Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 04, 1926, Image 1

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No. T V
T o A ssist F ish O v er
D am a t W in ch ester
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
?1.50 A YEAR
Your Home Town
Club Adopts Resolution
News from the Neighboring Towns
A t a large meeting of the E astern
Clackamas Com munity Club held at
Practical dem onstration of an in­
the Estacada hotel F riday evening,
vention by J. R. W heeler, chief
Ja n u a ry 29th, the following resolu­
electrical engineer with the West
tion was unanimously adopted:
Coast Power com pany and the W in­
Thomas Ju b b with his engine and
W hereas:
chester Bay Lum ber company, of
assistance of Archie and Carl
The deplored passing of the Hon.
Reedsport, will be made at W inches­
F. I. Fuller, vice-president of the Howell’s team s moved the bungalow
te r dam, south of Sutherlin, in the
Portland Electric Power Company, houso from the Howell Bros.’ place
U mpqua river. The device will be
has le ft a vacancy fo r th a t high to C arl’s home last week. It adds
installed by the Reedsport Machine
quite an im provem ent to his place.
office, and
and Boiler com pany of Reedsport,
Don’t fo rg et the com munity club
W hereas:
says the Courier.
This position should be filled by a m eeting a t the G range hall S atu r­
A fishway is to be built on the w estern man and a residen of P o rt­ day evening.
Among the young people from
W inchester dam. An appropriation land one who is in every way quali­
by the fish commission, matched by fied and who knows the needs of the this section attending the Clacka­
mas county C. E. S., banquet a t
the Pacific Power com pany will fi­ people living in this section, and
Oregon City on Monday evening
nance the installation of a device W hereas:
which was Mr. W heeler’s invention.
Mr. George J. Kelly has been spo­ were Mr. Kirkwood, E verett and El-
A model, 'constructed a t the shop ken of and highly recommended as va Shiblc, Edith Howell, G ilbert and
of th e Reedsport Machine and Boiler a man em m inently fitted to fill this William Shearer, and L ester Clos-
ner of Springw ater, Lenore and
works has been inspected by engin­ im portant position, and
M argaret Beck of Dodge, and F lo r­
eers and executives of several en ter­ W hereas:
prises th a t ^use large am ounts of
The E stacada Com munity Club is ence Hassel, Avis Cadanoan and Mr.
w ater and has been commended by directly interested in the appoint­ Baker of E stacada.
Mrs. Moger was a Thursday a fte r­
m ent of a man well known as being
noon caller on Mrs. Hycock.
The device will consist of a steel a tried friend to this vicinity, a com­
Mr. and Mrs. W oife and son of
cylinder extending vertically from petent and genial gentlem an a t all
were guests for several
the bottom of the stream to the top times and a booster to this commun­
days this week a t the H arry Grable
of the dam. There is a gate a t the
Therefore be it resolved: T hat home.
bottom and the top of the cylinder,
Guests a t the W alter S tru n k home
club hereby warmly endorses the
the gate a t the bottom adm itting the
Sunday w ere the Calvy Beeby
fish. The lower gate then closes, candidacy of Mr. George J. Kelly
fam ily of G arfield.
the cylinder fills with w ater, and a and strongly urges his appointm ent,
Among the guests a t the Archie
screen carried by, floats a suitable knowing th a t no b etter man can be
Howell home on Sunday were Mr.
distance below the surface of the found and
Resolved: T h at it is the sense of and Mrs. A. R. Stephens of Garfield.
w ater in the cylinder, and rises as
Lenore and M argaret B eck of
the w ater in the cylinder rises, forc­ this meeting th a t the E stacada Com­
Dodge were overnight guests of
ing the fish to the top, where they
Edith Howell on Monday.
are released by the opening of the in favor of Mr. Kelly’s appointm ent
Mrs. L. S. T enny and children of
upper gate. The action is reversed
Viola were guests fo r several days
in em ptying Qtf cylinder and re tu rn ­ thus sends its friendly greetings to [
last week a t the home of her parents
ing fish may be lowered by the de­ this courteous gentlem an, with the
sincere hope th a t their tru e, able and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shibley.
Mrs. Schw artz is stayin gat the
The fishway operates autom atic­ talented frien d will soon be ap ­
home fo r a short tim e
ally b yhydraulic power but may be pointed.
while her m other, Mrs. O rton is
operated by other methods. The op­
eration is simple and can easily be S U R P R I S E B I R T H D A Y P A R T Y
Mr. George P erry has recently
regulated to operate at such in te r­
purchased a new Studebaker six
vals of time as to best su it the
to uring car.
conditions a t the various dams and of the week was the birthday p arty
Guests a t the Ed Closner home
on Sunday were the Wm. Tuckei
The fish are a ttracted to the de­ Mrs. Susie Kitching at the L a tte r’s
fam ily of here and the Em ery Clos­
vice by means of running w ater, home on Monday evening in honor
n er fam ily of E stacada.
falling w ater and a subm erged light of th e ir birthdays. There were 23
Mr. and Mrs. F o rrest Erickson
a t the back of th* cylinder. In new guests present and “ 500” was the
were Sunday afternoon callers at
construction work the cylinder will diversion of the evening. A rath er
the S. E. Lawrence home.
be incorporated within the walls of unusual coincidence was the fac t
Neighborly club meets next Wed­
the dam, thus protecting the device
nesday, the 10th, with Mrs. Wiley
from floods, etc.
Construction of the fishw ay and ceived the consolation p r iz e . A
R. S. G uttridge has recently had
installation of the device is to sta rt
installed in his home a new Atwat-
a t once.— Sutherlin Sun.
er-K ent radio.
L O C A L jS E W S
had as th eir guests on Sunday Mr.
Mrs. Geo. Lawrence spent Sun­ Lieham m er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peck of th<
A. Lieham m er of Portland.
day with relatives in Portland.
S tar Packing company of Astoria
Ten young people of the Presby­ visited the Delph Creek hatchery
Mrs. W. J. Moore spent the week
terian church of P ortland spent
end in Portland.
two days last w eek- Mr. Peck is
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks mo­ inid-ycar vacation at Hillock Burn vitally interested in the experiment
tored to Portland Sunday to spend a t Dodge.
carried on a t the hatchery as he it
Mr. J. W. H endricks of Idaho has a packer of canned salmon eggs foi
the day with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring and been visiting w ith his cousins Mrs. bait.
N ora Memorial church will holo
Mre. G ohring’s m other, Mrs. Blanth U. S. M organ and Mr. Jas. D enning
fo r several days.
Sunday school a t 10:30 next Sun­
m otored to P ortland Sunday.
The local lodge of th e Women of day.
Mr. and Mrs. E arl Lankin spent
oodcraft will hold th e ir public
G arfield G range will m eet next
Sunday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs.
installation a t the Masonic temple S aturday, F eb ru ary 6, a t 10:00 p.m.
F red Horner.
on Thursday.
The firs t and second degrees will be
E. W. C utting has recently in­
p ut on.
stalled a fine new radio at his home
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Fox have re
Jom m ercial bank of Oregon City,
a t camp 8.
nade the News a pleasant call on tu rn ed from California. Mr. Fox i;
Mr. Ellis of the "Cash and Carr}
improved in health.
store has been confined to his roon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels of Portland
fo r several days this week.
d to Mr. and Mrs. Theo. A hlberg were visitors a t the Fox home ovet
Miss Lydia W atson came out
upon the arrival of a little son on Sunday.
from Portland on Sunday to visit at
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens of Lents
c riday the 29th.
the W. H. G rabeel home.
were Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mr. R. Johnson mashed his finger
Mrs. J. Roberson.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Towsend and
recently quite badly b u t it is heal-
Mrs. M. G. W eatherby le ft Sun
Mrs. L. M. Acock spent S aturday at
.ng rapidly under Dr. M idford’s
day fo r Escondido, Cal.
the Jas. Smith home in Oak Grove.
Mrs. Louise Lomberson is a t home
T. H. M orton visited Wallace
Mr. and
Mrs. V ernie
Duus again in Garfield.
Smith a t the V eteran's hospital on
moved into their new home the first
H a tch e ry Makes E xperim ent
of the weej^, which they purchased
D uring the p ast week Delph Creek
Miss Mabel Wilcox is visiting with recently. I t is known as the W ha­
hatchery has been carrying on an
her aunt, Mrs. Lillian Close, a t V an­ len property.
experim ent to determ ine w hether or
couver, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eshleman, not canned fish eggs kill tro u t.
Mrs. Roy Wilcox is spending the Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. W al­ This question has created in terest
week with her parents, Mr. and lace Smith visited Mr. Smith a t the' am ong sportsm en throughout the
Mrs. M att. Zogg a t Sandy Ridge.
I t was the contention of
V eteran’s hospital in Portland on state.
some th a t canned eggs were deadly-
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Johnson Sunday.
of Hillock B urn were visitors a t the
Cascade Motor com pany reports poison. This however, is erroneous.
Gerald Wilcox home on Sunday.
the sale of a Chevrolet sedan to T hirty tro u t have been fed fo r eight
Mrs. Helen M afsey of W arm Clarence Jubb, a Chevrolet touring days on canned eggs treated with
Springs, Oregon, was a guest a t the to J. F. R obert and a Chevrolet form aldehyde and a t the present
w riting there have been no casual­
roadster to O. E. Crane.
Lovelace home on Sunday.
ties. This should once and for all
The ladies of the Catholic church
The next social m eeting of the
elim inate controversy along these
Am erican Legion and A uxiliary will are holding th e ir bazaar one day
be held Monday, F ebruary 15, at next week. Date announced later.
Delph Creek hatchery hag at this
The hope chest will be disposed of
the home of Gerald Wilcox.
tim e in its troughs over two million
Mrs. Hary Snyder received news a t th a t time.
E astern Brook tro u t eggs for dis­
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hayman and tribution in Clackamas county.
last Monday of the serious illness
of her m other who lives near H ar­ daughter Ethel, and H arild Widman
m otored to Bend la st Friday, re ­
risburg, Penn.
While there
The two children of Mr. and Mrs. tu rn in g on Monday.
Mrs. E. Douglass and Betty Jean
J. C. Kiggins, who have been ill they visited th eir son and other rela­
been ill the past week with
with pneum onia are slightly im­
A m eeting of the Estacada Com­ colds.
Mrs. Lloyd Royse and little son
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lieham m er m unity club will be held a t the ho­
wen to Wasco the first of the week.
entertained with a “ 600 ” p a rty at
On S aturday Lloyd Royse accom­
their home on S aturday evening. illustrated lecture on fo restry will
panied by his brother-in-law Billy
There were 18 present, the guests
Shaw, drove up.
Mr. Royse has
being the S tandard Oil men and Oregon S tate Board of Forestry, the
been hauling slab wood fo r Billy
their wives of Canby and Oregon
4 «' ¿ .-V»
the U. 3- Forest Service.
In th e sm oking c o m p a rtm e n t o f a
P ullm an n o t v ery lo n g ago a m an
told his fellow tra v e lle rs a g re a t
I m any good th in g s a b o u t his hom e
Mrs. A sp w as callin g on Mrs. Su- tow n.
In d eed , he to ld so m any th a t
sie W ilcox one da y la s t week.
one o f his fellow tra v e lle rs th o u g h t
H. H. U dell an d fam ily of D over, he w ould v isit th a t tow n an d , if
a tte n d e d relig io u s services a t th e he fo u n d it as re p re se n te d , w ould
school house la s t F rid a y evening,
move his business th e re .
In due
Mrs. R. B. G ibson a n d Miss E d y th season th e tra v e lle r did v isit th a t
P eters w ere v isitin g w ith Mr. an d tow n a n d on re tu rn in g to his city
Mrs. R ay W oodle la s t W ednesday o ffice o b served th a t th e re p re se n ta -
tivc o f th e tow n whom he had m et
E rn e s t H o ffm eister w as a lucky on th e tr a in h ad d raw n on his h u ­
m an by m aking th e n e a re s t guess ag in atio n “ tre m e n d o u sly .” He m ay
to th e a m o u n t sold by M r. T u n n ell have and he m ay n o t have— it all
iast m onth he receiv ed a 42-piece i d epends on th e view point,
d in n er-set.
He cam e w ith in $2 o f
To th e re s id e n t it m ay have been
the c o rre c t am o u n t.
an id eal to w n ; to th e s tra n g e r it
M r. a n d Mrs. R ay W oodle m otored m ay have lacked m any th in g s which
to T iy n e r la s t T h u rsd a y and w ere he re g a rd e d as essential. To the ros-
the g u e sts o f his sister, M rs. C. W . ¡dent, su b sta n tia l, w ell-to-do people
R ogue w hile th e re .
living in c o m fo rta b le hom es w ith
L eslie W oodle w as hom e fo r a p le n ty o f b re a th in g space a b o u t th em
w eek’s v acatio n la s t w eek, th e m id- h aving g a rd e n s and sh ru b b ery , w ith
term v acatio n .
a com m unity c e n te r building, an d
Mr. an d Mrs. W ill B luhm , a n d ju s t en ough in d u stry to give oppor-
Mr. and Mrs. D aw son F a irch ild an d - tu n ity f o r livelihood, it m ay have
little d a u g h te r P a tty w ere th e S un- been desireable. On th e o th e r hand,
day g u ests o f M r. an d Mrs. R oy its unpaved stre e ts , lack o f s tre e t
D ouglass.
cars, th e a te rs , an d so o n ; m ay have
Mr. an d M rs. W ill D ouglass,
M r. ! stam p ed th e tow n to th e c ity m an
and Mrs. E d D ouglass an d little as u n d esireab le fo r hom e o r busi-
ia u g h te r B e tty J e a n an d V ir g il, ness. T he one lived th e re , p erh ap s
D ouglass and fam ily w ere .e n te r- all his life, w hile th e o th e r could
.ained a t d in n e r S u n d ay by Mr. an d only ex ist th e r e w ith o u t th e excite-
Mrs. W a lte r D ouglass.
m ents an d p u easu res to w hich he
F lo rice D ouglass w as hom e
on had been accustom ed, th o u g h in the
S unday.
g re a t city w h ere he lived he did
Mr. an d Mrs. J . F . B ro w er w ere not even know his n e x t door neigh-
up this w ay S u n d ay assistin g w ith bor.
the S u n d ay school an d holding ser-
B u t beyond th ese th in g th e re
m ay have been o th e r reaso n s, and
.u r. and . Irs. W m. Sm ith an d one 0 f th em m ay have been th is—
-a u g h te r,
M a rg u erite,
and little th e re sid e n t had helped m ake th e
grandson, R oger S ugner, w ere call- tow n w h at it is; the o th e r ha(, BO
.ng on Mr. and M rs. Ike A kers on se n tim e n t in th e m a tte r w h atsoever,
.ionday evening.
sim ply a cold calc u lated estim ate.
Mrs. R. B. G ibson an d Miss P e te rs M en who c re a te tak e p rid e in th e ir
/e re also calling on M r. and M rs. c re a tions.
Good hom e-m akers a re
i e rs M onday evening.
g e n e ra lly good to w n -m a k e rs, be-
L ast T h u rsd ay ev en in g w hen M r. cauge th e y V a n t good hom e8 in good
J raves re tu rn e d hom e fro m w o rk
tow ns. T hey have public sp irit, civ-
.o u n d his house b u rn ed down.
I t (ic p rid e , and loyalty, because w hen
s th o u g h t to have been th e w ork m en w ork to g e th e r fo r th e com m on
>i an
in cen d iary , an d as it w as o u t g00d th e y stick to g e th e r fo r g re a te r
f s‘8 h t o f ev ery o n e, b ein g dow n progress. Men in sm all tow ns know
j y th e E agle C reek falls, so no one w hat th e y have accom plished; those
aw it in tim e ti e x tin g u ish th e fire . who live in la rg e cities have to guess
.«hen M r. G raves re tu rn e d it w as a t w hat th e y have done— too many-
e a rly all b u rn ed dow n, and he fin d little o p p o rtu n ity to do any-
ould do n o th in g to w ard s saving it. th in g , so eng ro ssed a re th e y w ith
th e ir own p riv a te business. T h e re ’s
a reason w hy th e one has se n tim e n t
w hile the o th e r has none.
Mr. John W illing an dm other of
O f course, in all tow ns as w ell as
iellwood and Mrs. V anstrom of Cas-
in all cities, th e re a re m en who can
ade Locks were visiting with Geo.
ta lk b ig g est w hen th ey g e t aw ay
Villing and Julius Paulsen on S at­
fro m hom e w here th ey a re n o t
know n.
G en erally th e se a re m en
The George S. and C. club held
w ho sh irk d u ty and doge re sp o n si­
ts annual m eeting last Saturday
vening and officers fo r the follow- bility, n e v er c o n trib u tin g to th e
co m m u n ity p ro g ress as th ey should.
lg year were elected.
T h ere are, too, in both tow ns and
Mr. and Mrs. Ju liu s Paulsen and
,, j
, cities, men who will not go along
eorge V\ filing called on Mr. and
unless they can see some special
irs. Wilson last Sunday.
benefit to acrue from the effo rts
Miss Emma C haney visited with
they are asked to make. Some one
ie home folks over Sunday.
, . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Held were dinner kaS Sald’ ,l tak,e? al‘ kl" ds of P ^ P 1«
to make a world, and this is tru e of
uests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
cities and towns which go to m ak e
len ry Johnson.
up the world.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A nhert and
But in spite of all this it rem ains
aby and Miss Edith H ark en rid e r
f E stacada spent F riday evening a ^ac* ^bat a man s home town, the
town he has helped to make, to de­
th Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson and M tb . velop, and to beautify, is to him all
ivirnm an and son motored to be tb ‘nks it is. To others to whor
he may be describing it, he may
iresham on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Chaney and eem to be draw ing on his imagin-
Ir. Clay Chaney visited the school “ t ‘o n , to the man who may have
londay afternoon.
no »intim ent he may seem to be
__________________________________ over-enthusiastic, but really he isn’t.
rn Oregon to p ut in his own w heat
nd to assist his father. Billy Shaw
tu rn ed to camp Sunday evening,
Mrs. Graves, whose home was
burned the other day, has moved
into the house here ju s t vacated
by the Royse family.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. G uthrie and
son Hugh of Dover were calling on
Ralph De Shazers Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglas* and
B etty Jean took dinner a t W alter
D ouglass’ on Sunday.
Hugh Aldrich and little Donnie
Shaw have also been sick the past
* The shipping for the week in-
cludes a car of S. P. ties, a carload
of switch ties for the U. P., and two
carloads of side lum ber beside, local
orders cut.
Fred Paddison has taken Lloyd
Royse’s place hauling slab wood fo r
Billy Shaw
Ed Douglass was a business vis-
itor Monday afternoon.
Mr. Le Roy is moving into the
Royse house with Mr. Graves.
Word has been received here of
the arrival of a boy a t the home qf
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Quinn, of
Portiand. Mrs. Quinn will be re-
memb red as Mis* Eliza Sm art, who
taught the Dover school fo r two
all winter. He has returned to east- /«art.
■ , . — -
Eastern Clackamas County
Community Club Meets
The E astern Clackamas Com­
munity club held its initial meeting
of the year in the lobby of the E sta­
cada hotel on last F riday evening.
From the standpoint of en tertain ­
ment. attendance and co-operative
sp irit in the launching of several
projects of vital com m unity in terest
the meeting was a marked success.
The program which proved to be
a veritable “ feast of good things”
every num ber of which was received
and vociferously encored, included
two num bers from the Choral So­
ciety under the Jible direction of
Mr. H orner, violin duets by Messrs.
Baker and Ahlberg, With Mrs. C.
A. Dykman at the piano, several
am using readings by Mr. Roy Beck,
and a group of songs most delight­
fully rendered by Mr. F red Horner.
The debate, “ Resolved th a t Clack­
amas valley should erect an adver­
tising arch over the highway a t
Clackamas sta tio n ,” with Rev. Ira
Ranki.. and Mr. A. G. Ames as the
affirmative speakers and Air. W. J.
Moore and Mr. H. C. Stephens pre­
senting the negative side proved a
highly diverting and wholly en ter­
taining affair in as much as the de­
baters gave a hum orous tu rn to th eir
rem arks. It was plain to be seen
th a t though the negative sp eak ers
presented some astounding arg u ­
m ents in support of th eir side, their
sym pathies were unm istakably with
the nffirmitive. As it was the wish
of those present th a t the E astern
Clackamas Com munity club affiliate
with the county organization, the
G reater Clackamas Union of Clubs,
President Cooke contem plates put­
ting on a membership drive th a t our
club ro ster may do E stacada and
environs num erical credit in the
Mr. Stephens bronched the sub­
ject of the organization of a Union
High School district.
A fter outlining the advantages of
■.he proposed union he moved “T hat
the chair appoint a com m ittee (of
which Mr. Cooke should be a mem­
ber) to take up the form ation of
uch a d istrict with the boards of
education in the districts con­
cerned.” The motion carried, Mr.
Cooke appointing Mr. Ames and Mr.
Stephens to serve with himself on
the committee.
S uperintendent of
schools Vedders who chanced to be
in the audience expressed himself as
heartily in favor of the proposed
union and gave a clear, forceful and
enlightening discussion of the bene-
.'t to be derived from co-operation
of th a t nature, citing the work now
being done in the several Union high
choolo of the county. Mr. Ames,
Mr. Beck and Mr. H orner took p art
in the inform al discussion which fol­
Mr. Dinty Moore, who has been
skefi by P resident Cooke, to in ter­
view the members of the County
C ourt in regard to the m atter of
fu rth e r road im provem ents reported
th a t Judge Cross had promised to
have a crew of men a t work on the
River road within a m onth— th a t
was on the road itself— to be put
in b etter condition, but the walls of
everal of the covered bridges wer
to be cut down to adm it an unob-
tru cted view of the highway.
Mr. Cary introduced a resolution
hat the club indorse the appoint­
ment of Mr. Kelly as vice-president
of the P. E. P. Co., the club gave
its unanim ous indorsem ent to the
D uring the social hour coffee and
cakes were served by the ladies of
the club.
This co u n try need* more ">en from
home towns, men who will sound the
advantages of living in the small
i u little industry, its
freedom from annoyances, its com-
f? rts ’ and del|ghts. And this coun-
t r y needs morc hüme tow ns' “ttra c -
A rth u r A. H i r r i m a n , M inister
tive enou‘fh ,n every way to k««P
Bible school at 10:00 a. m.
withi" them the y °un* men a " d wo-
Communion Service and sermon
men who- fired with the am bition to
become w*“‘thy, finally feel th a t a t 11 :00 a. m.
Christian E ndeavor at 0:30 p. m.
th e* m ust
their luck in our bi*
Evening song service and sermon
cities’ toT lt is thoBe home tow n*
wh,ch are real,y the backbone of the a t 7 :30 p. m.
country, because in them dwell peo-
We are glad now to be able to
pie who have tim e to read and think announce the above com plete pro­
and fi*ure out their d u ty and o c ­ gram of Sunday services every
*ation to the ,U te and n a tio n l be‘ L ord’s dajr. We had a good a tte n d ­
cau8e in them th , re
a moral atn ,o»- ance at the bible school last Sunday
Pjh,' re which br” thed b* PeoP e of and we started a young people's
ideals leads them to take positions doss. Also we started a Christian
on the Kr ”at
of the day Endeavor society in the evening and
¡"variably in promotion of the tru e have arranged a contest between the
w elfare of the people as a whole. Reds and the Blues. We are also
Home tow ns! L et’s have more now in a sim ultaneous reading cam­
" f them ; men from home towns, paign this month to read the book
more of them. The country needs of Acts through a chapter a day.
The Sunday m orning sermon is upon
the subject, “ Bearing the Cross to
Among the Portland visitor* on Win the C row n." Sunday evening,
Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wil- C(inversions in A rts, case one, “ The
cox, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring, Three Thousand on the Day of
Mrs. D. B. Eshleman, Mrs. Grover P entecost.” Everyone ia invited
Kiggins and daughter and Mrs. W. to atten d these services and you will
be made welcome. -