EASTERN ''’ L A C K v M a ? NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY THE HORSE AND THE MAN alfalfa seed prices are a little lower Alexander Phimister Proctor, the than last season, sculptor, has been attacked by cer­ Many farmers throughout the tain horse fanciers o f Oregon on the ground of placing an illy-r.haped tate are now cleaning seed for Best results are horse under the bronze statue o f spring planting. Theodore Roosevelt. This statue obtained from seed that has had all was located in a Portland park, the dirt and ch aff taken out. Clean through the generosity o f Dr. Henry seed goes through the drill better and gives a more even stand. Clean Waldo Coe. Since the controversy has prob­ seed means fewer weeds and bigger ably reached its height, it might yields, be ii .es the experiment sta­ interest the public to know’ a little tion. It pays to sow clean seed. more about this artist, so famous for his works in bronze; to know some o f his reasons why his judge­ ment is as good as that o f Ex Gov­ ernor West and other locai critics. Er. Proctor is a Canadian bybirth v-------------------------- ■ ------- J and an artist by training and ed u -; , Sale— Straw, $7 per ton; oat ,, , . hay, $14 per ton; vetch and oats, $15 cation. He is from the National Phone Kedland 20-16. Oli- Arademy o f Design and Art, and the Ver Guber. Estacada. Ore. Student’s League o f New York. II ..pent five years in Paris in the Pointer’s Furniture Exchange, the study o f technique under Puech and place to get what you want and Injalbert, and is a finished artist with many internationally recognized FOR SALE— Choice yearling leg­ works to his credit. Every exposi- horn hens, $12.00 per dozen. Call tion since the World Columbian Ex­ 7141. l-2o-26 position in Chicago has presented him with medals o f the highest WILL TRADE— 175 laying year­ honors«, and he has been elected a ling hens for good team wagon life member of the National Acad­ harness and farm implements, emy o f Design. value $210. Call 7141 1-28-26 Among the interesting experiences o f his life were the many years that FOR SALE— Couple dozen first class white Leghorns. April he spent as a huntsman in the Rocky hatched pullets each $15.00 per Mountains under practically the doz. W. R. Jones. 1-28-26 same conditions surrounding the ex­ periences of Theodore Roosevelt. FOR SALE— Eurly seed potatoes This experience would make him American Wonder variety. S. A. competent to judge and reproduce Roberts, Boring, Ore. Phone in statuary both horses and men. Damascus 54. 2-4-26 Roosevelt spent much o f his young manhood in the cattle ranching busi- j FOR SALE— White Leghorn young ness, on the upper waters of the chickens, now laying. One dollar Little Missouri River, and this ex­ each. Lena Underwood. Phone perience enabled him to write those 1311. 1-28-26 inspiring books, FOR SALE—A large type Poland- t’hfna boar, year and a half old in FARM REMINDERS pretty good condition. See John Grimm alfalfa is the variety rec­ Hall, 1 mile back of Currlnsville, ommended by the Oregon experi­ Oregon. ment station for all sections o f the i ___________________ __ state. In addition to being drouth l ., io . . a re- . , and cold resistant Grimm produces tO R ^ A L h ~ E ' ^ ton« ‘ ° ° 8« hay $12 per ton at Jas. Guttridge more hay per acre in Oregon than I, * V Phone the comon variety. The seed o f ■ ba,n’ Spnngwater; 11 - 12 . 13-2tp Grimm alfalfa cannot be distin- guished and is best purchased from WANTED — 250 Angora goats; sources that are able to furnish proof I must be cheap. A. H. Baker, that their seed is genuine. Certified 1 miles east o f Eagle Creek seed is good crop insurance. Grimm | Grange Hall. 14-ltp WANT AND FOB SALE SOS MONEY TO LOAN. We have plenty LOANS on farms 6 per cent. No FOR SALE— Good no. One Timothy o f money to loan on farms at 6 commission City loans monthly hay; good oat liny bailed $20.00 per cent— from one to twenty plan. Oregon City Abstract Co. per ton at barn. Phone 42— 111. P. No commission on large years W. Douglas, Currinsville. 24-6tp loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaca- FOR KENT OR SALE— The Docken- 6-19-tf dorf hour : at Morrow station. En­ da. Oregon. quire of tl. ‘ neighbors on either side, or write 11. E. Dockendorf Molalla, I Or agon. FOR SALE Cheap— Vaughan drag * saw, heavy type, 2 good blades. First class condition. Call at Smiths’ hardw :-c . tore. FOR SALE— Strawberry, $3 per 1000, of the Johnson variety. A splendid j canning berry and a heavy produc-! er. Very vigorous grower. For more particulars, call P. S. Stamp. Phone 43-5. R. X, Estacada, Ore. Saturday Sunday, Jan. 16-17 . | SLICES TO THE LOAF An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between-meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES ECONOMY MINERAL AND MEDICINAL POWDER sup­ plies these essentials. For further cali at— AGENTS WANTED IN ESTACADA TERRITORY— Sworn proof o f $75.00 a week. $1.50 an hour for spare time. Introducing Finest Guaranteed Hosiery. 126 styles and colors. Low prices. Auto furnish­ ed. No capital or experience neces­ sary. Welknit Hosiery Co., Dept. B-53 Greenfield, Ohio. 13-4t » CUTS MORE The best success in Dairy­ ing will result when a miner­ al compound is fed which con­ tains the essential elements so necessary for production, and re-production. FOR SA..E- Italian prune trees, X yr. 6 to 8 and t to 6 feet; extra fine. O. ! W. Failing, Boring, Ore., R. 1. punp Any girl in trouble may communi- I cate with Ensign Lee o f the Salva- tion Army, at the White Shield Home- 565 Mayfair Ave.. Portland, 9-20-tf I 0 reK°n T h e D a y of M in e ra ls is h e re Jsn.tt-’M .j The same Hoisum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. information Sold at Your Favorite t j t Grocery and R e s t BARTHOLOMEW and LAWRENCE Phone 601 a u - ^ " W lilT - 'll 'PsaiiL CHEVROLET Reduces Prices Springwater on New Years eve. a small black vanity case. Return to this office and receive re­ ward. Effective Immediately ESTACADA Peacock Feathers Buy it Today! Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 18-19 Fool and His Money D ry-C le a n in g and D ye in g fam ily Wash a Specialty Prompt Service at Right Price GIVE US A T R I A L Satisfaction Guaranteed Wednesday-Thursday, Jan. 20-21 Riding the Winds Saturday-Sunday, 23-24 The Circus Cyclone Don’t wait any longer for your new car! Ride in the new Chevrolet. Compare Chevrolet with higher cars. LIGHT LUNCH INTERNATIONAL Under the General Motors Plan Buy your new car today under the new General Motors Acceptance Corporation time payment plan. Low down payment easy monthly terms, low interest charges N ow at reduced prices Chevrolet offers make it possible to buy your new car out of income. Y ou ’ ll save enough money over most other long term finance plans through buying a Chevrolet on the new Generol Motors time payment plan to pay for running your car for a year. greater values than ever before. Your Old Car taken as Part Payment its ease of Check its 83 quality features. CONFECTIONERY AND priced Note its power, its pick-up, its smart appearance, R. G. M A R C H B A N K L O W TERM S These reduced prices set a new standard of High Quality at Low Cost. riding. N o won­ der half a million Chevrolet cars were sold in 1925— 50,000 on Pacific Coast. MADE-TO-MEASURE Here are the N E W R E D U C E D PRICES .CLOTHES All Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan Touring Car, N ow O n ljr . - Roadster, Now Only - - $510 $510 Coupe, Now Only - - $645 Coach, Now Only - - - $645 Sedan, Now Only - - - $735 • $395 Commercial Chassis, Now Only Express Truck Chassis, Now O nly" X)U cannot expect any other used car dealer to have the same interest as the Ford A uthorized Dealer in seeing that you get the best used Ford for the money you invest. y BOB COOKE ESTACADA M OTOR COM PANY OREGON Cascade '4 rants in Estacada and L _ / 0 C_f E Vicinity. ytaeesf mttnfa of it* Hctuimfemlff Estacada, Ore. '! ■ . - a f Jor Economical Transportation LO ST— Near LIBERTY THEATRE PROGRAM I _____ 21, 1926 Motor* W ilcox Bros. Quality at Low $550 Co. Estacada 1