EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, FË3RUAR i < It is stated that the price of golf Probably nine out of ten of primary, they will come in handy | cer’s oath of office arc giosscd o.’cr t'on. The wooden barrel as a trash 30 i at the election, in case Mr. Stan- balls up. That has very Eastern Clackamas News and made light of. The American container in ordered lemoved in one ¡h j • who failed supposedly due to field is not re-nominated.—Spec- little is of- going interest to the man who spending too much time on outside W. A. HEYLMAN, Editor. toils six days a week. What more citizen of today reads his metro­ place of business, while in the next work, spent the balance of their time tator. nearly interests him is the price of politan daily at the breakfast or place of business the wooden bar­ in social activities and obligations or Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, codfish balls. some other activity or inactivity to SS dinner table, with an allopathic rel continues in use. One man may * • * Oregon, as second class mail. the entire neg’ect of studies. be proscci -ed because his electric pinch of salt handy. He know facts Dr. Frank Crane tells us the heas- Social, recreational and etude: t sign is lo’ er than the ordinances on so few peopie attend church is Published every Thursday at i relating to his own city or state body activities are fine things whe:: officers; but he is confronted with permit, wli le at the same time n that they do not like the style of Chad Alton in Suthcrlin Sun Estacada, Oregon, special per lit is voted anoth r citi­ . ¿ug:d in to u limited extent, but sermons the preachers hand out. ! an entirely different, colored or dis- b-n engaged in to such an extent zen to hang a like electric sign two M . n t-MF naorr kt by the -Ü3. m Prosy discourses on some particular j coned and misleading account in h:s feet lower tha.i llu t piovidcd in the hat there is no room left for etud­ Many of us are bored when we subject of man-madeism no longer local uaily. He knows, without the ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, ordinance. The President, ex-Atty. es, the inevitable happens, and the have to listen to a man talk about keep us awake in the pew. Practical application of the hypodermic or the (A CORPOKATION.) Sherlock General D. ugne.ty and other cab­ cud nt goes home trying to thi: k himself. It prevents us from doing issues properly handled might have astute deductions of inet member. Wv.ro credited with the an good excuse. In my day I saw the opposite effect. - the sanse thing to him. Holmes, that what is tiue relating to S ubscription K a t e s : violat:on of the fedtra statute, pro­ tudc-.its fail who had no worry of * * * • * « One Year - • * • W-M local news applies as well to other hibiting the i. unsporting of films or how they were to meet their b 11s These who boast of their “blue To handle crime is not so great a Six Months - *76 ne wb — and to the dailies of other pictures of prize fights from one .’.nd I raw very few fail who con- blood” might do well to hesitate un­ task if it is "gone about. When the cities. Ho begins to suspect that state to another. They are reported cientiously tried and couldn’t make the news disseminating agencies til they know the history of their courts properly function, when juries CZARISM to have witnessed an exhibition of he grade, but I don't recall seeing origin. Fifty years from now des- do their sworn duty, peace officers curry favor with the powers that be, films in V shing'on, D. C. of a one “flunk” out who wa; “working” people who have are honest, and crooked lawyers are No nation sympathized more sin­ and that all political or semi-politi­ fight that took place in Montana. his way, though sometimes they cendents of movie * * * cal articles are pleasingly tinted for eliminated, crime may be lessened •rould quit college and go to worjj. cerely with the people of Russia the eyes of our Czars in office. He One of tho first published utterance: , Washington city women have or­ and controlled as easily as breaking President C oo de after h.s elec Time and again I have seen new ganized to fight short skirts and under the autocratic rule of the linaiiy comes to a realization tnat . bv y B ,, > a colt. Society itself is at blame . „„„j tion was “Hands off the Railroads. tuuents come in and do brilliant cigarettes, not stated whether to that this condition is not grought Czars than did America. No peopie the infamous water-cure used to ex­ Why were they to be immune? j aisrocm work for a time and then make them shorter or cheaper or ; about. have submitted to that same auto­ tort confessions or information A few years back a mayor of nter as they became more acquaint­ which. from prisoners, is be.ng practiced cratic rule more uncomplainingly Portland was credited with the state­ ed and began to take part in social Mussolini, Italy’s great man, is than the Italian, who, having voted upon him by the press is the latest iffairs their records dropped and Just as wo were getting the proper said to have been re-married to his the yoke around their necks, philo­ painless method for the purpose of ment that the Chinese were to be sometimes they failed, but generally permitted to gamble among them focus on the below-the-knee skirls wife in last December. Previously sophically smile and pretend to b^e making him like the fetters, his pub­ selves, so long as other Hatinnajitieo managed to pull through. So I con­ comes the announcement that the it, or in sullen undertone niumbie lic servants have surroundede him they had been joined by civil oero- tend tjiat th® main cause of failure were not permitted in their gambl- coming spring they will be three mony, but presumably they thought “der tag." No people will long sub­ with. Valuations for assess­ is du. to too mueh time spent ¡n so­ inches shorter. The changing styles He has gone to the polls to select ; *ni dens. mit to being governed through this not storng enough in these days ment purposes, were reduced in thi cial and recreational activities pr are ruinous to our eyesight. ms servants to enforce the laws, threat that instills suspicion, fear of changing times to hold them, down town district of Portlan t just plain loafing. I think that it is * • • lienee the later ceremony by the and hatred among neighbors, com­ laving been selected his servants too bad for the impression to be sent while rental values soared to keep The latest fad in feminine dress church. munities and an entire nation. No aecome his masters. They perfunc­ Even double weddings pace with pretended sales per foot out that a person without adequate is a garter “bouquet” worn just be- people will submit for any great torily “poi-parrot” their oaths of have not proven strong enough to funds would have a hard time mak­ low the knee, presumably to attract hold some couples to their vows, but length of time to being governed office as one of the necessary evils front- A forty per tent increase in rents was qqpoticed by the as- ing the grade at the University of attention to the legs. Long skirts by officers who arrogantly delegate connected with being a public offi- perhaps in this case it may prove Oregon, for this might keep many were wont to cover these from vul­ different, unto themselves the pretended right aal. The laws that are upon our essors. The recent driving gqt of business of a taxicab company that worthy students a>vay and prevent gar male gaze but, so we are told, to say who must obey the laws and oooks to be enforced, are enforced ♦ * * from getting an education. “times are changing." We know it. who may with impunity violate or not according to the wealth, sta­ sported a very limited number of them The meeting of the American i * » AN OLD GRAD, them. While we as a liberty loving tion or influence of the offender. tars in °rtl«r ^ relieve *he cen*e8- Society of Newspaper Editors in One of the former large brew­ Washington recently upheld the cus­ people would clean the doorstep ot in other words a special dispensa­ uon of Portland streets. A stool pigeon’s word is good Refute* To Be Excommunicated our neighbor, we us philosophically tion, or Ukase may be issued by eries of tyetjlqcky has been put to tom of featuring of crime news, a smile und pretend to like the chains the Czar, permitting one property while in the employ of the mayor, odd uses. It now furnishes \vinter question lately much discussed. The That sagacious Politician, phil­ quarters for two circuses, and its more a stream is agitated so long with which we fetter ourselves at owner in a large city to violate the "getting the goods” °n others, but .s the polls. The subsidized press in ity ordinances relating to the keep- branded as unreliable whe« the osopher- and banker, Senator g, D. ceiars and sub-celars are filled with will the waters be muddy, and if that the United States occupies a plane ng closed of sidewalk trap doors goods are got on the officials. A Cusick, is an ommverwus reader with the real wild animals that the former be preferred to “pure and spark- but little above that occupied by the .luring certain hours. But note how professional pick-pocket caught in .tn excellent memory, and a nice fa- product o f the place used tq cause ling wjtfer” we suppose we must be press in Italy. They suppress, dis­ rigidly the ordinance is enforced the act by department §tore detec- ility for giving new and useful drinkers t0 imagine they saw after content with the explanation the old tort or color the facts to suit tne tgainst other property owners in the tives, known in police circles to ,-wisU tu old sayings. When, cpm- \ bac-chanalian orgies, woman gave for kissing the cow. powers behind the throne, through .mine locality. The inspector of fire have a record in California is turned nci.tuig on the Oregonian’s exeom. j — — .------------------- - fear of losing the patronage, or iiazards orders the extension cords loose on u suspended sentence, tc nunicatory editorial on Senator j crumbs that fall from the adminis­ removed in one hotel but permits the prey on other communities, Thm iianfield, he said: “Nevertheless, trations table. Glaring irregulari- ame quality of cord to remain in our servants become Czars, and ply Senator Stanfield will be a candidate ! tise, and even violations of an offi- another hotel of the same construe-' t*ie *ash to the back of one citize.. just the same,” he paraphrased a j ________________________ I while winking at another citizei- ,aying that forty years ago was as | guilty of the same offense. Borne popular as today is “So’s your old are prone to say that the prohibition .nan.” Another pleasant wrench ! i law is a failure. Judging from the ,ie gives to a classical remark (stiil Local Distributors for the I increasing number ef myrders being eferring to the ejection and pro-1 ' committed, to say nothing of burg scription of the Junior Senator) is ! iary, arson and theft, all our lawy .n his paraphrase on Pyrrhus: “A H. C. GOHRING, Proprietor . re a failure. But this is not a cor. few more such editorials, and §ena* j rect statement. It would be more tor Stanfield is re-elected.” | accurate to say that our law enforc- The interest arroused by the Ore- j 1 ing agencies are a failure, and that gonian's effort editorialy to kick j Complete with ail Ebuipment with the breaking down pf these vir. Stanfield out of the Republican | agencies, whether through corrup­ parfy qnff senatorial race continues tion, partiality in enforcing the law, unabated; indeed, i{ grows more! Let us give you a Demonstration of this Instrument, There is or their self-exaltation above gov- acute as our up-state journalistie Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought i ernment and the source of their au friends bring the matter of the ex- No Better Machine on the Market for the Money. thority, crime runs rampant and communication and proscription to 1 rides rough shod over the timid law- :he notice of their readers. Politi- j abiding citizen, and Czarisn! be­ caliy nothing has happened in a long comes a reality, that will call forth t'l'ie in Oregon that has created so I anarchism, unless the decent ele­ much conversation as the Oregoni­ Open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, open to 8 p.m. ment go to the polls and elect men an's pronouncement; even prohibi­ to office. Men who are Americans tion, which long ago took the place ESTACADA, OREGON men to whont the oath of office is of the weather as the favored topic sacred and to whom the office of table conversation has given way means honor. Dry rot and decay- io a discussion of theh Thunderer’s are already at work in the vltflls of re :son of breaking its habit of pre- 4- •*••> > v v * rv v * our government, through that same primary silence on the fitness of the Czarism which brought other gov­ candidates. In all sorts of gather- ernments to decay and ruin. Stop! ngs, the matter has been talked of .J Look! Listen!! Let each voter do his and wondered at, and in a party of I duty! Let each citizen demand that a dozen there would be at least 1 his servants do their duty as officers twelve separate and distinct explan­ or resign, and permit men to take ations of the Thunderer’s course. iheir places. But the question of the reason for 'he excommunication has not been CAUSE OF COLLEGE FLUNKING oo excitedly discussed as has been Ihe political effect of theeditorial effort at Mr. Stanfield's expunction. Diversions Rather Than Lack t*unds Named by Eugene Graduate Sapient politicians teil me it will not REDMOND, ORT., Jan. 23— (To nurt the Junior Senator a bit; Mr. j the Editor.)— I noticed an aiticle in Cusick thinks, as we have seen, that H e adlights w ith steering wheel For Comfort’s Sake The Oregonian wherein Dean Walker it will help his principal, as every! co n tro l w hich m ake n ig h t T h e Belter Buick offer» every driving a pleasure. of the University of Oregon had knock is a boost. Many of Senator o rd in a ry m o to rin g com fort, given his findings for the causes of Stanfield's friends gaiher in knots a n d m a n y t h a t are exclusively For Economy’s Sake Buick: E aiier starting—a new, failures at the University of Oregon. about wrecked buildings waiting for N o o t h e r car has t h e “ Sealed high-speed sta rting m o t o t does The ‘leading cause was lack of ade­ he Oregonian to announce its candi­ í Chassis” a n d the “ T rip le Sealed It. S m o o t h r u n n i n g f r o m t h e date; if the brickbats they are pick­ quate funds, thus necessitating the E ngine." T h e “ Sealed Chassis” po — A u t o m a t i c H e a t C o n t r o l lowers o p e r a t in g c o sts by e n ­ .-itudents spending too much time on ing up fail to reach their mark in the a n exclusive Buick featur«. closing e v e r y o p e r a t i n g p a r t Easier steering—B u ick ’s 5-con* outside work at the expense of his Inside a d i r t - p r o o f , oil tight trol-f urface steering gear is th e s.udies. h ousing, w h ile “ T r ip le Seals” p o r t expensive a n d m o s t effi* close e v e r y e n g i n e p o i n t o f c le a t type today. 1 wish to take issue with this X e ntry to d ir t a n d the wear dirt Mr. & Mr». W. E. Hall. Props. statement and at tho outset to ven­ causes. For Safety's Sake i ; ture the assertion that mote stu­ * V t 1. OUR BUSINESS IS FIRMLY ESTABLISHED. B u ic k s u r r o u n d s y o u w ith dents fail or “flunk” due t unltm For Value’s Sake : ! every o rd in ary p ro te c tio n , a n d WELL MANAGED AND PERMANENT. ited or very liberal funds than to to ÿ At present prices. Buick with t h e n adds Buick p r o t e c t i o n ! all o f its a d d ed com fort, safety, a lack of funds. I spent 3 V* years SUNDAY SPECIAL B u ic k dependability, w hich X 2. YOUR SAVINGS WILL BE SAFE. a n d e c o n o m y , is e a s ily t h e t a k e s you a nd brings you back, at the Uuiversity of Oregon and CHICKEN DINNER greatest a u t o m o b i l e v a lue in o n tim e , all the tim e. Buick V got a degree in ne of the really dif­ the world I * m echanical 4 -w h eel b rak es, 3. YOUR INCOME WILL BE REGULAR AND Open fro m 6:30 a. in. to & 0 0 p. m ficult majors and got good average w ith n o liquid i n t h e m to ex­ If you w ant finer tr a n s p o r ta ­ DEPENDABLE. or better, grades all the way. I p a n d . c o n t r a c t o r le a k a w a y . tion at lower cost, come In s o d A n d Buick C ou tro llsb lc Beam see the B ettat Buickl doubt if anyone had less funds or DIVIDENDS PAID BY CHECK FIRST OF EACH backing than 1 had for I earned MONTH, OR QUARTERLY. every cent of my way and was in debt only 3t>0 when 1 graduated. EXEMPT FROM STATE PERSONAL PROPER­ This I soon paid. Needless to say, TY TAX. BOOT and SHOE I was busy but spent quite a little time at recreational activities and DIVIDENDS EXEMPT FROM NORMAL FED- REPAIR SHOP still had time for long hours of ERAL INCOME TAX. study and laboratory work. I kept h BLOCK SOUTH OF P.O. my studies up to date each day. - i- a x ESTACADA. OREGON One thing 1 didn't do and that was ki spend much time in social affairs. Neat, Durable work Times and conditions may have changed radically at the University Guaranteed All Kinds °f of Oregon in the last few years in this matter, but I doubt it, and I’ll | H sy e th e soles sew ed on Second Hand Goods Bought and Sold venture the statement that the real1 [ your areas shoes w ith a cause of “flunking" now as it was WALL PAPER, PAINTS and in my opinion, a few years ago, is H O T W A X M A C H I N E simply too much time spent in the I WINDOW GLASS many social and recreational activ- ' ■ties and too little time spent in ac­ Phone 9x-6 Geo. Pointer Estacada, O: e A. R. DAHLKE, Estacada tual study and preparation o f les- notes and Comment Schock Bros. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. HOLLOWAT GUARANTEED RADIO ☆ ☆ A Safe Investment with Good Dividends m irnextC dr should be a BUICK Our First Preferred Shares Pay You 7.2 per cent on Your Money Why You Should Buy This Stock j r 1 THE BETTER BUICK Wilcox Bros. Furniture Exchange Investment Department 820 Electric Building I 1 . Portland Electric Power Company Estacada { I ü