Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County No. EASTERN County Cow* Lead Choral Society Concert State In Production Attracts Good Audience CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 25 __ ¡¿j C Shall We Awaken? duction are being mae by cows un­ der test in the Clackamas cow test­ ^ HIS newspaper is of the firm and decided opinion that com­ ing association. The association bined effort on the part of the citizens is necessary and would result in putting the city of Estacada prominently on tne map. And tester’s report for the month of Fobruary reveals some interesting combined ettort and the right spirit- need be the only expenses figures. In fact, it was a Clack­ attached to bringing about this condition. The location of the amas county herd of Jerseys which city is one of the most picturesque within the easy reach of Port­ led all associations of the state in land, tne metropolis of Oregon, and whose many residents are butter fat production per cow. seeking out pmces in which to enjoy thir idle time in pleasant This was the herd of Mr. and Mrs. drives and places from tne hurly-burly of city life on Sundays and \V. F. Fischer of Sandy. One cow holidays. With a good paved highway connecting the two points in this herd made 90 pounds of it is but natural to suppose that many people could be induced butter fat from 1551 pounds of to visit this city, whose coming would prove of much benefit to milk. This is a pure bred Jersey our residents, i f we might bestir ourselves to put everything in four years of age. Mr, Fischer’s good shape, clean up the streets, beautify our homes, keep the herd of eight cows averaged 50.4 recreation park in proper shape and ill general exhibit pride in pounds of butter fat per cow. our civic dress, we doubt not the numbers of visitors each season would reach such proportions as would prove a surprise to the The pure bred Guernsey herd of most pessimistic. J . A. and T. J. Richey of Boring was the second high pure bred People who drive out from the city for their own pleasure or to herd of the association for butter show' their visitors about the country much prefer to take them .a t production. There were 17 cows to points where their pride is not offended, and such points as dis­ under test. play enterprise enough to keep their town presentable are more likely to be shown to visiting strangers. Proper hotel facilities J . Luscher and Sons of Multno­ mah county had the third place herd being provided, a general disposition on the part of all to please for butter fat production and the and make visitois welcome and glad to come again, will repay luO highest average for milk production. per cent for ad effort and little expense we might be put to. The This is a herd of 29 pure bred Hol- tourist season is aproaching, thousands of strangers from all parts steins. of the United States will visit the Pacific Northwest in the next few months, and we believe that there are enough energetic Compared with the other associ­ and wide-awake citizens in Estacada realize this fact and the ations of the state, the report re- need to co-operate to so put the city in order that we shali wel­ velas that the Clackamas associa­ come many of them, and thus spread our fame abroad. We think tion had more cows giving 40 or it well worth while to take this matter up among ourselves and get more pounds of butter fat than action without further delay. any other association. The local as­ sociation had the largest number of cows under test, had the second N. O. W. CARD PARTY P.-T. A. MEETING highest average of milk production per cow and the second highest av- -------- ' " ' erage of fat production. The local lodge of Neighbors of A meeting of the Parent- The three high grade herds of the Woodcraft held a card party at the Teachers’ association will be held Clackamas association belong to A. Masonic hall on last Thursday even- at the high school auditorium at M. Livingstone, G. H. Watts and | ing. There was an exceptionally 3:00 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon Martin Rostvold of the Monitor dis- large attendance, being fourteen March 30. trict. One of Mr. Livingstones cows tables of cards in play. The subject all over the state for a grade Jersey, produces 60.5 Mrs. A. E. Sparks and Mrs, Ray- March is “Health,” and this will be pounds of butter fat, according to mond Lovelace were winners of priz- carried out jn the local P -T A the February report, e . for high scores and Mrs F C. Miss Spring, Clackamas ' county Other reports have to do with the Bartholomew and Mrs. W. F. Cary nurse wm k Qn ,.p , th; detection of the tester of faulty received prizes for low score child for School” and it is also ex­ separators which are either adjusted A lunch consisting of sandwiches, pectcd that Dr Moore or a repre- or replaced, the changing of rations pickles, coffee and cake, which had SL.ntative sent b him’ from port_ to reduce the costs as well as in- been prepared by a committee com- iand_ wU, Qn UJf crease production. Reports also P°8ed oi men from 1116 order, was show that several members are ar- served in the banquet hall, and was c , v ' " r P “f 1* 1’ of ranging to plant or increase their heartily enjoyed by all, . e„ ' . . . rB f ’ „ e n l , e ’ iere acreage of alfalfa this year. In The hall was beautifully decorated 3 1 > oothbrush,_ is a so to be giv- several herds boarder cows have n spring time flowers and greens here will be violin and piano been located through the test and and made a pretty setting indeed, se ecUons’ have been sold. In nearly every £or fke party. CARVER-BARTON ROAD CLOSED case where the unprofitable cows Those who cared to dance en- are located by this accurate testing joyed that pleasure during the lat- The Carver-Barton road will be MARKET ROAD PROGRESSES method, it is some cow which the ter Part of the evening. Fred closed to all traffic for the next owner had declared to be among the Marchal furnished the music for the The County Court is rushing the two months on account of the con­ oid time dances. work on that potion of the Market better ones. Frequently the elim­ struction of the Deep Creek bridge, road between Carver and Estacada, ination of one such cow from the near Barton. Detour by Boring or SURPRISE PARTY Many of the sharp curves are be­ herd will pay a large share of the Logan. ing cut out and the highway is expense of membership in the as­ About twenty-seven friends of By order of the County Court, sociation. There are at present ap­ being straightened in many places. Mrs. Clara Boyer gave her a sur- H. E. CROSS, Judge. proximately 650 cows in the associ- All available machinery and labor ation which operates" in CUcl^mM, p™ e party when they- called to spend is being used that is possible to use Multnomah and Northern Marion U“„ 'evf nin« on Tuesday, th , 16th. EASTER BAZAAR economically, and each day shows a Cards were enjoyed during the great improvement in the undertak­ counties. Mr. J . T, Richey of Bor­ Mr. and Mrs. Norman The Ladies Aid Society of the ing that was started last Septem­ ing, is president of association, and 8Venln8, E. church will hold an Easter Clyde Ringo of Mluino is secre- Ll" n " ere °f 1 Pn. ? ' I * ber. tary. Person, interested in further an d , M" ’ Ed àtein" ,an and Mr 1 Bazaar and chicken pie dinner at Nearly all culverts are now in lpace preparatory to completing the information regarding this associa- Hugh Jone# rece,ved consolation the I. O. O. F. Hall on Saturday . , , . March 27th, beginning at 5:00 o’­ road bed for the surfacing which tion may get into touch with the Prl* e*’ . . . officers or the county agent at Or- A lovely lunch consisting of frmt clock. A variety of aprons, hand­ will commence soon. The scenic salad’ 8andwiche8’ Plckll-’8< couee kerchiefs and domestic articles, be­ beauty in many places along this egon City. The O. A. C. extension and cake wps served. sides home-cooked food will be for piece of the. highway which follows service, through the county agents the Clackamas river, one of the of Multnomah and Clackamas coun­ U. of O. GLEE CLUBS WILL TOUR sale. Notice the posters in the win­ dows and bring the kiddies who will most beautiful fishing streams in ties and the dairy specialist, was U. of O., Eugene, March 24,— get their moneys worth in the fish the state, is unsurpassed. This largely instrumental in the organ­ (Special)— The two University glee pond. thoroughfare will afford the country ization of this association • clubs, the orchestra and a staff of in the vicinity of Estacada a con­ Mr. Fred Robley of Faraday is venient route to Portland and Ore­ driving a fine new automobile which directors and managers, a LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS gon City, the county seat of Clack­ he recently purchased in Portland party of more than 100 persons, will Mrs. J . W. Moxley of Morrow amas county, and make Estacada It is an Oldsmobile coach “De Luxe” leave Eugene on March 23 on the Station was in town this Week dis­ easy of access to all visitors who and is indeed a classy type of car. second annual combined state tour. „ . ,, All of the concerts on the program tributing several lovely boquets of will come to Oregon and who may Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace will given during the spring va- her choice daffodils. This is a cus­ wish to see our thriving city com Smitn are spending a few days in cation be period, tom which she has carried out for S e a ttle w here tn ---------- * ------ ’ '* ” several years and which her friends ~ «•«« » " » * Evan*, ,hc hills of the Cascade mountains on smith « mother greatly appreciate. the banks of the Clackamas river. ,, * ‘ee clubs, Rex Underwood, ort-hes- Quite a number of Rebekahs from This improvement is not a dream D McColly Dale and llttle 8on tr“ director and James Leake, stu- but will be a reality before July 4. , bert came UP from Gresham on dent business manager will hu-e the local lodge drove over to Clack­ ___________ Saturday evening to visit over the charge of the party. amas on Tuesday to attend the Dis­ John Amacher of Washington has week-end at the Wm. Dale home.? The first appearance will be at trict Convention which was being been spending several days visiting ^ r- C. M. Dale is' now located at Salem on the night of March 23 held at that place. They report a at the home ot his brother, Mr. Er- Heimiston, Oregon, but his lamiiy In Portland the concert will be giv- very interesting time. en on March 24. The program for nest Amacher and family. Has not joined him there as yet. Mrs. Pete Erickson of Spring wa­ Portland and Salem will include ter went up to camp 8 on' Wednes­ “The Highwayman,” with which Ihe day morning to visit at the home clubs have made a big hit. , . w D _ . , PASSION W EEK SERVICES atM .E . CHURCH of her son, Mr. Ray Erickson and After the Portland concert, the . .. family, Woman’s glee club will disband, and DAY, Sunday, PALM SUNDAY, March 28tki RESSURECTION Mr. Bushnell who has been having the men’s club and the orchestri April 4 Gerald Wilcox home m Enlaced*. f t th# sermon. The concert given by the Esta­ cada Choral society on Friday even­ ing at the Liberty Theater was in­ deed a treat to the local public due to its fine rendition and type of numbers chosen. Under the able direction of Mr. David Horner, of Dodge, the follow­ ing numbers were sung by the chor­ us: National Hymn, “To Thee, O Country,” “ Bridal Chorus,” “Lulla­ by,” Brahms, “Olaf Trygvason,” “The Dancers,’ ’ “Li’l Liza Jan e,” “Glor'a,” Mozart, “Angel of Peace” “ Wanderer's Night Song, by Ruben- stein, as sung by Mrs. Fred Horner and Mrs. Harry Kitching was most pleasingly given and they were called upon for an encore. Miss Ruth Dillon sang “Hark, the Robin’s Song,” delightfully, and al­ so responded with a second number. The “War March of the Priests” was played by Messrs. Ahlberg, Ba­ ker and H, Horner on the violins and cello and proved very enter­ taining to their listeners. An old time song, “A little Farm Well Tilled” was revived again and as given by Messrs. H. Horner, Ba­ ker and F. Horner “bronght down the house” with laughter and they were compelled to sing it a second time much to the delight of the aud­ ience. A quartette consisting of Mr. and Mrs. F. Horner 4 Miss Ruth Dillon and Harold Horner sang "A Regu­ lar Royal Queen” in a most “dram­ atic” manner. Their encore was a “ Weeping Song” which also showed more opportunity for dramatics. Mrs, Harold Horner was the able accompanist for the entire program and showed splendid work on all numbers. Mrs. E. K. Scott gave sever nl readings in a most finished manner and was heartily encored. She re- spondede very generously. The Choral society is composed of about thirty or forty local mu­ sicians and is putting in a great, deal of time and effort in making this chorug a truly big asset to the town and should receive the sup­ port of the entire community. This program was delightful and wc ere -ail looking forward eagerly to the next appearance of the society 7 I $1.50 A YEAR * ECHOES FROM THREE LINKS SPRING W AITER Spring has surely come and the The. Pageant put by the young proofs are numerous around Three peop.e under the direction of Mr. Links. Of course, the wonderful KirkWood at the church on Sunday sunshine is the first proof of the evening was a great success. A change in seasons, but the others large crowd attended, many coining are just as sure. Everyone is busy from Eagj.; Crock and George. making gurdens, both flower apd I Mr. Bard came home from the \egetable, and. if work can make hospitai on Sunday and is very glad a good garden, we will have the to be at home ag ain .'' be*k i Mrs. McDonald left on Tuesday Wild flowers are in abundance , n.erning for d,i extended visit with too, and we see different ones go- ■ , elatives in .Spokane, ing out on hikes, always returning | Quite a number from here atten- with arms full. And while the wo- ded the program of .the Estacada men and children are thus engaged | Choral society on Friday evening, the-m en are getting their fishing Betty Ward was an overnight poles in readiness just waiting for guest of Edith Howell on Friday. ihe season to open. Everett Shibley had the misfor­ The social side of our commun­ tune to run u rusty $nail into his ity has not been neglected even foot a few days ago which caused though the great outdoors is cal­ a very painful injury. ling, which you can see by the fol- Gertrude Marshall and Maxine The semi-monthly dance was Ward were guests of Evelyn Aycock held on Saturday, the 13ih and a on Friday night and Mildred Mar­ good time was enjoyed by all pres­ shall spent the night' with Lucille Guttridge. ent. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Erickson The “3-B’s” club met on Thurs­ are driving a new Ford touring car day of the same week at the home of Mrs. Geo. Armstrong and spent which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge en­ a most enjoyable afternoon. The club met at the E. F Gunter tertained relatives from Portland on Sunday. jiome on last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Moger were Monday An athletic club is being organ­ guests at the John Kiggins home. ized by several ladies of Three Harold Horner has been appoint­ Links. The charter members are ed by County School • Superintend­ Mesdames Schaeffer, Murchall, Gun­ ent Brenton Vedder us school direc­ ter, Townsend, Ramsey and Arm­ tor to fill the term of Mr. Stone strong. This club meets twice a who lUQYjed. away. . week at the community hall. Earl Shibley was visiting his par­ Max Sagner is doing quite a ents Mi-, and Mrs: J. & Shibley on flourishing business in our com­ Sunday. ’ ■ j munity lately. He has installed Mr,, and Mrs. Cogswell of Eagle radios in the B. D. Kelly, Earl Jones Creek were guests at »the Madden and Fred Marshall homes. home on Sunday, remaining for the Mrs. Harry Poole has a new Pageant at the church ^in the even­ electric range. ing. Mr, and Mrs. George Armstrong “Grandpa” Kiggins hay been mak­ spent the week-end in Garfield at ing a visit of several weeks at the the P. M. Wagner home. Mrs. Arm­ home of his son John «ere. He is strong reports her mother us feeling SI years old and gets{ around like better. All of the community hopes a boy. she may enjoy better health. Mr.' and Mrs. Joe Erickson are the Mrs. Earl Jone3, sister of Mrs proud parents of a son porn at their Ramsey and daughter Thelma oi home in Portland. ThY* name Pat Newberg spent two weeks at the has been suggested as 'suitable for Geo. Ramsey home. She returned to ihe young man in honof of the day, I her home Monday accompanied by- March 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey. The many friends inf this section We are glad to welcome Fred Vin­ of Mr. and M rs.’Jim I’ig-k of Wood­ to hear lumpy t( cent back home. He was culled land, Wash., will be i happy last about a month ago by the illness of the arrival ot a &>n at their of his grandfather in Kansas, who Home recenify. passed away on March 18th VIOLA Mr. and Mrs- Fred Marshall spent the week-end visiting relatives near Someone was trying £<> break into Estacada. the Muttopn store the * other night Mrs. H. E. Wooster spent Wed­ but ajj Mr. Mnttoon was sleeping in nesday shopping in Portland. She the .ftoru he heard them trying to aiso spent a few days visiting rel­ get in and' shot- a hole - through the atives near Estacada, returning front door, which cuused them to home .Saturday. leave in a hurry. " Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Gunter and Mr. and 'Mrs. E . W.- Powers had Irttie daughter spent Saturday and a family gathering at their home on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Gunter’s Sunday night. There Were 14 pres­ mother in Portland. Earl bought ent and all qnjoyvd themselves. his wife a new hot-point electric Mrs. Charles Dubois and two sons range ag a birthday present. spent the week-end nt the home of The Wahwahtasie club held an her fp(her, Mr, John Hamilton and open council.' meeting at the Com­ With other relatives here. munity hall on Friday evening. All Mrs. M. L. Sevier celebrated her thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and 67th birjhday on Sundfty with her appreciated the efforts put forth by. children and • grand-children, the both teacher and children. Dancing m . . . , . .. 6 Wm. l i . c . n b o t n c m f a m i l y o f Sti-ven- lollowed the program. ,, , ... * 'on, Wash., and tht. Charles Hicin- Mr. and Mrs. E, F. Gunter and bolhein family of River Mill. There little daughter, Betty June enjoyed were eleven >.il tog.-thee and she re­ a delicious chicken dinner at tne ceived quite a number of usful gifts Geo. Armstrong home on Friday bsidea a large birthday cake from evening. her daughter Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs. Liehammer, Sr., The Clear Greek lumber company are spending a week at the Oak will begin operat ons soon now, and Grove Ranger station. a crew of timber fallen, started to V, L. Johnson, a former resident ihe woods today, falling?timber. Mr of inree Links and now of Portland Potter has bought the timber of Mr*. spent several days here doing somd Lit a.ih. ' work. He is the proud father oi a Miss Lima Graham is staying at ten and one-half pound baby boy home at present, helping to take born on March 15. cute ot her sister, Janet,- who’is still Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gunter had as under a doctor's care. ' their dinner guests on' Thursday Leslie Hicinbothem pf Estacada evening V. L. Johnson, H. E. Woo- •pent the week-end with his grand­ »ter and son Harry and Leslie parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Sevier, Beckgren, Mr. and Mrs. George Townsend UPPER EAGLE CREEK and family enjoyed dinner at the C. E. Radford home on Monday "Mr's, Cobb was the guest of Mrs. evening, . . Wm. Asp last Friday. Lee Banker and family were The farmers are very, busy these guests at the R. J . Schaeffer home fine day«, piowing, disking and dril­ on Tuesday evening. ling. ;i, Messrs. Townsend, Wooster, Da­ Mrs, R. B Gibson a)id Mis» E. vidson, Poole, Gunner and Ramsey M. Peters, were calling orr Mr«. Akers attended the Masonic meeting at K«- last Thursday evening. tacada on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglu«.- and Mr, and Mr*. Harry Updike-of -'*r- a,,d Mrs. E. N. Naylor were Camp 1 H spent the week-end in the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Portland visiting friend* and rela- -Lm Denning Sunday, live*. • ■ “ , •** Mr. and Mr*. Roy D>ougla** and Don’t forget the next meeting of - children, w er. the Sundhy gue*t* of the Estacada Community Club, Fri- H i and Mrs. Will Bell of Sandy day evening, March 28, at the Esta- Hidge. coda hotel, (continued on page tj¡ J