie Bates. It was given day.
The L. S. Tenny family of Viola
the name of Eagle Creek Grange
were Sunday guests at the Shibley
No. 297.
The first Master of the newly home.
Mr. and Mrs. Moger were happily
organized Grange was Chas. Zeek,
and the first secretary was M. C. surprised on Sunday evning when
Glover. Then on the 29th day of Mr. and Mrs. North and children,
June, the charter book having ar­ Ethel and Chester, and a couple of
rived, the other officers were duly friends dropped in for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs, Greenstreet are en­
elected. The motion carried that
the Grange meet on the 3rd Satur-i tertaining as their guests a friend,
Mrs. Harmon and baby of Portland,
day of the month at 10 a. m.
Pomona was entertained for the and their daughters, Mrs. Neal of
first time by Eagle Creek Grange in California and Mrs. Nodel of Baker
City, Oregon.
October 1901.
Among the Springwaterites at­
The membership was steadily tending the Chautauqua on Sunday
growing; at each meeting there was were Mr. and Mrs. Shearer and
a class to be initiated. At the pres­ sons, William and Eddie, Mr. and
ent time there are 80 members in Mrs. Bard, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
good standing.
Smith and Sydney Smith and son,
During these 25 years, or since Clinton.
the re-organization of the Grange
W’alter Christensen of Portland
in 1901, 288 patrons have signed was a Sunday caller at the Dr. Wal­
the roll book.
lens home.
Harley Rainey and children of
At the January meeting, 1902, a
committee: Bro. Gordon, Sisters L. Portland were guests on Sunday at
Glover and E. Moelucke—was ap- ] the R. S, Guttridge home.
pointed to draw up by-laws.
At the April meeting, 1902, two
committees were appointed, one to
Edgar Hall left Friday morning
find a location to build a hall and
the other to start a subscription for Criterion, Oregon, where he
will remain during the harvest sea­
After looking about a bit the
A. E Coleman and Vera Mc­
present site was selected as a suit­ Laughlin of Corvallis, who have
able place to build, and a hall 80x been visiting at the home of Mr.
56 feet was erected, which is now
and Mrs. W. F. Coleman, since
one of the finst Grange halls in the |
Thursday, returned to Corvallis,
The Grange held its first meeting
Arne Christensen went to the
in the new hall on June 18th, 1904, mountains Friday where he will be
and in July they they again enter­ employed by the government.
tained Pomona.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Frye of Powers
The first annual May picnic was were Thursday evening visitors of
given in May, 1908. On May 15th, their aunt, Mrs. John Hall,
1926, we celebrated the 19th annual
Emma Coleman left Sunday for
May picnic.
Hubbard where she will spend the
Members of the Grange who have remainder of the summer with her
served as Masters are: Chas. Zeek, brother, H. S. Coleman.
E. N. Bates, H. C. Glover, M. C.
Glover, F. W. Bates, Earl McCon- j
nell, H. M. Duus, A. M. Alspaugh,
Roy Alspaugh, Millard Trullinger
and Clara Hicinbotham.
This year the officers of Eagle
Creek Grange are all women.
The farmers are busy these fine
days getting the hay in and cutting
and shocking grain, and will soon be
ready to thresh.
Roy Douglass will commence
threshing on Wednesday.
Several from this neighborhood
attended Chautauqua last Saturday
and some went down on Sunday,
among them being Ray Woodle and
family and Fred Hoffmeister and
Tommy McKay motored out the
other day to visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McKay, and he
took his mother to Portland on Sun­
day, returning home on Monday.
Virgil Douglass and family were
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Douglass last Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson spent
Sunday afternoon at Grant’s Park,
being invited guests at the picnic of
the sign painters of Portland.
Tom Smith and family, of Port­
land, were guests at the homes of
Pete Clester and Ike Akers over the
week end.
Mrs. Ray Woodle was visiting
with Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister on
Farmers are busy in their hay
and grain at present, which will be
a fine crop.
Mr. D. G. White has gone to Til­
lamook for a few days to look after
his farm there. Mr. I. Mattox is
clerking in the store while Mr.
White is away.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are the
proud parents of a baby boy, born
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Powers and
Mr. and Mrs. Elden Larkin, with
Lester and Ralph Bateson, went to
Battleground, Wash., to take in the
3-day celebration of the W. O. W.
Ladies of Oregon City. They report
a fine time.
Mrs. M. L. Sevier, with her
daughter, Clara, and grand child­
ren, Alice and Leslie, spent two
days at the Chautauqua, which they
enjoyed very much. It is too bad
that more people don’t attend and
get the good of the programs which
are fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lankin have
as visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Swick, of Monument, Oregon; and
k r . and Mrs. Bert Griffith and son,
Beal, of California. They drove in
their car and expect to visit with
other relatives besides their parents
and brothers.
On Saturday evening the local
Odd Fellows held their reg­
ular installation and the following
officers were installed for the en­
suing term:
N. G.—Lloyd Ewalt.
V. G.—Ernest Marshal.
Secy.—John Ely.
Treas.— Barney Schonburg.
R. S. N. G.—A. G. Ames.
L. S. N. G.—Hugh Jones.
R. S. V. G.—Orin Ballou.
L. S. V. G.—Lee McKenzie.
R. S. S.—John Bassett.
L. S. S.—Glenn Ely.
I. G.—Oral Stormer.
O. G.— Walter Looney.
Warden—Arthur Perry.
Conductor—W. H. Grabeel.
Chaplain—Earl Day.
P. N. G.—Lawrence Webber.
Washington, D. C., July 13.—
Editor Eastern Clackamas News.—
I am just advised by the Depart­
ment of Agriculture, Bureau of
Soils, that the Soil Survey of Clack­
amas County, Oregon, has been
completed, and a few copies of this
survey have been assigned to me
for distribution as long as they last.
Just tell your people to write me
for a copy of this survey, and I shall
be glad to forward it promptly.
Most sincerely yours,
(By Elmer M. Colder)
You often read in the newspapers
; bout Dinty Moore, and how Jugs
gets in bad with his irate wife when
he attempts to visit “Dinty Moore’s”.
Wei!, Dinty Moore of Eagle Creek is
running a somewhat different place
of business than the Dinty Moore of
eastern fame, but no doubt he is as
progressive, even though not as dar­
ing, as that old Dinty in the eastern
We’ll call him J. M. Moore, as
that’s his name, and if you’d like to
kr.ow just how to find his place, just
turn east from Clackamas station
and go to Carver—keep on the north
side of the river and go through
Barlow and Eagle Crc-k, watching
the road signs as you go along, as
you'll see several of them telling
about “Dinty Moore” and his auto
camp. You will find this wonder
place a short distance east of Eagle
Creek stores on the main highway
to Estacada, right along Eagle
Creek, the creek runs right through
the 40-acre tract belonging to Dinty.
About 14 months ago Moore start­
ed up business here, by opening a
th e
grounds in Oregon. This confec­
tionery building looks lots better
than it did a year ugo, as Dinty has
put some finishing touches to it
that couldn’t help but spruce it up,
but above all ho has developed a
dickens of a fine auto camp ground,
and you can drive down on thc flats
and all around with your car and
have a good road w-hcrevcr you go.
All the conveniences you could de­
sire are there, including four rest
rooms, swimming holes, wading pools
for little folks, fountains, and mind
yon, the water comes from a won­
derful spring, the water of it so good
that people of the cities take some
home in bottles and jars for a treat,
as it is better than city water, so
they say.
Every man, woman and child call­
ed Mr. Moore “Dinty”. So when he
opened up business his friends p r-
sisted in calling him “Dinty Moore”
and he saw fit to name his camp
“Dinty Moore’s Auto Camp.” rlie
has some more improvements in
mind that he would not divulge in­
formation on at this time, but no
doubt will let us know about his
plans soon.
“Dinty” has lived
around Estacada for many years and
is well known. He has always taken
a great part in community enter­
prises and says he’s goin’ to keep
right on boosting for better things.
Samples of both pears and apples
which had been sprayed with oil,
either mixed with arsenate of load
or applied before or after arsena’te
of lead had been sprayed, have
been wiped (more carefully than in
the ordinary packing house) and
tested for arsenic.
Eight analyses of this fruit show­
ed that between .028 and .041
grains per pound of arsenous oxide
;till remained on both apples and
pears. This is far in excess of the
OBSERVE THE POTATO LAW .01 grain per pound permitted by
the federal authorities.
In order to avoid the possibility
The State Market Agent warns
farmers, dealers and retailers to ob­ of excess arsenic on the fruit, wc CHAMBERLAIN IS
serve the grading and sack stencil­ recommend that no oil sprays be
On Tuesday afternoon, July 20,
ing of potatoes. The law prescribes applied on either pears or apples be­
Mesdames John Lovelace and Ray­
Washington, July.—Ex-Senator
severe penalties for anyone who tween now and harvest time.
mond Lovelace entertained most
George E. Chamberlain of Oregon
does not grade his stock and mark
charmingly in honor of Mrs. Wal­
his sacks before selling or offering gallons to 100 gallons of water is and his bride, formerly Mrs. Caro­
lace Smith, whose birthday fell on
for sale. Grades, rules and regu­ the standard summer spray for red lyn B. Shelton, were on their honey­
that day.
lations may be had by writing the spider mites, but it is liable to burn moon at Virginia Beach, following
All were bidden to come to the
market agent at 712 court house, ender skinned varieties of apples their marriage. Senator Chamber-
John Lovelace home for the after­
lain is 72, his bride 30 years young­
and pears.
noon, where a delightful time was
Chamberlain has been practic­
Dusting with very fine sulphur
spent chatting.
ing law here since his retirement
At four o’clock, the guests were
gainst mites.
The best results art- from the senate in 1921.
invited to get their hats and join in
Mrs. Shelton, who came from
nights have some-
a “treasure hunt.’’ After some little
xawz-'W B'. ."W in humidity and the days have bright Oregon on the senator’s staff when
maneuvering they arrived at the
sunshine with a temperature of 76 ho entered the senate, is well known
Raymond Lovelace home where a
degrees Farenheit in the shade or in official circles because of her
beautifully appointed lunch was
but not above 100 degrees long sorvice as clerk of the commit­
Since pure sulphur tee on military affairs, which posi­
Mrs. Smith was then presented OREGON CITY MAN ELECTED
lumpy, some lime tion she occupied throughout the
with a basket containing cards and
is added to facilitate dusting. The war period.
handkerchiefs gifts from the guests,
Eugene, July 17.—Clyde A. War­
News of the marriuge came as a
proportions of 90 pounds of sulphur
and also a beautiful bouquet from
ren of Oregon City was unanimous­
to 10 pounds of lime appear to be surprise to most of his friends h. re.
May Rose Bartholomew.
Those present at this lovely affair ly elected commander of the Veter­
Members . of Mr. Chamberlain’s
Within recent years substitutes
were Mesdames Gohring, Wooster, ans of Foreign Wars, department
for lime sulphur have been devised family were not surprised to learn
Johnson, of Oregon, at the closing session of
which do not have the caustic or of his marriage, and had been an­
Smith, Ahlberg; May Rose Barthol­ the convention here Saturday even­
burning action of the latter, and ticipating the news for some time.
omew, Arnold and Junior Ahlberg,
Other officers are : Senior vice !
Mrs. Shelton was formerly Mi s
hence are safer to use on tender
Jean Louise Lovelace, Miss Vivian
Skiff of Halfway, Or -.,
skinned varieties of pears and ap­
Gorham, Miss Evelyn Hayworth of
junior vice commander, George
ples and on stone fruits.
These and has been associated with Mr.
Stayton, and the hostesses.
Dunn, Klamath Falls; quartermast­
sprays are not very active as insect­ Chamberlain for over 30 years in his
er, Grant Getchell, Portland; chap­
icides when the weather is cool, and law practice. She served later as
lain, Rev. W. A. Elkins, Eugene;
can not always be relied up­ his secretary when he was governor
It is reported that a fine electric
state surgeon, Major William G.
on for effective action.
They are, and went with him to Washington
bakery will soon be in operation in
Scott, Portland.
Those elected to
warm when he became senator.
the Masonic buijding, which will, in­ the council of administration were:
While secretary to the governor
weather and arc of value in check­
deed, be a fine addition t« the R. F. Compton, Portland, and W. J.
ing red spider outbreaks. Among •he received considerable recogni­
town. This is something which has Chamberlain, Corvallis.
these wcttable sulphurs and colloi­ tion during Mr. Chamberlain’s .ab­
long been needed in our community
Council and commander of the
dal sulphurs may be mentioned the sence from the state, when she oc­
and we hope it shall be well patron­ organization were authorized to
well known Atomic Sulphur, “Dry cupied the executive's chair for a
ized and shall prosper.
open a permanent office in Port­
Mix” sulfur and lime, and “Oregon few days.
cold-mix” lime and sulfur, not to
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF BIDS land with a full-time paid attend­
The bride is well known in Port­
ant on duty as soon as finances
mention many other satisfactory land and has many friends here.
Board of Directors, school Dis­
warrant the expenditure. The con­
materials now on the market under Mr. Chamberlain's family includes
trict No. 108, board to meet at high
William de Leftwich Dodge, famous mural artist. In ms studio c. t
vention closed Saturday evening
various commercial names.
Dr. Charles Chamberlain and Mrs.
school building July 23, calls for
Setqul-Centennlal International Exposition grounds In Phflaoelphia. whr
with a big dance and parade by the ths 150th anniversary of stgDlng ths Declaration of Independence will
Horace Tevis, both of Portland, and
bids for 70 cords of first class 4- American Legion drum corps.
celebrated from June to December, of this year, giving instructions to a wr
W. S. Brown, Horticulturist.
Mrs. Rowlan Gaither, Mrs. Charles
foot wood delivered to ths school
of young artists who are creating ths Rainbow City ” Mr Dodge !• t
Don C. Mote, Entomologist.
Donald Wood and George E. Chain-
building. The board reserves the
R. H. Robisson, Chemist.
berlain Jr of California.—Gregor*
Don’t forget the street dance this color expert for the esposition, and every bit of color work done must - 4 I
right to reject any and all bids,
approved by nun.
f f a . DALE, Clerk.