Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 27, 1926, Image 1

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    D evoted to the Interests of Eastern
No. 34
C h oral S ociety to G ive
C on cert Friday, June 4
N pmb
Clackamas County
31.50 A YEAR
G ra d e S ch ool Notes
S enior Class Play
N ew s from the Neighboring Towns
First grade—
The class o f 1926 o f the Estacada
Visitors this week to the primary
high school proved themselves very
At their concert to be given Fri­
room were Mrs. G. Kiggins, Mrs.
fine entertainers by their clever
I grees.
day evening, June 4, at the Liberty
Allen and, Mrs. Surfus.
class play at the high school audi­
theater, the Estacada Choral So­
Ray W oodle and Dave Hoffmeis- Second Grade
torium on last Friday evening.
ciety will sing a cantata, “ The Rose
All „ e r f « w p r e verv well done
~ r ' “ n d M r ® J ° h n Plynipton a n d ter moved the house on the old John Those
who have been neither tar-
Maiden.” The music is by Freder­ but one must comment especially daughter o f Portland vi.iter Mr. and Howlett plnce over near the road dy nor absent for the
netire year
ick Cowen. The poem is adapted
Ion the fine acting o f the butler, Mrs. Lloyd Ewalt on Sunday after- towardg the gersanou’s place last ,a r e . Lrma, Beers Suxanne t ooke,
from the German by R. E. Francil-
week. Mrs. Sersanou’s father, Mr.
y ’Oman.
lion and presents the queen of the Wigson, as portrayed by William noon.
Fourth Grad
flower fairies weary o f a life o f un­
The Blue Birds held their last
Grove were guests at the home o f to live in it.
broken calm, prays to the newly re­ which perhaps added much in mak-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and
^ ^ h o m ^ of^ M nT J ^ W *
turned Spring that he will bestow ing his role stand out s0 prominent- Mr. and Mrs. Richards, Sunday, May
children motored out Zig Zag last s aunders,
upon her also the gift o f love that ly, but he was clever and very 23.
he bestows upon man.
He warn* much at ease.
Mrs. R. C. Bartley and smell Saturday.
The g.ro u p wag restricted this
The public is always very enthusi­ daughter, Beverly, of Conyonville.
her of the risk she runs.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Updegrave year to girls o f nearly the same
astic over the acting o f V ictor Bow­
Oregon, are visiting at the home of were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Roy age.
Next fall, however, all girls
“ But hast thou then forgotten,
man whose work is splendid and
Thou who a Rose art born,
who usually handles one o f the S . J£ T ,ta’
v v ^ tw,e.n the a* ef ° f 7 and 11 wiU
That ’tis the fairest roses
t difficult roles in anv Dlav
Dick Gibson with the assistance be welcome to join,
where he has a part
Louis Livingstone has been visit- 0f H. S. Gibson butchered two hogs
Those wishing entrance to the
That have the sharpest thorn?
i „„«.I
' n8 a* tbe bome o f Mr and Mrs. 0n Monday, taking them to Gohring group at that time should see Cath-
That fount thou fain woudst
did t l T w’ k l ‘ |!
T nv Earl McConnell since the close o f at Estacada Tuesday.
erine Marden, President, or Miss
drink of,
Ne’er pure on earth appears,
" l i V
*“ * V
“ b” " “ " “ d'
«*■ *"<■
Hoy Dougla.s
L ea d .,
T h „ i, a „ . „ „ a -
Oregon City visitors Monday.
; al organization of Junior Camp Fire
Whose sweetness must be mingled for plays put on by amateurs in the ing at Cornelius, Oregon.
j girls.
Mr. Alfred Coleman and Miss
With bitterness o f tears.”
high schools.. It was a big success.
Lois Smith o f the fourth grade
But still she pleads:
is the only pupil in her room to
direction o f professor Olson of the William Coleman of Van
“ Yet give me o f those waters;
A very interesting sermon was be neither tardy nor absent for* the
high school.
Washington; and Miss Gladyi s Groc-
I thirst, I burn to prove
The high school orchestra also cock o f Portland were visitors at given by Dr. Meriah White at the i entire term,
The sweetness that is mingled
the home o f Mr. and Mrs. W. F. church on Sunday.
Dr. White is Fifth a n d Sixth Grade.—
played several pleasing numbers.
With bitterness o f love.”
Coleman Sunday.
an aunt of Mrs. Shearer and
Clarence Sherod has perfect at-
Then with the words:
The Currinsville grade school been a medical missionary in Indin tendance for the year, being neither
“ Lose, then, the peace forever
was selected for the past forty years.
ex-1 tardy nor absent for the whole
G A T E W A Y S OF O R E G O N ” baseball team which
That love may never know;
from the fourth and
fifth grades pects to visit for several weeks at | term.
Be thine a life o f sorrow,
1 Kelly Douglass
is leaving for
“ Greet Homeseekers at the Gate­ played a game on the home field the Shearer home
Since thou Will have it so.”
Miss Ruth Zürcher o f Portland Easte™ Oregon to spend the sum-
ways of Oregon” is the motto o f the with Estacada on Saturday, May 22.
He finally yields to her by chang­ Land Settlement Department of the The game was very interesting and visited on Saturday and Sunday at mer 'vith his father’
ing her while she sleeps into the Oregon State Chamber o f Commerce at *be end o f the ninth inning Cur- the home o f her sister, Mrs. Joe
The faculty o f district No. 108
form of a beautiful girl.
Portland r rinsville
had defeated
Estacada by Guttridge.
Undey the name o f “ Roseblos- Chamber o f Commerce. The steady * score o f 17-18. Delbert Kitching
Guests at the Wm. Bard home on will spend their vacation as follows:
som^’ she wanders through the jtream o f automobiles from the ea st; acted as umpire,
Mr. Olson will go to St. Peter,
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
world to find that love that she and south carry many families o f
On Friday afternoon, May 21, the Shibley an dEverett and Elva of Minn., for a few weeks, while Mrs.
seeks, and meets with a girl who means seeking farm homes.
To Currinsville eighth grade
pupils this place and Mrs. Minnie Hick­ Olson visits at Philomath, after
having been betrayed and deserted these a welcome is extended by the were among the other graduating man o f Portland.
which both will be at home for the
by her lover, loses her senses and representatives o f the Land Settle-' classes in the surrounding districts
A fire o f unknown origin de­ rest o f the summer.
dies broken-hearted.
But, unde­ ment Department, Arthur Foster d o -, which attended the Senior day ex- stroyed the granary on the P. T.
Miss Plank will spend the sum-
terred from her search, Roseblos- ing the honors at the Ashland gate-j ercises sponsored by the Estacada Monroe farm one night last week. \ mer in California.
som becomes the wife o f a forester way and Mr. A. H. Fasel at Ontar-1 high school.
Portland shoppers on Saturday
Miss Kirshner will be at home
With whom she lives fo r a time in
Robert Ewalt who has been with vere Mrs. Forrest Erickson, Mrs. Ed with her parents in Salem, Oregon.
such perfect happiness that she
Migg Beeb(j ^
8ehool in
While the function o f these g a te -! tjje Marines in Guam has returned Aycock and daughter Evelyn and
cannot survive his death. The elves
way men i8 to furnish information ! t0 California. He is well known in Mrs. Robert Guttridge and daugh- j Log Angeles.
bewail the fate o f their queen, and on all parts o f the state without Estacada and vicinity.
curse love as fatal to peace and partiality, the various communities
6 Mrs“ "G e o rg e Perry and children
Mr> Baker T 1“ apend, six weeks
were visiting relatives in Portland at su," m" *cho° , “ California af-
are not remaining passive in pre­
tcr W" 1C" " e Wl11
at h*8
“ Yea! E’en as die the roses,
senting their opoprtunities in order
Must die the truest heart;
* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grable a n d ! near Newber*- <>™gon.
to stimulate a settler treck in their i
Mrs. C. H. Paddison, who was
Mr. Wilson will spend the sum-
They that rejoice must sorrow,
direction. The Medford and Grants
Virs. Nettie Grable were visiting
the guest o f her daughter, Mrs.
elatives in Estacada Sunday.
mer *n Portland with hig family.
And they that love must part.
Pass Chambers o f Commerce have
. ,
. .
. . .. i Geo. Smith, o f Toledo, fo r a few
Mrs. Duncan McDonald who has!
Mr; biddings is not sure what
raised funds to send agents to the ,
, ,
, .
. „ ...
. ,
days, returned home last Thursday.
Seen visiting for several weeks past be W'B do bu tis planning on an
But yet, 0 God, we praise thee,
Owens Valley in California, where
55 families o f farmers recently sold ! Mrs. Virgil Douglas* and children with relatives in Spokane, Wash., I extended trip east for a portion of
Who blendest night and morn;
their lands to the city o f Los Ang- were guests at the home o f Will ■eturned to her home here on Sun- tbe *ummer.
Too lovely were thy roses
Miss Homedew plans a trip to
Were they without a thorn.”
eles for a million and a half dollars. Douglass Sunday.
George Guttridge and family 0f ' Culifornia but will be at home in
The cast will be as follow s:
Los Angeles is forcing the farmers
School closcd in District No. 50
Estacada were Sunday guests o f the | Portland the most o f the summer.
Horner, ju t to get domestic water from the , . ~
, ..
last Friday, May 21, the teacher,
Joe Guttridge family.
Miss Schmidt and Miss
Owens river.
Seventy-three other
Mr. Shearer left on Monday for ney
attend the summer session
The gardner’s daughter, Miss Ruth families will shortly sell fo r over j Miss Edythe Peters &ivinK a P'cnic
.wo million dollars. The Talent and ! and program in commemoration of 3aker, Oregon, and way points.
at Oregon Normal.
Dillon, Contralto.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howell and
Gardner will visit with her
The forester, Harold Horner, Tenor. Eagle Point irrigation districts are j the event. Owing to the inclemen-
The Springt Fred Horner, Baritone. .•egarded as especially appealing to cy o f the weather, the picnic had daughter Mary were visiting rela- ■ m°tber at Drain> Oregon,
> Accompanist, Mrs. Harold Horner. these southern California farmers .
. ,
tives in Portland Sunday.
then be at home with her family
. ,
. to be held in the play shed. One
Conductor, David Horner.
.nany o f whom have already come to [
Clarecne Hull and family left in Portland.
Miss Hermann will be in Ashland
*be p' ay sbed was Pr<Rtily Saturday for Idaho to visit his par-
Admission, adults 35c; children Oregon, 14 to Josephine county and end
?ight in Klamath county.
decorated and one corner curtained mts.
They expect to return to dur’ nB the summer.
10c; Loges, 60c.
Miss Sunderland will remain at
The performance will begin at 8
Mr. Foster spending a few day» off. A chair was fixed in the op- Baker, Oregon, to attend the Ore-
You are requested to be :n Portland to confer with the Land posite corner on which
the May Ton State Grange convention next ber bome *n Portland.
Miss Sherman and mother will
on time.
Settlement Committee, has returned Queen gat> xhe pr0frram was welI week,
Sunday morning we will observe
Memorial Day.
This day we pay
tribute to those who have given
their lives to their country. We ex­
tend a special invitation to the ex-
service men and their families to
worship with us at the morning ser­
vice. The subject will be “ Memori­
al Stones.”
At this time o f the year through­
out the land there are young people,
facing the question o f their life's
The evening service is es­
pecially for the young people. Re­
member the hour and tell others.
The subject is “ Youthful Ambition.
Sunday school ........................... .10:00
Junior church, sermon talk by Mrs.
Rankin, ..................
Morning service, sermon by the pas­
tor 0 .............................................. l i :0 3
Preaching service at Dover ...... 3:00
Epworth League Devotional hour,
Evening service, sermon by the
pastor, ........ ............................ _ 8:00
Mid-week prayer servee, Wednesday
nght at the church,................... 8:00
Choir practice Thursday evening,
....... 8:00
Remember the Camp Meeting at
Mt. Zion June 4 to 14 . Rev. Dan-
ford is the evangelist and Dr. and
Mrs. Forrest Bartholomew are to
lead the singing. Bishop Shepherd
will be at the camp meeting one
day. Plan to attend throughout the
meeting. Tell others.
"B e thou exalted, O Jehovah, in thy
So will we sing and prais( thy
power."— Psalms 21:13.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cooke drove
'In to Portland on Tuesday evening.
, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Liehammer
srd Mr*. W. H. Grabeal drove to
Portland on Wtdaetd»/,
Mrs. Elmer Dibble was a Port- be at their home in Athena, Ore.
„o Ashland to continue for the sum- rendered as usual and which was
mer hig work o f interviewing those ■ a surprige to gome> Miss Peters and land visitor last Tuesday.
The school children are very hap-
•gistering their automobiles.
the pupjig not wishing the parent*
py now that school is so nearly
Harney and Malheur counties and j to know about it.
Bible school at 10 a.m. Sunday
ther districts o f Eastern Oregon I
. ,
. . ,,
. , over.
... .
A delicious picnic dinner, consist-
is children’s day and there will be
,re reaping many benefits from the .
, .. .
.. .
, .
m xm
| in8 o f chicken, pie pudding, ch o c -:
a program that will take the entire
gateway work o f Mr. Fasel at On- , .
1 d a te, etc., was partaken o f at noon.
Bible school hour.
This - program
tario, a number o f families having.
, .
>een D isced during Mav throcrh his
A fter dinner some pictures were
Mr. and Mrs. John Mattox are the will be given by the children and
proud parents o f a 9 Mr pound baby will be wlel worth coming to see.
_______ J l ________
Lawrence Akers, Miss Peters boy’ born May
at tbe borne o f its An offering will also be taken at
H. KEITH E N TER TA IN S; eighth grade pupil passed, getting £rand Parents. Mf- and Mrs. Ed this service. The other service,, for
y \ /
1 his diploma.
the day will be as usual.
The ser-
J Vedneaday “ fternoon Mrs.
Mr and Mrg Joh„ Dunni #f Cam.
Mrs. M L. Sevier went to Stev- men, will be upon the subject of
i. H. Keith entertained most de- ag \yagb were the week-end guests enson on Monday and J. H. Sevier The Divine Ordinances in the New
at her home at Faraday. , ()f’ Mr ’ftnd j j fg
Wjll Douglass 8nd tke’ r dau,fbter Clara and chil- Testament Church.”
The morning
Her guests were the past Worthy Mrs. Dunn is a* sister of Mrs. D o u g -idren‘ A1*ce. Janet and Leslie Gil- sermon will be upon the “ Lord's
j gan also went on Thursday, return- j Supper, or Communion.”
In the
latrons o f the local chapter o f the lass.
>n* on Friday. They attended the evening it will be a chart sermon
Eastern Star, being Mesdames Mary
Miss Edythe Peters dined with commencement
at the upon the subject o f “ The Ordinance
Smith, Elizabeth
Womer, Maud
These are
Sturgeon, Elizabeth
Sparks, Mae Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass last Stevenson high school where Miss i o f Christian Baptism.”
Oakley Reed, Ida Morris and Mrs. Friday evening, going home later Beulah Hicinbothem graduated with the two ordinances that have been
in the evening.
higrh honors.
She received many established by Divine authority and
Myrtle Townsend.
Eagle Creek Grang held it* regg- presents from her friends.
have been given, vbgkqj bgkqjfik
A fter a short business session of
ular in session last Saturday evening
Mrs. Elmer Powers is in the we should observe them as they
the club the afternoon was
playing game 9 and chatting,
after ab *be Grange hall, with about 36 Good Samaritan hospital in Port- have been given. Come and hear
which the hostess served
a dainty in attendance.
candidates land where she is recovering from the.-e sermons.
The Christian En-
Mrs. Davis and King Kingston were a serious operation for appendi- deavor meets at the usual time, at
initiated in the third and fourth de- citis.
7 o ’clock in the evening.
The W oodcraft gave a delightful ‘ Mr»- clark PoMen l* r«P°«t«d ill
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Rose were
card party at the Masonic hall on
at this time.
in Portland
on business one day
last Thursday evening. There was
«. Mr and Mrg H c> Gohring were '-aat week.
a large attendance. “ 600” was the „
. .
game played during the evening and Port,and vu,tora on Tuesday.
Mrs. Gardner, one o f the grad.
winner# o f high honor# wer# Mr#.
Mi§# Ethel Marchbank ia hera *earher# o f
the school spent the
R. H. Currin and Mr. H. C. Gohr- from California visiting relatives " cplc‘* nd m
.n tbjg viCinity
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gossett and
The dining room wag beautifully
Utl* daughter drove to Olympia on
decorated and the tables were ar-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weaver enter- Saturday to visit with friends over
ranged very prettily. A lunch was tained thelr d«utf»ter and her fa m ^ t h , week-end.
served by the committee in charge.
from Portland on Tuesday.
Miss Neva Smith o f Stayton spent
------- ------
Mrs. Irving Smith was in Port- the week-end here as a guest o f her
Mrs. Gerald W ilcox was shopping land several days the past week for brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
in Portland on Thursday.
Wallace Smith.
Mrs. P. 8. Stamp was shopping
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. W ilcox drove;
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Townsend and
in Portland one day last week.
over to V ancouver Washington on Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kiggins attend-
Miss Johanna Lichthorn is visit- Sunday to visit with their daugh- ed the Foreman’s meeting o f the
ing here from California where she ter Miee Mabel W ilcox and other P. E. P. Co., at Salem on Saturday
. now makoi her homo.
j treninf.
Will those having Ford cars
parked at thc side o f Estacada Feed
store on the afternoon o f the Pri-
mary e)ection pleai,g look under thp
back seat# of their earn for a yellow
box containing dress goods and pat-
tern which was placed in some one’s
car by mistake? Those finding the
article mentioned please leave at
the Estacada Feed store.
L ocal F ord D ealer M akes
2 5 0 M ile D elivery O n Car
One of the longest deliveries on
record at the Bob Cooke Motor Co.,
was made this week, when an order
was received from Cecil Schock who
is with A. Guthrie & Co., at Mc­
Cormack, Wash., for a new Tudor
Sedan to be delivered at that place.
A fter equipping the car with a high
speed Ruckstell axle and giving it
the regular servicing, Bob Cooke
started Sunday morning on a 250-
mile delivery, accompanied by Clyde
Leaving Estacada at 5 a.m. Sun­
day morning they drove over the
River road to Portland, crossed the
Interstate bridge where a stop was
made for breakfast at Vancouver.
Leaving Vancouver and following
the Pacific Highway north, a short
stop was made at La Center, the
first town north o f Vancouver.
Their route then took them through
Woodland( Kalama, Kelso, where
they stopped long enough to take on
gasoline; then on to Chehalis and in­
to Centralia where a stop was made
for dinner.
Leaving there they
drove north through Tenino and in­
to Olympia, turning left at that
place and continuing through Shel­
ton, Hoodsport and for sixty miles
along the Hood canal, then up thru
the mountains to Quilcene. Leaving
Quilcene the road followed a nice
wooded country to their destination
the total time for the trip being
just twelve hours.
They never
drove faster than tw'enty-fivo miles
an hour at any time.
The total
milage was two hundred and forty
miles. The new car was examined
at the end o f the run and found to
be ready for another trip without
any additional adjustments.
The return trip was made in Ce-
ei! Schock’s Buick on Monday. Driv­
ing ten hours at a speed averaging
-wenty-five miles an hour with all
to Estacada at 4 o ’clock in the af-
-ernoon, They report the finest of
roads and a very interesting trip.
Walter A. Holt, county agent is
sending out circular letters which
emenate from the Oregon Agricul­
tural college and the U. S. Depart­
ment o f Agriculture, asking for co­
operation with everyone in the con­
centration o f a drive to extermin­
ate the cherry fly. If this move is
not carried out you may look for
the markets being closed against
Oregon cherries.
Principal refer­
ence is made to the Royal Ann,
Lambert, and Bing varieties. Write
Mr. Holt at once if you have not
received one o f the letters.
London.— The last embers o f the
general strike are dying down, and
with the exception of the miners,
who are likely to remain out until
a satisfactory agreement is reached
the country is rapidly assuming nor­
mal conditions and the people and
the government are beginning to
count the cost.
No final estimate is yet possible,
but the general impression in gov­
ernmental circles is that the loss
will be less than the cost of the coal
strike in 1921, which is generally
thought to have been in the neigh­
borhood o f 200 million pounds.
Winston Churchill, chancellor o f
the exchequer, in his recent budget
statement announced that in the
event o f such a labor movement, is
would be neccsary to revise his
budget proposals, and this subject
is now under consideratio nby the
treasury. There is little doubt that
some additional taxation will be ra­
ther in the line o f readjusting taxes
than imposition of new ones.— Can-
by Herald.
Owing to many other events the
Community club has postponed its
regular meeting this month. Watch
for the announcement for the Juno
Mrs. Byrdie Gilgan. Mrs. Rhoe
Syron and Mrs. Amy Ely are in Sal­
em this week attending Rebekah As­
sembly as delegates from the local
Misg Irene Saling and Mr. Thom­
as Morton o f Portland were guests
at the F. C. Bartholomew home on
Mrs. Mae Reed has been entefr- Sunday.
taining out-of-town guests for sev-
Mr. R. H. Currin came over from
er«l 'lay»-
Bull Run Saturday to spend the
He brought a
The Odd Fellows band is takihg week-end at home.
a prominent part among the enter- friend along with him who assisted
taining features o f the session o f with the music for the old-fashion
the Grand Lodge o f the Odd Fellows dance given by the band on Satur­
day «VtiUUtf.
at Salem thu week.