Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 24, 1926, Image 1

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    Ëafitem (Ülarkamas N mm
D evoted to the Interests ot Eastern
Automobile Overturned
By Boulder on Highway
In an attempt to pass a freight
truck while on their way to Port­
land, Sunday, the wheel o f Frank
Ewing’s Oakland coach Btruck a
large rock and was completely over­
Mr. Ewing had with him
his son and Mrs. Ewing.
accident occurred on the
highway north o f Currinsville and
proved injurious to Mrs. Ewing
who suffered back injuries, and her
son Robert, who received a broken
collar bone. The top o f the car was
broken, but was in good shape con­
sidering the seriousness o f the ac­
Ed Saling, an old friend o f the
Ewings and a form er resident o f
Estacada, gave them aid. He was
on his way from Portland and was
Unaware that Mr. and Mrs. Ewing
had been visiting in Estacada.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewing and their
son left Wednesday evening for
their home in Englewood, Cal., after
damages caused by the accident had
been repaired.
" I ’ve been a tumbleweed all my life
— but now I ’m aimin’ to settle
down,” William Hart as Don Car­
ver soon decided after he met Bar­
bara Bedford as Molly Lassiter in
It's a wonderful
picture and will be at the Liberty
theater on Monday and Tuesday.
June 28 and 29.
Bill Hart is at his best in
"Tumbleweeds,” a picture o f true
Western type.
The greatest land
rush in the history o f the United
States is portrayed and many other
things equally exciting.
The serious action o f the play is
set off by the comedy part played
by Lucien Littlefield as "Kentucky
Bose.” He is a queer character and
has a weakness fo r women.
entire cast is strong.
Be sure to see Bill Hart as a
typical “ tumbleweed” described in
the old tumbleweed song,
“ Oh, I’m a rollin’ rambler,”
Said the tumblin' tumbleweed)
“ The praries are my racetrack,
The wild wind is my steed I”
On Monday evening, June 21, a
school meeting was held in the high
school auditorium for the purpose
o f electing a director and clerk for
the school district No. 108. Candi­
dates for directors were A. G. Ames
and R. G. Ellis; the ballots were
counted and A. G. Ames was elect­
Wm. Dale was unanimously
elected clerk.
Oath o f office was taken by the
newly elected officers and after this
meeting was adjourned a special
meeting was called for consideration
o f a budget fo r the coming year.
The budget was read for approval
and was ammended to th 8 effect
that the clerk’s salary was raised
$100 a year. The budget wag then
Miss Reliance Moore spent Satur­
day in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stormer at­
tended the Old Settlers meeting in
Portland last week.
Miss Irene Hayden came out
from Portland to spend th 8 week­
end with her parents.
Miss Florice Douglas was here
from Portland on Saturday and
Sunday visiting friends.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hillyard and lit­
tle daughter of Boring were visiting
at the John Irvin home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stormer at­
tended the Sstate Pioneers meeting
held in Portland last week.
Sunday guests at Shadekist auto
park were Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Roberts, J. D. Scuphurn, Hal Rob­
erts, Hugh Roberts, C. Hobbs and
family and A. W, Lillie, all o f Port­
Thelma Wilcox, Wilma Kitching
and Emma Coleman, Howard Davis
Vicotor Bowman and Vernon Mar­
shall motored to Wapinitia Sunday.
They went by way o f the Mt. Hood
Loop and enjoyed a picnic dinner
at the Clackamas Lake Ranger sta­
In a game with Sandy, Sunday
afternoon, June 20, Estacada was
defeated, the final score being 4-2.
The game was very close and at
the end o f the 6 th inning the game
stood 3-0 in favor o f Estacada. Er­
rors made by Estacada in the last
three innings caused them to lose
........ j
Mr. and Mrs. John Ely and son
Glenn, Mrs. Ralph Wade and son
Wayne and Mrs. Ista Baurenfiend
were dinner guests at the home o f
Mr and Mrg w M Wade Sunday.
Mrgi Stanley
Baird and
da hterg and Mrg Ralph Wad and
gQn were vigitorg at the home of
Mrg Arthur Smith Thursday o f last
Migg Qenevieve Hunt o f Portland
was B gunday visitor of Mr. and
Mrs. John Hall.
the annual school meeting held
i at At
the school house n Monday even-
*n 8 > dune 21, Ward Douglas was
elected director
and Mrs. C. A.
Looney was elected clerk,
Mrs- RalPh Wade and y ° unB «on
and Mrs. Stanley Baird and daugh-
ters were visitors of Mrs. George
Kitching Friday,
$1.50 A YEAR
THURSDAY. JUNE 24, 1926.
N ew s from the Neighboring Towns
Because of a breakdown in the
"Toonerville Trolley,” the members
o f the P. M. A. who held their
monthly meeting in the form o f a
picnic at Camp 8 , on Tuesday, June
22 , did not arrive at their destina­
tion until late in the afternoon.
, ,
The party left Estacada by «peed-
er at 10:30 and had planned to have
their P>cnic dinner at the home o f
Mrs. George Townsend of Camp 8
early in the day. A fter their ar-
rival the meeting and dinner were
held. Those present report a pleas-j
ant trip. ________________
Clackamas County
at the home o f Virgil Douglass last
Friday evening.
John Duun o f Camas, Wash., mo­
tored down to his brother-in-law's,
Will Douglass, Sunday, and got
some cherries and taking his son
Carol, home with him. Carol
' has
been visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
Douglass for about four weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were
dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. T.
C. McKay on Sunday.
Last Sunday there was quite a
family reunion held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass in honor
of the birthday o f the latter’s fa­
ther, G. Moehnke, of Shuebel. All
spent a pleasant day.
Walter Douglass and wife, and
Virgil Douglass and family were cal­
ling at the hom 8 of Roy Douglass
The annual school meeting was
held in District No. 50 on Monday-
evening, June 21. Mrs. Rosa Doug­
lass was reelected clerk and Roy
Douglass was elected director. Mrs.
Linnie V. Gibson, director, going
Education needed to remedy the
drug evil was the point stressed by
the representative of the Anti-Nar­
cotic Educational Association who
gave a lecture in connection with
the picture “ Human Wreckage,” to
a large audience at the Liberty
theater on Friday evening, June 18.
Mrs. Wallace Reid in "Human
Wreckage,” pictured to the public
the terrible effect of morphine on
mankind. She chose the screen as
a method o f teaching her lesson
because it reaches the four corners
of the earth.
A campaign for funds wat being
made by the association and after
the lecture contributions were made.
The headquarters of the Anti-Nar­
Crushed under a heavy coach at
cotic Educational association are at
the bottom of a 75-foot plunge
601 Bedell building, Portland, Ore.
the Fairmont blvd.-Marquam Hill
rd., Mrs. Margaret Winesburg, 27,
of Waunna Court apartments, 545
Morrison st., was almost instantly
As a result o f an operation, Mrs.
killed at 2:30 a.m. Tuesday. With
J. A, Somer, former resident of
the woman, who was stepdaughter
Estacada, died June 16, in Holy-
o f Ed Sweeney, county assessor,
Funeral services
was Carl G. Bruntsch, 40, borrower
were held in Wilson, Kansas, and
o f the
burial was in a cemetery near her
Sunday were very good, each and
old home.
In attempting to negotiate a sharp every one doing their part in an ex-
Mrs. Somer was born in Bushin
turn in the road, she drove too close c lie n t manner.
A large crowd was
Czechoslovakia, came to the United
to the edge o f the steep embank- there and was certainly repaid for
The funeral services of Mrs. Isa­ States with her parents at the age
The car toppled over and i their coming.
bel Elizabeth Rose, o f Fairbanks, of two years in 1877 and they made
rolled 75 feet, stopping with a
Mr. Burnham o f Portland was out
i Alaska, was held at the Presbyterian their home in Wilson Kansas. From
crash against a tree.
to his place here on Sunday.
| church at Eagle Creek, Rev, Weir
Bruntsch escaped with only a
R«y Smith o f Portland visited on j officiating. He preached a very im* there they moved to Estacada where
they lived for seven years.
slight laceration on his left leg.
I Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
| pressive sermon. The Rebekahs of
M il
j Mrs. Wm. Smith.
Besides her husband, J. A. Som­
The car was demolished.
, ,,
„ .
. Estacada took charge of the services
! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and
er, Mrs. Somer leaves one son,
Mrs. W inesburg, who Bruntsch daUghter Clara were dinner guests j at the cemetery. Interment was in Frank Somer of Chase, Kansas, two
said recently filed papers to ob- ' on Sunday at the Enquest home the Estacada cemetery.
sisters, Mrs. J. Douda of Portland,
There was a large crpwd out to
tain a divorce from her husband, in ¡ j odg e_
and Mrs. J. T. Irwin of Estacada,
was hurled from the machine a
Mr. and Mrs. j j enry Cromer en­
and one brother, John Ptack, of
large coach, in its mad flight and tertained a number of guests on floral offerings were brought.
Juno, Alaska,
pinned beneath it when it came to ; gunday-
a mad stop against a tree.
Mrs. John Park and chiidren who | born Jan. 30, 1877, in Halifax,
Nova Scotia, and was married Sept.
Bruntsch told captain Frank Er- have been visiting the past couple
30, 1897 to Daniel Rose in Rock­
vin, o f the traffic bureau, that he of weeks at the Carl Ward home
There will be a meeting of the
ford, Wash.
She resided in Vic­
dug into the earth with his hands returned to their home in Woodland
Old Settlers organization on Satur­
toria, B. C. for several years and
in an effort to extricate Mrs. Wines- Wash., on Sunday,
day, June 26, at the Gem theater
later joined her husband during the
burg. She was still breathing.
| The many friends o f Dr. Wallens
for the election o f officers and
early days of the gold strike in Daw­
making a permanent organization
He said he freed her head and are glad to know of his gradual im-
son, Yukon Territory.
Later re­
and to rejuvenate all the lost ener­
shoulders, but was unable to re- | provement in health.
moving to Fairbanks, Alaska, where
gy since last meeting,
Grandma Juhan is visiting for a
move the pressure o f the car from
they made their home for 25 years.
; few weeks with her grandchildren,
. . . .
. ,
her body.
Meeting is called for 3 o ’clock in
I ...
h*r bu3band’ afternoon.
Bruntsch then ran down the road 1 Valine and Ray Julian at the Clar- n bheR 13 surv; v,?
ence Hull home.
^an Ro8e’ nand her two brothers A.
about two miles to the first house
Mr. and Mrs. Skagg entertained C’ C ° * swe11 ° f Eagle Creek and By-
and called police.
a number o f friends from Portland , ™ Cogsweil of Lampbell, Califor-
When police and a Campbell Tow­
on Sunday.
We arc glad to see the work com­
ing company’s wrecking car reached
Wm. Snuder o f Jarvis, Ore,, who
ing along nicely even though it is
the scene, Mrs. Winesburg was
resided here some twenty or more
the dull busy season o f the year.
dead. Her body was not removed
, . .
| years ago was calling on a few old
Joel LaCroy has his men working The Bible school and Christian En­
from the wreckage fo r nearly half , . ,
„ ,
friends on Sunday. He found many on the Ficken hill road, making the deavor will continue during the
an our.
. . .
. changes as this was his first visit road whieh will be a great improve­ summer and also the morning and
In relating the accident and
‘ ,
since he moved away,
The morning
ment and will be safe to travelers evening preaching.
events leading to it to Captain Er­
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge en­ using it.
sermon is upon the subject “ The
vin, and Chester Wiles, police traf­
tertained a number of relatives on
Miss Beulah and Mildred Hicin- Secret o f the Power in the Church
fic accident investigators, Bruntsch
bothem who have been spending a is in the Spiritual L ife.” Evening
said he had met MrB. Winesburg
The George Perry family togeth­ week here with relatives returned to sermon, “ The Greatest Fish Story
at 6:30 p.m. Monday. They went
er with Harry and Joe Perry and their home at Stevenson, Wash., on in the World.”
Read the entire
to the Multnomah hotel for d i n n e r . ^ p
Miss Pepka, left
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chanes Hi- book o f Jonah and then come and
and afterwards danced until nearly.
on Saturday by automobile for cinbothem and daughter Alice and hear this sermon. Come and bring
Maine to visit Mr. Perry’s people. son Leslie with Mrs. M. L. Sevier, «your Sunday company and friends
Mrs. Winesburg suggested going
They expect to be gone about three accompanied them to their home, the along and you will gain heavenly
to see a friend of hers living on the
months and visit as many points of latter returning on Sunday evening riches. Let’s not let th 8 Bible school
east side.
There, Bruntsch said,
interest as possible enroute.
except Alice who will visit her rela­ run below fifty during vacation.
they had two drinks apiece, and left
Roy Aycock was a Sunday vis­ tives there until the 4th.
for Mrs. Winesburg’s home.
itor of Wilbur Howell.
A welcome was given Mr. and
At Sixth and Morrison sts. the
. .
. . .
John Moger has been spending a Mrs. Walter Brewster and Mr. and
woman changed her mind about go- few d
with hig
Mrs. Joe Mattox, two newly mar­
Multnomah Camp No. 77 o f Port­
ing horn, and asked Bruntsch to let M f and Mfg j f M
ried couples o f Viola, by a party land entertained the local order of
her drive.
o f young people on Monday evening. W. O. W, with a program at the
She took the wheel and drove to
Music was furnished by the party I. O. O. F. hall, Thursday evening,
Hillvilla, turned about (and drove
and everyone enjoyed a pleasant June 17.
The program was well
back to the beginning o f Marquam
The newlyweds will make planned and consisted o f a number
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson, Aliee time.
o f songs by the assistant manager,
i Udell and Sam Wilson were up this their homes in Viola.
Up the steep, winding road they
Mrs. Claude Potter is visiting with Mr. Gerwin and Dorothy Sprague.
way last Thursday and Friday pick-
went to a point about a mile be­
relatives in Washington.
The audience enjoyed the dance
I ing cherries and blackberries.
yond the end o f the Marquam road,
1. C. Akers went to Portland Sun-
Mr. Powers who has been visit- numbers furnished by Miss Mattie
Fairmont blvd., where the accident
; day and on Monday morning he un- ing his two song, Elmer and Emery Lee. E. B. Martin gave a talk in
derwent a very serious operation, left for his home in Baker, Monday. which he told o f the benefits de­
“ I thought she was going to make
At last report he wag getting along l Mr. Claude Potter in some un­ rived from the order. He also stat­
the turn all right,” Bruntsch de­
known way received a fractured ed that there were 145,000 mem­
as well as could be expected.
clared. “ When I felt the car slide
bers in the nine states in which the
Wm. Asp and family were calling rib Monday.
I grabbed the wheel, but too late.
W. O. W. operates.
"I know I shouldn't have let her
Eight new members were taken
She was very high strung MRS. A. E. SPARKS ENTERTAINS
into the lodge after an intermission
. . . lost several thousand dollars’
held for that purpose.
worth o f diamonds in Wauna lake
Mrs. A. E. Sparks entertained a
M. Lonsberry was a business vis­
just a few weeks ago . . . the di­
number o f friends with a card itor in Portland Tuesday.
Myrtle Morgan and daughter of
vorce . . . and all,” Bruntsch sum-
party Friday evening, June 18, in
Portland ar„ visiting U. S. Morgan.
James Guttridge and Joe Gutt>
honor o f Mrs. Merwin Russell who
Mr. Ben Tannler o f San Francisco
A fter telling his story to police,
ridg 8 and family motored around
has been visiting her from Ogden,
is home for a two-weeks visit. He
Bruntsch was released.
was visiting on Monday at the home
Coroner took charge o f Mrs.
The evening was spent in playing Gus Wilcox.
o f his sinter, Mrs. F. C. Bartholo­
Wineburg's body.
” 500” and honors were won by Mrs.
The band is busy these evenings mew.
Car which figured in the fatal
H. C. Gohring and Mr. Cary,
practicing for their engagement for
Fred Mench o f Portland who is
accident belonged to the Schmidt
wsre the Fourth of July when they will
Lithograph company, 45 Fourth st.,
employed for the government left
served by Mrs. Sparks.
play at the three-day celebration at
Monday for camp at Cold Springs
where Bruntsch is employed.— News.
Those who enjoyed the evening Moialla.
with four engineers. They will re-
were Mr. send Mrs. J. W. Duus,
Gueste at a birthday dinner given main at the Cold Springs camp for
Mr. and Mrs. Cary, Mrs. Echor and
for Mr. Ralph Wade at his home about eight weeks.
Sunday school .................
10:00 Mrs. Merwin Russell,
on Monday evening were Mr. and
Mrs. James McGinnis and little
Junior Church, ......................... 10:45
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ahanert and Mrs. Albert Lins, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ daughter returned to their home at
Morning sermon, "The God o f the
bur Wade and son Merle and Roy camp 8 on Thursday morning from
Amen,” .................................. 11:00 daughter Frances were called to
the JVilcox home where they have
Preaching at Garfiedl,
Gre*ham Monday evening because Miller.
Epworth League.......... ................. 8:00 o f th« *'ckn« M o f their father.
Mrs. Henry White and Feme been cared for.
Mr. J. W. Ferguson was here on
Prayer meeting Wed. evening .. 8:00
Expressions o f sympathy are be- White o f Scappoose, Reba Stanley
“ Jehovah is nigh unto all them that ing extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack o f Monmouth and Doris Kirkpat­ Wednesday making arrangements
call upon him,
Penner due to the death o f their in- rick o f Mexico City were visitors at for the Fire Wardens in thin district
To all that call upon him in truth.” fant daughter on Saturday.
The the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Russel ■ for the season. He was calling on
K««d, Thursday.
j Roy Wilcox on Wednesday evening.
FV»lm 14».18
little one was buried on Sunday.
Prominent Lodge Member
Passes at Eagle Creek
Funeral services were held Tues­
day, June 21, for Mrs. Isabel Rose
of Fairbanks, Alaska, who died June
j 6 , while visiting at the home of her
brother, A. C. Cogswell o f Eagle
Creek, Oregon.
The funeral was
held under the auspices of the local
order of Rebekahs with interment
j in the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Esta­
i -e
Mrs. Isabel Elizabeth Rose was
j born at Halifax, Novia Scotia, Jan­
uary 30, 1877, and was married to
Dan Rose, Sept. 29, 1899. Mr. and
Mrs. Rose lived twenty-six years in
Fairbanks, Alaska.
They had one
daughter, Audrey Rose, who died
about three years ago.
For thirty years Mrs. Rose has
been a member f the Rebekahs and
organized the first order ef that
kind in Alaska in 1912.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Rose
leaves two brothers, A. C. Cogswell
of Eagle Creek and B. S. Cogswell
of Saint Jose, California.
At the three day* of celebration
July 3, 4, and 5, during which a big
round-up will be held at Moialla, the
local band will add to the celebra­
tion by playing the entire time.
These three days will be picnic
days for the local band for they are
planning to take lunch to enjoy in
the open air and they cordially In­
vite local residents to go to Mo-
lalla and make merry with them.
Moialla has been making prepar­
ations for the round-up that will
make it a grand success.
week 76 head of horses, thirty head
of cattle and one bucking buffulo
arrived at Moialla, and sitizens are
beginning to wear wild west cloth­
ing in addition to the flags and other
decorations hat are giving the town
its promised appearance.
The residence o f Mr. and Mrs. H.
F. Gibson, o f Barton, was the scene
of a pretty wedding Wednesday,
June 16, when their niece, Agnes
Udell was united in marriage to Fred
Baker, o f Barton,
The impressive ring ceremony was
read by Rev. Ira F. Rankin of the
Methodist church o f Estacada, in
the presence of a number of their
friends and near relatives, the mar­
riage taking place at high noon.
The bride wore a pretty gown o f
blue silk crepe de chine and car­
ried un arm bouquet of roses.
The bride was
sister, Miss Alice
lovely in a gown
and also carried a
attended by her
Udell, who Was
o f silk and lace
boquet o f roses.
Atlee Erickson of Currinsville,
acted as best man.
The house was beautifully decor­
ated for the occasion, the color
scheme being white and pink and
the rooms adorned with boquets o f
Many beautiful and uselul gifts
were received.
Following the marriage ceremony
a bountiful chicken dinner, with all
the fixings, and cakt and straw­
berries was served.
Ihe bride und groom left about
•> o ’clock amid showers of rice and
old shoes.
The groom has lived at Barton
for the past two or three years,
Having come from California.
Mrs. J. W. Moore was a Portland
visitor on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith re­
turned home from Seattle on Sun­
day evening und report a very fine
Waldo Demoy and several friends
of Portland went up the river on a
fishing expcuition over the week­
Mis s Ruth Hewitt of Portland
was visiting here on Saturday at the
home o f her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. S. E. Wooster.
Mrs. Sam Harrington of Portland
is visiting at the home of her mo­
ther, Mrs. Rose Lovell of Currins­
Mr. Carl Kimmel who has been
teaching in the high school at Ar­
lington Washington, during the past
term has returne dhome.
Mrs. Dave Eschleman and son
David went to Oregon City on Mon­
day evening and Tuesday morning
David had his tonsils removed.
Dr. and Mrs. Manville and little
daughter £_)orothy Lce are visiting
at the home of Mrs. Manvilie'g mo­
ther, Mrs. Carrie Denny.