EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1926 NOTICE OF ANNUAL Lewis Wuisenpfug, of Route 4, Esta­ SCHOOL MEETING cada, Oregon. Leo Rath, of Route 4 Estacada, Notice is hereby given to the le­ Oregon. gal voters of School District No. Ed Harders, of Route 4, Estacada, 108 of Clackamas county, State of Oregon. Oregon, that the Annual School Nicholas Rath, of Route 4, Esta­ Meeting of said district will be held cada, Oregon. WALTER L. TOOZE, Sr. at the High School building on the Register. 21st day of June, 1926, at 7:30 o’clock in the afternoon, for the Notice will be published five con- following objects: 1 secutive weeks in the Eastern Clack­ To elect one director for 3 years, amas News, Estacada, Oregon. one clerk for 1 year, and transac­ J Date of first publication June 3. tion of business usual at such meet­ Date of last publication July 1. ings. Dated this 28th day of May, 1926. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Attest: WM. DALE, District Clerk. A. G. AMES, Chairman Board Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, of Directors. May 26, 1926. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE is hereby given that Columbus M. Brock of Route 4, Es­ Department of the Interior, U. S. tacada, Oregon, who, on May 8, 19- Land Office at Portland, Orgeon, 23 made second Homestead Entry, May 29, 1926. No". 07368, for S E liN W 1/* and NOTICE is hereby given that Er­ NE^iSWVi, Section 21, Township nest A. Hacheney, of Route 4, Esta- 3S, Range 5E., Willamette Merid­ cada( Oregon, who, on March 27, ian, has filed notice of intention to 1922, made Homestead entry, No. make final proof, to establish claim 07261, for SW iiN W 'i, Section 29, to the land above described, before Township 3S, Range 5E, Willamette Register, U. S. Land Office, at Port­ Meridian, has filed notice of inten­ land, Oregon, on the 9th day of tion to make final proof to estab­ July, 1926. lish claim to the land above de­ Claimant names as witnesses: scribed, before the Register U. S. Harold Joyner, of Route 4, Esta­ Land Office, on the 13th day of July cada, Oregon. 1926. Julius Paulson, of Route 4 Es­ Claimant names as witnesses: tacada, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. A. Heylman Wm. W. Smith ATTORNEYS AT LAW We will take care of any legal business you may have Insurance, Loans and Collections. DR. W. W. RHODES Osteopathic PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Lichthorn Bldg,, Estacada DR. G. F. MIDFORD Physician and Surgeon Xx-Ray Equipment Glasses Fitted Office and Residence Second and Main Streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone Connections DR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON Dentist Evening Work by Appointment Phones: Office 315, Residence 5061 Estacada, Oregon O. D. EBY Attorney at Law General Practice. Conffdential Ad­ viser. Oregon City, Oregon \DENNY BROTHERS 1 BARBERS BATHS C. D„ D. C. and E. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS Practice in all Courts. First National Bank, Oregon City, Oregon. r PLUMBING PIPE and FITTINGS Get our prices before you buy Dryer Pipes Made to Order For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbing, call at the AM ES SH O P MAIN STREET. TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING Broadway Garage HENRY BOHN, Estacada GATES’ FUNERAL HOME Gresham 2471 ED LINN, AT LINN’S INN, AGENT Estacada, Ore. Phone 543 J. E. GATES JERSEY MILK AND CREAM I» . . . | Oregon prune growers with natu­ ral draft dryers can well afford to improve them with fans according to E. H. Wiegand, professor of horticultural preducts at O. A. C. Approximately 70 to 80 million tons of dried prunes will be produced in Oregon this year, a great increase over other years, and this requires additional drier space. “An increase of at least 76 per cent is accomplished by the installa­ tion of fans in the ordinary natural draft dryer,” says profesor Wie­ gand. “The more modern types of dries are circulation types with fans, using cars instead of sliding trays in runways. Contrary to the general vie wof handling recirculated air, driers are built much longer than the old tunnel to decrease the tem­ perature of the drying air. The length of the tunnel improves the quality of the fruit.” The entrance temperature is be­ tween 150 and 165 degrees F., and is gradually decreased to a finish­ and twenty-four plants made up ing temperature of not exceeding | Mr. Osborne’s first garden. The 120 degrees. This prevents to a ginseng plants he now cultivates great extent bleeding and dripping cannot be counted. of fruit caused by expansion of the Golden seal is planted in Mr. Os­ fruit juice when it comes into con­ tact with the hot air. Washing in borne's patch after he has harvested running water, hot or cold, is sub­ a crop of ginseng because disease stituted for lye dipping, which ruins might attack the roots of ginseng is many good prunes. an alternate is used. The goiuen Careful harvesting of prunes re­ seal plant also thrives on Estaca- moves brown rotted fruit before it well drained slopes. Ginseng is dried. Brown rot-infected fruit da's and golden seal must be grown on decreases the quality of the pack sloping land or they rust. and naturally makes the product less salable. Picking belts in front of As the ginseng plants require the dipper fascilitate the removal of twenty-five percent sunshine, arti­ inferior grades of fruit, thus in­ ficial shade must be provided. Lat­ creasing the capacity of the drier tices made of shakes are suspend­ ed over the plants; these are taken by giving space to good fruit. down in the winter. Th# sunlight moves constantly and thus reaches LOCAL GINSENG GARDEN the plants, and is distributed MAKES LARGEST SEED SALE ail evenly over them as if they were in natural forests. Gin­ John Osborne, owner of the larg­ growing seng is a medical plant used mostly est ginseng garden in Estacada, sells by the Chinese, so after the roots yearly 100,000 ginseng seed. The are dug and dried the product is supply of seed cannot fill the de­ shipped to the East. Much of mand so there should be more than the seed, however, is sold locally. the thirty-five ginseng gardens al­ ready in this district. A small The land in Estacada is hard to amount of land put into ginseng will beat as favorable soil in which to net a large profit as ginseng seeds grow ginseng. If more gardens sell for about $2.00 or $2.25 a are planted there will be organiza­ pound, and the roots sell for from tion of producers and better prices $8.00 to $14.00 a pound, depend­ and market conditions will be avail­ able. This is what the small num­ ing on the quality. ber of present producers want. They Mr. Osborne started his garden also to make Estacada famous ten years ago by transplanting from for its want ginseng and will rejoice over the garden of Jerry Jones, who hav­ a. growth of farm population which ing learned about ginseng in the the production of this plant will east started the production in Esta­ bring. cada. One hundred thousand seed . ' Notice of School Meeting SECOND MOTH COVER SPRAY SHOULD BE APPLIED NOW The second coddling moth eovsr spray on apples und pears should be applied now, as coddling moths have laid numerous eggs on the fruit and foliage of pears and apples during the past week of warm weather. The eggs will hatch in from 8 to 16 days depending upon the tempera­ ture and apples and pears should be covered with a spray before the worms reach themm. The sjray used to poison the worms is lead arsenate powder used at the rate of 2 to 4 pounds to 100 gallons of water. Walter A. Holt, County Agent FARM REMINDERS Canning Oregon strawberries is easuy done is the fruit is placed in jars after steaming and washing, says the horticultural products de­ partment at tne college. The fruit is covered with a hot syrup made o f ' 6 pounds of sugar and 4 pounds of wfcter. The lid and rubber are* placed on the jar lightly. The jar is cooked in a washboiler of boiling water 20 minutes for quarts and 16 minutes for pints. After cooking the jar is upended away from a draft to cool. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Vedder and Mrs. Vedder’s mother of Portland are stationed at the Roaring River lookout for the summer. PORTLAND-CARVtR- ESTACADA STAGES Sixth and Salmon Sts.—Phone Main 7733. Ladies’ and Children’s Hair- •{• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 108 i Municipal Terminal, LINN'S INN, Estacada, Oregon. Cutting a Specialty. of Clackamas County, State'of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said DAILY Shop on Broadway, Estacada. •! district will be held at the High School building, on the 21st day of June, 1926, ■i—I— t—t—i—;—’t— 't—- at 7:30 o’clock A. M. P. M, P. M. in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget herein­ •A. M. M.jP.M, P.M f t after set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a v. Portland 2:00 6:20 Lv, Estacad« 8:00 4:30 8:80 special district tax. Clackamas 2:30 6:50 Eagle Creek 8:15 4 :46 8:46 Carver 2:40 7:00 Barton The total amount of money needed by the said school district for the fiscal 8:26 4:56 8.66 Barton 3:06 7:25 Carver year beginning on June 30, 1926, and ending June 8o, 1927, is estimated in the 8;45 6:15 9:16 Eagle Creek 3:15 7:36 following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school Clackamas 8:55 6:26 0:26 3:30 7:60 Ar. Portland fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special district tax,* ana all Ar. Estacada 6:00 10:00 9:30 * Daily except Sunday other moneys of the district: (A) Saturday only. SUNDAY— Leave Portland 10 A M. Leave Estacada 4.30 P. M. S. E. WOOSTER Real Estate, Loans, Insur­ ance, Rentals Farm Loans a Specialty. Telephone Estacada, Oregon ? Roy Maxwell, of Route 4, Esta­ cada, Oregon. George W. Wilson> of Route 4, Estacada, Oregon. Clackamas, Co. : 80 acres. Act 6-ÍM6. WALTER L. TOOZE, Register. Notice will be published for five consecutive weeks in the Eastern Clackamas News, Estacada, Oregon. Date of first publication June 3. Date of last publication July 1. NATURAL DRAFT DRYERS CHANGED TO FAN TYPES GEORGE LAWRENCE & SON Phone No. 37-3 The only milk sold in Estacada from Federal accredited Tuberculin free cows CUTS MORE SLICES TO THE LOAF An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between-meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES 1 he same Holsum quality that wen the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite WJL A 1 ^ 1 \ s k i Grocery and R e s t a u - il C J 1 * W U i U rants in Estacada and L O N G L O A F Vicinity. mtmln e( t/u HcJjumjomUif Budget ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Personal Service: 2. Principals, 1.,...................................... 1 man teacher ................................. 1 man teacher ..................... ....... 1 man teacher ................................. . a. Teachers, 1 woman ............................ 3 woman teachers. ............................,.— ... 1,306.00 Grade, 3 woman teachers ........... Grade, 3 woman teachers ........... .............. 990.00 1 music teacher ................................ 4. 1 Janitor, .............................................. 5. 1 clerk .................................................. Census enumeration ....................... 7. Other services ..................................... ToUl ......................... Material and Supplissi 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.)...................... 2. Supplies (supplies used in instruction) ............. 3. Library books .................................................................. 4. Flags ........................... ................................................... 6. Playground equipment ............................................... 6. Janitor’s supplies .......................................................... 7. Fuel ................................................................................... 8. Light ............. ......................................................... ........ 9. Water ................................................................................. 10. Postage, stationery and printing ............................... Total ...................................................... Con(tructien: Construction ................................................................ ToUl ................................................... Maintenance and Repair*! Building and grounds ................................................... ToUl ............................................___ Aiietiment* (Highways, Road*, Street», Bridge*)i Indebtedness! 1. Bonded and interest thereon ................................ 2. Warrant, and interest thereon ............................. Total ............ ............ Insurance: Insurance ...................................................................... ToUl .........................___ « Miscellaneous! 1. Premium clerk’s bond .................................. ..... 3. Audit of clerk’s books ................................ .............. ToUl ...........—.......................... ......... Emergency: Emergency .......................................... ........................ ToUl __ ____ __________________ ToUl estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year...... ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the coming school year From state school fund during the coming school year.. From elemenury school fund during the coming school year........ Estimate of probable unexpended balance at end of current year..... Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the coming school year ................ ToUl estimaud receipts not including proposed lax.. RECAPITULATION ToUl estimated expenses for the year ...................... .. Total estimaud receipts not including proposed tax ... Balance, amount to be raised by district tax........ . The indebtedness of district No. 108 is as follows: Total bonded indebtedness ..........................„..... ...... Dated thia 21st day of May, 1926. A. G. AMES, Cbairman Board of A tust: Wm. DALE, Dutrict Ukrk. $ 2,400.00 1,600.00 1,575.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 3,915.00 3,105.00 2 970.00 350.00 1,700.00 200.00 60.00 860.00 $ 20,916.00 The “Square Deal” Barber Shop HAIRCUT 35c SHAVE 15c All other work at popular price* BOBBING AND SHINGLING A SPECIALTY Robert Gilman, Prop. Near Depot. $ 360.00 1 , 000.00 100.00 10.00 150.00 160.00 650.00 350.00 100.00 100.00 $2,960,00 * 20 0 .0 0 $ 200.00 1 , 000,00 1 , 000.00 I $ $ 100.00 $ 2 , 000.00 200.00 C a n n in g S eason We have a complete line of jars and findings Jar Wrenches, sure grip, Economy, Kerr and Mason Caps, Rings, lids and Clamps Certo, Parowax, Sugar, and canning racks, and Jelly Glasses $ 2 , 200.00 $_J10.00 $ dioToo' $ $ 38.00 12.00 $ 50.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $28,335.00 $ 2,307.60 $ 423.09 $ 2,003.20 $ 1,800.00 $ 7,472.27 $14,065.97 $ 28 335.00 $ 14,066.97 $1*4,269.03 $ 19,000.00 Directora Del Monte Peas, Medium size, per can, ........20c Armor’s Pork and Beans, No. 2^ size, 2 cans....45c Standard Pack Peas, No.. 2, 2 cans, ...............29c Mission Brand Tomatoes, No. 2 per can ............10c Del Monte Sauer Kraut, per can, .........................15c One Dollar For each small filled book of ¡Ù?>C. Green Stamps at our store "Get the Habit” IT PAYS THE PEOPLE'S STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE CENTS Our Motto-SERVICE mm