EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 25 PAGE THREE Maybe they are and then maybe who sees his business vanish, or is asking the U. S. government thru A N N U A L C. E. C O N V EN TIO N burst. The fumes spr ad through again they are not civilized, bat nearly so, and the lawyers who park congress for aid in combatting crime the build.ng, menacing the lives of Japan prohibits our Western style on easy street from fees in defend-j ¡n that city. And at the same time A'bany, Ore.( March 23.— The an- score-!. lichen Carroll, swich- of dancing in cafes, hotels and pub­ :ng violators. Those three are a we ni80 read where mayor Dre\e ! nual convention of the mOregon board operator, was one of the first lic places, as demoralizing to the hard combination to buck against. t.f that great city reccmly visited Ghr Sti.'.n End.avor Union will be B y CHAD A LTO N Japanese people. The weather man with all his one of the former large breweries held in the First Presbyterian to sense the danger. If she thought Time and the erosive action of scientific instruments is not in it there and experssed great sorrow church here from April 15 to 18. of feein g to safety came to her, ■ the elements have made it ncceasaiy when it comes to forecasting the that “so much fine machinery was Virtually all evangelical churches she set it aside, and plugging in The beautiful Spanish dancer, Trim, has had her legs insured for to repair the head of the Sphinx in seasons. The small boy and hig kite .lying idle.” He might start this in the c.ty are co-operating, and every connection swiftly, she warn­ $50,000. That’e quite a bank ac­ i Egypt with concrete. That appar­ is an infallible symptom that Spring up and see what the result in les- simultaneous conference sessions ed every ether worker out of the will be he.d on Friday afternoon j aening crime would be. count for short skirts to expose to ently has been successfully done in | has arrived# and Saturday morning. Albany building. Almost overcome by the the case of many of our congress­ Any time the politicians will allow Th fate of one hundred and fir'- public gaze. church people will etnertain the del­ deadly fumes, she was the last to men. any change in the conduct of public teen million free American citizens One benefit to be derived if sen­ egates on the Harvard plan leave the plant. affairs to being about better effi- at stake in upholding the 18th The dairy farming industry of ators conclude to radiocast their Judge Jacob Kanzler of Portland ciency the moon will turn to green amendment. Once an amendment is Wisconsin is fighting against the This is the type of poung woman speeches in congress, we shall be who is the state president, will pre­ who is developing a splendid spirit spared the smell of the breath of light wine and beer proposition. cheese. Congressman Davy of Ohio dopted there is no turning back, They say prohibition has been a boon has a bill before congress to reor­ -lse it demonstrates our weakness side. Two of the leading speakers of service in her profession. News­ thoes who vote dry and drink wet. to them and any return to the old ganize the whale system whereby he to enforce our own laws and proves who will remain here for the entire paper reporters have come to know A newly-made citizen up at V an- order means ruin of their industry, claims five hundred million dollars what European powers most desire convention are Rev. Earle P. Coch­ that whenever htere is dnnger or couver, B. C., thought his naturaliz­ j And this in the state where the a year can be saved. o come about, our downfall. Loyal ran of Alameda, Cal., and Paul C. disaster in a crowded building the. ation papers gave him permission to Pacific telephone operator flashes the first stuff “made Milwaukie famous.” citizens for their own welfare and Brown of Los Angeles, Western Canada exports its but beat his wife. A stiff police court Coast Christian Endeavor secretary. hat of those who arc to conic after If a man’s health can be measured ter to England and imports manv call for aid and remains longest at fine disabused his mind, however. by the length of time he can hold thousands of pounds from Australia -hem, should give this their most Leading ministers and workers with the post of service Her courage The Famous Players Corporation his breath < as a New York doctor for its own use_ One would be in­ eiious and intelligent consideration. young people from all parts of the has almost become commonplace. is erecting in Seattle a moving pic­ asserts then the chap whose wife clined to think thhat hte shipment We should not wilfully wreck our state are named as speakers on the Heroism is expected of her in emer­ ture theater costing $1^760,000. An informs him she does not want a of our favorite spread such long dis­ own ship: pre.iminary program. gencies nowadays. evidence that the public desires Saturday, April 17, will be one complete and up-to-date spring out­ tances would result in its being able That women will eventually run amusement, is willing to pay for it, fit would sure be a healthy bird. to make part of the journey on its our governmental affairs need not of the b g days of the convention. and that the country is prosperous. eome as an surprising statem ent Following the morning conference Congress is likely to provide for own initiative. ( A monster film is being made of a national police system to patrol The society of American Bacter­ Women who have built up a home, the delegates will stage a parade "Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” and will soon the borders north and south to pre­ iologists has been trying for a long eared Tier children and sent them through the business streets of Al­ be produced. No matter how many vent smuggling of all kinds of time to discover the origin of the out into the world is in many cases bany, and that night the state wide times you have seen the old popu­ things. That will cork up certain American Indian without succes | 'minently fitted for the enlarged oratorical cor.tist will be held. The lar play, you will not miss the film things. What’s the use wasting thus far. For that matter the origin phere of politics. If the men are annual election of state officers will when opportunity offers. time and postage on a straw vote? of the whole human family is a ■ o engrossed in business thst they be Saturday morning. Music will be in charge of Dr. If we are going to exclude for­ However brutal the custom may mystery, but if we accept Genesir refuse to leave it for the conduct Zditor and Q eneral M a n a q e r I). V, Poling, pastor of the conven­ eigners guilty of “moral turpitude of public affairs, it is better that as authority, the aborigine roust W IL L R OGERS 7 be, the establishment of the whip­ tion church, who will be assisted at why not also pass a law depriving ping post for criminal offenders in have the same beginning as all the competent women should take this some of our own philandering na­ up than to trust to the cheftp and the organ by Mrs. Helen V. L an ce-1 Delaware has resulted in lessening other races. field of Portlnad. The intermediate tives of citizenship? It would trend worthless politician. insurance rates against burglaries The wife of the head of one of section of the convention will be Ul- on a lot of toes. and other criminal activities in the the largest chain stores In the coun­ Simultaneous with the report that state. The ordinary criminal is a try is suing for a million dollars The Tennessee barber who de­ lected by Mrs. Aden Wheeler of John D. had driven a golf ball 166 coward at heart and fears a lash- j which she says he promised her be­ clares that bobbed hair “is an abom­ Eugene and the Junior Department by Miss Dulcina Brown of P o rt-, yards and given away a ten-cent ing more than he does the law. fore marriage. All she got after, ination in the sight of the lord,” land. piece he was so tickled with it< seems to feel strongly on the matter. she says was a cheap plush dog from Those in favor of modification of comes the announcement of a two- Vermont is said to have the low­ the liquor laws to permit light wines one of his stores. The man finds S W IT C H B O A R D H E R O IN E S cent raise in gas. Autoists will and beer are up against a very stiff it was not the plush dog or him­ est reckless driving records in the pray that his muscle will grow less. | country. In Vermont the driver is opposition. The large majority of self she was after. In an ice cream plant in BGrook- A man gets drunk and throws his drys are against it, the bootlegger A committee of Chicago citizens j almost always going up hill. ’yn the other day an ammonia pipe three year old child on a red hot stove, the circumstances being seized upon to point the evils of pro­ hibition. Then the modificationists cry for more alcohol to cure the “evils” of prohibition. A clergyman says we are living too fast in this age. He is right. A fellow from Carolina wants to Modern life consists of three gulps know w here I get the idea that of food, sixty miles an hour, a jarz “Bull” Durham and George Wash­ band and the funeral at two o’clock to-morrow afternoon. ington come from the same state. A shoestring peddler up in Winni­ He says, “Why don’t you write and peg who met accidental death was give the people the real History of found to have $26,000 in five banks> ‘Bull’ Durham in its native State, That’s one instance where conduct­ South Carolina, that people would ing business “on a shoestring’ appreciate that more than these proved profitable. Bull Legends of yours. ” Americans are said to be poor lin­ Now thanks, Sir, for your good- guists. Whoever “said” that didn’t natured suggestion. If I knew His­ know what he wag talking about. tory I wouldn’t be able to write He should listen to a man recite h's E F I N E D body lines— low er, longer, bugging the ground; re- "B u ll” Durham Ads. I would be business troubles when his wife re­ minds him that she needs a new a College Professor, get everything t, fined spring design— longer, smoother, easier riding; refined spring hat. right, and get nothing for it. finish— a new, durable lacquer th at stands all w eathers and out- There is no let-up to the number Everything you suggested me tell­ of autos being purchased by the ing the public about when and lasts all oldstyle finishes; refined fittin g s—solid, substantial, beau­ public, and manufacturers are re­ where “ Bull” Durham originated, ported as increasing production tiful fittings; refined upholstery, top; refined radiator— new design, has been told for 66 years by typ­ steadily. It begins to seem as ical Advertising writers. T h a t’s the though the person seen on foot but the same cooling capacity (no Star C ar ever overheats); refined only thing the Company asked of would be a rarity. me was “please don’t tell again frame and chassis— new reinforcements, lighter, low er and stronger It is not to be wondered at that where it came from, or how.” You Moscow is overun with thousand* of than ever; refined heavy natural wood artillery wheels — style, see you didn’t read their Ads, but parentless children and that evime you d id read mine and remembered is assuming startling propo. Lions, strength, speed w ith safety. it, because it was wrong. when the Soviet law allows divorce in almost any case after four years W riting Ads that will be re« Star famous — the Million Dollar Tomorrow’s Car Today —and TO * of marriage. inembered is a queer game. This is Motor. D A Y we prcsentthefamou8Star“ 4 ” We have it now from a Catholic an Ad, not a History. I selected w ith the powerful Million Dollar priest who is also a professor in Ads over History on account of the A ll refined, to the last degree o f per­ some college, that the 18th amend­ Motor in a new conception o f the pay. (American Tobacco Com­ fection. The same record-breaking ment was put' over by Standard Oil pany's pay is as good as its tobacco.) advanced value that has won un­ and the U. S_ Steel Corporation. If power, but smoother, guaranteeing W here “Bull” Durham comes from questioned leadership in the low- they were big enough to do that a power performance far ahead of or where it goes to is left for the they are big enough to keep it cost field. See this famous car in its starving Historian. any car near its price class. there. * Notes and Comment The EYE Today is Introduced the R efined You Can’t Smoke History STAR FOUR R Crime is assuming the proportions of an industry in this country. All sorts of robberies are planned and carried out and many of them with the advice and connivance of hired lawyers. Authorities will soon be impelled to look for the lawyer in the case when dealing with payroll other big robberies. Gene Debs will not get a full par don and restoration to citizenship until he asks for it personally and promises to abide by the laws of this country, the same as the rest of us. This the old war horse at present refuses to do. Sorry old man, is Gene. Investors and speculators in real estate who have ben operating in Florida for some time past are said to be working Pacific Northwest­ ward. There is no room for the wild-catt«r here, but a genuine move­ ment to attract real settlers to our \ scant lands would be welcomed. Archeologic explorers in Egypt rre now bending their efforts to dis­ cover the tomb of Joseph, the poor lad with the coat of many colors sold into bondage to Potiphar by his wicked and jealous brother a n j la­ ter to become the first report-id grain dealer. The boy was accused by his elder brothers, you wi.l re­ member, of being a dreamer, but uniong his dreams there is nothing to evidence was any that told how men of another and far distant age t.ou!d d;g up his bones and try for for possession of that “ coat of many color*.” refined form. Following the sensational event o f the new Star “ 6,” this refined four sets a new pace in exceptional value. A ll the features that have made the You know what a success the Star “ 6” is. W ell, see this refined “ 4 ’’ and marvel that again such a value can be duplicated and built delivered here for $636. f S t a r “ 6 ” — comrade car to the Star “ 4 " — offers you thereseriecapabil dies o f six cylinder performance, J.at newly-lowered low prices. always