Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County VOLUME XX. EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEW S THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926. NO. 14. GRIM REAPER MRS. VESTY RANEY Mrs. V esty E lizabeth Raney, an old pioneer of E stacada, passed to her rew ard a t the home of her daughter, Mrs. W alter Dean, at Stanley* Station,, last Sunday a f te r ­ noon a t 3 :40. Mrs. Raney was well and favor­ ably known here, having spent the m ajor portion of h er life in this vi­ cinity., and is m ourned by a wide circle of friends. Mrs. Raney was born at F ay ette­ ville, Ark., Oct. 27, 1847 and de­ parted this life Ja n u a ry 3, 1926. A t the age of about 13, she crossed the plains w ith her parents and settled in E stacada. This was in the year 1861. In 1867 she was united in m arrage to Samuel H. Raney, who passed aw ay over 17 year ago. To this union were born eight children all of whom survive her. They are Benj. M. Raney, H arley S. Raney and George Raney, of P ortland; Charles Raney, of Gresham, and W illiam B. Raney, of Hood River; Mrs. Burd Baeehmer, of Manning, N orth Dakota, Mrs. Leona G utt- ridge, of Springw ater and Mrs. L ena Dean of Stanley Station. They were all present a t the bed­ side when she passed away, except Mrs. Baeehm er and William Raney. A bout five years ago Mrs. Raney suffered from a stroke of paralysis from which she never fully recov­ ered. F uneral services w ere held a t the Springw ater church Tuesday, Jan. 5th, Rev. Weans officiating. In ­ term en t was made in S pringw ater cem etery under direction of Gates F uneral Home of Gresham. FR EIG H T R ATE IN C R E A S E O P P O S E D BY G RA NG E Following the vigorous b rief on freig h t rates filed in the late fall with the In tersta te Commerce Com­ mission by the N ational Grange, the la tte r organization prepared a com prehensive supplem entary brief and presented it before the In te r­ sta te Commerce Commission during its hearing on the fre ig h t rate ques­ tion recently held a t Kansas City. The G range is making an active fig h t in behalf of the farm ers, whose very existence is at stake ¡À the present freight rate discussion. The G range takes the unassail­ able position th a t there m ust be no horizontal increase in the present fre ig h t rate stru ctu re until its in­ equalities have been straightened out and the farm er put on a fair basis with other large shippers. No one has attem pted to dispute the a r ­ ray of facts contained in the G range brief, which proved th a t there is a discrepancy in freight rate s of approxim ately 200 per cent against the fa rm e r’s income and th a t agriculture as a whole is paying alm ost $3.50 fo r every ton of freig h t moved, while the m anu­ fa c tu re r is paying scarcely more than $2.50 fo r like service. I t is the G range contention th a t any m ovement tow ards a horizontal boost in freight rates will be whol­ ly unjust to agriculture if it pro­ ceeds from present basis which is so relatively unfair. FARM P R IC E S GROW LES S N otw ithstanding the many news­ paper proclam ations th a t prosperity has returned to the farm ers of O re­ gon, the final rep o rt of the U. S. D epartm ent of A griculture states th a t prices paid to Oregon farm ers fo r products in 1925 was less than they received in 1924. In Oregon quite a movement is under way io r establishm ent of sav­ ings organizations am ong the G ranges, providing a cooperative fund with which to make collective purcahses of farm and household supplies, this plan believed to be a method of elim inating middlemen's profits. A few tips fo r sta rtin g the m otor in cold w eather are given out by the C hevrolet Motor Company of Cali­ fo rn ia fo r the benefit of the thous­ ands o f Chevrolet owners in this te r ­ rito ry . They are : Do not disengage elutch when operating sta rter. Al­ ways use choks. Light oil should be used. Heavy cylinder oil should be used instead o f 600W. Ft seem« th a t the supply of good football coaches ia not equal to the demand. gsrwaBa: SEES -nr- Notes and Comment C had A lton in S u th erlin $1.50 A YEAR LOCAL ITEMS iNG TOWNS ] NEWS FROM TRE NEIGHBORING Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Johnson were P ortland visitors on Sunday. Sun SPRINGWATER UPPER EAGLE CREEK The thieving fra te rn ity display a Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass were The New Y ear’s eve p arty a t the certain sense of hum or. They rob calling on Mr. Garwood and family ‘he “ cash and c a rry ’’ grocer, and in J. A. Shibley home was much en­ joyed by the large num ber present. iast Tuesday evening. the case of the jew eler’s window they Roy Smith, of Portland, spent Mr. an® Mrs. Jim Denning, Kel­ “smash and carry .” several days last week visiting with ly Douglas.-,, Mr. and * * * Mrs. Ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougiass and little Betty Jean and The W ashington legislature passes Smith. George Douglass dined with Roy a bili allowing county commissioners A lberta Cromer visited several Douglass last T hursday evening. to extend aid to unm arried mothers. As this o ffers no rew ard fo r virtue days during the holidays w ith her Ike Akers is on the sick list. grandm other a t Oregon City. and no penalty on vice, such a law is Mrs. Roy Douglass and children Guests over the week end a t the of questionable utility. * * * Wm. Bard home were Mr. and Mrs. retu rn ed home on Sunday a fte r a P roctor and Tom Bard of F orest te n days’ visit with Mrs. Douglass’ The firs t present given the in fa n t parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moehnke, of Grove. fu tu ri ru le r of Jap an , recently born Edward Shearer, Jr., visited d u r­ Shuebel. was a sword. The sword is an im­ Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass and plement of war, its significance of ing the past week w ith relatives in Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson spent course unknown to the child, but Portland. Miss Madden and Mrs. McDon­ iast Thursday evening with Mr. and placed by the side of the cradle by its elders, not as emblem of peace, ald were shopping in P ortland on Mrs. McKay, w atching the old year Thursday. out and the new year in— and lis­ but of bloody conflict. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C arrick of tening to the radio. • * » Portland are receiving co ngratula­ Mrs. Stone, who has been the It m ay in terest some of the fe ­ tions o n 'th e birth of a son, Decem­ guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ike male sex to learn th a t a French a r t­ ber 27. Akers, during the holidays, left on ist has designed a reversible dress A m arriage license was issued in S atu rd ay fo r her home in Cath- which can be tu rn ed outside in or inside out, as occasion, requires, and Oregon City recently to F red D. iames, Wash. is of d iffe ren t colors. I t ought to C raw ford and Mrs. L aura A. Ben­ Ed Douglass and wife w ere P o rt­ come in handy in case they should jam in, both of Colton. land vislitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence ever wish to establish an alibi. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, a fte r of E stacada were guests on Friday * * * spenum g the holidays with rela­ a t the home of their son, Sylvester. Good resolutions resolved by The J. A. Shibley fam ily were tives up this way, retu rn ed to their many a t th e beginning of a new guests on F riday a t the Wm. Bard home in Toledo on New Y ear's day. year are not always adhered to fo r home. Will P alm ateer was a guest at any g re a t length of time. However, D inner guests a t the S hearer the home of K. B. Gibson one day the m ere fac t th a t good intentions home on Sunday were E v erett and last week. enter our minds fo r only a brief Elva Shibley, Evelyn Dibble and Pete Clester, while w orking in spell of tim e, indicates there is a Edith Howell. The dinner was giv­ better side to us th a t only needs en in honor of G ilbert’s birthday. the woods the other day, had the character and detrm ination to ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sm ith were m isfortune to g et a piece of steel press it a t all times. guests over the week end of rela­ in one eye. He was taken to the tives a t Gresham. doctor anu had it removed and at Clarence Darrow asserts th a t it is A surprise p arty was given Don­ wie last rep o rt was g etting along useless to talk of outlaw ing war. ald P erry on F riday in honor of his ia iriy well. W ar will never be outlawed as long tw elfth birthday. as those who m anufacture arm s and The many friends of Mrs. Vesta am m unition and all the other imple­ Rainey were grieved to h ear of her GEORGE ITEMS ments th a t go with them can prevent death on Sunday a t the home of her School began again this week a f­ it. We “outlaw ” m any things, b ut uaughter a t Stanley station. Sl._ te r a two weeks' vacation. money keeps the old nag jogging has been ill fo r several months. along, ju s t the same. Mrs. R obert Miller and son, H ar­ Mr. and Mrs. F red Samples and * * * children, of Bend, arrived on F ri­ old, spent a efw days in Fortiunu An O m aha man reduced to the day fo r a visit w ith Mrs. Samples’ ,ast week. necessity c f peeling potatoes in a parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Mon­ George W illing retu rn ed on Sun­ resta u ran t a t $15 per week has fa l­ roe, day a lte r spending two weeks in len h eir to the estate of his fa th e r Mr. and Mrs. E rnest Amacher, of t o ru an d w ith his dad. the income of which yields him Oregon City, were Sunday guests I $700 a month. As he was at least Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Chaney and a t the home of Mrs. A m acher’s earning an honest living as it was, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall. children and iVlr. Elay Ehaney vis- it is to be hoped his newly acquired Mr. Shenk and daughter, F lor­ ' ited in P o rtlan d a tew days last good fo rtu n e will not be dissipated ence, of Gresham, were Monday ! week. by him w here his fath e r made it— callers a t the Joq G uttridge home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath and son, in a saloon. Mr. George B erry came home H enry, made a trip to Gresham on * * * Saturday evening fo r a sh o rt visit I o atu ru ay . One item th a t is tending to bring with his family. Miss M argaret Dew retu rn ed to to a climax the present existing con­ Joe G uttridge and fam ily, , Rob­ dition of affairs is the indifference e rt G uttridge and children and St. Helens a lte r spending her vaca­ of those who have enough to make Jam es G uttridge w ere dinner tion with h er m other and sisters, them independent of w hat is going guests at the George G uttridge i the new tannly. on about them. They feel so secure nome in E stacada on Sunday. Mrs. Viles fath er, Mr. Lawrence, in th eir position th a t they give no Guests a t the P ete r Erickson heed to public affairs, crime and home on F riday w ere th e ir son, nas been quite sick but is improv­ imm orality, and feel so long as they Floyd and tannly, of P ortland, and ing. have enough why w orry. We fear the Aycock fam ily of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Chaney and these are due fo r a rude aweaken- Quite a num ber from here a t­ two boys, Jim and Clarence, ivir. ing not very fa r away. tended the jo in t installation of the anu Mrs. K. S. Ehaney and children I various Oranges a t E stacada on K risnam urti, a 30-year-old H in­ S aturday. The officers of Spring- mid Mr. J. Willing and m other were du of In d ia, is aw arded the distinc­ w ater G range installed w ere: M., guests a t the Ju a u s Paulsen home tion by prophesy of Annie Besant, E vereit Shibley; O., P eter Erickson; on Sunday. president of the Theosophical Soci­ ' S., Clarence H u d ; A. S., Lester I Mrs. B arney and children of ety, of being the person in whom Elosner; L. A. S., Eiva Shibley; will appear in the next five months E., David H orner; L., Ethel Hull B e a v er to n , s p e n t a few days with the re tu rn to earth of Christ, and (.not p re se n t); Sec., L. S. Tenny; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry it is rep o rted from New York th a t G. iv., William S h earer; Treas., Joyner, and other relatives. many thousands of Theosophists are ltd Closner; Lady Graces, Mrs. Ed Miss Emma Ehaney has gone to journeying to India in anticipation Elosner, Helen P erry and Edith of the event. If tn ey have n ot done I P o rtlan d to work lo r M rs. Powed. now ell. so, they should have bought a retu rn t.cket. T h e M e th o d is t E p isco p al C h u rc h E S T A C A D A H O O P E R S AGAIN Prince Marie, of the royal house B R IN G H o i v i t T H E BACON of Spain, visiting in this country, “ The Friendly Cnurch on the Hill says th a t she has discovered th a t The basket ball team of E stacada Ira F. Rankin, P astor America can have a “good tim e ” have beeen having a rath e r busy Sunday school, (Geo. Lawrence, without liquor. As the rem ark was and quite a successful season this S upt.) tU:O0. brought about a fte r social in te r­ winter. Ju n io r cnurch, (Mrs. Rankin in course in Chicago, it is welcomed as L ast Staurday evening they an evidence th a t there are some re ­ played the fra n k lin G arage quintet ch aig e) 10:45. m orning worship 11:00. spectable people in th a t city, a fte r in Portland winning w un a final P reacm ng a t Mt. ¿ion church, all. Thanks, Marie. score of 26-15. This proved a 3:00. How m any peaceful members of mighty good game and Harvey P reaching a t G arfield church, society know th a t the Indian head v\ oodworth, of our local team, was on our buffalo nickle is th a t of old nigh man with a score of m points 3 :o0 . E pw orth League devotional ser­ Two-Gun W hite-Calf, a M ontana to ms credit. vice, 6:30. aborigine. T. G. W hite Calf does Ja n u ary 7th, tonight, the local Evening worship, 7:30. not belie his name, either, for he ie boys piay a retu rn g«me with the Sunday senooi board m eeting in not a sittin g bull, a standing bull, or auiinyside Demoiay team in Port- any o tn er kind of fierce and blood­ ■aim on the \S a-m ngton Hi floor, the League room of the church, thirsty savage. He sits a t church um cn should prove most intei estm g i uesday evening, 7:30. in e official board of the church on Sundays and tries to go to sleep, aiso. the same as his paleface brothers. O ther games scheduled are : S at­ wriil m eet in the League room of the We do n ot suppose we stand alone urday, Jan . 9, W. O. W. team of enuren Tuesday evening a t 8:30. Mid-week p ray er service a t the n always having wondered why the Portland h ere; Oregon City and firefiy carries tail lights and no the i in In fa n try team of Vancou­ church W ednesday evening 7:30. The W. C. T. U. will m eet a t the neadlight. Being a bug of n o cturn­ ver B arracks but dates not yet def­ l home of Mrs. O. T. Olson, T hurs­ al habit, common sense teaches us inite. day afternoon, Ja n u ary 14th. he should reverse the order of his il- “ 1 will m editate on the precept«, umi nation. But he and his revers­ If you w sh your trade to rise, you and have respect unto thy ways. I ed lights and the fro g who stands m ust surely advertise. will delight myself in thy statu tes: when he sits, are two freaks th a t Ail th a t stands between us and a I will n ot fo rg et thy w ord.”— outfreak anything we call to mind h ot tune is the re st of the w inter. ' i ’saua 119.15-16, ju st now, i Jam es Smith, of Oak Grove, was HOLD JOIST INSTALLATION j an Estacada visitor on Saturday. O fficers of six Granges— Eagle Miss Pauline Rose has returned to Corvallis to resum e her studies Creek. Harding, George, Spring- a t O. A. C. water, G arfield and Sandy were in­ Mr. and Mrs. H arry Updike spent stalled, according to ritual at the Christm as with th eir parents, Mr. Estacada * Pavilion last Saturday a f ­ ternoon. and Mrs. Baker in Portland. Mrs. Jessie Miller, of T-outdale, Mr. Dan M atson visited with re ­ latives in P ortland over the week­ acting as lecturer, in a most ,r>acious m anner installed the officers. Mrs. end. Henry Heiple, of Eagle Creek, had Mrs. Mary Ross and her daugh­ charge of the tableaux which form ter, Miss Lenore, were Estacada vis­ a most im portant p art in the instal­ itors one day last week. lation ceremonies and was very e f­ McColly Dale is spending some fectively carried out. time visiting a t the home of his There were some 300 G rangers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale. and th e ir families in attendance and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshelman .11 had dinner a t the Estacada Hotel drove over to Oregon City on Sun­ where M anager Moore had spread most attractiv e tables. Edward day to visit relatives for the day. Shearer, of Springw ater, acted as Mr. and Mrs. Max Sagner came to astm aster and very cleverly in­ up from California to spend the troduced the speakers for the occa­ holidays with relatives in this vicin­ sion, which added much pleasure to ity. those attending. Mr. H. C. Stephens Mr. C. S. Little, of Independence, in behalf of Estacada welcomed all spent New Y ear's day with his to our town for the day and a t all daughters, Mrs. Ralph Overholser times. and Mrs. J. F. Roberts o t Camp lViij O fficers fo r fo u r of the six Mr. and Mrs. R. H. C arter, Mrs. Granges installed are : W. H. Graybeal and little daughter, SPRINGW ATER Jean , were P o rtlan d visitors on M aster— E verett Shibley. Tuesday. O verseer— P eter Erickson. L ectu rer— Ethel Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. A hlberg and S ecretary— Loren Tenny. son, Junior, and th e ir m other, Mrs. T reasu rer— Edw ard Closner. M ary Adams, w ere guests of rela­ Chaplain— David H orner. tives in Gladstone and P ortland on Stew ard— Clarence Hull. Sunday. A ssistant Stew ard— L ester Clos­ Mrs. C. F. Howe and Mrs. Joe ner. Nicholson were passengers on the Lady A ssistant Stew ard— Elva train from P ortland last Thursday Shibley. evening. G atekeeper— Wm. Shearer. Ceres— Helen Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cooke en ter­ Pomona— Edith Howell. tained on New Y ear’s day a t a F lora— Mrs. Closner. lovely dinner fo r a num ber of out- GARFIELD of-town guests. M aster— Olive Davis. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Rhodes and O verseeer— Minnie Eash. daughter, Mildred, were guests of L ectu rer— Sadie Anders. Portland relatives and friends from S ecretary— Betty W eatherby. W ednesday until F riday of last T re asu re r— Ella Tracy. week. Chaplain— Byrdie Gilgan. Stew ard— Frank Taylor. Misses A lta and M argaret Green- A ssistant Stew ard — Leonard leaf of Portland spent several days last week a t the home of tehir uncle Davis. Lady A ssistant Stew ard— Irene and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Davis. Syron. G atekeeper— Lohr Eash. Miss Neva Smith, of Stayton, has Ceres— Avis Palm ateer. been visiting a t the home of her Pom ona— Janice Gilgan. brother and wife, A ttorney and FTora— Alice Hiconbothom. Mrs. W. W. Smith. EAGLE CREEK Mrs. Pauline Forem an, of E ast­ M aster— Clara Hiconbothom. ern Oregon, and Mrs. Zogg of San­ O verseer— Lottie Deshieds. dy Ridge, have been recent visitors L ecturer— Ruth Smith. a t the home of their sister and S ecretary — A udrey Duus. daughter, Mrs. Roy Wilcox. T reasu rer— Linnie Gibson. Chaplain— Rose Lovell. Congratulations are being ex­ S tew ard— Ruby H offm eister. tended Mr. and Mrs. Sam B arr up­ A ssistant Stew ard— Leo Stein- on the arrival of a little son at their home last W ednesday. Dr. man. Lady A ssistant Stew ard— Maggie Adix, of Gresham, was in atten d ­ Bates. ance. G atekeeper— Mollie Bates. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chandler, of Ceres— Linda H offm eister. Cazadero, en tertain ed on New Pomona— Marie Gibson. t e a r ’s day th eir sister and her hus­ FTora— Louise Douglass. band, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, and GEORGE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Culp, of P o rt­ M aster— F’rank Howard. land. O verseer— M attie Wilds. L ectu rer -H enry Klinker. A most delightful “w atch p arty ” S ecretary — Airs. R obert Mills. was held a t the M ethodist church T reasu rer— Harold Joyner. by the young people on Thursday Chaplain— Elsie Dew. evening. The church bell was rung S tew ard— Roy Miller. a t the approach of m id-night to A sistan t Stew urd— John Dew. welcome in the New Year. Lady A ssistant Stew ard— P earl Johnson. N E W S1XCYLIN DER MOTOR G atekeeper— Willie Linns. CAR TO M AKE A P P E A R A N C E Ceres— irenc Maxwell. Pomona -Eva Dew. A new six-cylinder motor car FTora— Flora Klinker. which, because of a prelim inary an ­ The names of the officers of nouncem ent several weeks ago, will H arding and Sandy Granges were be the object of atten tio n from not si'cur, d but will be given in thousands all over the west, i* sche­ o u r next i- uc. duled for announcem ent this week. In every way this gathering This new car which its dealers say proved of g reat success and -hows will be the fo re ru n n e r of a new low what can be accomplished when all price schedule in six-cylinder motor pull together for one central car porduction, is being aw aited with cause. Much good cannot but come eager interest. of such get-to-gethers when all Requesting th a t the name of the come in good fellowship as these car be withheld until the actual an ­ people came. nouncem ent, the local dealer fo r this CLA C K A M A S COUNTY car is making preparations to show UNIO N O F CLUBS it to hundreds of motorists. He would not discuss the details of the W hat promises to be one of the new creation, although he stated he liveliest and most interesting m eet­ la d ridden in and driven the car al­ ings so far held will be when the ready, and th at it would set a new Oak Grove d istrict en tertain s on value basis fo r cars in the six-cy­ Wednesday, Jan. 13. linder, low price class, both m echan­ Anyone th at wishes to attend this ically and in appearance. meeting and ha.- not tran sp o rtatio n , “ I know th a t details are w anted,” • f they will call Mr. Stephens a t the he said. "H ow ever, nothing 1 can Bank o r Bob Cooke, they will be say will exactly satisfy the curious, taken care of. and we p refer to make an announce­ The larg est gasoline com pany m ent of the new car and extend an invitation to see it, inspect it, and the U. S. report* only a 25 per ci ride in it when the cars are actually decrease in w inter sales under su _________ I ______ mer consum ption.