Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 10, 1926, Image 2

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Eastern Clackamas News
W. A. HEYLMAN, Editor.
J. V. HEAD, City E ditor
Entered a t the postoffice iu Estacada,
Oregon, as second dabs mail.
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon,
by the
l A C utU ’O K A TIU N .)
bBUbCKirriON K a tes :
One Year
Six Months
• i0
thirtk of our country as a compar- 1 Haney, cost W atkins hundreds of stren g th and hurled it into the fray
atively new one, yet our flag is the /otes. Votes th a t would have nor- — its big guns
oldest on earth in point o f continu- mally have been W atkins’ by re a ­ hroiked, and th reaten ed com plete
ous service. All oth er nations have son of his large personal acquain-1 annihilation of all who opposed its
changed the design and m akeup of tance, his native ability and his xhortations and m andates.
, ,
. Pro-
. .
th eir suuidards s,nce our emblem record in Congress, wore cast for | gressive shock-troops, equipped with
of tne s t-rs and stripes was adopt- Haney. The attac k upon H aney in
I as mask3 m et lLhei"
eu. oo.no nations are a g rea t ucal ;to way inform ed th e voter i_s to the fairness and tru th slowly but sure-
older viivii ours, but th eir flags are qualifications of W atkins. N either ■ y driving the Old G uard back to
not, anu nearly all of tnem have ‘ rid.cule, satire, nor abuse have th a t ditch it had sunk a t the polls,
made lud.cal changes in the form pf weight in an argum ent. They may and in a sunr.se to sunset assault
their governm ents since the Ameri- tem porarily amuse, but they do not upon its position, hauled down the
can ConstiUition was adopted.
g arn er votes.
W atkins exposed, ,ld battle-scarred flag ; and when
T herefore, when you honor Old not alone to his enemies, b ut to his ihe smoke of b attle had
Glory, rem em ber m at it is not only friends as well, u tra it, a weakness the sovreign state of Iowa saw Old
the most honorable, but the oldest in his own make-up, th a t decided Glory with the flag of Progressive-
L ag oh e a rm in point of continuous the D em ocratic
nom ination
fo r sm ju s t under it.
S enator Cummins had fallen—
service, And don't fo rg et to dis- U nited States Senator in Oregon.
piay the S tars and S tripes on Flag
Retrosp ction and introspection, Senator B rookhart had been nom in­
O ay.
commonly caffed “post-m ortem s,” ated.
however, are profitless, unless the
le.son is learned and the erro r not DEMOCRAT RECOMMENDED
W ith one exception the recen t j
Tuesday, President Coolidge rec­
P rim ary was conuucted without bit- PRIZES FOR PATRIOTIC ESSAYS
ommended Jefferson Myers as mem­
lei ness, vu u p eiau u n , or slanuerous
and iibe.ous personalities. To the | The schools of W ashington, D.C. ber of the shipping board to fill the
average voter, a c.ean campaign, j are offering a prize fo r the best vacancy occasioned by th e resigna­
conuueteu a.ong tne lines best suit' [ essay w ritten by the children of the tion of B ert E. H aney some time
eu to b u n g out Uie qualifications varlou? * radtB on J5he D eclaration ago.
oi a GaiMiiuate, is more convincing of Independence. The best essay,
Mr. Myers is a live, energetic
m an an attac k upon an o th er candi- a r« to be iead and the PrizeB are business man of ability, and has held
q u n ificatio n s
wmch t0 be aWarded °n Ihe »teps of the offices in this state with credit to
one candidate may poses, lo r a cer­ N ational Capitol on Independence him self and office, and was state
Day. The children of the schools reasu rer prior to the present in­
tain oiuce are w hat win nominate
or elect Mm, and th e mud or vol­ are said to be entering cordially cumbent.
No position of appointm ent is of
canic m a tte r hurled ut hint by an ­ into the sp irit of the contest, and
there will be an unusually large more im portance to the sta te of O r­
other candiuute cannot nom inate or
num ber of contestants.
egon a t this time, than to have a
elect the la tte r. The A m erican pub-
tic loves a tig h t, be it in tlie pug- ; Here is an educational and p a tri­ man of Myers ability on the ship­
m stic arena, on the baseball or loot- otic idea which will bear some rep e­ ping board.
N othing so stim ulates the
If this appointm ent had been
ball field o r in the open forum of tition.
made two months ago it would have
politics. However, let there be the averaSe- youngster as a prize fo r a
least display of unfairness by either c° mPe ltive e lo r t> and th e honor been much better.
Ju n e fou rteen th is N ational Flag
Day. Tne sctioois over the country
wiu observe tne occasion witn ap-
p io p ria te uxit cists am i it is to oe
hoped tn a t there will he a more
Universal observance of the event
Mian ever.
C ertainly the setting aside of one
<tay to pay tribute to tne Am erican
flag is appropriate. A flag in itseii
oi course, 'means nothing.
i t is
on.y an object of veneration When
it stands lo r something, ’ih e biuca
flag anu tne red n a g certain.y do
hoc 'belong in tins category.
B ut there is every reason why the
thinking anu patriotic A merican
should pay a luw c trib u te to his
country on Ju n e 14, by displaying
the colors of Old Glory, r o r the j
A m erican flag siiinds to r som ething
Designed à» a stan d ard to estabnsn
liberty on the A m erican continent side, and the true sportsm an will
it lias always stood fo r law anil rise in every spectator. The idol
order, fo r freedom and justice. Un- will be dashed from th a t pedestal
der its sta rry loids wu have grown ; upon which Am erican adm iration
from a struggling handful of col-1 has placed him and his opponent
onies on tne eastern seaboard to j who has been fouled will take his
the inost pow erful and m ost pros- ] place.
perous nation on earth.
In the recen t prim aries, Elton
And, strange to say, although we i W atkins’ personal attack upon B ert
H. C. GOHRING, Proprietor
Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought
Open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, open to 8 p.m.
avln^ UI1 l ^sa^ rea
on u y
i' o u rth > the daY of all days, to the
average youngster would make the
idea ail the more attractiv e.
It is tru e th a t W ashington is the
only city in A m erica which has a
N ational Capitol, w here th e prize
essays can be read, b u t the other
cities and towns have courthouses
and public halis, which are as im ­
p o rtan t in the iocal civic life as the
N ational Capitol is in W ashington’s
civil existance.
There is an organized effort in
the country now to make anti-pa­
triots out of our children— to teach
them th a t we should believe in n a­
tionalism ra th e r th an patriotism ,
th a t the flag is the symbol of op­
pression and not of righteousness.
The place to com bat this insidious
propaganda is in the home and in
the schools, and th e idea being tried
out a t the N ational Capitol this
year is w orthy of serious consider­
G. R. Ellis is being frequently
spoken of as a school director. Mr.
Ellis is an honorable, respectable
man of ability and certainly would
make an excellent director. Mr. E l­
lis has had a g reat am ount of busi­
ness experience, has been well con­
nected with the Railway Express
compainies in different capacities
and should be extrem ely well quali­
fied fo r a member of the school
Notes and Comment
Cold pack straw berries and simi­
lar fru its in barrels from Oregon
are becoming increasingly popular
in England.
Largo quantities of
such are annually shipped from all
p arts of the state.
The “ Old G uard” stands shoulder
To te st the cu rren ts in New York
to shoulder iu the m ilitary form a­
harbor ten thousand bottles arc to
tion of the Civil w ar period. Here
and there gaps appear as th eir com­ be set afloat. If you are inclined
to go beach combing fo r these, h ec-
rades fail, through death or disease.
tate. They are being em ptied.
Their few reserves are being mus­
Twins joined to g eth er a t the sto-
tered and brought forw ard to fill
th eir rapidly
decim ating
ranks. macb *s the latest freak of nature
Many of them to ttering, where once t0 PreBent h se lf in an Indian town,
they were a pillar of strength.
They are J° ined to g eth er in such a
Political death, d efeat at the polls way th a t they will never be able
has removed m any of them from its *"0 stan<I or Slt down, but they are
councils of w ar; while political d is-, le Po rted as thriving and likely to
ease, scurvy of intolerance, has rel­ survive.
The Association of bankers of Il­
egated many more into the “lame-
linois claims the public wilt not buy
duck" brigade.
One by one they a r e rescending, doughnuts anym ore.
Perhaps ii
like a spent rocket, strik in g with a they would wrap them around a
dull thud, broken and sore. Unable sm aller hole it m ight help speed
to rise again, they live on in the th e ir sale,
glories of th eir past.
A nother of
The rep o rt from U tah of a four
the Mighty Host has tripped, stum- year old child killing his b rother of
bled and fallen. T ram ping through th ree w ith an axe will fu rn ish a
the stubble of the corn fields of theme fo r alienists and scientists
Iowa, brooking no
interference, to speculate upon the killing m-
lieedless of all advice, the “Old stin ct thus developing at so early
G uard" made its assault. Reserves an age.
from Republican N ational headquar-
A g ian t F okker airplane is build-
t e n were hurried forw ard, in order ing i t A m sterdam . Holland, which
th at the Hawkeye sta te might be will carry fo rty passengers. I t will
saved to the Old G uard. The Re- be used to hop on at New York
publican s ta te of Iowa m ust not per- hop off at San Francisco. W hat U
nut the ru st of progressxveism to to become of our favorite and uni-
rest upon its corn. Republicanism, versai flivver if this keeps up?
as construed by the Old Guard,
The graveyard of “ indefinitely
be preserved
«ill cost^ pvpri
,u.. ________ ..
81 ’ e n postponed was the fate of all anti-
0i thC entlre COrn i” »b‘b‘tion bills before the senate
ju d iciary com m ittee. It is n o t sup­
Slowly its spell-binders worked
posed those wh0 introduced the bills
amid the verdant .waving
» crop
.vi, of bad guy K
hope of th ier
passage . but
iow ans, and against the protests of .u
. ,
11 ’
........a« . . . ^ ___P
S OI ^ e y w anted to serve notice they
thousands, cut down in its prime
w ere still on th e job.
Iowas tallest m ature crop of Pro­
Ali roads leading to and about
gressive Republicanism. Not satis-
tied with its diabolical destruction the ,u m m er v*c»tion home of the
the Old ■ G _ uard . proceeded
to " g raft n P,es,d
en t and /4 n . i * L _ - ■ «re
t % i c i *->
_ 1
i . _
onto the Republican stalk it had by men arm ed with sawed off shot­
served, a new species— a dyed in
the wool Democrat.
T hat very chance fo r a bootlegger to disturb
bogey-man whom it had w arned the the chief executive.
The recent general strike in Eng-
Iowans would bring destruction to
I the com mercial industries of th e ir ' I*nd dem onstrated th a t no uprising
I state. The Old Guard believed that
kind can ever be successful
such destruction would be p refer­ When one class attem p ts to b u n g
able to having a Progressive Repub­ the whole com m unity into subjec­
lican from th eir old citadel. Iowa, tion then will the m ajority assert
itself and dem and and take its ju st
sit among them in W ashington.
The Old Guard had proved recre- rights.
£ I an t to th at sacred tru st which the
Fashion item from London says
.- Republicans of Ilow a had placed in milady s fin g er nails this season
1 it, and traitorously tu rn ed over the be enameled to m atch the color of
| I fru its of i u victory to the enemy. th eir hats.
The fem aie cigarette
The sta te of Iowa seceded— the sm okers will have to w ear hats to
Old Guard mustered its entire match the color of their fingers.
We are fa st developing into th~ ing our youth to destruction, and
m achine age. The machine lifts the many things of a constructive na-
burden from the m an’s back and lu re which might occupy our misds?
never goes on strike,
United States W eather Bureau
d .#jres from pcK:ons who have bern
Mr. and Mrs. FTed Johnson of
struck by lightning and survived F araday w ere P ortland visitors Oh
;be shock t0 forw ard th cir sensa.
tions of t h . fivent. In the abseIKt W ednesday evening and Thursday.
of (h[8 inform ation b tin g forthcom .
A picnic train consisting of two
ing< p0iiticians who have felt t)le cars w ent through here on Sunday
ibo’c k
in recent elections m orning bound fo r camp 8 where
nught forw ard th eir sensations in they were to enjoy the day.
the in te rest of science.
Mr. M orris Bullard of P ortland
The Countess C ath cart is w rit­ visited a t home over the week-end.
ing a book about the habits ot' the He also assisted w ith the music fo r
A m erican people. As the lady got he dance a t Eagle Creek on S atu r­
only a glimpse of the S tatue of Lib­ day night.
e rty in New York h arb o r while she
Mr. Shafford is here from P ort-
was here, it is safe to assume th a t and harvesting his loganberry crop.
she knows as much about our habits He has one of the fin est patches
as doese an Eskimo about the num ­ in this p a rt of the cou n try and em­
ber of calories in a bunch of rad ­ ployes a num ber of pickers each
season to care fo r the berries.
Statistics show the use of alco­
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stevens are
holic beverages in G erm any is enjoy.ng a fine trip east w here
steadily growing less.
W hat t - they are visiting relatives in Ne­
eall wets here are becoming alarm ed braska, Colorado, and other points.
a t the grow ing sentim ent in favor They are driving th ru in th eir car
of prohibition, taking this country and are having a lovely trip.
as an exam ple of increased pros­
Land of Fighting Men
T hirteen wooden ships built d u r­
ing the w ar on Puget Sounu to save
the world fo r democracy, are icon
to be burned in a huge bonfire to
acquire m etal in them fo r strap .
Tne spectacle th eir destruction will
afford will be small com pensation
fo r the money and labor thus w ast­
Poole, In Dorset, was a great home
of fighting men In ancient days. The
uative product found continuous ad­
venture around the Irregular isle of
Parbee, while the castle of Branksea
was an inspiration to romantic youth,
says the London Dally Chronicle.
Such environment produced fellows
like "Arripay" or Harry Page, who,
about 1400, kepi the seas against
Some long-forgotten race in A r­ Frunge and Spain, and knew more
gentina placed tneir dead in pottery about buccaneers and smugglers than
urns and buried them deep in tne any man of that time. And there was
mud a t the mouth of th e P aran a William Thompson, who, with n man
n v e r t thinking no doubt they were and a lad. captured a French priva­
sale until Gabriel blows his last teer, in 169f>, the enemy fortunately
B u t prow ling scientists are being struck speechless with surprise.
nigging them up and professing
“C a rryin g C oa!ih
ihey know nothing of th eir race or
Newcastle is a center of the British
A captain Devalin of the Medical coal trade, and a great port for the
shipping of It. To “carry coals to New­
Corps stationed a t Ham pton Roads castle" Is a waste of labor, a futile, Or
m ust stand a court m artial trial for unnecessary effort to supply a need al-
g ettin g aru n k a n j while in th a t con- ready well supplied. The phrase Is of
uition p u ttin g pajam as on a govern- j Seventeenth cehtury origin, or perhaps
m eat horse. i h e brand of whiskey j older. But similar proverbs exist in
vhey are g ettin g no\v-a-days causes ,nnn.v languages. There Is one Ih
drinkers to cu t up some queer nn- ! f' rencl' all,mt "carrying water to the
river.’’ Ancient Greece has one about
i taking owls to Athens—Athenian coins
Ih e dedication of the Douglas i being stamped with the owl; and an
Memorial bridge on May 17 opened Oriental poet speaks of "Importing
an o th er im portant highway into O r­ pepper Into Hindustan."
egon from the south. The new span
is iver the Klam ath riv er near Requa
Statcsman’s View
Cai,. and is 1200 fee t long.
Poetry at Its best Is easily Intel­
makes it possible to m otor from ligible. touching the finest chords of
G rants Pass over the fam ed Red­ taste and feeling, hut never striving
wood highway following closely the at effect. This Is the highest merit
coast line to the Mexican border. In every department of literature, and
In poetry It Is well called Inspiration.
Wa are a nation of strange people Surprise, conceit, strange combina­
when we make the question of light tions of Imagery and expression, may
wines and beer th e principal ordei he successfully ntnnaged. but It Is
of the day. Is there not som ething merit of an inferior kind. The beau­
of vastly more im portance to all of tiful, pathetic and sublime are always
us than th a t? How about the sick simple and natural, and marked by a
and poor, the vice on alt sides lur- certain serene unconsciousness of ef­
fort.—Edward Everett.
A Safe Investment 1
with Good Dividends
Our First Preferred Shares Pay
You 7 .2 per cent on Your Money
Why You Should Buy This Stock
3 .
Investment Department
820 Electric Building
Portland Electric Power Company
h “ .“"‘L ri& b S A ijii
E stacada, Ju ly 3, 4, and 5. Let us all unite and keep the Home
1 ires Burning. Estacada is our Home Roost so let us boost and
all stay nere and invite the world to come and join us.
-R n r E L T T C
Furniture Exchange
All Kinds °f
Second Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Phone 9x 6
Geo. Pointer
it t
Estacada, Ore.
* Trrrp»~?r«»
G .