PAGE FOUR ; EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS buying to a high figure and Chev­ ' WAVE OF PROSPERITY SWEEPS COAST REGION rolet is at present experiencing an acute shortago of cars throughout Each month of the year 1926 has the Southern California and Ari­ proven a record-breaker for Chev­ zona territory. rolet in the production and sales The big plant at Oakland has with no sign of a let-up af­ been shipping trainload after train­ Brief of Resume of Happenings volume ter four months of business that load out to dealers in an effort to has taxed ihe seven big assembling supply the demand, notably three the Week Collected for plants of the company throughout fu.l train'o ds to Spokane, another Our Readers. the country in an effort to keep up to Seattle and still another of 39 with demand, an effort that has carloads to Tacoma, while increas­ been omy partially successful. ingly la-go shipments are being Albany and Corvallis Joined In de­ made daily into the Southern Cali­ An open winter started the Pacif­ dicating the new Albany bridge. ic Northwest off with a bang soon fornia district. Northern California Registration at the Univeralty of after the opening of the year and and Nevada dealers are also begin­ Oregon passed the 3000 mark Satur­ Chevrolet dealers throughout that ning to clamor for more cars and day. district are still clamoring for more factory officials are predicting a Klamath Falls' annual rodeo cele­ cars and trucks, most of them hav­ shortage of cars during the next bration July 4 will be abandoned this ing sold well over their quota and three months, due to the arrange- year. n some cases reaching an increase metn of a manufacturing schedule Two automobiles negotiated San over last year. A volume year with largely based upon the 1925 de­ tiam pass Friday. Last year the first more than 50,000 sold on the Pa­ mands, which did not, of course, an­ trip over the pass was June 4. cific coast—of fifty or one hundred ticipate the tremendous volumewhich has come to Chevrolet success and Eugene’s first annual trade exposi­ per cent. tion and food products show will be Heavy rains in the territory cen­ the fact that the 1926 Chevrolet has held in the armory May 13, 14 and tering in Los Angeles which ran been refined and greatly Improved. 15. well over the normal rainfall for | In connection with this tremen­ Mrs. May Dealy, 82, of Prlnevllle, the season have insured bumper dous volume for Chevrolet, officials was killed in an automobile accident crops of almost everything grown of the company point out the fact on the Ochoco highway 13 miles east in the district. This has brought that 1519 new direct and associate of Prlneville. Collins flour mills of Pendleton are again on a 24-hour running basis and ■ nr ^rrnaassrrmsrBn 1000 barrels of flour every 24 hours is being produced. Lane county health authorities are Investigating the report that two Mex­ ican laborers on the Natron cut-off had died of typhus fever. Ten acres have been stripped of grain on the Carr ranch near Malln, owned by W. C. Dalton, and more are threatened by grasshoppers. The Lebanon Commercial club, sponsoring the annual strawberry for Economical festival for Lebanon, has changed the date for the fair to May 14 and 15. Large yields of honey are expected this year by Umatilla county bee keepers. They report the bees to be working a month In advunce of normal seasons. The Dalles-Californla highway from The Dalles to Alturas, Cal., will bo completed by September, according to C. C. Seeley of Klamath Falls, state highway engineer. About 40 acres of foothill land In the reservation district near Pendleton will be rented this year by the East­ ern Oregon state hospital and late potatoes planted. H. E. Plummer, Portland building In­ spector, was elected president of the Building Officials of America at the 12th annual meeting of the organiza­ tion at Columbus, Ohio. Approximately 15,000,000 feet of felled timber la believed to have been burned by a fire in the timber hold Ings of the Flora Logging company, Low P rices 16 mllos west of Carlton. Henry Crawford, field operative for —am azing valu es! a Salem bank, accepted the appoint ment as a member of the Oregon state fair board to succeed Wayne Stuart $ of Albany, who has resigned. Steps toward the organization of a central Oregon co-operative poultry produce marketing association were Coach or $ taken at Tumalo when an organiza­ Coupe • « tion committee of nine was approved. W. H. Saxton, Portland, was elected president of the Oregon State Retail FburDoor $ Jewelers' association at the three-day Sedan. • Interstate session of the Oregon and Washington associations at Longview. Plans for a new wing on the Salem hospital to cost approximately $«o 000 were ordered prepared by directors of the institution. The proposed Im proveiucnt would double the capacity of the plant. Vi Ton Truck $ Sowing of spring grain is farther (C haw te Only) along than usual in Oregon, but the crop Is beginning to need rain badly. Moisture Is also required by the fall 1 Ton Truck $ (C h a ssis O n ly) sown cereals as well as by berries and truck crops. A ll prices f.o.b. Flint, Michigan That the northwest's fruit crop this year will equal if not exceed the record breaking crop of 1923 was the prediction of M R. Whitehead of Port­ land, superintendent of the Pacific Fruit Express company. T. A. Llvesley reported at Salem the purchase of 200 bales of 1925 hops from Lake Brook ranch for London buyers at 27 cents per pound. A nura ber of other sales were reported rang Ing from 21 to 27 cents. The Southern Pacific company had net operating revenue in the state of Oregon of 12.565.669.14 during the year 1926, according to the annual report of the corporation filed in the offices of the public service commission at Salem. Anotber section of the Lakerlew- Klamath Falls hlghwey is to be plac­ ed under construction this year. The stale highway commission has order­ ed for sdvertislng at the May meeting a section east of Beatty and extend­ ing toward Bly. The planing mill of Snellstrom Brothers at Vaughan station, on the Coos Hay line of the Southern Pa­ cific, 25 miles west of Eugene, eight Southern Paeffic freight cars and a large amount of lumber were destroy­ ed by fire The Southern Pacific com­ pany estimated its loss at |32.(M)J and the lumber com;sia/'s loss was ssU- M led ftt OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1926. Britain. They are aiso negotiating dealers have been added to the na­ HIGH SCHOOL,BARS SHORT tional Celling organizations during SKIRTS, HOSE OF CHIFFON with the Dutch labor unions to pre­ vent transport of Ruhr coal through the past seven months, and Chovro- \ I t now has almost 7,500 dealers in Los Angeles, May 1.— (UP)— Holland. the United Spates, an increase of Short dre-ssen and transparent hos­ At a May day meeting outside the more than 27 per cent iery will be taboo for the girl grad­ ex-empoi-er s castle, which was at­ uates of Los Angeles high scheo's tended by many thousands, solidar­ HANEY OPENS HEADQUARTERS this year. ity with the British miners in their MAY 1| LANGLEY IN CHARGE Principals of local high schools fight against capitalism was the slo­ have decreed that each girl gradu­ gan of the speakers.—Oregonian. Bert E. Haney opened campaign ate must wear a modest frock of It maye be questioned if it were headquarters in room 1019 Board arbitrary length. The texture of an altogether wise provision of our of Trade building on Saturday, May her hose will also be restricted. 1, from which his campaign for the The frocks must not be more fundamental law which forbids re­ Democratic senatorial nomination than 16 inches from the floor and ligious teaching in our public Those who framed the will be conducted. there cannot be more than four in­ schools. Lotus L. Langley Will be in ac­ ches of chest exposure below the . Constitution of the United State* tive charge of the headquarters of­ necklihe. Hose may ba of silk, recognized a Supreme Being, and then made it impossible to teach fice and have direction of the work but chiffon will be forbidden. the young of the nation the princi- carried on from there. Langley is Each girl will be limited to an well known in Democratic political expenditure of $50 for ail gradu­ pies of the Bible in the place where their first tuition begins. circles having been active in past ation expenses, including clothes. campagins. He is a prominent Say you saw it in the News. member of the Multnomah county GERMANS BACK STRIKERS bar and well-known in the legul Berlin, May 2.—The leaders of profession over the state. With the opening of his head­ the Socialist and communist parties quarters, Haney plans the inaugura­ are urging the German miners to tion of an aefive campaign to con­ do their utmost to help their Brit­ tinue until the primary election of ish colleagues by preventing direct transport of Ruhr coal to Great May 81. cIhe. - BULLS EYE Editor and Q tn e r a /M a n a q e r WILL ROGERS 7 Transportation c i ways what you gc the Price you 510 ^ I -andflji $ AW * 765 395 550 Congress No. 2 * In Chevrolet you get more for your money than in any other car built. You get every essential improvement developed by automotive engineers during the last twelve years of progress. You get the greater flexibility of Chevrolet’s 3-speed transmission — the greater power and smoothness of Chevrolet’s valve-in-head motor —the easier, safer handling of Chev­ rolet’s semi-reversible steering gear —the greater comfort of semi-ellip­ tic springs. Buy no other low-priced car until you have compared it with Chev­ rolet. Check point for point—fea­ ture for feature. Know what you are actually getting for the price you pay. Let us give you a demonstration. Statistics have proven that only one-half of one per cent of the speeches made in Congress are lis­ tened to. A great many Congress­ men speak IN , but not T O , Con- ess. But every speech is published n the record. They send the rec- ¡rds back home to show “W hat hey told ’em up there in W ashing- n.” N ow the people back home ink Congress heard their “Lem” ¡1 ’em this. Now, here is my scheme to stop 'ech making. A Bill reading as (lows I “Congressional Record ast not only contain speech, but ¡mber of members, and names . ho listened to speech, and why.'* For instance: “Congressman Post Hole arose to a point of informa­ tion and spoke at length on, ‘Is Locarno a town, or is it a Treaty?’ Length of speech, without waiting for applause, four hours, thirty-six minutes; attendance. Gout (Rep. N . Y . ) : ‘Unable to get out.’ Sixty- forty (D em . N . J .) : ‘Case of reci­ procity, he listened to m ine.’ Low ­ brow (Rep. M ass.) : 1 was asleep, even the good speakers haven’t woke me up.’ ” . N ow I claim that w ill stop some speech making. T he minute it gets back home that “Lemmie” is talk­ ing to himself up there, “Lemmie” w ill stop talking. You know why they w on’t listen to anybody up there? They have gone out to smoke, that’s why, and vou know why they’ve gone out to <.moke? W hv. “ Bull” Durham, of course. I T ’S B E T T E R T H A N A N Y SPE E C H EV E R M A D E . P.S. There will be another piece in this paper soon. Look for it. so Smooth—so Powerful I Cascade ÔTWotor Company Wilcox Bros. QUALITY AT Estacada, Ore. “R ill I LOW COST G u a r a n te e d by ).«.«.ee.Atc . 111 Fifth Avenu*. N . » Vwk City ,