PAGE EASTERN FOUR CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1926 Pearl Johnson, Phorfc 34 3 i “ 500” and Mrs. R. H. Keith and Robert Snyder received low scores. THE UNI V I » S A t CA M W hen You Trade Y our C ar— Ford owner* »re continually being approached by automobile salesmen who wish to “ accept Fords as part payment on more expensive cars. It is perfectly logical that automobile dealers everywhere should be eager to trade with Ford owners. The Ford is the most popular automobile in the world. No other used car is so easy to sell as a used Ford— because everyone has confi­ dence in Ford quality. And it is not expensive to re-condition, since Ford re­ placement parts are lowest in price. Mo 3 t automobile* carry greater discounts to dealers than the Fords— another reason why other dealer* may offer the Ford owner a largo trade-in al­ lowance. But when you come to buy a new car, bear these facts in mind: The amount o f trade-in allow­ ance you can get is NOT the most important thing for >ou to consider. The big thing is the difference you have to pay And remember that the higher priced car will not be so easy to dispose o f when you com i to trade it in. If you wish to trade your Ford for a new automobile, stick to the car that you know is dependable, useful and econom ical! Go to your Ford dealer! He will give you a fair and liberal allowance for your present Ford, and will gladly arrange payment cf the bal­ ance to suit your convenience. Wnen the deal is over, and you have your new and im­ proved Ford, you will have the satisfaction of knowing positively that you took advantage of the greatest attomo- bile value the world has ever seen— and saved a lot of money, too. BOB C O O KE M OTOR C O M PAN Y FOR EXCHANGE— Ford touring car, A -l mechanical condition to exchange for a Ford truck. C McCoy, Eagle Creek. Phone Es­ tacada 68-7. The Artisans held their monthly •ard party on last Wednesday even- | mg. They had a fine crowd, there being ten tables o f cards in play. Tuesday, April 20th, is the last j day to register. Everybody who has chang, d residence, or who did I not vote, at last two general elec- I ions and persons who just came of | ige wili havo to register before being able to vote. A. Smith o f Stayton, Wash., made the New* e pleasant call on Monday, He owned the Estacada Telephone & Telegraph Co. at one time. FOR SALE— Good No. one Timothy hay; good oat hay bailed $20.00 per ton at barn. Phone 42— 111. P. FOR SALE— Choice Velvet R. I. R. hatching eggs, 75c per setting W. Douglas, Currinsville. 24-6tp called for, or $1.00 delivered. A. •ViU.sEY TO LOAN. We have plenty Warr, Raute 3, Gill Place, Esta­ of money to loan on farms at 6 cada, Oregon. per cent— from one to twenty years. No commission on large LATE MODELS IN USED CARS loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaca­ That will give you real satisfaction da, Oregon. G-lD-tf at the price you want to pay. Any girl in trouble may communi- ■ cate with Ensign Lee o f the Salva- | tion Army, at the White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave.. Portland. Oregon. 9-20 tf WANT AND FOR SALE ADS er, one iron wheel wagon, eight hay racks, two 1-yr. old billy goats, on 2-yr. old billy goat; will trade for fresh cows, hogs, pigs or sheeP' M. A. Nelson, Bering, Oregon, R4. On Ed Bates place, I V* miles north of Eagle Creek on highway. LOANS on farms 6 per cent. No HORSES FOR SALE— Six or s«v\- commission City loans monthly en to pick from. Also one mute. plan. Oregon City Abstract Co. H. S. Gibson, Eagle Creek, Ore. 4-15-21 rOK bALE— Italian prune trees, 1 yr. 6 to 8 and 4 to 6 feet; extra fine. O. FOR SALE— Cow and calf, has W. Failing, Boring. Ore., R. 1. been fresh two weeks. W. K. FOR SALE— Buick touring car, or Corbin, R. R. 1. Estacada. will trade for cattle. John 8teidl Simile east o f Eagle Creek. FOR BALE— Single comb R. I. Gardner Sedan, looks and runs like new, .............................. $825.00 Gardner Coupe, ......... $575.00 Ford, 1924 touring, ............... $250.00 Ford, 1923, coupe with box on back, very good, ............... $275.00 Ford, 1923, coupe, looks and runs good..............?............$250.00 Overland, 1921, coupe re­ painted.........................*........ $175.00 Ford Touring, ’23, looks and runs g ;o d , ......... ,.............. $175.00 Buick-6, touring, runs good, good tires, ........,............... $160.00 Ve’ ie, touring, good tires, runs frond .................................. $150.00 A large list o f good used imple­ ments and machinery. _ Red egg*, per setting 75c from FOR SALE— One team heavy work full blood 2-year old hens, with horses. Your choice out o f full blood cockerels, who3e dams three teams. Roy Douglass. Phone HESSEL IMPLEMENT COMPANY held high producing records. Gresham Oregon 16-3 Mrs. Henry Viles^ R 4, Bor 34, Estacada. Phone 34-12 4-22 r OR SALE— A good working team, weight 2300, and some loose oat LOST— A bill book with a Denver hay^ P. M. Wagner, Phone 28-12, license and $40 in bills, was lost Garfield. 4-15-26 some where in the city. Notify J. W. Edwards, Colton, Oregon, FOR SALE— One Ford truck( one mowing machine, one corn plant- R. F. D. 1. 4-15-26 Among newspapers the worst en­ emy to prohibition and law enforce­ ment is the Hearst string o f publi­ cations. We cannot think that Mr. Hearst as an individual is a citizen o f this stamp^ but he certainly em­ ploys publishers and editors who go the limit in wet propaganda. LIBERTY THEATRE PROGRAM Saturday & Sunday, April 16-17 STREAK W. C. T. U. FOOD SALE WESTERN LITTLE GIANT Money to Loan on Far.n Mortgages For further call at— Before investing consult us, as we have or can procure reliable data on any suggested investment. There is, of course, no charge to our customers for such service. Estacada State Bank I T P A Y S T O D O B U S IN E S S W I T H THE BANK BULL’S EYE "Editor and Çéneral A #anaqer W IL L ROGERS 7 V **: n information ’ JDnfhatn advrr gew, ZieofeU BARTHOLOM EW I screen star, and tead- '•.umorist. M ore c!i fo r th em . and LAW R ENCE Carey Real Estate Co. Phone 601 Estacada, Ore. Congress N o. 1 Jbr E con om ica l T ran sp orta tion IS I went to Washington the other day. I visited "T h e House of Rep­ resentatives,” they were in session. W hat I mean by being in session, the tax bill was up for debate and they' were arguing on “ Better G olf courses for. the medium salaried man." I suppose if the W orld Court bill had been up, they would have been talking on "Shall Amer­ ica park oblong or parallel.” CHEVROLET QUO'S atthese^ I here are also many poor or bad investments offering to pay a much higher rate of interest. The ECONOMY MINERAL AND MEDICINAL POWDER sup­ plies these essentials, v K llO W w h a t Chevrolet There are to be had many good investments paying a fair rate of interest; I. N. BOWMAN Administrator o f the eat; te o f Joel Bowman, deceased. W. A. HEYLMAN Attorney for administrator. Esta­ fada, Oregon. Date o f first publication, March 25, 1-926. Date o f last publication, Apr. 22nd, 1926. The best success in Dairy­ ing will result when a miner­ al compound is fed which con­ tains the essential elements so necessary for production, and re-production. Mrs. Mattie Cahill and Charles Palmer received high honors at Investigate FIRST! HOME Money FOR SALE— Jersey Black Giant eggs, $1.50 per setting o f 16. The W. C. T. D. will hold a food Pete Morrison and his marvelous sale at the Estacada pharmacy on horse, "Lightning.” Saturday^ April 17. There will be cakes, pies, and other good things to eat. Buy Wednesday- Thursday, April 21-22 your Sunday dinner of us. SACKCLOTH AND SCARLET ; Don’t wear out your nerves bak- i ing on Saturday. Buy your cake at the W. C. T. U. Food Sale. Saturday A Sunday, April 24-25 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint­ ed administrator o f the estate o f Joel B. Bowman, deceased, and any and all persons having claims a- gainst said estate are hereby re­ quired to present said claims duly erified as by law required at tne office of my attorney( W 4 A. Hcyl- man with n six months after the date of this notice. Dated March 23, 1926. PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE Will sacrifice high-grade player piano in storage near here for im­ mediate delivery. Will give easy term* to responsible party. Will accept good piano as par*, payment CARD OF THANKS and give terms on balance, or will We wish to thank the many give special discount for cash. For friends for the kindness and sym full particulars and where it may pathy extended to us during our be seen, address Portland Music Co. time o f sorrow; also for the many 227-6th St., Portland, Oregon. beautiful flowers. FpR SALE OR TRADE— Onc-ton Charles Harlen. truck, sale or trade for cows. Estacada. Phone 34-6 4-15 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Baird Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade FOR SALE O RTRADE— Three saddle horses. Take anything 1 C. R. Lovell can use on a farm. Estacada, E. H. Lovell Phone 34-6. 4-15 DESPERATE GAME NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Day of Minerals is here Estacada, Ore. Phone 2-45 BLUE 4-1 M odem Design — typified by »uch important engi­ neering developm ents as 3-speed transmission, economical valve-in- head motor, Remy electric starting, lighting and ignition, safe and easy steering mechanism and light action dry-plate disc-clutch. Modem Construction — such as you find In the highest priced cars; your assurance o f econ­ omical operation, low maintenance costs and satisfactory ownership. *510 Roadster 5 1 0 T ouring Coupe • Coach - Sedan 645 645 - 7 3 5 Landau - Vi Ton Truck — stream-line beauty, colorful Duco finish, and rustless airplane-metal radiator shells on every modeL A ll closed bodies by Fisher. Y ou know we all joke and kid about Congress, but we can’t im­ prove on then. N o matter who we elect, he is just as had as the one he replaced. So with all their faults we love ’em. T hey are as good as the people who vote to nut them there, and they are 10 times better thsn the ones who don’t vote stall. T hev are like “ P ull” Durham, they are not perfect, but they are the best in their line. P.S. There will be another piece in this paper soon. Look for it. 765 395 (C tu u oU O n ly) Modem Appearance W ell, then I went over to the Senate. They had adjourned, so I felt that America was not having such a bad day at that. W e were onlv 50 percent inefficient T H A T DAY. 1 Ton Truck § § © >VC *' ■ b W c SS*' 0i 1*00» s°r rettet (C K tu fit O n ly) f. o. 5 . Flint. Michigan Modem Equipment R. G. M A R C H B A N K — complete instrument panel with speedometer, Alemite lubrication, vacuum fuel-feed, and on closed m o d e ls , fu ll b a llo o n tire s— a ll without extra cost! Asíc for a Dem onstration ! «él C O N F E C T IO N E R Y A N D L IG H T LU N C H IN T E R N A T IO N A L M A D E -T O -M E A S U R E C LO TH E S Cascade Motor Co. Wilcox Bros. Estacada, Ore. Guaranteed by ic£ 0 «»O »* r, O QUALITY AT LOW COST 111 Fifth Aventi«, New York City