EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 JU&L — — iH. yMVIMSAL CAR Reduction in CLOSED CAR PRICES Effective February 11 THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL W. F. Cary ieft for Taft on Wed- in-ermctdiate stations and all pat- ( HI HI H. nesday for a few days business trip. rons are requested to provide them- The News is taking subscriptions ■ ge|ves with new public time tables "The Friendly Church on the Hill.” IRA F. RANKIN, Pastor. for the Portland Daily Journal with wbjcb can be secured from agents at the News, cne year for $6.00, g o o d 1 The subject-sermon in the morn­ only during the February cut rate a °PLI1 8 a lon8‘ ing at 11:00 is “ The Net Broken,” subscription. I Portland Electric Power Co. and in the evening at 7:30, “ The On Frid y, March 19, the Esta- * Two Debtors.” cada Choral society will give an- OTHERS’ RIGHTS The Sunday school meets at other concert, which will be held at --------- 10:00 o ’clock, with Geo. E. Law­ the Liberty theater. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU: rence, superintendent. The following have recently in- That the man or woman who, though Immediately i II I I I 1C tvt U l V i > i following v ilV the v llv U Sun- U 1I stalled Iioilowat Guaranteed radios, being on the wrong side of the walk, day school session in the Junior and Roy MiLcr, 0 . 1. Olson E. R. Craw- ran ¡nto you and disturbed your Primary departments is the Junior ford, Walt ShrinW, and S. A. . , , ,. church under the leadershiD o f Mrs RoberU equilibrium, was always demanding church under the leadership of Mrs. Saturday. A carlcnd o f lime was delivered rccen ly to the old Cornett farm. Mr. Ncls Gh.Lt n;cn passed through Springwater on Tuesday in his Ford roadster on his way to Estacada. Mrs. George Perry and visited on Saturday and with relatives at Canby. Gilbert Shearer and Elva attended the C. E. meeting Q children Sunday 1 Shibley in Ore- 1 , Un rn° ° n,( Mr. Kirkwood, Everett - - - Shibley, Gilbert and William Shearer, Albert CIosner> Ciifford Greenstreet, Elva p o r E n . who has been con- an aP°l0By you t0 be7 for beine j Iniru ' o j u i ser- ers Shibley, Dibble, attended Ardine By- G R. lis, wbere you had from a ri(?ht There will be Sunday school and Evelyn Edith Howe„ TUDOR, Reduced fined to his room for ten days o r . That courtegy is no more nor iesa vices at Mt. Zion in the afternoon c £ meetin on Sunday evening more witha bad cold is again than respoct for otber people’s rights at 2:00 o ’clock, and preaching at flt Ea le Creek $ 20.00 COUPE, Reduced about his store attending to bu si-, to do tb;ngs that you ciaim are your 3:00 o ’clock. Edward Shearer and Ray A y ne88' . rights? The Epworthians are making a cock ^ w ilbur Howe„ £ $ 9 5 .0 0 FORDOR Reduced Mr. O. P. Hopwood and his assis- That respect for other people’s very helpful and instructive study Sunday tant, Mr. Mike Frey, o f the circu- rights denotes good breeding? o f our ne’erhbor, “ The Mexicans.” Edjth' Edith Howell was a guest o f Mrs. lation department o f the Oregonian, That an apology for a breach o f The regularly appointed time for Forrest Erickson on Friday night Demand for Ford Closed Cars since the improved types were visitors at “ LogLaBarre” this good manners is many times ten- this meeting is 6:30 o ’clock. Everet t Shibley was a dinner week. dered as a mere expedient? FOR THE WEEK we have the guest at the J. F. Moger home on in color were introduced has been constantly increasing. On going to press our people are That this and more is contained following notices to make: Sunday. With greater output of these types production costs have pleased to leurn that the Hon. Geo. in the few' words, “ Do unto others The Ladies Aid roeviety will meet been lessened and it is the policy of the company t„ give E. Chamberlain is on the road to as you would have them do unto at the home o f Mrs. Wm. Cary, Estacada Christian Church rapid recovery I you? next Wednesday afternoon. its customers the benefits of all such reductions. Arthur A. Harriman, Minister W. C. Jennings was unfortunate! That this 8hould tau* ht in Mid-week prayer service at the in having a piece o f flying rock P“ bli‘ a" d 8< *°°l8. ^ a t church, Wednesday evening at 7:30. Bible school at 10:00 a.m, from a blast strike him on the back risinK generations may materially as- The topic for this week will be, Communion and sermon at 11:00 BOB o f his hand,, resulting in several si.st ln 'taking the world a better E" ort_ place to live in? Choir practice will be at the a’ bad cuts and a sprained wrist. An That the generation now in the church, Thursday evening, at 7:30, Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m, X-ray taken o f the Injured mem­ harness have defective memories, if “ The Path o f the just is as the S° ng 8ervlc® and 8ermon ber in Portland revealed no broken ESTACADA OREGON they ever were able to mumble this shining light, that shineth more and a bones. The morning sermon will be up­ rule? more.” — Prov. 4:18 A. Roy Lamont Smith, a com- on the subject, “ The Gospel o f Con­ , . . . . . That our courts should compel ------------------ science.” Evening sermon upon the poser and teacher^of music is at! thQse who come before them/ in SPRINGWATER LOCAL ITEMS present Dean o f Music instruction whatsoever capacity) to obgerve’ thig The community club meeting Sat- ^ ect- “ The Conversion o f the Mr. C. F. Howe was a passenger at Cadek s conservatory, Chattan- ■ rulo under gueh term , and condition» urday night was much enjoyed by ; Ethl0plan Treasurer. The evening g o i n g to Portland on Tuesday. ooga, Tenn. Some two week, ago , ^ WQuld mftke impog3ible future all present. . ' sermons this month Will be upon the $ 6 0 .0 0 COOKE MOTOR COMPANY Mr. and Mrs. J. Robertson went p” { 8" or ®M‘ th’ undBr d,rc<;t,0n backsliding on tthe part of the o f - ! Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Monroe and cases o f conversion in the Book o f , , of Lester Cohn, was a leader ln a - . , Mrs. Closncr were Oregon City vis- Acts as we are in a campaign to u) Gresham on business on Monday. - - . . . . fender 7 program staged for International ] itors one day last week, read the Bo° k o f Acts through this FOR SALE— Single count K. 1. Mrs. P. A. Arams and daughter ^¡jdion dispatch and rendered many | Jack Aikins is driving a team o f nlonth a chapter a day. The set- LINCOLN Red eggs, per setting 75c from 1 Betty were guests at the Theo. Ahl- 0f b;g own compositions. It wiil be j mules which he purchased recently ting for the conversion o f the Ethi- full blood 2-year old hens, with berg home on Friday. remembered by some that Mr. Smith j , . at Oregon City. °Pian Treasurer is found in the o f us can full blood cockerels, whose dams 1 Mr. Ed Bates Sr. was a passen- was here on a visit to his friends , : . . None . ... ‘ hl" g ° f Abra" am Dr. and Mrs. Wallens visited rel- eighth chapter. The bible school held high producing records. ger on the first train to Port.and on the “ LaBarres” some year or so Lincoln withont thinking somewhat t - Clackamas station and and morning worship are keeping I — \/ : 1 .... KI 4 l A .. '1 A • n/kil urn _ i L n l L n ivt n TP OV V VII HI1 U o f seif— he wa8 that human. Mrs. Henry Viles, R 4, Box 34, Sunday. ago. . . . L 'ren Portland over the week end. UP nicely, and we were more than Estacada. Phone 34-12 2-26 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter were e sweep o grea.ness, bearing him Mrg Myrtle Closner was a dinner pleased with the attendance and in­ The U. S. Senate voted 76 to 17 so swiftly to the heights, seems not guests recently at the T. H. Sher- :n favor o f the World Court. j to have made him remote, but al- guest at the Ed. Closner home on tere8t at the evening services and TRADE— Saddle pony for what ^ home in Portiand. Monday. trust it will continue this way. To have honest government you most to bring him more near. In have you. Phone 2765. Estaca-; I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shibley were Everyone is invited to attend and Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Matson of must have honest people to do the this compare him with Washington, da, R 3, C. E. Greenstreet, 2-18 business visitors in Oregon City on will be caused to feel welcome. Oak Grove were visiting friends and voting, j a figure as distant from the day’s relatives in this vicinity on Sunday. MUSIC— Anyone wanting instruc­ The election of some people at i round as those o f ancient or even Mr. and Mrs. Zeica Coop are re- times only creates a vacancy in the mythical times. Despite his war- tion in music will do well to see or consult Mary Alice Reed, a pu- joicing over the birth o f a little ufl}ce. 1 rant to the name, who could call pil o f Dr. Emil Elina. 2-26-26 son- Mother and baby are in Port- Public officials too often n eg lect' him Gentleman George? Yet none , i iand at the St. Vincent hospital. their own duty. Such dereliction i ba‘ 18 M Honest Abel Remember the P. T. A. Benefit does not make the best servants. He was honest and plain and sim- fO K SALE— Fresh cow with caif, i There seems to be an opportunity P*e> and he kept these qualities be- also baled cheat, and oat hay, | show on Friday night and Saturday “ Polyanna” is the name for the enforcement o f the blu sky yond his earlier years in a way $ l«.0 0 per ton. A. D. Burnett, matinee. of the picture to be shown. laws now and then that does not I found only in the truly great, and Eagle Creek. 2-26-26 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Atler, old- receive the very best consideratio.n seldom so emphasized in that small You have been intending to establish your ------------------------------ j company. He was, perhaps, the For Sale— Straw, $7 per ton; oat time friends o f Mrs. Ed Linn came banking connection with us hay, $14 per ton; vetch unu oats, $16 out from Portland to spend the CHANGE IN TRAIN SCHEDULE most human and unaffected o f the 1 titans, those supreme achiever* who of per ton. Phone uedluua ¿0-16. uli- week-end at the Linn home ver Guber, Estacatla, Ure. j cannot be accounted for by any of _____________________________________ ■ Mrs. Julius Krieger and little Springwater and Ball Run Train* the formulae we know. Certainly of the WANTED— Two good wood chop- ' daughter Wanda, who have been Portland Electric Power Company no other American approaches him pers. W. P. Farrell, Barton. 2-11 visiting in the east for some time in the matter o f genuineness, and rOK SALE— Loose hay at J. T. returned home the first o f the week. Effective Sunday, February 7, our knowledge o f the dominant per­ Dowty’s $8.00 per ton. 2-11 J. W. Dowty attended Gul Rea- 1926, a new time table will become sonalities o f the past leaves him as With our new building and equipment we shall ------------------------------------------------------- zer Grotto No. 66 in Portland on effective on the Bull Run and lonely in this as he was in his be better able than ever to care for the banking FOK SALE—A lurge type Poland- Tuesday evening this week. Springwater divisions o f the Port- strange life. China boar, year and a nail oiu in needs of the community. If not already a cus­ The following were guests at the land Electric Power Co.’s Interur- He is a vast heritage for his own pretty goou condition. See John home o f J. W. Dowty at Eagie ban lines, under thep rovisions o f tomer. we invite you to come in and do business land, and for ail lands, and no one Hull, 1 mile back ol Curnusvilie, Creek on Sunday: Bessie Douglas, which trains enumerated below will with us. doubts that time will strengthen Oregon. Eimer Douglas, Harnett Douglas, operate as follows: his hold on men whose outer differ­ Harold Burr and Andrew Sparks. Daily ences might seem to shatter hope Our Safe Deposit boxes are only $3.00 per year, h OK SALE OR TRADE— Good Ford H. E. Cross is a candidate to sue- Train No. 14 leaving Portland at o f such sharing. But he had so louring cur, $75, or trade for cow ceed himself for county judge. 10.46 a.m. will run to Lents Junc- little to do with outer things; he or pigs. Also 14 inch plow like Judge Cross states that work will tion only- thus discontinuing service was so free from pretense and false new, $ 15, or trade for good seed commence early in March on the ^or po‘ nta south between Lents Junc- pride and selfishness, and so famil­ grain. Mrs. W. C. Stoneinan, R. 2, Murket road between Carver and ' ‘on and h azadvfO. iar with sorrow, that these hin­ r.slucadu, Ore. Phone 59-1X1 Train No. 19, now leaving Caza- drances and this help to expression C.S tacada. „ . . - ... . dero at 12:45 p.m. will be discontin- o f certain dreams latent in all A Mrs. i John Irvin spent the week- . . . „ , * o u sT —Ncur Spriugwalei on .sew ued between Cazadero and Gresham hearts have made his heart an open end d in Portland and visited with . .. . . . . . fears eve, a small black vanity case. - , . ., OWP stations, but will operate from door to a common room for human K Return to this office and receive re­ Mr. Irvin who is still confined to the n Gresham OWP station as train No. hopes. hospital. She returned on Monday ward. 21, leaving at 1:50 p.m. evening. Sunday Airs. Wallace Smith came out FOK SALE— Two pure bred short­ Train No. 36, leaving Portland at horns, one fresh and coming from Portland on Friday and re- 12:45 p.m. on Sundays, will run fresh. Will sell at scrub prices. ports Mr. Smith as getting along only to Gresham OWP station and W. P, Farrell, Burton. 2-11 very Well but not improving as they trajng N oi. 304 and 306 opcratln|i m ‘The Way to Start is to Start’ j J Why Not Do It Now? ESTACADA STATE BANK "Safety and ServiceJ ESTACADA FUU SALE— Good no. One Timothy hay; good oat hay bailed $20.00 per ton ut barn. Phone 42— 111. P. tv. Douglas, Currinsville. 24-titp urONEV TO LOAN. We have plenty o f money to loan on farms at 6 per cent— from one to twenty years. No commission on large loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaca­ da, Oregon. 6-19-tf Any girl in trouble may communi­ cate with Ensign Lee o f the Salva­ tion Army, at the White Shield Home, 666 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Oiugon. 9-20-tf DOANS on farms 6 per cent. No commission City loans monthly plan. Oregon City Abstract Co. BALK. Cheap— Vaughan drag *aw, heavy type. 2 good blades. First class condition. Call at Smiths' hardware store. FOK . uH BALK -Italian piune lives, t yr. 4 to 8 aud 4 to S feet; extra hue. O. W. Falling. Boring, Or«.. R. 1. . i vj K BALK- Strawberry. $3 per 1000. o f the Johnaou variety. A splendid cauniug berry and a heavy produc- er. Very vigorous grower. For more perticularr. call P. 8. Stamp. Thou* *3-6 K L Estacada, ure. would like. There are quite a number o f caaes of poison oak reported in this vicinity. Mrs. F. C. Bartholomew ia one who has been having this trouble for some time. Mr. and Mrs. John Page o f Glad- stone have moved back again to Estacada where they formerly resi- ded. Mr. Page says he has much repair work to do on his houses here and will be kept busy for some time. Do not fail to attend the Val- entine dance at the EsUceda hotel. Saturday evening, this week. Good music and a grand tune for all in attendant-«. Ticket* 60c, ladiM tie«. between Gresham and Cazadero will be discontinued, Bull Run Divisioni Daily Dry-Cleaning and Dyeing Train No. 402, now leaving Port­ land at 12:45 p.m. for Bull Run will Family Wash a Specialty be known as train No. 18, and will Prcnrpt Service at Ri^ht Pric* °Pl>rate to Gresham OWP station GIVE US A TRIAL and return to Portland from that Satisfaction Guaranteed d'p o t, leaving at 2:50 p.m. trains ^ Noe. 402, and 405, now running be- j v. lween Bull Run and Gresham wiil ** b* discontinued. j f eddition to the above some ,light cha,1R « ka'e been made In thf leavtn* tlm* ot train* a‘ various LIBERTY THEATRE PROGRAM The Artisans held their monthly Saturday and Sunday. Fab. 13-14 ca,d Parly an la8t Wednesday even- “ THE GOOSE WOMAN” ln* and ad report a good time, This is one o f the big one» and a There were ten tables o f card in Universal picture. Don’t forget the play and Airs. U. H. Currin and Mrs. dat(, this is a show everyone H. C. Gohriug carried o ff the prises gbou|d gl,€ for high scores. Mrs. F. C. Lieham- Monday, Teesday, Feb. 18-16 nier and Mr. Coupland received con­ solation prise. "AMERICAN PLUCK" The old-tim« dance giv«n by th« This 1* a very good show. Estacada uniformed band at th«I. O. O. F. hall Saturday evening was Wednesday A Thursday, Feb. 17-18 well attended and all had a happy “ FOOLS IN THE D A R K ’ and enjoyable time. Many stated Lots o f action in this one. It's lo U. Ante«, floor manager, they an p, g o . picture, had had H»0 P '**e*n t dance of Saturday A Sunday. Fab. 20-21 ; ny f ° r a long time, and asked to have the program repeated often. “ DARING DAYS” The 4 harlcston will most likely be This is a Universal picture and a prohibited. j very good ons. I R. G. M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH IN T E R N A T IO N A L M A D E - T O -M E A S U R E CLOTHES The Day of Minerals is here CUTS MORE SLICES The best success in Dairy­ ing will result when a miner­ al compound is fed which con­ tains the essential elements so necessary for production, and re-production. ECONOMY MINERAL AND MEDICINAL POWDER sup­ plies these essentials. For call further information BARTHOLOMEW and LAWRENCE Pboa* 601 Estacada. Ore. TO THE LOAF An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between-meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second lime in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite M Grocery and Restau- rants in Estacada and Vicinity. f» i^O 1U«tU iW f &£ w f \ % £ i J j V i LOA F (I t , gf liuhcUumfrmitf