Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 18, 1926, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
No. 24,
l------------------------------------------ r
Large Attendance at
Mexican Police Sucpected
Union of Clubs Meeting
O f Killing American
Huntington Park, Cal., March 16.
— Investigation o f the death at Tia
Juana o f Carl F. Reynolds, promin­
ent resident o f Huntington Park,
was demanded today by lcoal au­
Chief o f Police Williams, in a tel­
ephone conversation with San Diego
police, ordered an immediate Inves­
tigation o f Reynold’s death, main­
taining it was the result o f mis­
treatment at the hands o f the Mex­
ican police following his arrest on
an intoxication charge.
Police at the Mexican border re­
sort claim he died from “ acute al­
coholism” according to advices here.
“ That is unbelievable,” said the lo­
cal police chief. “ Reynolds was not
that kind o f a man.”
“ I want an immediate examination
made to determine if he had been
beaten up. I consider the facts war­
rant the most careful investigation,”
Ch.ef Williams declared he would
appeal to authorities in Washington
An autopsy was to be conducted
in Tia Juana today.
The chief witness will be Joe
Brown who accompanied Reynolds
from here to the border.
Another witness will be the vic­
tim's wife who accompanied the par­
ty to Tijuana.
Reynold’s death is the third tragic
scandal at the border involving
Four Mexicans, including Zenaido
Llanos, former police chief o f Ti­
juana, are held on charges o f as­
sault on Clyde and Audrey Peteet,
young American girls, who, with
their parents, committed suicide a f­
ter an “ orgy of shame” at the border
The death o f T. M. N. George,
wealthy Atlanta, Georgia, cotton
broker, after his arrest fo r alleged
drunkenness, is still a subject of in­
vestigation by American authorities.
United States naval authorities
also have under investigation the
detention in the Tijuana bastile of
Eimo K. Gordon, chief petty officer.
He has been held for months, al­
legedly on trumped up charges of
the Mexican police.— Journal.
Mr and Mrs. Ed Linn entertained
a number of friends at cards on
Saturday evening, in honor- o f Ed­
ward Linn who has just returned
from the east. "6 0 0 ” was the game
played during the evening.
A most delicious lunch was served
by Mrs. Linn, assisted by Mrs. Jul­
ius Krieger.
Those winning prizes were Mrs.
Rhodes and Mr. Cahill, first, and
Mrs. Cahill and Mr. Smith, consol­
Those enjoying the Linn’s hos­
pitality were Messrs, and Mesdames
Cahill, Liehammer, Currin, Richards,
Albert Kitching, Krieger, Smith,
Mesdames Peterson, Wiley, Rhodes,
and Mr. Edward Linn and the host
and hostess.
The many friends o f Miss Helen
Hoss of Gresham who formerly
taught in the Currinsville school,
will be sorry to learn that her father
passed away at her home on last
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loomis and
children o f Portland spent Sunday
at their cottage near Delph Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland and
Rozann were Portland visitors Fri­
day and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham and
children spent last week-end at the
home o f James Botkins.
Garfiel dGrange is to have a
“ hard times” party on Saturday
evening. The ladies will furnish a
grab bag.
Pie and coffee will be
Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Moreland of
Portland were Saturday visitors at
the hatchery.
Mr. qpd Mrs. Marshal o f Spring
water visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernesi
Amacher on Sunday.
Mrs. L. W. Fox fell and hurt
her arm very badly but it was no*
Mr and Mrs. More'nead accom­
panied Mrs. Battin to Portland on
Tuesday morning.
There will be an all day session
at Nora Memorial Sunday to prac­
tice for Easter.
Those who wish
may bring their lunch.
“ Government tax reduction on
automobiles officially in effect on
Merch 29 is allowed NOW on all
purchases of Chevrolet cars.”
S p r in g w a t e r
N o te s
L ocal
N ew s
$1.50 A YEAR
Ite m s
A. E. Clark Announces
Hold Sccid Meeting
Candidacy for Senate
Smelting parties have been the
Neva Smith and friend of Stay-
order o f the day in this and neigh­ ton visited at the Wallace Smith
The American Legion and Aux­
The meeting o f the Greater
Portland, Ore. March 17.— The
home over the week-end
iliary members held their social
Clackamas Union o f clubs at Canby boring communities during the past
pot in the Oregon Republi­
Miss Plank o f the high school fac­ meeting at the W. J. Moore home on
last Tuesday evening drew an at­ week,
campaign has begun to
ulty wrs a Portland visitor over Monday evening. The guest of hon­
tendance o f nearly two hundred.
Mr. and Mrs. Shearer and Bilbert Saturday and Sunday.
the past week and
or was the State President of the
There are now fifteen county or­ were Poitland visitors on Saturday.
might be brought
ganizations affiliated with the Un­
Mr. and Mrs. Weir o f Clackamas held at Oregon City, Mr. Jack iiuy- am. She was accompanied by her to the boiling point with the fire
ion. One o f the latest additions as
station made k number o f calls in den of this place won first prize. son and his wife, also o f Gresham,
members o f the Union is the Spring-
of faggots that are being prepared
this district on Friday.
Cards was the diversion o f the
The James Sims family o f Port­
water Grange.
They show a fine
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Erickson land were Estacada visitors on Sun­ evening and Mrs. Eastman was Win- by some of the candidates.
spirit and were well represented at
were Sunday guests at the Ed A y- day.
j ner o f high score and was presented
cock home.
field who has served five years of
The meeting brought forth many
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duus enter­ with a beautiful bouquet o f sweet
George Rainey and family o f
his term as senator, is to become
subjects o f interest and several o f
tained Mrs. Duus’ sister and her peas.
Portland were Sunday guests at the
There were eighteen guests pres- the subject of discussion in the near
these were acted upon in a favor­
husband from Portland over thu
home o f his sister, Mrs. Robert Gut-
j ent and all report a most enjoyable
able way. In doing these things the
future. This became apparent with
county as a whole will benefit and
Mr. Julius Paulsen was called to
the announcement of Alfred E.
Among the guests at the Joe Gut-
progress faster than it would with­
tridge home on Sunday were Mr. Portland this morning on account of close o f hte evening.
Clark who is candidate for the Re­
out this concerted effort directed
the sudden death of his sister, Mrs.
Shenk and son Ed o f Gresham.
publican nomination for the senate
where it will do the most good. The
'*. Guests o f Elva Shibley Saturday Leslie Pershin.
that he will make an address soon
committee reports were interesting
Mrs. Zelca Coop who has been vis­
night and Sunday were the Misses
upon the public record o f the sen­
and showed a splendid amount o f
Margaret Beck, Avis Cadanou and iting for a few days at the home of
In the same statement Mr.
work accomplished by the members
her mother, Mrs. Dora Herring, re­ Lloyd Ewalt entertained most de- Clark said that he would give con­
Florence Hassel all o f Estacada,
o f the committees.
Mrs. Ed Closner visited with rel­ turned home on Sunday evening.
sideration in his address to the sel­
Estacada and the Eastern Clack­
at her home in Currinsville.
atives at Newberg recently going
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lincoln of
ection by the Oregonian of its can­
amas Community club members cer­
with her daughter Mrs. G. W ilcox Portland were the guests of Mrs.
tainly gave all o f the other organ­
artistically arranged ones held for didate for the Senatorial succes­
o f Estacada.
Lincoln’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed­
izations a good impression with
some time inasmuch as her score sion.
A number from here attended the gar Heiple, Saturday night.
their large attendance. The follow­
Clark has a reputation ns a cam­
cards, favors, prizes, etc. were all
play at the high school in Estacada
Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas of cleverly made and definite color paign speaker that has ben estab­
ing people of the community made
Friday night.
Portland came out on Saturday
the trip: Miss M. Sherman, Mrs.
lished in national and state cam­
Edna Closner has been absent evening to spend the week-end with schemes carried out. A most deli­
Ecker, Mr. and Mrs. Beck, Mr. and
cious lunch w-as also served at the paigning during the past twenty
from school for several days owing relatives at Currinsville.
Mrs. Morgan, Ed Steinman, Mr. and
years. In 1912 he was the candi­
close o f the playing.
to illness.
Mrs. Stephans, Mr. and Mrs, Moore,
There was quite a number of
Those bidden to the affair were date of the Roosevelt Progressive
The Hansens entertained company
Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs.
Portland in town on Sunday taking Mesdames Mae Reed, Cary, Eschle­ party for the office o f United States
from Portland over the week-end.
Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson,
advantage o f the beautiful weathei man, Gohring Louise Linn, Marie senator. In 1916 he was credited
Mrs. Wallens left on Sunday for
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. Charles
with valuable party service in bring­
fo r a ride out and an afternoon in Heiple, Currin and Doris Smith.
Molalla to visit a week or so with
Wilson, Mr, David Horner, Mr. Ted
ing together the two factions and he
the park.
Ahlberg Mrs. Henry Beers, Mr. and -
Mrs. Helen (Keith) Grantham of won by Mrs. Louise Linn, first, and served on the executive committee
Mrs. George Guttridge and Mrs.
Mrs. Bob Cooke, Mrs. B. O. Sarver,
to promote the candidacy of Charles
Washington, was a guest of Mrs. Marie Heiple, consolation
Bell Herrin o f Estacada were here
Mr. A, G. Ames, Mr. John Ely and ,
E. Hughes in this state and it may
on Friday and attended the sur­ Creek on Friday and Saturday. She
Miss Dillon.
be remembered that Oregon was the
prise party on Mrs. Moger,
Mr. Ames, as chairman, presented
Arthur A. Harriman, Minister
only western state which gave its
Mr. and Mrs. James Shibley and while here.
the invitation to the Greater Clack­
electoral vote to Charles E. Hughee.
Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Baker of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erickson visited
Bible school at 10:00 a.m.
In the 1924 campaign Mr. Clark
amas Union o f Clubs to hold their
Mr. Wm. Bard at the Good Samar­ Eagle Creek are rejoicing over the
July meeting at Estacada. The Un­
Morning worship at 11:00
Ser­ covered the state more thoroughly
itan hospital in Portland on Sun­ arrival o f a baby boy at their home
mon, “ The Character o f Christian than any other of those who sup­
ion readily accepted and will be our
Dr. W. W. Rhodes
day and report him improving on Saturday.
guests July 10th. This is their first
port! d and advocated the Republi­
anniversary and all o f Estacada
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. can ticket on the platform.
John Moger came home on Mon­
Mr. and Mrs. John Richards and
Evening worship at 7:30. Sermon
should now begin to plan on making
For the reason that he has kept
day for a visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith were
this a memorable occasion,
“ The Greatest Book in the W orld.” in close contact with political a f­
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moger,
His in Portland on Thursday on busi­
Choir practices on Thursday even­ fairs during a period o f twenty
MAZAMAS COMING SATURDAY “ pal” Joe Jaques was with him.
ness. Mr. Smith was attending to ing at 7 :30.
years, he is well informed and fully
Mr. and Mrs. Folson who have some legal business for Mr Rich­
We are glad to note the splendid qualified to go Primary contest.
The Mazama club o f Portland
been spending the winter with their ards.
interest in every line o f the work. 'Vhe announcement by Clark that he
has written Mr. Moore, the genial
daughter, Mrs. Harold Horner, and
J. M. Moore was in the city Fri­ The bible school stood at 89 on will deliver one or more addresses
and accomodating proprietor of the
family, left the first o f the week day in the interest o f the Old Set­
We are expecting to see on the subject o f Senator Stanfield’s
Estacada hotel, that eighty or a
for their home in Dayton, Wash. tler’s organization.
It will be re­ it reach the 100 mark or above by record and upon the selection o f its
hundred of the club members will
Mrs. Moger was very pleasantly membered that Mr. Moore was in­ Easter Sunday.
The contest be­
be at the hotel on Saturday even­
surprised on Friday afternoon when strumental in creating this organ­ tween the reds and blues in the C. E. candidate by the Oregonian has at­
ing, March 20, for supper and lodg­
tracted more interest among the
several cars drove up to her gate ization.
closed Sunday with the blues in the members o f the party in Portland
ing, preparatory to taking their hike
and deposited a goodly number of
Edward Linn who has been m lead 219 to 238 points. So the reds than has the holding of a Republi­
to points o f interest in the vicinity
her neighbors together with well-
homemfwy mfwy fwy fyw fwypw.v have to give the chicken dinner. We can convention in Benton county.
of Estacada and somewhat beyond.
filled lunch baskets, who came to
the east for some time returned will organize and elect officers in In faci. not only those who talk
It will be remembered that not
help her celebrate her sixtieth birth­
home last week.
He says it has the C. E. Sunday evening and defin­ politics in the hotel corridors n:,d
a great while ago about sixty-five or
been very cold back there and was ite announcement o f the dinner will other places where men and women
seventy o f the members o f this red-
Those present were the Mrs. Han­
blooded sight-seeing
organization sens, Sr, and Jr., Mrs. Folsom, Mrs. very glad to get back to the be made then, but we expect it will congregate, but the citizens gener­
were at this hostelry for a night’s Harold Horner, Mrs. Joe and Mr». iand o f sunshine and balmy weather. be on Saturday evening the 27th. ally are manifesting some interest
rest on a similar occasion.
Local radio
fans have been We extend to all a welcome invita­ in the developments o f the cam­
Robert Guttridge, Mrs. Ed Closner,
A fter the hike the visitors will Mrs. Peter Erickson, Mrs. Aycock, pleased to hear some o f our local tion to come and worship with us paign. Clark’s reputation as a cam­
return to the hotel for a late meal Mrs. Wiley Howell, Mrs. Harry old-time fiddlers playing in the fid­ and we will try to make the ser­ paign speaker with a faculty fo r
on Sunday. In the evening the par­ Grable, Mrs. Shibley and Miss Elva dler’s contest from KQP recently vices o f a true spiritual nature sharp analysis and keen sat,re is
ty will have an old-time masquer­ Mrs. McDonald and Miss Madden, Earl Day, Charlie Bronson, and Ed founded upon the New Testament bound to attract attention.
Find your place in the
ade dance in th« dining room o f the Mrs. Dodson and Mrs. Archie How­ Hunt are three who have been order.
The date for the first of these
Lord's house upon the Lord's day, addresses has not yet been fixed
ell, all o f Springwater, and Mrs. heard.
Music will be furnished by Ed George Guttridge and Mrs, Bell Her­
and it is understood that the first
Mr. and Mrs. Harlod Horner of
Hunt’s string band.
and possibly others o f the talks may
rin o f Estacada.
The National Farm News of be broadcast by radio. If that plan
Washington, D. C., whist has a far­ • s adopted it will promptly acquaint
SENATE FIGHT gifts were brought as well as the day evening. They were rehersing mer circulation o f a quarter mil­ people ail over the state with con­
birthday cake made by Mrs. Erick­ some special numbers for the Choral lion copies each week, printed the
ditions as they are understood by
Washington, D.C., March 17,— son.
societies program for Friday even­
following conclusions to an editor­ Mr. Clark, The prospective use o f
(A P )— President
ial last week on the agriculiura) Jie radio in tiie Uregon senatorial
lost hisfight to keep on the federal
The Estacada band gave another situation:
contest lends added interest be­
bench Wallace McCammant o f Ore­
one o f their popular old-time dances “ The time has come when price
cause this method o f campaigning <s
gon, who placed his name in nom­
at the old Boner theater building fixing of American products by for­
IRA F. RANKIN. Pastor.
comparatively new.
ination for the vice-presidency at
last Saturday evening. There was eign boards must cease. To claim
Chicago in 1920.
The announcement by the Ore­
The Sunday school meets atl0:00 a large attendance and all report
Without a record vote, or even o ’clock with Geo. E. Lawrence as a splendid time. There will be an­ it is impossible for the producer to gonian o f the selection of Steiwer
fix a fair pric eon the results o f his
discussion, the senate approved the superintendent.
other one there next Saturday even­ labor, when that producer happens as its candidate Inis not caused
report o f its judiciary committee,
niich o f a stir in Portland as nukht
At the 11:00 o ’clock service Sun­ ing.
to be a farmer, is the rankest n or.
which recommended against con­ day morning, the pastor will speak
au.e b e n anticipated by some per­
o f nonsense.
The rule seems to
firmation by a vote o f 10 to 4,
It has been current gossip
from the subject: “ The Kingdom o f JUDGE’S
work satisfactorily when applied by
The action o f the senate auto­ God.” Sunday evening at 7:30 the
ior several months that the Repub­
matically removes Judge McCamant subject will be: “ Nothing but “ There are only two things for me
n< wspaper would
hte laborer, and they are benefitteo
from the bench o f the ninth circuit Leaves,”
corn out in support o f the- Umatilla
to say.
I am grateful to Un­ by its application
court, where he has served since
-ounty man, thus supporting an
Immediately following the Sunday friends who have supported me. I the farmer?
last September under a recess ap­
.‘.astern On gun man in opposition
school session in the Junior and Pri­
“ Something must be done to bring
pointment igven him by Mr. Cool­ mary departments, is the Junior priyatec itizen.”
'.o Stanfield, a bo also came from
the producer and the consumer
same section of the state. Theie
church under the leadership o f Mrs.
more closely together.
The adverse report o f the com­
terday o f Judge Wallace McCamant, tive selling will aid in this dii rciion •s a w.de difference o f opinion u-
mittee was taken up out o f order
ong Republicans us to the expedi­
There will be preaching at the whose confirmation as a member of but co-operative buying, as a twin
in executive session at the request Garfield church at 3:00 o ’clock.
the ninth federal circuit court was sister in the operation of crop dis­ ency o f this action by the news pa-
> { chairman Cummins of the judici­
, ei. Some hold to the view that the
While in
The Epworthians are having a rejected by the senate.
ary committee, who moved its adop­ very helpful and instructive devo­ Portland at various times since the posal, will help very materially in odors merit is a handicap and that
No objections were offered tional hour beginning at 6:30. All matter o f his appointment and con­ destroying the parasites now feed­ .t will not have the advantages which
either by administration leaders or the young people are welcome to firmation has been before the pub­ ing upon the efforts of honest toil, ->ir. Steiwer s friends expect.
and place the markets o f the world
.he friends o f Judge McCamant, and
Someone has said that all that is
lic, Judge McCamant has main­ upon a much safer foundation. l ’io-
these services.
-he vote was taken.
Mid-week prayer service at the tained silecne relative to the situ­ per legislation can bring this about.' nece.isjry to make a good politician
Reports were that Judge McCam­ church, Wednesday evenings at 7:30. ation.
>s a good mqpiory. Those persons
“ And to the foregoing much need­
ant had let it bcome known that The topic for this week will be:
vho do not have memories o f polit­
His comment yesterday did not
ie did not care to press the fight "The Spirit’s Witness.” The prayer touch upon the controversy with ed reforms, a safe and sane plan ic .1 events or for good reasons are
after the committee, which gave meeting subjects have been very Hiram Johnson, California senator, whereby the surplus crops may be not well .nformed ri garding occur­
properly marketed, and you will
aim a personal hearing, had voted helpful and instructive.
We urge which fr s t interrupted his confir­ have gone a long way toward solv­ rences o f political nature always
•o overwhelmingly against him.
welcome the information from au­
others to come.
ing the very vexations problem. The
Two Mentioned for Place
Therefore the
“ He that followeth after righteous­ sulted in unfavorable action by the time is ripe for all these reforms, thoritative sources.
after the
senate ness and mercy findeth life, right­ committee and the senate as a
g. neral public i* considerably con-
.oted, discussion arose as to a sue-
erned in the critical character o f
eousness and honor.” — Prov. 21 .21, whole.— Oregonian.
great mistake if it does not render
essor to Judge McCammant. The
the la ks that will be heard during
■ames o f Federal District Judge
the remaining two months o f the
Among the many persons from
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring left
'a m e, o f o f California, nadex-Fed- on Friday fo r Spokane, Washington, here who went over to the Sandy American farmer before adjourning Primary campaign.
ral Judge Frank Narcross o f Ne- where they expect to visit for a river on Sunday to get smelt were
Mr. an<f Mrs. Rt x Reese o f Eu­
-..da, were among those mentioned. week or more. They will also drive Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ellis. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Felker, of
gene, Oregon, spent several days
Others are expected to enter the
over into Idaho before returning. Mrs. Ray Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
last week as guests o f Mrs. Reese’s
They have many friends in that part Eschleman, Mr. and Mrs. Womer. Mrs. R T. Garter for the week­ sister, Mrs. W. J, Moore.
The f ght against the McCamant
o f the country where they formerly Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Smith, Mr.
nomination was lead by Senator
Mrs. j Ask for your discount stamps
lived and anticipate a very lovely and Mrs. Raymond Lovelace and Mr. dance at the Masonic hall.
when trading at the i ’eoples store.
and Mrs. Thee. Ahiberg.
(continued on page six)