Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 11, 1926, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
No. 19.
Ex-Senator Chamberlain
Is Suddenly
Attack Causes Friends of Oregon
Man Concern; Some Improvement
Noted; Doctors Forbid His
Leaving Bed.
Washington, Feb.
8.— (W A SH ­
NAL) Former Senator George E.
Chamberlain is ill at his apartment
Friday he was not feeling
well and on Saturday was ordered
to bed, suffering an attack which
caused some concern among his
Today his physician reports im­
Mr. Chamberlain is
cheerful and is permitted to attend
to some matters o f business, but is
forbidden to leave his bed.
The seriousness o f his condition
has not been disclosed,
Senator Chamberlain had planned
to leave Washington on Wednesday
next for a visit with his son, Dr.
Charles T. Chamberlain and other
members of the family here, so Dr,
Chamberlain relates, but postponed
the visit for a short time several
days ago.
Telegraphic assurances from his
physician at Washington, received
by Dr. Chamberlain this morning,
states that the attack suffered by
the senator was slight and that, bar-
would be able to make the journey
to Oregon within a month.
No man, it is safe to say, who
occupied public office in Oregon,
took with him upon his retirement
to private life the universal sym­
pathy and regret accorded Senator
Chamberlain upon the occasion of
his defeat in the election o f 1920.
Nor is it unsafe to say that had a
general expectation o f his defeat
existed at the day o f that election,
many o f those who voted against
him under the stress and drive for
party regularity would have contin­
ued the support they had given him
during many proceeding years.—
Oregon Journal.
That the prevention o f forest fire
in young timber is o f the utmost
importance to the future prosperity
o f the state o f Oregon, was the cen­
tral thought of the co-operative lec­
ture given at the Estacada hotel last
Friday night. W. V. Fuller, direc­
tor o f publicity fo r the state forestry
department and George E. Griffith,
public relations specialist o f the U.
S. Forest Service, gave the lecture,
which was beautifully illustrated
by a set o f interesting lantern slides.
‘‘The forests are a big help in pay­
ing taxes,” declared Mr. Fuller.
“ They also contribute 65 per cent
of the industrial payroll o f the
state. Every loafing acre that will
grow trees should be at work grow­
ing tree crops, so that Oregon will
continue to have payrolls as well as
taxable wealth.”
Mr. Griffith discussed the impor­
tance o f the forests from a state­
wide as well a$ a national stand­
He showed their contribu­
tions o f wood, water, grazing and
He closed with an
earnest plea for fire prevention.
“ I f we didn’t have to fight fires,”
said Mr. Griffith, ‘ we would have
more time and money to bu.ld
roads and trails and do other use­
ful things.
Most forest fires are
caused by human thoughtiessneiss.
We must have an arroused and ag­
gressive public which will not tol­
erate the hand o f a man who
starts a forest fire.”
He then ex­
plained how fires are started, and
how the public can co-operate in
preventing them.
J. W. Ferguson, supervising war­
den fo r Clackamas and Marion
counties, asked for better law com­
pliance, particularly in slash burn­
The lecture tour is being put on
co-operatively by the state forestry
department, the U. S. Forest Ser­
vice and the Oregon Forest Fire
H. B. Schwartz, Jno. Ray, C. B.
Rose. Ben Olson and E. L. Sadler,
professional electricians in the em­
ploy o f the P. E. P. Co., who are
registered at the Estacada hotel, ar(
installing and repairing other ma­
chinery o f the company at the Caza-
dero plant.
Geo. Henderson who was regis­
tered at the Estacada hotel last
week, was an old-time employer back
in Minnesota, when Mr. Moore was
in the lumber business for a number
o f years.
Mr. Henderson is now
living at Hoquiam, Wash., on the
sunny side o f Easy street.
Moore states that he and Geo. had
a great visit talking over old-time
recollections o f Paul Bunion.
Stradivarian Contest
Bishop Manning is Against
¿j %
$1.50 A YEAR
Interest Taken in Legion
Is Great Success
Modifying Volstead Law Dr. Stewart Points Out Advantage*
Realized By the Government
Saturday Proves Big Day For Old Believes Present Time Unpropitious
From Organization
For Modification But Advocates
Timers; Contest Carried Off In
Satisfactory Manner
Qualified Enforcement
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 11.(Spec­
Following the interesting compil­
ation o f ligures showing the tre­
. The contest o f old time violin
New York, Feb. 8— United News)
mendous increase in the last decade
dance music, Saturday night at the It is no sin to dring wine or other
in national, state, county and local
Liberty theater, put on and staged intoxicants in moderation, but prop­
taxes in all parts o f the United
by R. G. Marchbank, the gentleman­
States, the National Grange has fur­
ly manager o f the play house, was erly enforced prohibition is good for
ther contributed to the present ec­
a great success in every sense o f the the people.
onomic situation by the issuance o f
term. The contestants were as fo l­
This was the Sabbath contribu­
a comparative statement of facts,
George Preister, Ed Hunt, tion o f Bishop William T Manning,
showing the extent to which general
Jacob Gerber, Henry Wanick, J. W. o f New York, to the controversy
business has improved during the
Miller, Earl Day and Henry Heiple.
last three years, as compared with
over the Volstead act, which has
A fter the performance o f the con­
paralell conditions in agriculture.
testants it was not diffiicult for an been raging in the ranks o f the
The tax figures referred to have
unbiased person to select the two Protestant Episcopal church ever
been widely quoted and were espe­
since the church temperance society
who had won the laurels.
cially valuable as indicating the tre­
The two winning contestants pos­ came out in favor o f modification.
mendous jump in township and city
ition was determined by a hand-clap­ “ I do not believe that the Volstead
expenditures, emphasizing the latter
ping encore.
The' committee that act should be modified at this time”
as constituting the major portion of
had been chosen to render the ver­ said the bishop in his sermon.
the present day tax burden. Now
dict gave first prize to J. W. Miller “ When the law is being so observed
come the additional Grange figures
and second to E. G. Hunt.
The by a.l that we can be assured that
which will likewise be read with
whole contest might possibly be ¿is modification is desired by the
keen interest.
called a unique innovation.
The sincere friends as well as the ene­
The Grange survey proves that
qutet and easy manner in which the mies o f prohibition, some modifica­
while general business has steadily
contest was disposed of, was certain- tion of it may and probably will be
increased in volume and prosperity
iy a credit to the manager o f the i.iade.”
the pasv two years, as shown by
¿Vann.ng asserted that “ undue
popular p.ay house. Mr. Marchbank
banking figures, by wholesale price
has been attached to
has be^n giving his patrons the very
indexes on ail commodities, and by
best bins that have been shown at -ho statements of the church tem­
the number o f men employed in in­
the theater since it was first opened, perance society, which, he said, “ has
dustrial lines, no such paraiell im­
the cicanest up-to-date reels, and not been regarded as having weight
provement is apparent in agricul­
and influence in the church.”
should be well patronized.
tural conditions.
The net decline
in 1925 for 11 staple agricultural GRANGE PROGRAM IS SANE
products over the previous year was
nearly $700,000,000; while the pur­ r There is general recognition of
On New Year’s eve the tones of
chasing power of the farm er’s dollar the fact that no other agency has ¿he Liberty Bell were broadcasted
has steadily gone down the past two done so much as the Grange to de­
by radio for the first time in history
years. The decline in farm staples velop a sound, rural public opinion,
is most noticeable in corn, cotton, relative to farm problems and, in when 1-9-2-6 was tapped out by Mrs.
wheat, hay and oats, while the only the light o f recent events, the sanity vV. Freeland Kendrick, wife of the
important staples showing an in ­ o f the Grange program and policies oiayor of Philadelphia, announcing
crease in recent years are potatoes, o f the years is becoming more and the dawn o f the Sesquicentennial
apples and rice, and only in pota­ more apparent. The attitude o f the year; a year to be made memorable
Grange on public questions has been
toes is he gain important.
oy the sesquicentennial Inetrnation-
These figures are particularly pertinently compared with the par­
significant as an answer to the de­ able o f the man who builded his al exposition commemorating the
mand o f the railroads for increased foundations upon rock while others one hundred and fiftieth anniversary
freight rates on farm products, and were satisfied to build theirs upon of American lndejendence, which
During the recent years of
the Grange takes the position that sand.
opens in Philadelphia on June 1.
the farmer at this time simply can­ depression and the trying experien­
The famous relic has not been
not stand any freight rate advance. ces o f agriculture, it is interesting to
since 1635, when it cracked as
The National Grange maintains at note that the Grange has a,ways
its legislative office in Washington, opposed price-fixing, has consistent­ it tolled the sad tidings o f the fun­
an information bureau and is con­ ly objected to any special subsidy, eral of Chief Justice John Marshal,
stantly collecting data like the a- or other aid for agriculture, and for oince then it has been lightly tapped
bove and furnishing it fo r public in­ three or four years has been insist­ ¿wice, once on February 11, 1915,
formation. Especially valuable also ing upon better marketing methods; when its reverbrations were caught
nave been the facts collected by the ail the time declaring that the farm­ up by telephone and carried across
¿National Grange on transportation er should solve his own problems me continent.
The Liberty Bell was originally
indicating that agriculture
as a with as little governmental assist­
whole is paying almost $3.50 for ance or governmental interferancc east by Thomas Lister, o f White-
every ton o f freight moved, as com­ as possible. The Grange attitude is inapel, London, and arrived in Phila­
pared to $2.50 paid by the manu- quite in contrast with that o f many delphia in the latter part o f August,
It was then known as the
other opinions and groups, which ¿152.
lacturer fo r like service.
j I are proposing all sorts o f doubtfu. ¿'rovince Bell. It was hung on
N. O. W . PUBLIC INSTALLATION panaceas fo r present-day farm diffi­ .russes in Independence Square to
¿ry out its tone before it was raised
On Thursday evening at the Ma­
In his recent address to the Na­ to the tower.
sonic Temple the Neighbors of tional Grange, National Master Ta­
Early in September “ it was
W oodcraft held their installation to ber stated, “ the sooner we forger ¿racked by a stroke o f the clapper
which the public was invited.
the government as an aiding agency, auring a test without any violence ’
The installing officer was Mrs. tne sooner we cease to look for help according to a contemporary account
Anna Mardall, State Grand Mana- from some outside source and to and was recast. It was recast twice
ager o f the order. She also gave a realize that within us lies the source .n Philadelphia. For some time it
short address on the program which o f our strength and power— the be.- aung in the steeple o f Independence
cere­ ter it will be, not only fo r our indus­ ¿tall, where it remained until the
monies. Other numbers on the pro­ tries, but for the nation.” President ..teeple was taken down, July 16,
gram were;
Coolidge in a recent letter to the ¿781. Then it was lowered into the
Solo, by Miss Alta Kershner; National Grange congratulated it up­ orick tower, where it remained until
¿leading by Mrs. Ruth Keith; Solo on “ its progressive conservatism, ¿846.
During the following years
Dy Mrs. Grace Richards; Accordion and record o f accomplishments,’ .i was moved several times and was
solo, F. Marshal; Piano solo, Harry indicating that the president believes .nally placed in its present position
urable. The program was very well in progress, but in a type o f progress .n Independence Hail.
received and all were encored.
Few people realize the dimensions
that is constructive and permanent.
The installing officer, Mrs. Mar­
The Grange bel.eves that govern­ o f the bell. The circumference ar­
dall, was presented with a beauti­ mental price-fixing, governmenta. ound the lip is 12 feet, around the
ful vase in appreciatio ofn her ser­ interference or control will be but crown 7 feet 6 inches, from the lip
Other gifts given on this shifting sand as a foundation for M the crown ;t *s 3
and its
occasion were a gold belt buckle, permanent rural prosperity. Sound j we_‘8ht is 2080 pounds,
to Mr. Sylvester Lawrence, captain business methods, farmer-owned co-
The greatest event in the histiry
o f guards, and past neighbor pins to operatives, and development o f far­ of the bell was recorded when its
Mrs. Louise Linn and Mrs. Lola mer-controlled agencies o f boards, notes pealed forth to announce
all with the co-operation and assist­ -ne proclamation o f the adoption of
The following officers were in- ance o f the departments o f com­ -he Declaration o f Independence, on
j tailed fo r the ensuing term:
merce and agriculture, are about as iuly 8, 1776, and by so doing gained
Guardian Neighbor, Mattie Cahill; far as it is safe to go. The Grange ■ or itself the name by which it has
i ast Guardian Neighbor, Mrs. Lola recognizes the disadvantages undei • nee become famous.
Dodson; Advisor, Hattie Fuller; At­ which agriculture labors; it also rec­
tendant, Louise Linn; Banker, C. ognizes the legislative advantages ¿AZAAR WILL BE HELD SOON
W. Fuller; Magician, Cecil Dodson; that have been accorded to other
The public is cordially invited to
Gierk, Jane Anna Bishop;
Mttsi- groups in the past.
The Grange
o.an, Harry Grable;
Captain o f policy is not to seek special privi- attend the Bazaar next Thursday,
Guards, Mrs. Jacob Moss;
inner ledge for tha farmer, but to destroy .-ebruary 16, at the Odd Fellow's
.sentinel, Loula Snyder;
Outer special priviledge wherever found, •¿anquet hall, both afternoon and
All those attending will
Sentinel, Ruth Keith;
Correspon- and in a truly American way to jvening.
lent, Augusta Sagner; Managers. build “ from the grass roots up” a eceive a number at the door on a
pecial article.
You get your
Ray Keith, F’eister Cadanou, Sam more prosperous agriculture.
aoney’s worth.
The grocery sale
vilj be a big feature. A specialty
The evening closed with a lovely
The “ Skip-a-week” club will hola ¿.nner will be served from 12:00
.unch and a social dance.
:n all day quilting bee at the home jntil 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 until
Postmaster Jones
o f Portland o f ¿»¿is. Walter Schirer on Feb. 16. l :00 p.m.
Specialty luncheon at all hours,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreiand and
gain announces an increase in cash
eceipts. He does not say that this Kozann and Rodney spent the .fternoon and evening. The cedar
nest will be won by someone,
¿a due to a substantial increase in week-end with relatives in Portland.
The little son o f Mr. and Mrs. ¿ome and see if you are the lucky
. ostar rates that went into effect last
April, and not an increase in busi­ Ralph Kelly has. been very ill with ¿ne. Welcome to alt, Tuesday, Feb-
uary 16.
a cold.
Governor Pierce spoke before the
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fox and chil­
What’s the use o f kidding your­
Everybody knows that busi­ dren and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fox 'ortland Chamber o f Commerce,-
ness is quiet in Portland, as else­ were Saturday visitors in Portland. ■londay, advocating a more equit­
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and son of able system o f taxation.
where, and that kind o f bunk is
houid be nearly the kee-note issue
only used by real estate agents or Boring were visitors at the Waltei
•n the coming state campaign.
Lemon home on Sunday,
chambers o f commerce.
ial.)— “ Why should I join
Legion— the
war is
W’ hen Dr. E. B. Stewart of this
city, Department Commander o f the
American Legion, received this re­
tort this week, from an ex-service
man to whom he had spoken in re­
gard to the membersiiip campa gn
being waged by the veteran s organ­
ization throughout the state, he
fiared up.
“ The war may be over for you, but
it is not over for hundreds of thous­
ands o f disabled men in government
hospitals throughout the country,”
he replied. “ You may say that is
government’s business but govern­
ments are sometimes forgetful and
it is only by the constant watchful­
ness of the American Legion that
the interests of our disabled buddies
are taken care of. Congress relies
on the American Legion to keep it
informed o f hospitalization matters
requiring legislation and the Legion
has not failed in this duty.
“ If you think that the care o f your
comrades in service who gave far,
far more than you to their country
is comething in which you should
take no interest, the American Le­
gion does not want you among its
If, on the other hand,
you spoke thoughtlessly and wish to
do your bit in this great work, which
is but one of the important activi­
ties o f the Legion, you will be cor­
dially received in our ranks.”
Stewart are to the ell'ect that great­
er interest in Lc'gion alfairs is being
noted throughout the slate than ever
before and that the department goal
of 12,Out) members will be reached
in 19’6. This interest is attributed
to the fact that the American Le­
gion, through its local posts, has
been showing an increasing concern
in community work and in many
cities has taken a leading role in
civic activities.
John W. Ferguson, supervising
fire warden for Clackamas and Mar­
ion counties brought to Estacada on
Thursday morning W. V. Fuller,
director of publicity for the state
Forestry Department, and Geo. E.
Griffith, public relations specialist of
the U. S. Forest Service.
Mr. Ferguson is taking over the
county his associates in an educa­
tional tour lecturing on all matters
relative to fire prevention and con­
servation of forests. Notwithstand­
ing the inclement weather, a lecture
was given T riday evening in the
large dining room of the Estacada
notel, and was well attended.
Mr. Fuller spent some time in
opening this lecture on the impor-
tacne o f this educational tour, he
stated as soon as people could be
made to understand the importance
of extra care regarding fires, that
thousands o f dollars of property
could be saved to the state and taxes
be reduced in the elimination of
nearly all of the expense that the
state and nation are now compelled
¿o pay on account o f forest and
other careless fires.
Mr. Griffith
¿lad with him a lantern and slides
¿or the purpose of illustrating the
condition o f localities before and
after fires had passed the locality,
and many of scenic beauty and wild
animal life.
This lecture was decidedly edu­
cational and interesting and extra­
ordinary food for thought.
Referring again to Mr. Ferguson,
Jack has an argument for the vio­
lator of the fire ordinance that is
seldom misunderstood. He has been
at the business for some time anil
knows it and others who have deal­
ing with him knovy equally as well
w'nen he has finished the job.
In Oregon keen interest has been
aroused in the state-wide debating
contests, in which scores o f Granges
will participate, with some lively de­
bates in many sections of the state
during the coming months.
question for debate will be, “ Rt
solved that the Federal Government
shoul dnot begin the development ol
any new reclamation projects until
there is a demand for agricultural
products at a price that will pay
cost o f production plus a reasonable
These debates are to be
conducted under strict rules o f uni­
formity and will be heard by large
Grange audiences, with the public
invited to attend in many instances.
SheiKs and Vamps l o Oo
Their Stuff at Exposition
Local Hollywood :o Be Built at Ses-
qui With Every iMiase of Film in­
dustry Displayed for Benefit
Hollywood will find u rivnl in Phil­
adelphia us tiie mecca of ail the
would-be-in the-movies aspirants at
the Sesquicentennial International
Exposition, opening June 1, 1926.
Arrangements for exhibitors of
the picture industry at the exposi­
tion have been made by Juies Must-
baum, president of the Stanley com­
pany o f America, acting for the
industry as a whole.
Sheiks, vampires and ingenues will
show to their affinities how they
sheik, vamp, and do whatever it is
mat the ingenue does, before an
audience o f
cicelies such as are in use in leading
studios will be erected and all the
facilities for the actual "shooting”
ol the pictures will be in evidence.
There will undoubtedly be a grand
array of the autograph-hunter’s bri­
gade to haunt the peace of the cin­
ema world as directors, stars, and
camera men work on the Sesquicen­
tennial grounds.
“ See yourself in the movies,” may
be a watchword. Interesting events
will be “ shot by the cameramen and
shown tne same day at the exposi­
tion. At any time a camera man
muy suddenly appear apparently
from nowhere, and in his most in­
gratiating manner usk that the pas­
serby “ look pleasant and watch the
birdie.” Some may well dream of
fame and fortune.
The piocess of printing and de­
veloping the films will be done so
lar as possible in view o f the Ex­
position visitors. The stages in the
evoiutjon o f the cinema, including
the development of the speed camera
the tlexible cedmoid film, arrested
motion pictures, and colored photo­
graphy will be featured.
The buildings comprised in the
replica ol Hollywood will be of dis­
tinctive architectural beuuty. They
will be ai ranged to achieve an
artistic effect in attractive surround­
Lectures will be given by men and
women in the motion picture indus­
try on subjects pertaining to the
various aspects ol' the cinema. For­
eign countries as well as America
will be represented in the under­
Every detail in the making of
pictures will be shown and the ex­
hibition will be more comprehensive
than ever before attempted.
entire industry will be represented
and the most recent developments in
trie art and the business o f motion
pictures portrayed to illustrate the
growth oi the lourth industry in
For so many yeurs that the mem­
ory o f mun runneth not to the con­
trary, sentimental youths and ro­
mantic maidens have exchanged
tokens of uttcclion on what we know
as Su Valentine's Day. Just how
¿ne ceremony came into being no-
oody knows positively, for its origin
is shroud d ill mystery, although the
name probably was me result ol one
o f those wise compromises the eariy
lathers of Christianity made with the
piactices of idolatry, grafting into
the customs o f the then new religion
the feasts and the holidays to winch
their converts had been accustomed
lixing them on days dear to the
church, making them conform to the
t.hristian creed, and handing them
down to posterity as Christian cus­
toms and Chr.stian holidays.
All the more is this to be suspec­
ted in this instance, for the reuson
that neither o f the good saints
whose names are associated with the
event knew anything o f romance,
and either would have been properly
.mocked had anybody so much as
Hinted that ne would cast sheep’s
yes at the fair sex on February 14
oi any other day. But St. Valentine
¿he elder, having his day on the cal­
endar near that on which the yoths
¿.nd maidens of early England were
accustomed to send to each other
tender missives, it is altogether like-
y the wise missionary bishops made
irtue o f necessity und joined the
wo in a way inoffensive to the
hurch and pleasing to the people.
But whether or no this may be the
xplanation, the real origin o f the
custom muy be traced, as most other
holiday observance», to a crying
need deep in the soul o f man. In
spring life is at the flood. Even age
renews its youth, and youth itself is
in mating mood.