Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 11, 1926, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
o. 23.
Local Chapter Entertains
Local Young People
Students at O. A. C.
Grand Worthy Matron
On last Friday afternoon and
evening the local chapter o f the
Eastern Star, Mountain shapter No.
108, received an official visit from
their Grand Worthy Matron, Mrs.
Caroline Lewis o f Seaside.
Grand officers present were Grand
Worthy Patron, Dr. Daniel O. Web­
ster and Grand Secretary Miss Nel­
lie McKinley o f Portland.
At six o’clock dinner, with Mrs.
H. C. Stephens in charge, was
served in the Masonic banquet
hall to the visitors and local mem­
bers o f the order. The tables were
beautifully decorated with the col­
ors o f the order, giving he dining
room a most attractive appearance.
The meeting was greatly en­
joyed by all present, in every res­
pect, and all feel that the words
and work o f he Grand Matron shall
be o f great help.
Other out-of-town guests were
.dr. Lewis o f Seaside and Mesdames
Webster and Manus o f Portland.
Between one hundred and fifty
and two hundred Odd Fellows and
Rebekahs and friends gathered at
the Odd Fellow’s hall on last Sat­
urday evening fo r their annual
home coming.
The evening proved most inter­
esting, as a short program had been
prepared, interspersed with short
talks, by a number o f guests pres­
A number o f- out-of-town
guests were present, .having been
“ lured” home by special invitation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis and Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Johnson o f St.
Helens were present, as were algo
Mr. and Mrs. Morehead o f Port­
land. Mr. and Mrs. Rchard Githens
had also come up from Monmouth
for th^ occasion.
A number who
were unable to be present wrote
letters which were read at the
One Odd Fellow present
had been a member o f the order
fo r over forty years.
A fter the meeting a general
good time was had visiting and re­
viewing form er events.
A most tempting lunch consist­
ing of sandwiches< pickles, cake and
coffee was served during the even­
ing, after which those who cared to
retired to the dance hall on the
lower floor where old time dances
were enjoyed.
At a late hour all departed for
their several homes happy over the
most successful home coming ever
held by the local lodge.
If you are a sportsman and want
an organization, sign up at Smith’s
Saturday night,
March 13th. Come on, and we will
try to open the streams fo r fishing
or we will know the reason why
and how the legislature can dele­
gate its authority to the fish and
game commission.
It’s a fine state o f affairs when
a few people can change or make
laws every twenty-four hours with­
out constitutional authority. * There
is no doubt about the emomission
having authority to make rulas to
govern that body, but the commis­
sion has no constitutional right or
authority to make law's for everyone
in the state.Secretary
Mrs. James Smith o f Oak Grove
is spending a few days at the L. E.
Townsend home at Faraday. .
C offm an’s
Best mixed candy, regular 35c
at 25c per pound
A. A L. Canned Peas, Beans,
cans, 45c
Mueller’s Macaroni, Spaghetti
and egg noodles
See # «r
Line o f
Stamped G oods
Model Supply Co.
Q . (&
News from the Neighboring Towns
O. A. C., Corvallis, March 10.—
Estacada is represented by six of
the 3512 students registered at the
college, Clackamas county having
Townsend and family
89 students.
Last year 3303 stu­ went out several days last week at-
dents were enrolled or an increase tending the funeral services fo r the
of 209 for this year. Total reg s- late James Smith.
Mr. and Mrs.
¡.ration including short course and Bucholtz, parents o f Mrs. Town-
summer school students is almost send, came back with them to spend
§000. The extension service in ad- several days.
dition carires the college to tens o f
The ‘'3-B ’s” club met at the
thousands o f Oregonians.
home of Mrs. Wooster last Thurs-
Five o f the Estacada students are day.
A very pleasant afternoon
registered as sophomores and one was enjoyed by all present,
as a freshman.
Two are enrolled
The club met at Mrs. Geo. Town-
in industrial arts, one in home eco-
send’s two weeks ago.
nomics, one in agriculture, one in
A new Zenith radio is on trial at
commerce and one in electrical en- the W. B. Davidson home. We all
hope to hear New York one o f these
Pauline Rose is a Sophomore in evenings,
home economics. She is a member o f
Several ladies w'ent to Estacada
Sigma Kappa sorority.
last Friday evening to attend the
George Lingelbach, sophomore in meeting o f .the O. E. S.
Those en-
industrial art, belongs to the Wil-
Joying the meeting were
Mrs. W.
lamette club, an organization o f Davidson,
Mrs. H. E. Wooster,
men living at Poling hall.
He is Mrs- E. F. Gunter and Mrs. George
also a member o f the Newman club, Armstrong.
an organization o f Catholic stu-
There was quite a delegation at-
Lingelbach is out for the
tending the “ Union” meeting
varsity track squad as a mile run-
Portland on Friday evening.
o f the men who cpuld, went out.
We are glad to see J. R. McGinn­
Ronald Burnett o f Eagle Creek
but a ’23 graduate o f Estacada is’ back again even though Jim is
high school is a sophomore in the not so well. His tonsils were oper­
ated on in Portland and we hope
school of agriculture.
He is a
member o f the Sigma Phi Sigma that he will soon enjoy his usual
health again.
He is on the circula-
Mr and Mrs. E. F. Gunter and
tion staff o f the Oregon Country-
$1.50 A YEAR
we have not civic pride we are about as useless as the bar-
I F nacles
on a .ship’s bottom trying to make headway in the sea.
Mrs. C. H. Paddison and Mrs.I.
C. Akers were calling on Mrs. Vic-
tor Madson last Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Edythe Peters and Mrs. R.
ll. Gibson spent last Tuesday even­
ing with Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister.
Roy Douglass and family, accom­
panied by Miss Peters and Mrs. Gib­
son, attended the Peter Rabbit op­
eretta at Estacada Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madson,
having traded their farm for Port­
land property, left the neighbor­
hood last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Gibson o f Portland, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asp enter­
tained at dinner on Monday even­
ing Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass,
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Miss
Edythe Peters.
. I
Miss Florice Douglass was calling
on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­
ter Douglass Sunday.
A. N. Orke was out this way on
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister
\nd children, - Ruby and Victor,
were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Haley cm Sunday.
This upplies to every citizen in this city, that city and every
other city in this land. Any community o f people worthy o f hold­
ing a charter to conduct such an organization and wherein not
enough pride is displayed to see to it that their cit£ is not kept as
a whole as presentable to thu eye as their own home, had better
not undertake to run a city at all for they are making an ugly blot
upon what nature made beautiful before. What is meant is, that
the streets of Estacada should be kept clean, no unsightly refuse
or rubbish should be allowed to accumulate, sidewalks should be
kept in repair, all alleys and vacant lots not made a place for
dumping offensive garbage
ramshackle shacks should be torn
down or repaired, painted and made presentable, store fronts
should be kept clean and show windows in .so far as the owner or
occupant has talent and art made attractive to every passerby.
Nothing so impresses a stranger visiting the city as a proper atten­
tion to all these details on the part o f the citizens and business
men. And it is just as easy and as much a matter o f good taste
to keep our streets presentable by a display of civic pride as it is
to keep one’s person so that he is not ashamed of himself. The
tourist season of 192(5 is approaching and indications are that it
will be geater than any preceeding years. The city of Estacada Is
beautifully located among the hills, easily reached from Portland
by only about an hour’s drive. It has a good hotel, a fine park for
picnic purposes, some excellent fishing may be had in the vicinity,
and there is no valid reason why we should not welcome very
many people during the season. For that reason we would urge
upon every resident to rouse his civic pride, put his own place In
proper order and co-operate with the city officials to see that this
municipality be put in such splendid shape that all will fesl a just
pride in it themselves, and that the stanger and visitor who comer
once may come again and carry away with him u picture o f the
clean, progressive and not soon to be forgotten community. We
shall find it to be a paying investment.
man, a magazine published by the daufïbt*;r Betty J" ne had dinner at
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horger and Former Resident, James
students in agriculture and home
e 0 n ^aveî bome on Sunday,
baby o f Portland were visUi"g with
Smith of OaK Csrove Passes
economics and a member o f the ag-
1 rs-
mother was a
Mrs. Horger’s mother, ’ Mrs. Marie
ricultural club.
guest at the J’ A> McGinnis home
Xlinker and family on Sunday
James Smith, was born at Rocky
Robert Cahill, also o f Eagle
Mr and Mrg G
Mr. and Mrs. .Vtalcomb Woodle Butte, Idaho, June 14, 1877, and
„ ; sPent sevcral dasy visiting friends and children o f Troutdale and Mr. departed this life at Oak Grove, Or-
cada high school, is a sophomore in
and relatives at Newberg, Oregon. Bard Rickey were guests o f Mr. and cgon, March 2, 1926,’ at the age of
electrical engineering. He is pres­
48 years, 8 months and 12 days.
Mrs. Wm. Kandle is spending a •Mrs. Jos Rickey on Sunday.
ident o f the Orion club( indepen­
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mavwell of
few days at her home near Esta­
He came to Oregon with his par­
dent men’s organization and a mem­ cada.
Portland were out this way on Sat­ ents when he was but three or four
ber o f the Federated Engineers. He
urday and Sunday on their ranch years o f age, and they resided near
also took an active part in pre­
also visiting with relatives.
Pleasant Home, for a number o f
paring the electrical exhibit for the
Miss Flora Lins and Mrs. Held years.
recent educational exposition.
There has been some stealing-go- were calling on Miss Sarah Howard
Mr. Smith was united in Mar­
Glenn Ely is a freshman n the ing on around here lately. Someone last Thursday afternoon and also i
Dec. 25, 1904^ at Boring,
school o f industrial arts. The course broke into the Mattoon store and visited at Log Cabin park.
, Oregon, to Miss Nina Townsend,
in industrial arts consists o f man­
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen and
and to this union were born two
ual training, mechanical drawing, Hamilton lost four sacks o f pota­ George Willing called on the Rick­
sons: Warren and James Jr., and
blacksmithing, and other shop work. toes from his potatoe house at3:00 ey family
Mr. Reimer and the
,,,. ,
, -
, one daughter, Nova Matson who
It prepares the student to teach a.m. one morning. Also one even­ Klinker fam.ly last Sunday after- preceeded him in death a week
ing while Earl Lankin was deliver­ noon.
manual training in high schools.
| last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. McKune and chil­
Maurice Ely is a sophomore in ing milk here someone stole his
! moved to Estacada in 1906, where
dren o f Milwaukie were guests of
commerce. The course in commerce
they resided until 1921, when they
gives the student general business home on the main road near the Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson and moved to Oak Grove.
training and affords opportunity to
[ Mr. Smith’s family have seen
A truck has been hauling lumber
specialTze” "in sudT fields’ as’ banking * * * t° ok„ his oil can and tw° &al'
from Log Cabin park, day and their family enlarge down from the
and finance, markets and marketing Ions o f oil
fourth generation without a single
Sam Jacobson and Lawrence Ten- night the past week.
or advertising and selling during
j ney had a narrow escape from ser-
the junior and senior years.
A number o f people from here j appearance o f the “ reaper whose
! ious injury or death, Friday
as attended the Odd Fellow’s home­ name is death” and then with but
they were going up the Ficken hill coming last Saturday night at Esta­ I little warning, they have seen two
j members o f the family, a grand­
in a run-about, hauling a trailer cada.
daughter and a son taken only a
loaded with oats. They ran out of
The subject fo r the sunday
few days apart. Truly life is un-
'gas and a sthey unhooked the trail-
morning service at 11:00 o ’clock is
■ certain and we know that death is
| er the car started downhill back-
“ Other Sheep.”
The morning ser­
; wards. It ran off the road when
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kinser and 6Ure’
Mr’ , Smith was “ PP“ «intly
vices for the month o f March are
half way, down a bank, and lodged Ann o f Portland spent the week- c o v e r i n g from a severe attack of
especially designed as pre-Easter
against two trees. One back wheel end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. More­ I pneumonia which had left his heart
We earnestly solicit the
very weak, but death came as a
was smashed and a front fender land.
attendance o f all who can come to
result o f heart trouble.
bent. The accident was due to de­
George Eavens o f Portland was
the morning as well as the evening ficJent brakes.
The deceased leaves to mourn
out Monday looking over his home­
erviccs, - The Blind Man Made to __
departure, his grandmother,
See and the Seeing Made Blind” is
The friends and neighbors o f An- vlrs- Jensen of Rocky Butte, Idaho,
the subject fo r the service in the
dree Anderson enjoyed a party at his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. J.
evenjng at 7 :30.
First Grade
Smith o f Portland, six sisters, Em­
his home on. Saturday evening,
The Sunday school meets at
Carpenter o f Pleasant Home,
Mrs. Reid will entertain the
10:00 o ’clock
E. tholomew visited the primary room
Josephine Knighton of Gresham,
Lawrence, superintendent.
Lena Hutchins o f Pleasant Home,
Shirley Lovelace has returned to Tuesday, March 6th.
Immediately following the Sun­
Gladys Jones o f Bay City, Laura
day school session in
Smith o f Portland, and Alice Kelley
Prise Party in honor o f h<’r birth-
and Primary departments is the ! account o f poison oak.
o f Los Angeles, California; two
dey Sunday evening.
_ .
_ _ ...
, „
Junior church under the leadership
The fourth grade is reviewing for
Sunday sch° o1 at Nora Memor‘ " "
o f Mrs. Ira F. Rankin.
ial at 10:30.
An attendance of 53 'and, and Earl Smith o f Miami,
There will be preaching at th e 1 * * “ «n ty teste which wll be given
j Florida; his devoted w ife; two sons
Friday. As this s the next to the was. «»ported for last Sunday,
Mt. Zion church at 3:00 o'clock.
Mrs. Battin is out for the week Warren and James Jr, the bereaved
last test to be given this year ev­
The Epworthians have been hav­
at her place. Elaine 'and Mr. Battin j ^ " in -la w Walter Matson and in-
eryone is anxious for good grades.
ing a very helpful and instructive
spent the week-end out here.
tant grandson Homer Kenneth Mat-
Fifth Grade
devotional hour beginning at 6:30.
Miss Thacker o f Portland was out son ar,d many other relatives and
A health play, “ Where is My
All the young people are wel­ Toothbrush,” is being prepared by here Saturday looking over her rriends-
Funeral services were held from
come at these services.
the fifth grade. It will be given farm.
the Estacada Methodist church at
For the week we have the follow ­ for the P.-T. A. some time this
¡2:00 p.m. Thursday March 4th.
ing notices to make:
. — ——-
1 Rev. Ira F. Rangin preached on the
Meeting o f the Ladieg Aid at th* Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade»
L. A. Wallace is transplanting! subject “ The Biblical Philosophy of
Parsonage Wednesday afternoon.
The sixth, seventh and eighth
life.” Music fas furnished by Mr.
Mid-week prayer service at the * rad*« a” ^ r i n g for the ora-
in” th T b e r r ils and Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. Ely and
at toncal contest to be given in the ,ays th re
money in the berries
n eanesuay
s e
contest s o m e tim e s o o n
T h e .e
if properly taken care o f and mar- Mr. Dykeman.
; :30. Th« topic fo r this week will contest sometime soon. Those rep-
made at the Estacada cemetery.
be "A Definite Experience,
old Bishop and Wanda Carter;sev-
Louiss Peterson, son o f Mr. and
prayer meeting subjects have been
very helpful and instructive.
We enthgrade. 'W alter Smith and Ralph Mr*’ L’ M Pet« ,'»on- has returned
M etcalf; eighth grade, Richard Car- from «outhern California, where he
On last Friday evening many of
urge others to come.
ter and Edith De Moy.
ha* b« en for »«veral months.
the friends of Chas. Duncan and
' Choir practice will be at the
The county contest will be held
Sam Whit,*head drove to qyidal-
church Thursday evening at 7:30. in Oiegon City on March 20. We v#il Sunday evening to take some wife called at their home and gave
¡hem a very pleasant surprise.
“ Be thou exalted, O Jehovah, in
are hoping very much t0 carry o f f ! ot the b°y* UP who ar* workin* Good things had been prepared by
hy strength: so will we sing and
the prize for Estacada.
the party o f callers, which they
praise thy power.” Psalm 21-13.
Our teachers, Mr. Carl Tracy and
The fourth grade room is sorry
carried with them, and good-fellow­
, ,,
- „ . to iose two o f its pupils, Dora Fra-
ship reigned until midnight, when
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linn o f Port-
. .
, . „
ley who has moved to Portland, and the pupils well for the entertain­ all returned home with a happy
'.ind spent the week-end at the Al­
L'oyd Moore who is now living in
bert Kitching home. Mr. Linn and
Everybody come— you will have a “ good night.”
the Garfield district.
Mrs. Kitching are brother and sis­
Sam Whitehead and Cedrick De
The boys started baseball prac­ E. S. Womer. Chester Womer was
Lapp received hundreds in spelling
tice la«t Sunday. Next Sunday will also home on Sunday.
Owing to • large amount o f rush the entire week.
Mr. and Mr*. Roy Woodward
be the first game o f the season. The
advertisements, it was impossible to
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Ahlberg boys are requested to bring suits, were here from Oregon City on
get all the new* in this issue. All
matte» left over will appear next drove to Gladstone on Sunday to bats and baseballs and to arrive at Sunday to spend the day with Mrs.
2:00 o dock.
Woodward's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
visit with Mr. Ahlberg'« sister.
Clever Operetta Well
Received By Audience
On last Thursday evening at tho
high school auditorium the children
o f the lower grades o f the school
presented a .clever operette entitled
"Petr Rabbit.”
The leading characters were ta­
ken by Donald Moore as Peter
Rabbit, Jean and Louise Dykeman
us Flopsy and Mopsy, Hugh Has-
sel as Cottontail, Richard Carter as
Farmer McGregor and Wanda Car­
ter as Mother Rabbit.
A large and very attentive audi­
ence witnessed the presentation o f '
this play and each act was re­
ceived with much enthusiasm, and
termed this entertainment one of
the finest ever given by the local
costumes and
were well chosen, the little girls in
the lettuce dance being admired es­
pecially. However, each and every
child did well und should be proud
of their part in such a splendid
The teachers who sponsored this
play should indeed be congratulated
for heir talent in training their chil­
dren to such proficiency, and the
district should be proud o f the fact
that such efficient teachers have
ben chosen as leaders for their chil­
dren. In every respect the enter­
tainment was u big success.
On Wednesday evening, March
3rd, about twenty-five relations and
friends of Mr. Ed Steinman met
at his home und gave him* a sur­
prise party in honor o f his birthday.
Cards were the diversion of the
Mr. Ben
Dodson und
Lawrence Webber carrying away
high honors and Ruth Kiggins und
Ed Steinman receiving the consol­
ation prizes.
A lovely lunch consisting o f fruit
salud, sandwiches, pickles, cake und
coffee was served during the even­
Mr. Steinman'« sister, Mrs.
Lydia McConnel baked the delicious
birthday cake which was adorned
w.th candies. (The number was not
given us.)
All had a very pleasant time and
departed at a late hour wishing Ed
many happy returns of the day.
Bible school at 10:00 a.m.
Morning worship at 11:00, ser­
mon, “ The Gospel of Christian
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m.
livening worhi p at 7:30, sermon
We are glad to sc the services
holding up so nicely in every way
and to see such increasiug interest
in th ebible school and the young
peoples work in Christian Endeav­
We had just 90 present last
Sunday at Bible School, which was
our goal, and we have set the mark
at 100 for next Sunday. Also the
contest in the C. E. ends this com­
ing Sunday evening. Our aim is to
“ Preach the Word” and to extend
a welcome hand to everyone. You
are invited to com« and work with
us. -