EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1D25 BESHEEESr ELECTRIC STORE A. E le ctric a l G o o ds of A ll SAGNER, K in ds— Paints, els.— T w o ce ll Fla sh ligh t. 5 0 c. f o r R e n t fcy D a y. Varn is h E le ctric and PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Notes and Comment Chad Pro prie to r. A lt o n in Su th erlin .‘.I Enam* xrxn*? * * * P ORTLAMD- CARVER- ESTACADA STAGES rr ^ T ,‘*Vr'^ C A. M. ^*i1r***nr\ P. M. *P. M. Portland 2:00 6:20 Lv. Clackamas 2:30 6:50 Carver 2:40 7:00 Barton 3:05 7:25 Eagle Creek 3:15 7:35 Ar. Estacada 3:30 7 :50 Ar. * Daily except Sunday SUNDAY— Leave Portland 10 A. S t ' 3. — St1 Phnn? Mein 7733. (A • A. M. M :P M. P.M r.rt 8:00 4:30 8:30 Estacada 4:45 8:45 Eagle Creek 8:15 4:55 8:55 8:25 Barton 8 ;45 5:15 9 : 1 5 Carver 5:25 9 : 2 6 Clackamas 8:55 6 : 0 0 1 0 :0 0 Portland 9:30 (A ) Saturday only. M. Leave Estacada 4.30 P. M. FROM THE N ORTH W EST’S finest Bakery ttgi . , THE BREAD“ DELIVERED FRESH EVERY D A Y BY OUR O W N FAST “W H IT E ” A U T O TRUCK TO ESTAC AD A RETAIL STORES. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT If we should destroy all evidence .1 of wealth, should arrive at a social­ istic state where none could possess more than another and each could DR. W . W . RHODES BATHS x . B . have as much, then we would also .*• Ladie s’ and C h ildren ’ s Hair- Osteopathic destroy the desire to progress, the Y Cu tt in g a Specialty. impulse to attain greater things, and 4> Shop on Broadway, Estacada. PH Y SICIAN AND SURGEON when our necessary wants were sup­ plied stop at that. The greed for Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada money and material substance crowds us along. Absolve us from DR. G. F. MIDFORD that greed and the bootlegging ques- BARBERS Sun Sir Oliver Lodge says miracles happen every day. He’s right. The weather man says it will and it dosn’t. V a c u u m Sw e e pe r P H O N E 76-2 two places. O f forty women recently tried in Chicago for husband murder only nine have been convicted and none PU- O c ii G ii« , A man must place small value on a life in this world when he com­ mits suicide because he loses a game at checkers, as did a Pittsburger. And not only that and more strange, he lost to his wife. . . . And now an Iowa professor says George Washington was o f Swedish descent. We do not care to contra­ dict the gentleman, but anyway, we have history for it that George was no liar. * » » «_ » - X" t ‘ ^ *■* * '* I •> — w _ » «. --------- «J - - . and the flooding o f the country with oil stock. The oil came from a wrecked auto, it was found. How easy we are to excite. DR. CIIAS. P. JOHNSON Dentist Evening Work by Appointment Phones: Office 315, Residence 5051 Estacada, Oregon There’s a man out yonder in a Far Country whose teeth must gleam when he learns o f the Spanish lady W . A. HEYLMAN who recently at the age o f 68 gave birth to her twenty-ninth son. As Attorney at Law there is luck in odd numbers, this Special attention given may or may not be her last. Caruso Wills and Probate Matters the great tenor, was the eighteenth insurance, Collections, Real Estate, on his mother’s list. Loans * * * Congressman Miller o f Washing­ ton has introuduced a bill in con­ Here’s a German himself, one gress prohibiting the sending o f fire­ Moske, who says the German defeat 0 . D. EBY arms through the mails. Which was due to lack o f turnips. After Attorney at Law should be done and will, providing the boast o f the French that they the manufacturers will permit it. did it, the British positive that Tom­ General Practice. Confidential Ad­ * * * my Atkins brought it about, and viser. Oregon City, Oregon The country will watch with some American Buddies swearing our in­ interest the pronounced determina­ tervention saved the day, this turnip tion o f Mayor-elect Walker o f New claim is disheartening, to say the WM. W ALLACE SMITH York to darken Broadway after least. * « * January 1st. He will have a big job Attorney at Law on his hands, as crime and Tammany Love of dumb animals is an excel­ Masonic Bldg., Estacada, Oregon combined are no mean foes. lent quality, but when a man carries * * • it so far as to commit crime in its Congress is promising the Ameri­ name it is rather overdone. A Mon­ S. E. W OOSTER can taxpayer a slash as a Christmas tana cowboy has been arrested in present. Unfortunately however for Illinois for attempting to destroy by rveai Estate, Loans, insur­ most o f us the cut is only fo r the fire a packing plant used to convert ance, Rentals ones who are liable to income tax horses into dog food. Said he loved Farm Loans a Specialty. and abundantly able to pay. Those horses so well ho couldn’t bear the Telephone Estacada, Oregon who have the least get no relief. thought of such a thing. * * * O i'y e r Pip e s m a d e to u iu tr For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbing, call at the AME S SH O P MAIN STREET. TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING [¿¿Broadway Garage HENRY BOHN, Estacada m>, ( AMERICAN )i LE G IO N * AND AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY * * * * * * mm ps Meets First & Third Mondays I. O. O. F. H A L L Third Street and Broadway Estacada, Oregon, S. .E. L A W R E N C E, P. C GATES' FUNERAL H O E C. D., D. C. and E. C. L A T O U R E T T E A French chemist has patented a ATTORNEYS process for making wool fabric from Gresham 2471 Practice in all Courts. wood. Hail the day when ye coun­ ED LINN, A T L I N N 'S INN, try editor can go out in his wood­ First National Bank, Oregon City, AGENT Oregon. shed, gather up a basket o f chips, Estacada, Or*. Phone 543 send it to the factory and receive J. E. G A T E S back the wherewith to cover his lean Say you saw it in the News. m and hungry form. (P. S. Wood In spite o f the fa c t that France taken at this office on subscription.) • * * was a signer of the Locarno peace pact, she still talks and worries Los Angeles felicitates itself that about an air attack on Paris. Per­ the Florida boom deprived it of haps fo r the reason that Russit.'. did many crooks, both real estate and not dip her pen in the ink and .dgn otherwise. It had always been sup­ “ T h e shop w here the b a rb e r kn ow » hi» «tuff. on the dotted line. posed the town was made up o f re­ * * * tired farmers with a paucity o f dol­ EARL LA FORGE, Proprietor A Spokane law yer advocates thie lars and a few last-stage patients E ST A C A D A ’S LEADING TONSORiAL AR i io • abolishment o f all divorce laws am i and others who went down there to substituting a st ite maintenance end their days in writing back what HAIR CUT 35c; SH AVE 15c law barring remarriage. This a beautiful place it was. • * » All other work at popular prices might operate to cause many coup­ Mail carried by the department MOTTO: “ LIVE AND LET LIVE les to remove from the state whose presence could be dispensed with w ithout charge in the year ending Bobbing and Shingling a 1 Specialty J unc 30 totaled one hundred and just as well as not. SATH S BATHS BATHS BATHS • * * ei. Tiity-three million pounds, upor. Broadway, near Linn’s Inn, Esacada, Oregon The arrests in one Pacific coast wh ic'h if postage had been collected c:ty for the month o f November to­ wou’ ki have amounted to over four­ taled 3676. O f ;his number 2213 teen Biillion dollars. This free post­ were for traffic violations, the re­ age w.is granted congressmen and mainder being fo r drunkenness and other s who mail out speeches and minor offenses. Without this ex­ politic al matter that they could not planation some person might be­ otherw ise get any one to listen to, come unduly excited at the total were n ever read by those receiving them, und only served to clutter up figure. * * * the mails o f the people and cause a Persons who attend church, and deficit that has to be met by the tax­ few do, and those who attend the payers. theatres, and a lot o f them do, wish By the end of this year Chevrolet those who conduct the places would I provide cough drops at the door. iviil have produced more than 524,- Seems every one afflicted with a i OC’O passenger cars and trucks for cough visit one or the other o f the 19.25. On December 4th the Portland Oregonian celebrated its 75th birth­ day anniversary. “ Hoary with age” this publication has developed along with the Oregon Country into a great and useful newspaper, one of many on the P acific coast. * • m (( F inest bakery ” The “ Square Deal” Barber Shop THE ESTACADA HOTEL M erry W I T H T H E C L O S I N G O F T H E O LD A N D T H E C O M I N G O F THE NEW . E A R W E W I S H TO T H A N K A L L O U R G O O D P E O l LE OF T H E E N T I R E N E I G H B O R H O O D F O R T H E S P L E N ­ D ID S U P P O R T W E H A V E R E C E I V E D F R O M A L L , A N D T A K E TH IS M E A N S TO W IS H A L L A V E R Y M E R R Y C H R IS T M A S AN D A BRIG H T AN D H A P P Y N E W Y EAR. IT IS O U R S I N ­ C E R E W IS H AN D D E S IR E T H A T T H E N E W Y E A R BRING H A PPIN E S S AN D JOY T O A L L - YOURS VERY T R U L Y ,' THE ESTAC AD A HOTEL W . G. M O O R E , M anager. wish all our friends and W E patrons a Merry Christmas I Model Supply Co. and a prosperous and Happy New Year. Y || . I NEAR DEPOT x « : ~ x - x ~ x - x “> x : » x - - - - x~x~ • ■ -» > : NEW WINTER &ED CROWN" f ^ ,) The new winter “ Red Crown ” i s wi I d to go— crowded w ith mileage! On sale at all “ Red Crown’ ’ pumps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY < Californ ia; M IL K A M D C R E A M a To our m any friends and patrons w e wish to extend a Merry Christ­ m as and a Happy New Year. ^EORGE LAW RENCE & SON Phone No. 37-3 fhe only milk sold in Estacada from Federal accredited tuberculin free cows _ BOB’S UNION BARBER SHOP AND MARCEL SALON ITRICTLY SA N IT A R Y SATISFACTION GUARANTEED H O U R S — . 00 A. M. T O 8 : 0 0 P. M S A T U R D A Y — 9 :0 0 A . M. TO 1 0 :0 0 P. M. M A SO N IC BLDG. ESTACADA A R T . S M I T H . Propr. W IL O T O G C ». 1 THE PEOPLE S STORE OUR MO TTO—SER VICE H. B. SNYDER C. A. DYKEMAN i : i * y •$