PACK EASTERN POUR CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920 C LA RK LEADING REPUBLIC AN The bedspread that the ladies of CANDIDATE FOR SENATO RSH IP the Garfield Grange made was W' W O i / ca n depend upon the Used Car Guaran • r tee o f an Authorized Ford Dealer. It is hta expert opinion that the car is worth the price ashed and that it will give good service. We buck our opinion with a thirty day guarantee • BOB COOKE M OTOR CO M PANY Phone 2-45 E stacada, O re. ■ ^ ‘ —... ■ ■ • —r— — Mr. and Mrs. Otis Kifigins spent Sunday in Portland. Mr. Harry Kitching was a Port- land visitor on Friday. Mr. Thomas Morton was here on Monday to attend the special meet­ ing o f the Masonic lodge. Miss Thelma Wilcox and Mrs. D. B. Esehleman were shopping in Portland on Friday. Miss Ethel Hale o f Portland was a guest o f her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Hale o f Currinsville over the week-end. Mr. Henry Heiple came home on Saturday to spend the week-end with his family. Mr. Heiple is fish­ ing over on the Columbia river Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bateman and their son and his wife of Portland were visiting at the John Lovelace and Smiley Lovelace homes on Mon­ day. Chas.T. Stivers Republican Candidate for Representative Vote 43 X The baccalaureate services will be held at the high school auditorium Sunday evening, May 23. Rev. Howard Mort of Independence, and formerly o f the local Methodist church will preach the sermon. Rev. Ira F, Rankin und Rev. Arthur A. Harriman will assist. Special music will be provided by Mr. Fred Horn­ er and Mr. Harold Horner. Service3 start ut 8 o ’clock. A GREAT APPLE VALLEY , . , 1 he Republican senatorial cam- . . ,, . ... paign has taken the center o f the political stage and ha3 very largely diverted attention from the cam- paign o f candidates for othe offlcis. The situation in the senatorial campaign has been repidly chang- ing during the past two or three weeks. Everywhere tfiere has been a decide dswing towards Alfred E. d a r k in the Republican contest and m political circles and among politi- cal writers o f the daily newspapers it is figured that at the present time he is probably the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. There is some divergence of opin­ ion as to the causes which have brought about this result. It is probable that chief among these causes are the united support o f the Progressive element o f the Republi­ can party, his vigorous support of .he direct primary system, and the revolt o f members o f the part> qgainst what appears to be an at­ tempt on the part o f the Oregonian to dictate the nomination o f the man selected by it. Some time ago the Portland Daily News which has a large circulation in Portland and vicinity eame out in support of Mr. Clark. More re- cantly the Portland Telegram did likewise. A number o f up-state pa- pers are also supporting him. It is quite generally conceded that. h* wiI1 carry Multnomah county by a biS vote- that a number o f out- side countieB wiI1 als° “ > him and that he will get a considerable vote in the balance o f the state. drawn by Miss Grace H. Cooper, o f . , _ Portland, Oregon, H. H. Chindgren, candidate for State Reresentative on the Republi- can ticket made the news a visit Tuesday and stated that he felt Quite sure tbat be wuuld be nomin­ ated. ---------------------------------------------——— fHEATRE PROGRAM Saturday & Sunday, May 22-23 f FOR SALE— Good oat vetch and wheat hay, $10 per ton at barn. FOR SALE— Flower Plants— Asters Phone 116. J. C. Wright. Esta- all colors, Zinnias, Marigolds, 'cada, Oregon. 5-27-26 Raised from choisest seeds. To- FOR SALE— Jersey cow, rich milk. matoe plants ready now. Roy Jacob Gustafson, Route 1. 5-27 Meyers, Eagle Creek. WANTED— 6 or 8 week-old pigs or shoats o f about 75 pounds. Ad­ WANTED— W ood cutters for thirty dress G. A. Coupland, Estacadat cords of four foot wood. W. K. Oregon, Box 85. orbin, R. 1, Estacada. FOR EXCHANGE— Ford touring FOR SALE— Drag saw in first class car, A -l mechanical condition to condition, 4 blades. Phone 18-6 exchange for a Ford truck. C. Frank Moore. 5-20 McCoy, Eagle Creek. Phone Es­ LOST— Bay pony, blaze face, heavy tacada 68-7. mane, weight about 950 lbs. Find­ MONEY TO LOAN. We have plenty er please notify Oak Grove Rang,« Monday & Tuesday, May 24-25 o f money to loan on farms at 6 er station, K E E PE R OF THE BEES per eent— from one to twenty SALE— Strawberries, Clark years. No commission on large FOR seedlings, one dollar a crate, pur­ loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaca­ chaser pick the berries on fine da, Oregon. 6-19-tf days. Furnish your own crates Wednesday & Thursday, May 26-27 Any girl in trouble may communi­ or pails to put them in. Will be cate with Ensign Lee o f the Salva­ ready about May 10. FIND YOUR MAN tion Army, at the White Shield E. W. Gribbon. * 9 Home, 565 Mayfair Ave.. Portland, A Rin-Tin-Tin picture. Oregon. 9-20-tf NOTICE FOR P U B LIC A TIO N UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE FOR SALE-Mtallan prune trees, 1 yr. Portland, Oregon, April 24, 1926, 6 to 8 and 4 to 6 iect; extra tine. O. Notice is hereby given that E. J. W. Failing, Boring, Ore., R. 1. Kelly, whose postoffice address is FOR SALE— Buick touring car, or given as Milwaukie, Oregon, filed | will trade fo r cattle. John Steidl in this office today his application No. 07837 for Exchange o f certain %mile east of Eagle Creek. lands within the Mount Hood Na­ FOR SALE— Choice Velvet R. I. It. tional Forest, State o f Oregon, for hatching eggs, 75c per setting umber within the Santiam National The best success in Dairy­ called for, or $1.00 delivered. A. Forest, State o f Oregon, under the ing will result when a miner­ Warr, Raute 3, Gill Place, Esta­ act o f Maich 20, 1922,(42 Stat.465) al compound is fed which con­ cada, Oregon. as per Commissioner’s letter “ K ” of tains the essential elements so necessary for production, FOR SALE— Dependable used cars. March 27, 1926, the lands offered and re-produ*tion. Overlands, Stars, Chevrolets, in exchange being as follow s: The NE Yt NE M and S tt Sec. 16, Fords and a large list of other T. 4 S., R 6 E.., W .M ., 360 acres- ECONOMY .MINERAL AND used cars $50 to $200. The timber selected being located MEDICINAL POWDER sup­ NEW CAR AGENCY on the NWVi Sec. 21, T. 9 S., plies these essentials. Wiiiys Knight, Ovreland, Chrysler, R. 6 E., W.M., 160 acres. Studebaker. Hessei implement Co. Any and ail persons claiming ad­ For Gresham, Oregon. 5-28-26 further information call at- R E L IA B I L IT Y - -SE R V IC E - -Always versely the landg described or the A large list o f good used imple­ timber, or desirinjPto object because ments and machinery. Hessel Im­ o f the mineral character o f the land BARTHOLOMEW plement Co., Gresham, Ore. 5-28-26 or for any other reason, to the dis­ posal to the applicant, should file and LAWRENCE STRAYED— I have in my posession heir affidavits o f protest in this since April 30, 8 Jersey heifeis, office on or before the 12th day of Phone 601 Estacada, Ore. ranging in age from about 3 to June, 1926. 11 months. Owner may have VIRGIE BYRD, same by paying fo r adv., feed Acting Register. and damages or same will be sold Date o f first publication, April 29 to satisfy claim. — A. Warr, Gill 1926. Place. 5-27-26 BOB’S BARBER SHOP Date o f last publication, May 20, ----- 1-------------------------------------------- _ _ _ 1926. FOR RENT— 40 acres 3 miles east AND MARCEL SALON Marion County. o f Estacada, known as the Lee Clackamag County. Wiils place for rent, $50 per year. S T R IC T L Y S A N IT A R Y S A T IS F A C T IO N G U A R A N T E E D Notice will be published fo r four 2. R. Downey, 2423 W. Boone ave. consecutive weeks in the ‘ 'Stayton Haircutting 35c Spokane, Wash. ¿shave 15c Mail,’ at Stayton, Oregon, and M ASONIC BLDG. E S T A C A D A A R T . SMITH, Propr. F’ u R SALE— Work horse. W. A. “ Eastern Clackamas News” at Esta­ Coleman, Estacada, Ore. R. 1. cada, Oregon. Money The Day of Minerals is here Money to Loan on Fanil Mortgages Carey Real Estate Co. hnest Bakery Mrs. Roy W ilcox and little daugh­ ter Betty June and Joyce were vis­ iting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. i Zogg at Sandy Kidge several days last week. i The cboVanoe sale at the Love- À * laee-Gorham store on Saturday was L very well patronized. These sales are being conducted by the ladies • aid o f the Methodist church and | will continue to be held every Sat­ urday for sow « tint#, ' STRAWBERRIES— 50c a crate and pick them yourself. Kinney & Lamberson’s place opposite Gar- tield Grange hall. A Universal picture. PORTLAND-CARVER- ESTACADA STAGES f L i . *> ,(• THE BREAD SUPREME Mr. Gerald Wilcox met with a Very puinful accident Inst Wednes­ day afternoon while cranking n truck at lhe Cascade garage. The crank flew otf and struck him in the face cutting quite a gash in his j lip and bruising his face quite badly. | Guests at the W. J. Aloore home Sunday were Aliss Peterson and Mr. and Airs. Goodsteil and son David ol Aidcnwald and Mr. Edgar Alc- Aipin o f Belfast. Ireland. WANTED- -A cream Separator. Call 23-11. THE C A L G A R Y STAMPEDE Has never before been a candi­ Uver 17,000 carloads o f apples date for public office. were shipped out o f the Wenatchee Advocates— Fewer laws, Economy Valley, Washington, last year, giv­ in government. ing it the leud of all sections o f the Primary Election May 21 United States in apple production. Paid Adv. A GIANT GRAIN CO-OPERATIVE Years ago the farmers of western LOCALS AND PERSONALS Canada established a market o f their Municipal 'Terminal, Sixth una Salmon Sts.— Phone Main 7733. own to handle grain. It has steadily Mr. Lloyd Saling who was with LlNN'S INN, Estacada, Oregon. grown and taken over other organ­ the Estacadu Feed Co. for some DAILY isations until toda yit is recognized time is now located at Corvallis, Or­ ( A ) a . M . a s one o f the important and power­ P. M. PM. *A. M. M. . PM P.M egon where he has a fine position i. Portland 2:0b 6:20 Lv. Estacada 8:00 ful business concerns o f the Domin­ 4 :3 0 8 :3 0 with the Pacific Fruit and Produce Clackamas 2:30 6:50 Eagle Creek 8:16 4 :45 8 :4 5 ion. The United Grain Growers Carvel- Co. 2:40 7:00 Barton 8:26 4 :55 8 :5 5 have assets o f $9,764,414, with 35,- Barton 3:05 7:25 Carver 8;45 6 :1 5 9 :16 Mr. Arthur Masse who has been UU0 farmer shareholders owning a Eagle Creek 3:15 7:35 Clackamas 8:55 5 :2 5 9 :2 5 here for some time visiting at the paid-up capital o f $2,890,000. It Ar. Esiacada 3:30 7 :60 Ar. Portland 9:30 0 :0 0 10 :00 home of his brother, Mr. G. A. tias 400 country elevators and has * Daily except Sunday (A ) Saturday only. SUNDAY— Leave Portland 10 A. Masse, left on Tuesday for Winni­ handled 6 million bushels o f grain Leave Estacada 4.30 P. M. peg, Canada, whieh is his home. since the organization was formed, Air. Julius Krieger had one of his this huge co-operative is an out­ fingers hurt quite badly while at standing demonstration o f what far­ work one day lust week, which has mers can accomplish when they necessitated His making several trips think alike and work together. to Portland to have it attended to. The littie sou of Air. and Airs. GREAT PRODUCTION PROSPECT FROM THE NORTHWEST’S Rae Erickson o f camp 8 accidentally General rains the first o f May slipped und fell while at play on Alonday afternoon and was quite have practically guaranteed big pro­ seriously hurt. He was rushed to duction o f all crops and fruits for I Estacada to Dr. Alidford who at­ Oregon. Prospects for bumper pro-1 tended him. He is getting along duction were never better. nicely now. Airs. Nelly Marshall came out from Portland Saturduy to spend th# week-end with her mother Mrs. Brunner and her sister Mrs. Eliza­ beth Allen ut the home of the latter. WANT AND FOR SALE AOS ■A FOR SALE— Milk goats, registered « Toggenburg, giving 4 quarts a day. J. J. Marchbank, Estacada. a DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY BY OUR R. G. M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH IN T E R N A T I O N A L M A D E -T O -M E A S U R E CLOTH ES A Checkins Account With a properly maintained balance is a means of establishing between the custom­ er and his bank a financial acquaintance and a personal contacr to be obtained in no other way and wh’ ch is of material benefit. . If not already a customer, you are in­ vited to call and learn of the advantages of an account carried with us. OWN FAST “WHITE” AUTO TRUCK TO ESTACADA RETAIL STORES. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT Re-Elect PHILLIP HAMMOND Republican Candidate tor LEGISLATURE ¿Paid Adv.; “ THE NORTHWEST’S FINEST BAKERY” Estacada State Bank I T P A Y S T O D O B U S IN E S S W I T H HOM E BANK THE