Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 13, 1926, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Review of Portland Commercial and Industrial Interests
B r a ley & Graham
Portland Electric Power Co.
Columbia brick Works
Whose District Offices are located in the Electric Bldg. Located at 442 Burnside, Portland, is a Wide-awake Located at 301 E. MadLon, is a Prominent Firm of
Much Benefit to the Home Builder. Manufacturers
Sales Agency, Official Distributors for Dodge Bios.
In Portland, is Popular Public Utility Concern Doing
of Brick and Tile, Which Never hau to be Repaired or
Motor Cars, and Graham Bros. Trucks.
Much in Adding to the Rapid Expansion of This
Renewed, Artistic Face Brick of Uniform Quality and
Community, and Has Been Important Factor in the
The large increase in Dodge Bro­
The popularity of the Dodge Ble­
Prices Very Favorable ior 1 his Valley Because of the
Industrial Growth of Portland and Surrounding Ter­ thers' car has had a great deal to thers sales, year by year is due to
Short Freight Haul on the P.E. P. Co. Line.
ritory. ..Oregon Ranks One of the First in Developed do with the success of the firm of the dependability o f the car. Dodge
Braley & Graham.
The present Brothers sales for 1925 increased
Hydro-Electric Power. Portland Electric Power Co. Dodge Brothers Motor cars in spec­ 25 per cent over 1924, in the face
This popular business house is one wood supply of the country be son-
Has Been Responsible for Most of the Development ial types are very elaborate and o f a decline o f the industry as a
I were created for that group of mo- whole.
o f the concerns in this section of served, especially at the present
and a “ Greater Home Community.”
I torists who favor individuality in
the siate that is, continually buzzing time, and it behooves everyone con­
The operation of modern and suc­ in this section o f the state and fur­
cessful electric plants is an under­ nishes very satisfactory service ren­
taking that requires the service of dered to its patrons.
men of a vast experience and a
The growth and prosperity o f this
comprehensive knowledge o f elec­ company is due largely to the efforts
tricity. This cannot be acquired in o f its officers.
Their familiarity
a day but comes from long study j with the resources o f the vicinity
and practical experience. The Port­ which they supply their confidence
land Electric Power Co., has placed in the future of public utility de­
this work in charge o f experts. This velopment, their keen foresight, has
electric company is a large concern brought the Portland Electric Power
with ample capital, organization and Co., to its present perfection. The
It has made electricity officers are surrounded by an organ­
and power service its business. ' ization o f co-workers and employ­
Therefore any community is fortun- 1 ees that are vigorous and perman­
ate in having 8uch a modern and effi-, ent, which have aided materially in
cient public concern to solve the developing and operating the pro­
difficult problems o f adequate elec- ! perty.
trie service as satisfactorily as the
When the people o f this commun­
Portland Electric Power Co. is solv­ ity stop and consider the importance
ing it for Portland and rural dis­ to them of this public utility service
tricts and the suburban towns which they indeed have cause to congratu­
it supplies.
late themselves. We wish to direct
There is probably no other com­ your special attention in this edition
pany of this size in the country to this concern as one o f the import­
that is better equipped to furnish ant assets o f this community and as
electricity than this well-known com­ one o f the companies that is assist­
pany which maintains several o f the ing in making a more progressive
most modern and up-to-date plants and prosperous community.
Portland Feed Mills Co.
I appearance and appointment,
gether with safely, long life, econ­
omy and dependable service.
1 boaics are all steel construction.
the sound basic design which has
| been constantly refineu for over a
; period o f more than ten years, in-
| sures the purchaser a car that will
| be true in every detail to the tra-
| ditional reputation of all Dodge
Brothers products, for dependable
The all-steel bodies o f the spec-
types are low hung and the lines un­
usually graceful.
The long under-
strung rear springs contribute ma­
terially to the exceptional fine rid­
ing qualities.
The interiors are
comfortable and roomy, with deep
seats and ample leg room. Dodge
Brothers commercial and Graham
Brothers trucks are absolutely de­
This is recognized by
the largest concerns in the country,
in addition to thousands o f smaller
“ t or ten years dependable’’
these words express the successful
attainment o f an idea conceived in
the minds o f founders before the
first car was placed in the hands of
the purchaser late in 1914.
Buying would be stimulated at
the present time if people could
oniy comprehend that the present
prices o f Dodge Brothers cars are
approximately the same as they
were in 1915, the lowest prices in
the history of Dodge Brothers.
It is interesting to know the vast­
ness of Dodge Brothers plant and
its operations.
Dodge Brothers consumption of
fuel oil, 8,000,000 gallons per year
or about 25-car-load train a day;
consumption of copper over 12,000-
000 pounds a year; leather require­
ments, 165,000 hides a year,— 330-
000 head of cattle must be slaugh­
tered to provide Dodge Brothers
with this number o f hides o f the
quality desired.
Braley & Graham, the directing
heads, are thoroughly experienced
in automobile values are well and
favorably known throughout this
part of the Northwest and we wish
to compliment them upon the well-
merited success o f the firm and the
public-spirited policies they have
carried into the business and sug­
gest that you give them a trial
when considering anything in the
motor car line.
Palace Laundry'
Location 340 E. Stark, Portland, is Well-known Feed
Mill, Handling Dairy and Poultry Supplies of High­
est Grade. Featuring VRex” Brand Dairy and Poul­ Located at 78-80 E. 10th St., N., in Portland, is one of
the Up-to-date and Leading Laundries in Oregon and
try Feed . Sold in Large and Small Quantities. Lowest
is Under the Direction of Men who are Thoroughly
Prices in Territory, Made Possible by Buying Direct,
Experienced in this Business, Giving Excellent Ser­
Cutting out Middleman and Direct Delivery.
vice. Rough Dry, W et Wash Service.
I f you select your feeds from this
well-known mill you will be assured
o f the highest quality o f merchan­
dise on the market,
Their stock includes only such
commercial feeds as have been test­
ed for protein, carbohydrates fat
and fiber in the correct proportion.
They stand behind their stock and
give their years of experience and
a large list o f satisfid customers ;.s
In the way o f feed the manage­
ment has made an exhaustive and
scientific study o f modern feeding
and all feeds are made up with ref­
erence to their nutritive value. The
best o f dairy feeds can be secured
here and they specialize in poultry
No matter what problem
you may have in feeding, you will
find the management can solve it
for you. They are courteous and
Willing to give you information both
on local and foreign feeds o f which
they carry a complete line.
They deal on a mammoth scale
and feature many poultry supplies.
Dealing on so large a scale they
have a tremendous buying power
which not only secures them price
concessions, but also enables them
to carry a large stock at all times.
This is the official home of the
famous “ Rex” line of feeds, They
know when they offer “ Rex” feeds
their customers are getting the high­
est quality in feeds.
With the acute business judgment
that has characterized their entire
career they realized that it was im­
portant that the people o f this com­
munity not only have an establish­
ment o f this kind but an institution
that would be thoroughly modern,
in keeping with the demands o f the
present day.
The manager hag had a wide ex­
perience in this business and is qual­
ified to judge which are the super­
ior feeds. Hence, when you take his
word on feed matters you are fo l­
lowing the advice o f an expert in
the feed line,
This well-known laundry is one of I ’ han ordinary ability in the con­
the best equipped industries in th i; I duct o f affairs o f this institution.
section o f the state that transacts
Cleaning clothes is not only tak­
an extensive business over this and ing out the dirt, but also consti­
adjoining counties and the reputa­ tutes turning out a clean smooth
tion o f their work for excellence garment, which one would be proud
is spreading far and wide over this to wear. New and up-to-date ma­
part o f the country.
chinery and sanitary methods are
The work is turned out in such a necessary to wash comport and good
manner that you would be more than appearance into clothes, returning
pleased if you give it a trial. The them to you fresh and free from
most delicate fabrics are handled all germs and dirt.
as carefully as they would be in
We wish to refer all our readers
your own home, as only experienced to this progressive and modern in­
and expert help is employed in the stitution a n d 't o suggest that they
patronize his well-known laundry.
The business o f this laundry is
The manager is one o f the lead­
spreading all over this part of the ing business men o f the city, who
country, and is by no means con­ has always taken an active interest
fined to its home city. The rapid in­ in all propositions for public im­
crease in the businesg is due to more provement.
Corvallis Creamery Co.
with activity and whose products
have met with the commendation of
They specialize in building brick
and tile for new homes or public
The materia's used by
this concern are the latest scientific
development in the building world
I having answered all the tests, in­
cluding the test of time. The chief
advantages o f their material arc
that it s fireproof, never leaks,
lasts longer than wooden walls, and
presents an appearance from ail ar­
chitectural standpoint that is very
pleasing to the most critical. They
will furnish it in the different color
effects or in plain and are thus pre­
pared to meet the demands o f .ill
classes o f building.
They have furnished many of the
buildings in this section o f the state
with their material and their pro­
ducts have met with the commenda­
tion o f the purchaser in every case.
To everyone interested they can
give you references and will show
you the buildings as they stand to­
day. It is very important that the
templating the erection o f any build­
ing to look over and investigate
their products before letting a con­
tract. Then one o f the features is
that it is cheaper in the long run,
:nd lowers the insurance rates on
your building.
In the employ o f the concern are
expert men who thoroughly under­
stand the different methods of con­
struction, and are able to explain
to you.
Buildings constructed out
of permanent materials are not only
artistic but give much satisfaction
in years to come, especially in the
cost o f upkeep, which is practically
This is a local brick concern, man­
ufacturing the best brick and tile,
and we wish to call our readers at­
tention that it is their duty to de­
mand this brick and tile, not only
because of the quality but because
it is a local brand and merits your
We are pleased in this edition to
refer all our readers to them and to
compliment them upon their leading
position in the business world in this
section o f the state.
Routledge Seed
Floral Co.
Located at 72 Grand Ave., Portland, is a Seed Store
That Features Highest Quality Seeds, Lawn and Gar­
den Fertilizers, and Bird, Dog and Cat Supplies. Also
Bedding, Potted Plants and Cut Flowers.
“ As ye sow so shall ye reap” Is
certainly a forceful expression and
should carry a warning to the fame
o f the truck grower that would
cause him to use the greatest care
in selecting his seeds. Many a very
valuable crop has been lost and
weeks o f hard labor have been
naught by planting seeds that would
not sprout and grow. •
If you select your seeds from this
well-known store you will be assured
o f the highest quality seeds on the
The:r stock includes such mer­
chandise as has been tested and
have a proven germination percent­
age. They stand behind their stock
and give their years o f experience
and a large list o f satisfied custom­
ers as their reference.
The stock
not only includes field seeds o f all
kinds, it includes garden seeds, flow ­
er seeds and a general line o f sup­
plies for keeping up lawn, bird sup­
plies and poultry supplies.
With the acute business judge­
ment that has characterized their
entire career, they realized that it
was important that the people o f
this community not only have an
establishment o f this kind but an
institution that would be thorough­
ly modern and in keeping with the
demands o f the present day. This
firm has added from time to time
until they are now managers o f a
urge business and are serving the
people faithfully.
The proprietor o f this store in-
,te:; the people to make this store
headquarters when in Portland and
ve mote than glad to render any
-ttle service for your convenience.
They are courteous and willing
to give you all information regurd-
mg seeds, dealing on a large scale,
as they do, it enables them to under­
sell the small dealer and give the
farmer the benefit especially on
quantity lots.
It affords u.i pleasure to refer this
a d company to our leaders and u c
feel certain that if all our readers
' id giv, this establishment a trial
they will be convinced that seeds
from this store will be of the high­
est productive value.
Rose City Veterinary Hospital
Location 43 Front, Portland, One of the Most Modern
Institutions of the Business Life of This Section, Aid­
ing in the Progress of Diversified Farming and De­ Located at E. 7th and Grant Sts., Portland, is a Well-
of Surrounding Territory; Featuring Their
Located at the Foot of Spokane Street, in Portland, has
known Veterinary Hospital, Treating Horses, Cows,
Dogs and Cats; Only Corporation in the State ot its
Tremendous Buying Power that Enables This Con­
cern to Enter the W orld’s Best Markets and Secure
Kind. Under Supervision of Dr. G. H. Huthman.
The plant o f this company is a
to them and the fame their
Vast Quantities of Building Materials at Rock Bot­ model sanitary institution equipped ling
brand o f butter has attained.
There is perhaps no division of ant branches o f medical science and
with the very best modern machin­ reason o f the fact that they handle
tom Prices.
East Side Mill & Lumber Co.
There are few, if any, cities the
size o f ours which have the advan­
tages o f the location in their midst
o f an immense establishment such as
this well-known firm maintains.
One o f the things that is essential
in the upbuilding o f any modern
American city is the location o f a
modern lumber yard in its midst.
The fact that one can get anything
and everything in the lumber line
at their yards adds to the efficiency
o f the county.
Building supplies o f every descrip­
tion will be found in great pro­
fusion, and you will be surprised at
the excellent quality which today
is offered at reasonable prices.
This establishment is the head­
quarters for the home builder, and
this fact needs no comment from Us.
So well known is this lumber yard
over the country that one thinks au­
tomatically o f builder’s supplies
when their name is mentioned.
For prompt service, courtesy and
special attention to home builders
this yard reigns supreme. _ Just let
us suggest that if you are interested
in erecting a home or building o f
any kind, that you call around and
have an early consultation with
them for this lumber yard is head­
quarters in this section for lumber
and building materials o f every de­
A customer o f the East Side Mill
& Lumber Co., not only gets value
received for his money, but sendee
as well. The firm maintaining com­
petent designers who will work out
any particular idea you may have
in mind, thus adding much satis­
faction to your building for years
to come.
On account o f their tremendous
buying power, this local concern is
able to enter the world’s larger
markets and secure vast quantities
at prices so low that they offer the
local public rock bottom prices in
lumber o f every description.
In making this review o f our on­
ward progress we are pleased to
compliment the management as pro­
gressive and prominent business men
deserving o f the patronage they re­
ery and under the direction of lat­
ter day creamery men. They have
always taken an active interest in
the development o f this community
and their institution is one o f our
most valued industrial assets. We
wish to give them a prominent place
which their modern creamery merits
as being among the foremost con­
cerns in this line of endeavor. They
are a large contributor to the pro­
gress and prosperity o f the commun­
This well-known institution prob­
ably typifies better than any othei
the material progress o f the com­
munity, and the fact that this sec­
tion o f the state is organized along
twentieth century lines as regards
the continual development of com­
merce and agriculture.
Years ago
there were small creameries in ev­
ery community in which the pro­
ducer sent to market his cream and
to which the retailer looked for his
supply o f butter for his customers.
Popularity with both the produc­
er and the consumer is evidenced
by the large number o f farmers sel-
of volume of business through mod­
ern equipment they are not only able
to pay the farmer a higher price
for his cream, but by the same to­
ken, can manufacture and sell their
butter for less. And it can be read­
ily seen that this twentieth century
organization also enables them to
produce a brand of butter o f uni­
form high quality.
At the offices
o f this company the producers ep-
countre the most courteous treat­
ment and receive more for cream
than would be paid if he had to de­
pend on a smaller creamery for a
The production o f cream is a
proposition that ought to appeal to
every owner,
even of a small
farm, as it is a well-known fact
that this mode o f farming bu.ids
up the land, at the same time mak­
ing the producer more money than
he can make by straight farming,
and then he gets pay right along in
This plant is thus adding murn
as a valuable market at our doors
for the products of the farm.
the field of scientific research in
1 which greater advances have been
made than have marked the modern
development of veterinary surgery.
Some o f the greatest scientific
minds of the world have developed
material progress in this important
profession and all o f the features
that have received the approval of
the country are available to the
people o f this and adjoining coun­
ties if they secure the services of
these competent practicioners.
These populur veterinarians have
kept pace w.th the times and are
considered by the eminent men of
their profession as some o f the fore­
most practicioners in these parts.
They have carefully studied all of
the developments in these import-
places their wide experience and
comprehensive knowledge ut the ser­
vice o f the people o f the community
Advice along ihe line of proper
feeding and the care o f pets and
stock will cheerfully be given.
Dr. Huthman >s courteous and
u c c e fin m o d a > i n g a n d
eith< e r
n ig h t.
»at f
¡i¡K c l i e n t :
f o r h i.-: s e t • v i c e s e o n
m e r it e id t r i l i u t e t o h i
c o n e ?i e n t i o u 1i
m e th o i
t o ( ' o > n p i i n i e n t h i m
h o is d o i n > t i n t h i s
d ire ct y o u r e sp e cia l
m e ien t m e t h o d s w he
‘ h e d.e v c l o f i m e n t o f
and commercial life o f the commun-
Decker Business College
Located in the Alisky Bldg., in Portland, is Oone of the
Well-known Commercial Colleges of the Northwest.
The Logical School for Students, under Direction of
a Most Progressive Management, Which has Provided
Cosmopolitan Advantages for the Young People of
Located at 89-5th St., Portland, is One of the Strongest
I his Section. Positions Secured for Graduates.
Benefit Savings & Loan Association
Broadway Dyers & Cleaners
Established in 1904
Located at Union Ave. and Schuyler, in Portland, is a
Well-known Firm With Modern Plant and Enjoying
Extensive Business in Surrounding Territory. Parcel
Post Used Extensively; Rug and Carpet Cleaning
Department Efficient and Very Popular.
Sine* this well-known firm has
ten in existence, it has enjoyed an
■er increasing patronage because
r the reasonableness o f charge, gen-
•al excellence o f wark and reliabil-
This establishment is popular with
1 who have tried it, and that it
ats forth its best efforts is shown
the satisfaction in each case,
establishment is splendidly
luipped for all kinds o f dry clean-
ig. and no work is too difficult to
andle in • most satisfactory man­
A specialty is made in the
cleaning of
o f ladies’
ladies' garments. They
do this same class o f work for near­
ly every woman in town who care*
anything at all about her personal
appearance, their pressing of gar­
ments is always correctly done, and
the articles are very promptly de-
We are pleased to compliment
them upon the satisfactory service
they render and to urg all o f our
readers that, as regards cleaning
and pressing, they can do no better
than to turn fheir work »>'«
Financial Associations in the State, and Has Aided in
No Small Measure to the Progress of This and Sur­
rounding Territory.
Has Never Paid Less Than 7
Per Cent on Savings.
Not because o f false promises or tors are among the most prominent
by flashy methods, but because o f and progressive business men.
They are business men whose bus­
sound principles has this association
succeeded, realizing at the very iness integrity is a solid wall behind
start that an institution that is wise­ their Association; they are men who
ly guided and buiided upon the have helped to build up the town
foundation o f solid business princi­ and are considered the medium be­
ples would surely succeed, this well- tween investor and good invest­
known institution began its career. ments. It is not what a man makes,
Since that time it has not only aided but what he saves that counts, and
the people o f this section to make systematic saving ia cultivated whet»
this a better place to live in by en­ an inve.-tor takes up seriously the
couraging the building and owning Savings and Loan Association’s sys­
o f homes, but by actual financial tem : they are men o f high business
ideals who have helped to make com­
assistance afforded.
The Savings and Loan Association mercial institutions blossom and
is one o f the foremost institutions grow in all this wonderful oasis o f
j i a the country. Officers and direc- j the great Northwest,
Through the progressive effort of
this valuable institution the younger
generation o f this section o f the
state is now offered the educational
advantages o f any enterprising city.
It is not often that counties like
this can boast o f such an up-to-date
institution as this one.
Not only
can the young men and women of
this county secure a general educa­
tion, but through this business col­
lege can prepare themselves for
their life work.
* *
This is a day and age o f business
ejciency. The man or woman who
is not prepared to keep pace with
the dm e rids o f prseent-day business
efficiency is soon lost in Ihe hurry
and bustle o f modern methods. It is
not necessary that a man become a
machine, but it is absolutely essen­
tial that everyone who wishes to be
successful in business has a practi­
cal businesg education, and such
training can only be secured in an
institution devoted to preparing the
pupils for business life.
ihe management o f this school is
progressive, able and efficient, and
haH built for it elf and the school
it reputation o f accomplishment and
a liberal support from the people o f
o f the state.
this part of
Thi.. ha
college is one o f
the hading ins itutions o f its kind
in the country, anil has contributed
in no small me ure to the fame o f
the northwest.
It offers the
>plf >f this section
the advantages
is of a modem, pro­
gre sive and e efficient business col-
leg- right h. < almost at their very
door, and in this special edition we
with to urgí that this is thelogical
school for students.