Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 22, 1926, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
Clackamas District Pomona
Grange Has Regular Meet
The Clackamas District Pomona
Grange held an all-day session Wed­
nesday, April 14, at the Springwa-
ter hall( the Springwater Grange
acting aa host. Over 250 Grangers
from all sections o f the county were
in attendance,
The morning session was given
over to the regular routine o f busi­
In the afternoon memorial
services were held for Clyde Davis
o f Garfield Grange, and Mrfs. Mag­
gie Gage o f Oswego Grange.
A program of music, readings and
and address by the Worthy State
Lecturer, Mrs. Minnie E. Bond, was
enjoyed by the Grange members
The following
resolution was
passed by the body:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Pomona
Grange o f Clackamas County, Ore­
gon: That we urge the members
o f the legislature to be elected to
do all in their power to cause the
budget law to be amended so as to
provide that no greater expenditure
o f public money shall be made than
the amount estimated in the budget
and that any member of the county
court voting for the issuance o f war­
rants which will create an excess
expenditure as provided for in the
budget, shall be liable for the full
amount o f such excessive expendi­
Except in the case o f an
emergency such as flood, fire or
other act o f the elementg or for
causes unknown to and controlled
by the budget committee.
A class of 16 candidates was giv­
en the degree of Pomona at the
evening session, and a program anil
play was put on by the Sprir.gwfite*-
First Grade—
Mrs. Pederson and Mrs. Sevier
visited the primary room Friday.
Shirley Lovelace is visiting rela­
tives in Portland this week.
Mrs. Gardner, Miss Hermann,
Miss Sunderland and Miss Sherman
were guests at a delightful ‘al fres­
co’ luncheon given by Mesdames
Wiley, Cahill and Pederson in the
city park on Thursday afternoon.
Eighth Grade—
The eighth grade and part o f the
seventh grade, accompanied by their
teachers, Miss Schmidt and Miss
McKenna, gave the Loy children a
delightful surprise party at their
home on Monday evening. Refresh­
ments and the playing o f some jolly
games furnished diversion for the
evening. The Loy family leave this
week to make their home in Rose
City Park.
Second and Third Grades—
We regret losing Clarence Wiley.
Wo hope he will like his new loca­
tion very much.
We understand
that Estelle Armstrong is anticipat­
ing leaving us this coming week-end
and moving to Portland.
We re­
gret her leaving us too.
Fifth Gr-.de—~
No. 29
$1.50 A YEAR
DEMOCRATIC p r e - p r i m a r y
The Fraternal Brotherhood lodge [i
No. 302 o f Oregon City, will hold
a rally at Willamette hall, Oregon
City, Saturday, May 16.
A jj Miller, the supervisor' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Denning, Kelly
sive preparations are »being
made ' bas a crew 0f men working or» the Douglass, Edythe Peters and Mr.
by the committee in charge, for an road near R. S. Chaney’s place.
j and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were the
attractive program.
Featured on
Mr and Mj,3 a Johnson had Bs j guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doug-
the musical program is Mrs. A. R. guegts on Saturday and Sunday lass last Thursday evening, the oc-
Price, who will give several
vocal Aprij l l f Mr and Mrs Ginther atni casion
being in honor o f their
numbers, accompanied by Mrs.
L. E. daughter, Marian, and Mr. Parker, daughter, Reva, whose birthday it
Hertke, both of Oregon City. Mrs. a„ o f Portfand.
! wa8.
Price will also lead the community
\jrs. p ew and daughter Era went \ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass,
t0 p ortland last Saturday to do Mrs. Paddison and Mrs. Akers at-
Governor Walter M. Pierce has some shopping. Mrs. Dew’s da te't- tended Pomona Grange which was
been secured to. give the address i ter Margaret from St. Helens met held at Springwater last Wednesday,
o f the evening.
Other speaker, them in Portland.
Mr. and Mrg. R. B Gibson went
r l b ouJay Upton- *red Tooze, and
Mr. and Mrs. McKune and c h ll-, t0 Portland last Friday with Miss
J. H. Shumway. B. R. Perkin* wil dron o f Milwaukie visited on Satur- Edythe Peters, spending the week­
s '''6 a short talk on the Fraternal day and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ! end with her sister, Mrs. S. J. Eddy
j C. A. Johnson and family.
j Then on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Eddy
and Mr*' Ra*pb Chaney m id , droVo out to Eagle Creek bringing
children visited on Sunday afteh -. Mrs Gibson home.
BALL TEAMS WILL PLAY noon with Mr. and Mrs. Clay Chan-
Fred Hoffmeister and family, Fay
ey and family.
Woodle and family and Mr. and Mrs
Baseball teams o f the Fraternal
Mr. John Willing and mother of
Will Douglass and Dick Gibson en­
Brotherhood Lodges No. 302 o f Or- Seilwood spent Sunday and Mondfty
joyed a picnic down by River Mill
egon City and No.209 o f Portland,' with Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen and
The men-folks spent tlio
will meet at Oregon City Sunday, George Willing.
afternoon fishing.
A piii 25, for their first game this
Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson motdr-
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madson of
The Oregon City boys ed to Portland on Tuesday just for
Portland were the Sunday guests of
have been practising daily in an- the day.
ticipation o f a hard-fought game , Mrs. Pets Ruhl went to Gresham Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asp.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Douglass and
as the Portland aggregation is re­ to remain fo r a few weeks.
ch'ldren and Mrs. Perry Murphy
ported to be one o f the best o f the
and children were also visiting with
Portland Lodge teams.
Mr. and Mrs. Asp on Sunday.
The game will be played at Green
Mrs. McKay returned home last
Point park, Oregon City.
No ad­
modal Ford car. He says he used Friday after being on a ten-day va-
mission will be charged.
his old car 11 years and thought cation. Sho was visiting with her
he could afford a new one, with sister who lives up near Monmouth
which he is greatly pleased.
and later with Portland friends.
Mr. Broyler has moved his family
H. F. Gibson and wife were up
IRA F. RANKIN, Pastor.
- ■-— -
j to Tillamook. His children will be this way Sunday evening.
Dr. Pratt of Portland, one o f the j missed here in school and Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and
outstanding laymen of the Method- ] school but we hope they will like children motored to Oregon City on
ist Church an able and prominent j their new home.
¡Sunday to visit with the latter’s sis-
public speaker, will have charge o f
Mr. Elmer Powers who has been ter, Mrs. Lizzie Bluhm and family,
the morning preaching service at ! confined to hig
home the pagt two Mr and Mrg j p Woodle were
° C'° C 1
portumty to hear him.
m~8.. ,u weeks is a little better.
He has 0Ver to Ray Woodle's on Monday,
Tell others. had fever and a very gore throat. |
_ __
oiin g others.
Wm. Graham, our mail carrier,
At the 8 o clock preaching ser-| ¡s taking a two weeks’ vacation and
vice in the evening another treat Clyde Denny o f Estacada is carry-
* in store for ua when we have the , jng the mail in his place.
priviledge o f having the service in
charge o f a group o f the Billy Sun- j —
day Gospel Team o f Portland.
Local New» Item»
These services are fo r you. Let's j
make the best o f them!
Mr. E. O. Smith came home on
Sunday school ......................... 10:09 Saturday evening for a short visit
Junior Church, Mrs. Rankin in
with his family.
. c^a.rge’ ..... ,'............... .......... ^
Morning preaching service, ser-
mon by Dr. Pratt......... - ...... 11:00
Epworth League devotional
hour........................................... 7 :00
Evening preaching service (Group
o f Billy Sunday Gospel Team
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davison
I came Qver from 0
___ .
spend the week-end with home
j Buy gas at Dinty’s.
Mr. and Mrg. Carl Peterson and
! daughter o f Springwater spent Sun-
Mid-week prayer service at the day in Portland visiting friends.
church on Wednesday, with Mrs.
M,r. and Mrs. J. W. Miller had a-»
Rankin in charge.
Subject, "The
their guest* on Sunday their son
Need o f Self-sacrifice for Every
Soul Winner.” ........................8:00 and family o f Portland.
Choir practice at the church Thurs­
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen o f Bull
day evening ............................ 8:00 Run were visiting relatives in this
vicinity several days this week,
"Faith, mighty faith, the promise
Buy' gas at Dinty’s.
And looks to that alone;
The Building Committee o f tne
La’ughs at impossibilities,
Masonic Lodge announce a dance
And cries. ‘It shall be done,’ ”
again fo r Saturday evening.
The fifth grade regrets the losing
o f Rands Wiley from their class.
Rands was a good student and was PARENT-TEACHERS’ MEETING
Mrs. W. H. Grabeal was quite ill
well liked by all.
last week but is able to be out
Last Thursday the teacher and
The April meeting o f the local again.
pupils having a birthday in April ?.-T. A. will be held at the high
Mrs. W. F. Baughman o f Camp
enjoyed a birthday party at the chool auditorium at 3 o ’clock Mon- 10 returned last week from a two
school house.
lay afternoon, April 20.
This weeks’ visit in Portland.
Arthur Snyder has been absent neeting promises to be an interest­
Roy W ilcox returned to his work
this week due to illness.
ing one as the question o f vital im­ at the mill at Bridal Veil on Mon­
portance to the people o f this sec- day.
tion, “ Union High School,” is to
Mrs. Sturgeon is enjoying a visit
H. C. Stephens o f the Estacada be discussed by County School j
daughter, Mre. Kiger o f
State Bank, local candidate for the Superintendent Brenton Vedd*r and TilUmnnb
A most pleasing part of
Republican nomination as state rep­ other*.
Ernest Rynnin* « * home fron
resentative, filed at Salem Wednes­ the program will be a violin solo
Dental college to spend the week­
by Mr. Baker, a member o f the
day, April 14.
end with his mother.
In his official statement submit­ faculty, and Howard Davis, a sen­
Just once more buy gas at Dinty’s
ted to the News, he says if elected ior, will give his oration, “ World
Mrs. Till»® Sarver returned home
This is the oration with
he will "advocate tha utmost econ­ Peace.”
Saturday evening from Portland
omy consistent w.th the proper
functioning o f the State activities, Clackamas County Oratorical con­
Mr. Will Jennings was a Portland
visitor on Monday.
to the end that the tax paying dol­ tent,
lar may approach, aa nearly as pos­
Mr. and Mrs. James Linn and
sible, a one hundred cent dollar;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linn were vls-
‘‘ Favor equalization o f taxes and
Captain Archibald E. Cann and “ '" * ,eUtivM here ° v ,r the Week’
reduction whore possible, In order
to lessen the heavy burden on real son, A. E. C»nn, Jr., o f Portland. en
were visitors In Estacada Monday,
^ r*‘ ®era*d Wilcox left on Mon-
The captain is an old deep sea skip- day ^or a
"For th# purpose o f reducing the
per and got hia training wit.b the where *be went on business for th»
heavy ¡icons« on older cars without
sail-trimmed clippers o f the ’eight- Auxiliary to the American Legion,
imperiling tha highway bond pro­
iea. Later he became a master in
Vefner Anderson has been home
gram. I advocate readjustment o f
on a short furlough, from duty at
the automobile Lcenee and gasoline
He called upon Geo. R. Ellis and the Navy Yards at Bremerton, vi«-
they renewed old associations, when 'ting friends and relative« in thi«
“ Favor no change In the prohibi­
boy«, at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, vicinity,
tion enforcement laws except each
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Einareon of
as will increase their effectiveness. whore their ancestors Hvsr and
Words to be printed after my where In early American maritimo Portland and Mr. and Mr«. E. 8mith
name on the official ballot: " Econ­ history came those wooden ships o f Heppner were here to attend the
by the
omy, Tax Equalisation. Law En­ and iron men, before the age o f dance given
at Eagle
forcem ent.”
Captain Cann visited Est»cada Creek on Saturday evening.
Don't forget the old-fashioned sixteen year* ago and was impressed Kinarsona and Mr. Smith were for-
dance given by the band at the old with the town's growth and a im- merly instructors in the local high
deui Theater Saturday night.
j school
pro» «tu« et.
There arc too many girls who
can dance 24 hours a day
and too
few who can get a meal in 24 min-
: utes.
Estacada Loses Opener 5-3
The Estacada baseball team lost
the opening game o f the season
Sunday, on the home grounds to
the strong Gillis station nine by a
score o f 5 to 3.
With the exception of one or two
errors the game was faultless.
Jennings pitched a nice game for
the locals for five innings, and was
relieved by Tony Bronson, who was
a little wild at times, and was hit
when hits meant runs.
With a few weeks practice and
a few games Estacada will have a
team to be proud of, and should
receive the wholehearted support
o f the local fans.
The management wishes to thank
the merchants and citizens who
bought season tickets, which will
make possible a complete set o f new
uniforms for the team.
Dance, Saturd-y night at the Ma­
sonic Hail, Estr.cada.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner o f
Dodge are driving a fine new Over-
'and Six sedan which they recently
Passengers on the train Frida;
for Portland were Mr. and Mrs. O.
E. Kiggins and Miss Sturgeon and
Mrs. Eschleman.
The American Legion dance at
Cogswell’s hall was another big suc­
They announce their next
dance for Saturday evening, May 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lincoln are
spending some time at the home of
her parents in Currinsville.
Lincoln is. assisting Mr. Heiple with
the farm wrok.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter had
as their guests several days last
week at Oak Grove Range station,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weisendanger
o f Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bartho'omew
and BZuddy drove down to Corval­
lis on Saturday to visit their little
daughter. Mary Rose, who ha* been
visiting for a couple o f weeks with
her aunt, Mr*. C. C. Baling.
Mr. Russell Betts o f Gladstone
wag her« on Friday to sf t his chil­
dren, Margaret and Vernon, who
re making their home with their
<rrcnd parent*' Mr. and Mr*. T. J.
Mr. and Mr*. John Marshall o f
Springwater recently had as their
guest Mr. Marshall’s sister, Mrs. Ida
Seaweard o f Yankee Hill, Calif,
She Was on her way to Ontario, Or
egon bnt stopped off here for a few
day* riait.
P i o n e e r o f Es ta c ad a
Vicinity Passes Away
The county pre-primary meeting
of Democrats will be held in Ore-
-^rs' Virginia \\ aguer, wife ot
gon City, Wednesday evening. May rbil'P
o f Garfield passed
12. Speakers on the program for iwa>’ nt her home en last Saturday
that evening will be Governor evening after a lingering illness.
Pierce, Bert E. Haney, and Elton Mrs- Wagner suffered a para ytie
Watkins. Also all local candidates 5troke 8ome time a*° from whu’h
including 0 . D. Eby, E. T. Robin- ’ he nevcr really recovered,
son o f Canby, Louis Kohl and Al
Virginia Ring Wagner was bo«»
Price will speak,
I r- Kings Valley. Benton county,
All Democrats o f the county are Oregon, June 2 th, 1861. On Aug-
urged to attend. The meeting w ill' U3t 12th- 1877 8h6 was married to
bo held at Shively's Opera House, Philip M. Wagner at Turner, Ore­
gon, and to this union were born
Oregon City, at 8 p.m.
ten children, seven o f which are
left to mourn their mother’s pas­
Mrs. Wagner united with the
A dramatic and sensational af< Christian church in early life and
ternoon was passed on the local has ever been a faithful worker,
baseball field Saturday when the sho waB known for her many acts
Estacada Graders proved their per­ o f kindness and goodness and ever
fect physical condition by outrun­ expressed a most happy disposition
ning the Currinsville graders 32 to alwaya ready with a smile for ev«
23 in the first baseball game of the eryone.
She was a charter member of the
Members o f the local team were Mountain Chapter, Eastern Stm',
Emery Anderson, Merlin Bullard, Women’s Auxiliary to the American
Dan Whitehead, Walter Sagner, Legion, und the Grunge. Also an
Max Gilgan, Harold Bishopi Sam active member o f several local o I u I h
Whitehead, Rands Wiley and Glen and societies. And all with whom
she worked in these various oigan-
A fter watching the game Satur­ izations felt deeply her passing for
day spectators will agree that the they have learned to know her as
school has fine material for a fu­ a staunch friend.
ture star team,
Mrs. Wagner leaves to mourn her
her hu.-band, and ho following chil­
dren: J. C. o f Fossil Oregon, L.
o f Sawtelle, Cal., c ! E. o f Esta­
Portland, Ore., April 20.— Keep
Forest Lands Working is the plea cada, O. C. of San D ogo, Cal., Mrs.
Grace Ellcxson o f Anchorage, Alas-
of a timely article in the April
number of ‘Oregon Business.” pub- ka< .Mrs’ 0Iive K’ ? a''io8 and Mrs.
Abbie Armstrong o f Estacada. Al­
lished by tho Oregon State Chamber
so the following grandchildren:
of Commerce.
The author, E. T,
Leonard and Irene Davis, Vera,
Ailen< in charge of the Western
Vina and Philip Wagnav o f Fossil,
Forestry and Conservation arsoein-
tion, and one o f the foremost, fo r­ Oregon, Lloyd and Wayne Wagr.er
o f San Diego, Cal., and two broth­
est economists of the United States
ers, H. C. Cummins o f Monmouth.
writes as follows:
"During the week, April 18 to 24 Oregon, and Rufus Ring of Port­
land' Oregon.
all of the United States and Cana­
Funeral services were held on
da is being lectured, radioed, pain-
Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock front
phleted and otherwise exhorted to
put its mind on problems appropri­ the Method;st church, Arthur A.
ately etnphacised by “ American Harriman, pastor o f the locti Chris­
tian church conducting the services.
Forest W eek," proclaimed by Pres­
The flowers were many and
ident Coolidge and "Save the Forest
and there was an unus­
Week,” which has a royal procla­
ually largo attendance since sho was
mation in Canada.
so very well known and loved In
There are many such problems,
our community.
varying somewhat in relative region­
Impressive services were held at
al importance.
As "Oregon Busi­
the grave with the Eastern Btar in
ness” the most important one is ex­
charge, and interment was in the
pressed in seventeen words by a
Lone Oak Cemetery.
placard with which the state is be­
The News wishes to express sin­
ing fairly papered. It says Ameri­
cere sympathy to the bereaved onos
can Forest Week is being observed
at this time.
to remind us that “ Forest fires
make idle lands, idle industries, tide
hand*. Stop fires, grow trees; keep
Forest Lunds Working.”
Frank J. I/ngelbach has prepared
ground for an auto park and picnic
ground on a parcel o f land adjoin­
ing the Linge'bach farm about one
Extending the glad hand to pros­
^rid one-hn'f miles east o f E iaca-
pective sett;ers illumines their path1 da and on the headwaters o f Spring
to Oregon with hope for a home in
Excavation ha.i been com
a cordial land.
That is what the pleti d for a le*ge bathing pool 50
commercial organizations through­
by 75 feet, and Mr. Lingelback ex
out the state co-operating with the
poets to have verything in re dinesJ
Land Settlement departments o f the for the pubhc very soon. Th«r now
State and Portland Chambers of n-irk is located n a grove of shade
Commerce learn through replies re­ rerg end will bo o f easy acco-s off
ceived from invitations extended.
th main higlm cy to ihe Garfield
Last month Sydney Melbourne, a
grange hall end Delph Creek haU-n-
Massachusetts steam engineer keep­ ry.
ing a chicken ranch and raising
fruit, wrote that he and his family "'CUNTY VETEP.'NARIAN HERE
were tired o f the long fleice win­
Dr. C. H. Se-graves county vet-
ters o f sr.ow and ice and expected
inarirn v/ac in Flst icada Tuc day,
to come to the Pacific coast. His
letter was answered and general lit-1 ri: ' ' n8 arrangements f r T.B. tests
crature srnt; then his name was ' n
*be county,
broadcast by the department "F ri-
Dr- Seagraves was appointed to
day List,” to all the local chomhers do thp T -B- ' radication wark in
for fuither details on the different d l,r y *icr‘l3 o{
eounty, and will
V “t w * k in the territory served
A letter h-s just come b«>k from bV th* E ,t ’ csila Pra’ o * c e May 8.
Mr. Melbourn, “ I mu*t thank you Tha county v: terinar! n reports that
tor the way in which you broadcast !n?" Iuly 1 nbout 10 000 cow have
my proposed visit to your :tatc. 1 b Pn t'-sted and approximately 2
have received very cordial invita- pPr ce’’ t Infect on has b~en found,
lions from nearly every chamb',r o f ^ though compulsory,
almost all
Commerce along the western slope ca*tle owners are gird of the test-
o f the Cascades and am very f v-
orably impressed. Nearly everyone
around here is talking Florida, but
not for me— I know something bet-
The .. guiar meeting o f the Eagle
Creek Krcrge will be h !d Katur-
"It look3 as though my two o ’d. st day April 94
There will be in-
sons may sell cut and come also, i'iation in ih fir t end ecend de-
If they do, there wtll be a bunch g - cc vi*h the assistance o f the
o f u*— T4 in all, with four tble Grange drill team,
bodied men, all Want ng lo farm.
All n.emh r,. a ' - urged to rtti nd
We will probahly locate close to-,th is meeting as the time for our
s drawing no : and we mu.it
"I hope to let you know soon th it max this one bigger and better
we are heading W est."
han ever.
April activities in land s'ttlem ert
, Gemld and Roy Wilcox of
arc making a good record b,th in
arcade Garage drove over to
new inquiries and actual settlers. the
n Oregon over the w. ek-end
The Tumalo Project ht.s drawn a E
rnd to some business matters.
good share o f the homescekers who to
have selected 600 acre* o f its lands.
I>r. Rhodes returned home on
Other sections having alert county Friday, feeling quite well though
committees are participating in ex- not fully recovered from his recent
tending genuine cordiality to many illness.
Hi fron d s are very glad
to see him back again.