EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 192(5 ELECTRIC SI ORE A. SA G N ER , P ro p rie to r. E lectrical Goods o f All K inds— P ain ts, V arn ish els.— Two ceil F la s h lig h t. 50c. fc Ken» fcy Day. E lectric an d E nam- V acuu m S w eeper P H O N E 76-2 PORTLAND-CARVER-ESTACADA STAGES CRE 8 CN NEWS ITEMS yj\lQ TO GO OF SFECIAL INTEREST W. A. Heylman Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. THE BREAD SUPREME THE NORTHWEST’S FINEST BAKERY” JERSEY M IL K A N D C R E A M ’ Wm. W. Smith A T T O R N E Y S AT LAW We NEW W IN TE R F ire losses In D allas for 1925 w ere sm all, not a single building being de­ stroyed. M unicipal T erm in al, S ixth an d Salm on S ts.— P hone M ain "733. L IN N 'S IN N , E stn rn d a , O regon. E sta b lish m e n t of a rock pile for the D A ILY em ploym ent of county p riso n ers was (A) A. M. P. M. P. M. • A. M. M ;P.M P.M P.M advocated at Salem by B razier Small, 4:3 0 8:30 ju stice of the peace. . P o rtla n d 2:0(i 0:20 L v. E sta c a d a 8:00 8:45 4:45 C lackam as 2:30 0:50 E ag le C reek 8:1 5 A ppropriations ag g reg atin g $312,500 C a rv e r 2 :4 0 7 :0 0 B a rto n 8:25 4 :5 5 8:55 for th e C hem aw a Indian school have B arto n 9:15 5:15 3 :0 5 7:25 C a rv e r S;45 E agle C reek 3 :1 5 7:35 C lackam as 8:55 5 :2 6 9:25 been included in th e in te rio r depurt- A r. E staca d a 3 :3 0 7 :50 A r. P o rtla n d 0 :3 0 0 :0 0 10:00 ■ m ent app ro p riatio n bill. * D aily ex c e p t S u n d ay (A1 S a tu rd a y onlv. STANDARD O R COMPANY«:./*» Oregon and Idaho would be author- SU N D A Y — Leave P o rtla n d 10 A. M. L eave E sta c a d a 4.30 P. M. 1 ized to build a bridge across th e Snake riv e r at B allard ’s landing site under T H E AMERICAN FLAG a bill passed by th e senate. W hen the question of selecting a R. L. S tephens, 71, a native of Doug­ las county, ex-sheriff and for m any suitable flag for the S esquieentennial y ears one of R oseburg's leading shoe in te rn atio n al E xposition arose it be FROM THE NORTHWEST’S m erch an ts died a t Roseburg. cam e a t once evident th a t because of M em bers of th e tax in v estig atin g .ue n atu re of the event w hich th e ex com m ittee created under an act of the position w as to celeb rate only one 1925 leg islatu re have been sum m oned .an d ard could properly be used, i nis to m eet In Salem Ja n u a ry 26. ..as tue Bag of the L ulled S lates ol Selection of a p resid en t of the U ni­ .u n erica. v e rsity of Oregon a t E ugene to suc­ w ith a few exceptions, our flag is ceed th e late P. L. C am pbell probably .u s oldest in tue world. It h as stood will be announced w ithin the n ext few u o sian u au y tue sam e lor n early iuu weeks. G round breaking for the paper mill .c a rs , while in o tu er lands national of th e St. H elens P ulp & P ap er com­ .¿uoieins have cnauged as em pires pany w as cele b rated at St. H elens -rave la ile u and vast political upiieav- by a dedicato ry program and a cessa­ -is uro ag u i w ild uiern new Danners .o ciaim m e allegiance o i tue puyu tion of business. lace. F o r th e second tim e in less th an c o n tra ry to general belief the Hag ui DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY BY OUR m onth p etitio n s for th e recall of Mayor .ne e n n e u b la te s w as not an incpii Fox and C cuncilm en Sllvls, Schilling . a creation, it w as lorm eo troin tue OWN FAST “WHITE” AUTO TRUCK TO C arlson. W ell, N eisw onger and H enkle co ntinental b m o n n ag Dy substnui- are In circulation a t Bend. ESTACADA RETAIL STORES. ,ug in m e canon a circlet ot th irte e n The public service com m ission dis ,.a rs lor m e two crosses—bt. Georg s m issed th e ap p lication of the B ear m d St. A ndrew ’s—ot B ritain. Tue C reek Boom com pany for a franchise c tn p e s w ere alreauy there. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT on th e w aters of B ear creek and its George W ashington described its trib u ta rie s in Coos county. m aking th u s; "W e tak e the s ta r from T w enty-eight persons m et violent .re a v e n ; the red from our m other d eath in M ultnom ah county in Decern wdunlry, sep aratin g it by w hite stripes, ber, according to th e m onthly rep o rt .nus snow ing m a t we nave sep arated .rom h e r; and the w hite strip es shall prepared by C oroner Sm ith. Suicide _,o down to posterity rep resen tin g lib­ predom inated, ten persons ending th eir e rty .” lives. In the coat of arm s of W ashington More th a n 50 colonies of bees in the .here w ere, curiously, both sta rs and a p iary of John P a sh e k a t T he Dalles strip es rep resen ted , and m any histor- assum ed th a t sp rin g w as here and be ans have sought to estab lish a con­ cam e active. Some of th e bees sw arm nection betw een th is and the concep­ ed, w hich is u nprecedented for Ja n tion of the flag. E xcept for th e coin­ cidence, not a scrap of evidence has uary. A pplicants d esirin g to renew th e ir ever been discovered to support this heory, how ever, a ttra c tiv e it is real e sta te d e a le rs’ licenses for 1926 It w as a year a fte r the signing of who do not rem it th e annual fee by he D eclaration of Independence th a t Ja n u a ry 10, will be penalized, W ill the first legislation for the flag was Moore, s ta te re a l e sta te com m issioner nacted. On Ju n e 14, 1777, now cel- has stated . brated by us as Flag Day, Congress, D uring la st y ear 20,635,586 feet of .ttin g in Philadelphia, adopted the tim b er w as cut in th e C ascade na illowing resolution: “R esolved: T h at th e flag of the fional forest, valued at $34,898.49, ac­ cording to a rep o rt issued a t th e of­ hirteen U nited S ta te s be th irte e n fice in E ugene of N elson F. Macduff, stripes, a lte rn a te red and w hite; and le union be th irteen stars, w hite In supervisor. blue field, rep resen tin g a new con One hundred and th re e m ills rep o rt­ tellation." ing to th e W est C oast L um berm en’s T his w as th e first official step to­ association for th e week ending Jan ward th e adoption of our national em- uary 2, m an u factu red 45,124,659 feet jlem . T he resolution w as officially THE ESTACADA HOTEL of lum ber sold 70,678,270 fe e t and m blished In A ugust and the design shipped 69,014,991 feet. irst prom ulgated by C ongress on Sep P a tro n s of th e K ilpatrick-C olllns em ber 3rd. W here it w as first dis- layed is still a question of dispute, W ater com pany, w hich o p erates in T H E H OLID AY S A R E A LL P A S T AND AS U S U A L A L L E N ­ ut it flew in th e breeze a t the battle Multnomah county, filed a p ro test with JO Y E D T H E M S E L V E S TO T H E U TM O S T . W E M U ST A LL 1 B randyw ine on S eptem ber 11th, at he public service com m ission In con- G E T DOWN TO B U S IN E S S N O W . 1926 C AM E IN W IT H lerm antow n on O ctober 4th, and in ection w ith the proposal of th e com­ 1 subsequent encounters. T he con- F U C H S U N S H IN E AND JO Y T O ALL. IN T H E F U T U R E AS pany to In crease its rate s. ection of B etsy Ross w ith It is a be- IN T H E P A S T W E W IL L E N D E A V O R TO S E R V E A LL OUR The s ta te board of control has ac­ oved legend enshrined In th e h e a rts F R IE N D S AND P A T R O N S TO T H E B E S T O F OUR A B IL IT Y cepted th e new g irls’ dorm ito ry re- f school children. enlly com pleted a t the s ta te home AND, SAY, W E E A R N E S T L Y S O L IC IT YOUR SUPPORT In th e spring of 1795, tw o more or the feeble m inded a t Salm at lates having been added to the U n­ FOR W IT H O U T iV W E C A N ’T SU C C E ED . ost of $50,000. T he stru c tu re has ac- in , th e circle of th irte e n s ta rs was om m odations for appro x im ately 50 pa­ hanged to a square of fiften to In T H E MANAGEMENT. tient«. lude the new states, in tm s form it em alned for tw enty-three years, and Sam uel B. Jackson, under a rre s t In Michigan, will be re tu rn e d to A storia, :o" it w as when it inspired F rancis cott Key to w rite the im m ortal an vhere he is w anted on a charge of hem of the S ta r Spangled B anner arcen y by em bezzlem ent. It w as al- vhich has become inseparable from it eged th a t Jack so n obtained approxi- n th e th o u g h t of A m ericans. n ately $2600 belonging to George B. The last m odification of th e flag "arey of C latsop county. vas in 1818 w hen, th e num ber or T h ere w ere tw o fa ta litie s in Oregon tates having grown to tw enty, and ad GEORGE LAWRENCE & SON ue to in d u strial accid en ts In the week litional ones foreseen in the future, Phone No. 37-3 nding Ja n u a ry 7, according to the "•resident Monroe signed an a c t to :he effect th a t every new sta te ad The only milk sold in Estacada from Federal ta te in d u strial accid en t comm ission ’he victim s w ere Tom Jerzyk, R ain­ iltted into the union would be recog accredited Tuberculin free cows er, se ttle r, and T oney Strom baugh, tile d on he 4th of July following its adm ission by th e addition of a new ’o rtland. tra m c a r operator. sta r to th e flag. More th a n 150 m iles of federal aid The bill w as signed on April 14 Dads w ere com pleted in Oregon dur- 1818, and In the 108 years th at have i g th e fiscal y ear ju s t closed, with BOB’S UNION BARBER SHOP assed, tw enty-eight m ore sta rs have 02 m ore m iles u n d er construction and appeared In the blue field, but o th e r­ AND MARCEL SALON 9 approved for construction, accord- wise our flag has not changed. ig to th e annual re p o rt of th e chief One can n ev er go fa r am iss In per- f th e b u reau of public roads. ST R IC T L Y S A N IT A R Y S A T IS F A C T IO N G U A R A N T E E D orm ing a good or kindly act. H enry P lana h a re been launched by the H O U R S — 9 :0 0 A. M. TO 8 :0 0 P. M octal com m ittee of th e Pendleton ^ord, hearin g of an old-time fiddler S A T U R D A Y — 9 :0 0 A. M. TO 10:00 P. M. ip in Maine, brought him down to his om m ercial asso ciatio n for the enter- ome a t D earborn to play some real MASONIC BLDG. E S T A C A D A ART. SMITH, P rop r. linm ent of sheep men of th e sta te "ouslc to dance by. and then sen t him hen th e 29th ann u al convention of ome again suitably rew arded But le Oregon Wool G row ers’ association his was n o t to be the end of the old own territory. T h ere are g reat earlhs Animals and Bird» In th e D evonshire woods Inhabited by i held In P end leto n Ja n u a ry 22 and fiddler’s good fortune. V audeville in Have Own Domains badger fam ilies th a t have been there 13. New York picked him up. is paying If you w ant a piece of land you buy so long th a t m ankind's oldest fam ilies P o rtla n d ’s d eath ra te for 1925 show- ’d m $1009 a week, and w hen he a r a re m ere u p sta rts when compared I t but If a robin want» a garden he d a very slight in crease over th a t of rives back In the M aine woods and fights for I t and so long as he Is fit with th e m ! 924. It Is shown by provisional flg- the shores of Lake P ennesseew assee Golden eagles are very long-lived, he will continue to flglit for It and es issued by th a bureau of census he and his aged sw eeth eart can »It fn drive off all Intrudera of hi» own kind and a p air wUl cling to the sam e eyrie >m a com pilation of weekly health h eir hum ble hut and ponder on the P eregrines do the O ther bird» be tolerates, hut no other for many years. m any ways Dame F o rtu n e sm iles up •porta. The to ta l fo r P ortland ahow- robin, except his own m ate, may In- same, bnt these fine haw ks have the on such sim ple folks. 3.349 d e a th s in 1925 as com pared curious habit of nesting in one plac ▼ade his "property." ith 3240 In 1924. while the death Each fox has his own range on and hunting In another. K eepers de­ The L adles Aid of th e C hristian ite in creased from 11.7 to 11.9 a church will m eet Ja n 21st at the home which he hunts, and o th er dog-foxes clare th a t they never touch game In rejp ect bla r l^ b t^ Badgers b a rs th eir th e neighborhood of th eir nesting bousand in tha sam e periotj. of Mr*. W. J. Moor. place.—London I l l- B its finest Bakery f t î „§« •» PROFESSIONAL CARDS. will ta k e care o f an y legal business you m ay have DENNY ERGTHEaS BAR3LRS ï BA ThS Ladies' an d C hildren's Hair- C u ttin g a Specialty. Shop on B roadw ay, E stacad a. In su ran ce, L oans and C ollections. a n DR. W. W. RHODES Osteopathic PH Y SIC IA N AND SURGEON P IP E RliDlNU and FITTINGS Office in L ich th o rn B ldg., E staca d a Get our prices before you buy Dryer Pipes Made to Order DR. G. F. MIDFORD Physician and Surgeon For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbing. call at the X x-R ay E q u ip m en t G lasses F itte d Office and R esidence Second and M ain S tre e ts, E stacad a, O regon, T elephone C onnections DR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON Dentist E ven in g W ork by A p p o in tm en t P h o n es: Office 315, R esidence 5051 E stacu d a, O regon A M E MAI S N ST S R E H E T O P . TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING Broadway Garage 0 . D. EBY Attorney at Law HENRY BOHN. Estacada G eneral P ra c tic e . C onfidential A d­ viser. O regon C ity, O regon S. E. WOOSTER Real Estate, Loans, Insur­ ance, Rentals F a rm L oans a Specialty. T elephone E staca d a, O regon C. D., D. C. an d E. C. L A T O U R E T T E ATTORNEYS P ra c tic e in all C ourts. F ir s t N atio n al B ank, O regon City, O regon. A m an m ay be dow n, b u t he is not o u t u n til he is dow n in th e m outh. Som etim es a m an fin d s he c a n ’t m ake ends m e e t because th e y a re loose ends. --»i AMERICAN 1 LEGION AND AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY M eets F irst & T hird M ondays I. O. O. F. H ALL T hird S tr e e t and B roadw ay E staca d a, O regon, S. .E. L A W R E N C E, P . C GATES’ FUNERAL HOME G resham 2471 ED LIN N, A T L IN N ’S INN, AGENT Eatacada, Ore. P ho ne 543 J. E. G A T E S The “Square Deal” Barber Shop “ The shop where the b a rb e r know» hit stuff.“ © EARL LA FORGE, Proprietor ESTACADA’S LEADING TONSORIAL ARTIST H a ir C ut 35c; C hild ren’s H air C u ttin g 25c; Shave 15c All other work at popular prices MOTTO: “LIVE AND LET LIVE” Bobbing and Shingling a Specialty BATHS BATHS BATHS BATHS Broadway, near Linn’s Inn, Esacada, Oregon Rain Clothin Men's R a in Test Trousers and Jumpers— just the thing tor these rainy days. We have a line of Kerr’s Cracked Wheat Rolled, which contains all the wheat, both the cereal and bran none. Something new. Try one. \\ e have a good selection of Men’s Union Suits, in cotton, and cotten and wool mixtures. Priced from #2.00 tip Men’s Bib Overalls, good weight, full cut. Per pair, $1.85 SOMETHING NEW. Phone your wants to 52-1 THE PEOPLE'S STORE OUR M OTTO SE RV IC E H. B. S N Y D E R C. A . DYKEMAN i V