Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 25, 1926, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
No. 21
Mr*. Nova Smith Matson
Passes Sunday Afternoon
A cloud of sorrow passed over
our com m unity when word came
from Oak Grove on Sunday b ear­
ing: the news th a t Mrs. Nova Smith
Matson had passed away.
Nova, as everyone in our com­
m unity knew her, having been
reared and educated here, was
most dearly beloved fo r her good­
ness and happy disposition and ever
had a pleasant word and smile fo r
She spent her early childhood
days a t Bor.'ng, Oregon, where she
was born Ju ly 30, 1905. L ater the
fam ily moved to E stacada where
Nova attended the gram m ar school
and la ter the high school where she
graduated with the class of 1023.
She was m arried to Mr. W alter
Matson in April, 1925.
Her funeral sendees w ere held
on Tuisd-iy afternoon F ebruary 83,
1928 a t. the Estacada M ethodist
church ,with Rev. Ira A. Rankin,
the local pastor, in charge.
music fo r the services was f u r ­
nished by Mrs. H arry Kitching and
Mrs. George Lawrence, who sang
“ Face to F ace" And “ Peace, P erfect
Fe ace.” Mrs. Kitching also sang a
»pip, “ Good-night, Gopd-night, Be-
Mrs. Matson leaves to mourn her
her husband, Mr. W alter Matson,
and an Infan t son, baby Homer, also
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es
Smith, two brothers W arren and
Jam es and other relatives.
The news with all her pther
friends in this com munity wish tp
extend to th e bereaved ones a t this
time their sincere sympathy.
Few of th e cars th a t are stolen
belong to members of the Oregon
State Motor association, according
ip a statem ent by Ueprge Q. Bran-
denbudg, general m anager of the
Oregon association today,
The slfltement Is the result ef an
investigation made by the American
Automobile association, of which
the local club is a prom inent affili­
ation, showing that few club mem­
bers have their cars stolen, despite
the fac t th a t about one out of every
fifteen car owner» belongs to an
pptoinobile organisation,
Mr. Brandenberg explains that
owing to the development of the
local and nutional em ergency roau
service to tth e club members the
theif who steals a m em ber’s car is
im m ed.aetly a t a disadvantage.
“ Service to members is pperated
through a chain of garagps and re ­
pair »hops throughput the country,’’
he says. "T his conflicts with the
th e if’s plans, since it is the custom
to store his loot in some garage
where he thinks he will not be de­
tected. Unless he exercises extreme
care in the selection of his ‘fence
when stealing a m em ber’s car he is
very ap t tp be caught by a club
official em ergency road service sta­
tion when he goes to store the car
over night or until he can arrange
to complete his plans fo r the dis­
posal of the loot.
“When a club member looses his
car his first thought is the motor
flub- Since the development of em­
ergency road service, however* the
club is in a position to ren d er a new
type of assistance by notifying all
its officially appointed garages and
service organizations. Even if the
th eif rem oves the club emblem,
these service companies have a full
description of the car and are on the
lookout fo r i t
Because service is
national through the A. A. A. and
its affiliated clube throughout the
country, the check is effective
w hether the theif takes the car tc
another city o r tries to hide it in the
localiy where it is owned.”
] 0 Q. (¿,
Citizens’ Military Training
Washington Birthday Party
T entative plans for the C itizens’
M ilitary T raining Camps in the P a­
cific N orthw est fo r 1926 contem ­
plate the location of camps at V an­ ECHOES FROM THREE LINKS
couver B arracks, Camp Lewis, F o rt
The ladies of "T he 3-B’s Club”
Worden and F o rt George W right.
en tertain ed th eir husbands w ith a
As planned the largest camp in
dinner a t the E. F. G unter home
this area will be held a t Vancouver T hursday evening.
B arracks w here the in fan try candi­
Following the dinner gam es and
dates from Oregon and a large p art
of W ashington will be trained. stu n ts were the diversions of the
F ort George W right, near Spokane, evening. Everyone had a good time
W ashington, will also be an In fa n ­ an d are looking forw ard to the next
The ladies will en tertain
try camp, where candidates from dinner.
th eir husbands once a month.
E astern W ashington and N orthern
Those present were Mesdames
Idaho will be assigned.
F o rt W orden, W ashington, on the Geo. Townsend, F red Marshall, Geo.
Puget Sound, will be the train in g Ramsey, H. E. W ooster, R. J. Schae­
station fo r those who select coast fer, Geo. A rm strong, and E. F.
H u n ter^ The children present were
Candidates from the two states B etty and Bobbie Townsend, Phil
who elect c avalry or field artillery Marshall, H arry W ooster, Lee Ban­
will be sen t to Camp Lewis for ker and Betty Ju n e G unter.
Few families were le ft a t Three
Detailed inform ation regarding Links over the wek-end owing to the
the camps can be obtained from the fac t th a t Monday wa3 a holiday
com manding officer of the posts which gave the men an additional
day off.
above mentioned.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Schaefer spent
several days in Portland and Bull
Portland, Or., Feb. 18— Clyije G. Run visi.ing friends.
Mr. and Mrs. F red M arshall and
H untley, collector of internal rev­
enue has mailed more than 40,000 son, Phil, spent the week-end with
federal income tax blanks to the relatives near Estacada.
E arl Jone's and fam ily were visit­
sm aller taxpayers of the state, cov­
ering earnings fo r the year 1925. ing relatives and friends near E sta­
These form s m ust be filled out and cada.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kandle also
filed in his office n ot la ter than
March 15, accompanied by the pay­ spent several days visiting friends
m ent of a t least one-fourth of the and relatives.
Mrs. H. E. W ooster and son
am ount of tax due. Those blanks
can be used only by salaried people H arry are spending several days
and wage earners whose net income with her gran d p aren ts in Garfield.
Mrs. Sid Krigbaum has not been
fo r the year 1926 did not exceed
very well b u t we hope she will
Blanks fo r the use of individuals soon enjoy good health again.
Messrs. Ramsey,
G unter
engaged in business or a profession
or whose gross income was $5000 W ooster are busy building a g a r­
or more, regardless of th eir n et in­ age a t F arad ay fo r th eir cars.
Lee Banker and fam ily have
come, or whose net income was in
excess' of $5000 are n o t available sta rted tq move into th eir new
a t this time.
homg. Mis* Iren e Banker, accom­
These blanks, as well as these re­ panied by Mrs. C. E. Radford
quired hy corporations, will not be spent several days in P ortland shop­
obtainable until the new revenue bill ping; g ettin g the many things neces­
which is now1 before a conference sary to s ta rt in housekeeping.
:omm ittee of the national congress,
Mrs. B etty W allace and out
nas finally been approved by both teacher, Miss M ary Christianson
louses and signed by P resident hiked to Bagsly’s H ot Springs.
They started out F riday evening
U nder the provisions of the new and retu rn ed Monday. They report
evenue bill retu rn s m ust be filed a good trip, although a w et one.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. G unter and
E very single (unm arried per­
daughter spent S aturday evening
son) if unm arried throughout the and Sunday a t the Dr. W. W.
year 1925, whose net income was Rhodes home in E stacada.
,1500 of more.
Mrs. Charles McGinnis of Boring
2— E very single (unm arried) per­ has been visiting a t the J. R. Mc­
son claiming exemption as head of a Ginnis home the past week. She was
family, whose n et income was $1500 joined by her husband on Saturday
or mgr,
' and they will re tu rn to th eir home
3— E very m arried person, if m ar­ on Tuesday.
le d througho u t the year 1926,
Word was received a t the Geo.
whose n et income was $3500, or Townsend home on Sunday of thi
nore, during the year.
death of Nova Smith Matson a t Oak
The etxcm ption allowed fo r de­ Grove, Ore. She is a niece of Mr.
pendents rem ains the same— $400 Townsends. She leaves besides hei
fo r each dependent under 18 years nusband and newly born baby,
ti age, or over 18 years of age if many relatives and friends to
mentally or physically incapacitated. mourn. Three Links extends to
Revenue deputies for Clackamas the families th eir h eart-felt sym­
ounty will m eet tax payers a t Ori pathy in th eir loss.
Geo. Townsend and fam ily left
egon City, March 1-16.
here to atten d the fu n eral services
March 3rd.
on Monday morning.
Miss Ida Roadarnell spent Sun­
A rthur A. H arrim an, M inister
day a t the W. F, Baughman horn
a t Davis ranch.
Bible ?cho0l
19:99 a,m.
Mr. and Vernon Keller spent sev­
M orning worship a t 11:00 a.m.,
days visiting a t the Ray Erick
serm on, “ The Gospel of Sorrow .”
C hristian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. son home a t Davis ranch.
Subject, “ N eglected A reas in the
also visited at th eir home fo r a
Country,” Mrs. Surface, leader.
Evening worship at 7 :30, sermon
Mrs. Julius K ueger and Mrs. R.
‘The Conversion of the Philipian
O verhaulser en tertain ed the wid­
Jailo r."
The m orning sermon again deals owers and bachelors of camp 1 H
at a delicious supper Friday evening
with one of those gospel qualities
and all had a very enjoyable time.
which make us strong in our spir-
Mr. Floyd Gossit of Camp 1 Vi
tual lives. This is simply one of
has purchased a new Buick touring
v series of serm ons dealing with
,hese gospel qualities. They have car.
icen upon the subjects of bearing
he Cross, the gospel of Conscience,
he gospel of Sacrifice, and this
Sunday the gospel of Sorrow. The
.-ening sermon is the last of a ser-
s from conversions in Acts. T^e
ervices are coming along nicely in
ery way. We will still leave the
ttendance m ark fo r the bible
:hool a t 70. We fell ju st three
« . o t it last Sunday.
We now
ave a young people’s clasg and are
ttin g sta rted with the Christian
Everyone is invited to
ome and worship with us and we
rill try to extend to you a friend-
/ welcome.
Bert E. H aney ha« resigned a s-a
member of the U. S. Shipping
Board, resignation to become effec­
tive March 1st,
Mr. H aney was connected with
the D epartm ent of Justice during
the world w ar and has held othe
offices of tru s t where his ability as
able atto rn ey was a m atter oi rec
or.imendation for such appointm ent
He has stood by Oregon while a
member of the shipping board and
was one of the influential members
of th a t organization. The years he
Op«n All Day And Evenings
has spent in W ashington has given
Everything fo r the table in the
him an opportunity to study and
G et your
observe the political situation and way of food products.
especially m atters of in terest to his groceries a t G. R. Ellis’s Cash and
His name has been m en­ arry store. You will save enough
tioned as a candidate fo r U. S. each month to carry a life insur­
ance policy in some fraternal order.
N ora Memorial will have Sunday
school a t 10:30 o’clock Sunday
Mrs. M orehead’s m other from
Lents is visiting her this week.
Mrs. Minnie Eash wag a Portland
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Rheer is to en tertain the
“ Skip-a-week” club on March 2nd
at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Davis were
in P ortland Monday.
R. G. P aim ateer is reported much
improved from his recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaffer were
Portland visitors over W ashington’s
E rn est Am acher has been em­
ployed a t Delft Creek hatchery.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. M oreland and
Mrs. Abbie Maryland of Portland
visited a t the J. C. M oreland's at
Delft Creek hatchery on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister,
Ruby and V ictor Hoffmeister, and
Air. and Mrs. Will Douglass were
pleasantly entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Woodie a t th eir home last
Thursday evening.
The occasion
was Mrs. Woodle’s fa th e r’s— Mr.
Alurphy— birihday. Ice cream and
cake were served.
Miss Edith P eters dined with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Douglass last W ednes­
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Douglass
were the dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Douglass on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Douglass
were the dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Duus on Sunday.
A. N. Orke was out this way on
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and
hildren motored to Shuebel Sun-
iay, being the guests of Mrs. Doug-
ss’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
loehnke, it being Mrs. Moehnke’s
V rthday.
Air. and -Mrs. Wm. Asp and chil-
iren were calling a t the home of
Virgil Doug'ass on Sunday evening.
Mr and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and
'd Chapman were calling on Mr.
id Mrs. H. F. Gibson Sunday af-
Eagle Creek G range held a special
ueeting a t the hall on Monday
fternoon fo r the purpose of initi-
uing Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Akers and
Mrs. K atie Paddison
into the
1 range.
The candidates were initiated in
.e first and second degrees, then
e staff put on the drills fo r the
irst and second degrees.
There was quite a fa ir attendance
l spite of the inclem ency of the
A delightful W ashington birthday
arty was given on Monday evening
at the Geo. Lawrence home by the
Misses Homedew, Sunderland and
The early p art of the evening
was spent playing cards. Miss Elsie
Schmidt of Portland, and A rno’d
Lovelace carried off high honors at
cards and Miss Lila McKinny and
Mr. Chas. Wilson received the con­
solation prizes.
A most attractiv e and delicious
lunch was served about ten o’clock
a fte r which the p arty adjourned to
the I. O. O. F. hall w here a delight­
ful dance was enjoyed.
Those present a t the p arty were
Schmidt, K irchner, McKinney, and
Airs. Raymond Lovelace and the
hostesses, and Messrs. L. Saling, C.
Denny, C. Wilson, P. Giddings, A r­
nold and Raymond Lovelace.
A most enjoyable time was had
by all.
$1.50 A YEAR
Community Club Wiil
Meet February 27th
Of interest to everyone is the
next m eeting of the club on Friday,
F eb ru ary 26. A num ber of new
topics are to come before this m eet­
ing and president Bob Cooke urges
everyone to come and take p art in
helping to put these things over th a t
will prove of benefit to the commun­
A discussion of the next meeting
of the G reater Clackamas Union of
Clubs m eeting wiil be given consid­
erable of the tim e. The next m eet­
ing will be a t Canby on Alarch the
16th. This rapidly growing o rgan­
ization now m ust num ber well over
two hundred members and is grow ­
ing stronger every day. It is up
to the people of this district to get
into this organization and make
E astern Clackamas County known to
be the most im portant unit within
the county.
Remember this is your club and
it is ju st as strong as you wish to
make it. It is a pleasure to ¿very
officer of this club to have anyone at
any time bring before this body any
subject th a t will be of interest. The
Mr. 7d Steinm an was a Portland executive officers are willing at all
times to help and w ant and ask th a t
visitor one day last week.
Mrs. Jno. Culick of Monroe, Ore. you come, bring your families,
spent Sunday with J. W. Dowty of friends, and become p art of this
Eagle Creek.
Steve Turel of camp 8 visited
with home folks at Oregon City on
The dance given by the band at
the I. O. O. F. hall on S aturday
evening was very well patronized.
Mr. Russel Betts of Gladstone
was visiting at the T. J. Reagan
home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gosset and
little daughter drove to Indepen­
dence on Sunday to visit friends.
Mrs. Mary Adams and little
grandson, Ju n io r A hlberg were
guests of Portland relatives on
W ashington’s birthday.
Mr. Dan Matson was called to
There will be a comic operetta Oqk Grove on Sunday because of
nd basket social a t the G range hall the serious illness of his daughter-
aturday evening, F eb ru ary 27, by in-law, 'M rs. W alter Matson.
* ..d fo r the school children.
The I
Mr. and Mrs. R obert Davidson
dies are all urged to bring baskets
over from Oregon City to
nd the men pocket books.
The ladies aid held th eir r e g u la r ! spend the week-end with home
usiness m eeting a t the church on
Guests a t the Ray Wilcox home
'hursday afternoon. They are plan-
:ng a program of some sort fo r j for dinner on Sunday were Air. and
Airs. D. B. Eschleman and son
It. P atrick's day.
The C. E. Society is studying for i and Air. Chester Warner.
play which they expect to give
Airs. Harold W ooster who has
bout th e middle of March.
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Oli­
O ur church day scool is progres- j ver G erber of Logan, retu rn ed to
ng nicely under the supervision of her home a t camp 8 on Alondal
Tr. Kirkwood, ably assisted by El-
Mr. Hackell, recorder of Oregon
a Shibley. They m eet each Wed- City, and D. M. Alarshall bagged
sday afternoon a t the church.
four jackrabbits in the neighbor^
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald had as hood of Eagle Creek Alonday.
leir guest recently Miss Belle M e-. Guests a t Log L abarre on Sunday
-ae of Vancouver, B. C, She is an were Mr. and Airs. F ran k C.
ant of Mr, McDonald’s.
Wynne, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Wiles Jr. of Portland.
Mr. R. Thomas C arter was in
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Liehammer Portland on business several days
?re in P ortland o Mnonday.
last week, retu rn in g home on S at­
Wm. Githens and fam ily spent urday evening.
ith his m other Mrs. H enry Githens.
Mr. Chester W omer came out
Paul Lovell is excavating fo r the from Portland on Sunday to spend
-asement of -his new house in the day with his parents Mr. and
Airs. E. S. Womer.
Mr. Zelca Coop drove into P ort­
Earl McConnell and fam ily mo­
ored to F orest Grove to visit his land one day last week nnd brought
his wife and son home from the
Rev. Ira A, Rankin was a passen­ nospital. They are reported as do­
ger on the train to Portland on ng nicely.
"uesday evening.
Airs. Jam es Bailey of Portland
Harold Jo y n er of • George made- was calling a t the Theo. Ahlberg
business trip to Eugene the first hornet on Sunday. The Baileys fo r­
merly lived here where Air. Bailey
art of the week,
Mr, O. K. Gosset recently p u r­ was mpioyed by the P. E. P. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. E rn est Amacher
chased the Buick car belonging to
have moved back from Oregon
L. Webber.
Mr. Amacher is now em ­
The A rtisans club announces a
ployed a t the D elft Creek fish
card p arty to be given on Tuesday,
March 3rd, a t the Odd Felows hall.
Mr. and Mrs. E arl LaForge are
The public is invited.
proud parents of an eight-
The Ladies Aid of the M ethodist
pound baby boy born last Tuesday
church met with Mrs, Wm. Cary
ast W ednesday. There was a good at the Portland Sanitarium . M other
and baby are both doing well.
-ttendance and all had a delightful
Mrs. Win. Cary and Mrs. D. B.
were P ortland visitors
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lawrence and
'au g h ter were Sunday afternoon on Thursday. They called on Mrs.
W. H. G rabeal a t the Portland
a lers at the J. A. Shibley home.
Sanitarium and rep o rt her as doing
The Ladies Aid ot the M ethodist very well.
hurch are planning a bazaar for
Mr. Wm. Cary has been over a t
, arch 27th. Please bear this date
n mind and watch for additional tne coast for several days looking
a fte r hi« property in th a t district.
fo rm a tio n concerning same.
This property is on the Roosevelt
Dr. and Mrs. R. G. McCall of
highway and Mr. Cary contem ­
luntington, Oregon, were here on
plates establishing an auto park
"uesday visiting old friends for a
th ere eventually.
ew hours.
The McCalls form er-
2nd, a
y lived here but have been away
M asonic
'o r sveral years. They state th a t
hey see a g reat man ychanges Temple by Bro. Kamsby, editor of
!nce they have been away. They the Portland Masonic publication.
ame down from H untington to a t­ All Masnos should atten d this dis­
tend the fu n eral of Nova (Sm ith) course on m atters of im portand in­
•latson which was held here Tues­ te re st to the A. F. Si A. M. and its
day afternoon.
Air. Douglas Johnson, superin­
tendent of the Hillock Burn resort,
purchased a new improved model
Ford R oadster equipped with an all-
steel pick-up body, Ruckstell exle
and n atu ral wood wheels from the
Bob Cooke Alotor Co.
Sylvester Lawrence of the Geo.
Gawrence & Son Dairy, is driving
a new improved model Ford deliv-
ry. He had this equipped w ith a
rvueksiell axle and other accessories
to make it one of tth e best milk de-
.lvery cars th a t can be found an y ­
T hat homeseekers ail over the
country are looking tow ard Oregon
.s strongly indicated by the fac t
■ h at on the average of th irty to fif­
ty inquiries a nay are being re ­
ceived a t the present tim e by the
wand Settlem ent D epartm ent of the
Cortland Cham ber of Commerce
Which co-ordinating with Hie O re­
gon S tate Cham ber of Commerce,
iias started its ly26 stute wide de-
lopmcnt campaign.
Since F eb ru ary 1st, 58 new set-
tiers have been reported to the de­
partm ent-
Josephine county has
le p o fted fiftee n new fam ilies, loca­
month and
names were received from Marion
One of the best individual loca­
tions was reported this m onth so
far from Astoria.
It involves an
investm ent of $16,060 and was
made by Geo. W. Peek and H. J.
Lnover of Redwood, Calif, These
new settlers originally came from
Idaho and have spent some tim e
investigating th e ag ricu ltu ral con-
uitioiig of both Oregon and Cali­
Air. Glover has already taken
charge of the farm and they are
p.anning on extending th eir hold-
.ngH in Clatsop county, which will
include perhaps an o th er farm.
< 111 Ki ll.
1KA F. KANKIN, P asto r.
o clock Sunday m orning and a t 7:30
in the evening. The subject for the
m orning sermon will be “ C hrist’s
Challenge to Excessive L oyalty.”
1 he Sunday school meets n t 11:00
oc.ock, with Geo. E. Lawrence, sup-
.rintendetn. i he goal ha* been set
..t 125 attendance by E aster. L et’s
teach the goal.
We can do it if
we try, for th e ie arc many who are
not in Sunday school.
Im m ediately following the church
si hoci session in the ju n io r and p ri­
m ary departm ents is the ju n io r
nurch under the leadership of Airs,
ita K Rankin.
1 he Epw orthians arc m aking a
.cry helpful and instructive study
of our neighbor, “ 'l he M exicans.”
i'he reg u lar time for this m eeting is
>.3o o'clock.
For the week we have the follow-
. ng notices to m ake:
Ali-day meeting of the Ladies Aid
.ociety, W ednesday a t the home of
,lrs . Geo. E. Lawrence, to do work
prep arato ry to the bazaar.
lady is asked to bring a dish for a
pot-luck dinner a t the noon hour.
Mid-week prayer service a t the
church, W ednesday evening, at 7:30.
The topic for this week will be,
“ The Death of a Soul.”
Choir practice will be at the
church Thursday evening a t 7 30.