Eastern Clarkamas ¿\mm Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County Eagle Creek Note Mr. and Mrs. Doc Hannah were calling on the home folks Sundaj evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Updegravc were visiting atr the home o f Ro; Douglass last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson anc Miss Edythe Peters were calling oi Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and children, accompanied by Mrs. R. B Gibson, motored to Estacada and Lo­ gan Sunday afternoon, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Denning while in Estacada. VIOLIN CONCERT The Estacada high «chool pre sented Sheridan Delepine in violii concert on Friday evening, Novem ber 20, to a most appreciative audi ence. It has been some time since a pro gram o f this nature has been giver here, and perhaps for this reason wa: so keenly enjoyed. Mr. Delepine proved himself a fin ished artist and showed great ver­ satility in the program chosen, whicl was, indeed, very full and varied. Miss Dorothea Schoop at the piarn was a most able assistant, and by he lovely manner and splendid worl most thoroughly charmed the audi­ ence. NEW LUMBER YARD H. B. Snyder has purchased a par­ cel o f land o f W. F. Cary inside ot the Standard Oil plant location which he will utilize fo r a lumbei yard and shipping dock. Estacad • has long been in need o f a yard handling rough or undressed lumber. Small orders o f dimension stuff hat always been a matter o f embarass ment to the contractor-builder wh< has wanted at times a small amoun o f dimension or rough boards for the construction o f sheds and walks ant other improvements about a house barn or other outhouses. The lum ber yard will be another deserved as­ set to Estacada. WHEAT SALES HEAVY Unusual activity was apparent ir wheat trading at Pendleton las', week. About 60,000 bushels oi wheat changed hands, according t< dealers, in one day. Prices rangec from $1.30 to $1.40, the latter fig ure having been paid for some choice Marquis. L O C A L IT E M S THE BANKER-EDUCATOR PLAN TO M ETH O D IST CHURCH The Evangelistic services will con- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. IUig o f Port- tinue the remainder o f this week. 1 land came over Sunday to spend the Rev. Kirby will preach every night. day with Mrs. Jennie Kreiger. He and Mrs. Kirby will be with us Mrs. A. E. Sparks has been hav­ all day Sunday. Christ is truly bless­ ing a most dreadful siege o f poison ing the meetings. Many have found oak. She went to Gresham Satur­ the Lord as their personal Savious. day to consult Dr. Adix about it, By O. H. OTIS, Friday night is designated as high for so far she hasn't been able to Agricultural Olrector, American Bankers Association school night, and a large delegation get any relief from remedies she has Whenever bankers desire to promote actively agricultural is expected. Rev. Kirby will bring used. Improvement in their communities, the state agricultural colleges a special message to the young peo \ a number o f people o f this vicin- • ___ stand ready to show them the way and to give pie at that service. , ity have received shipments o f gin- expert assistance. The purpose of this article is Next Sunday morning at eleven song seed from the east recently, to illustrate the way in which the colleges are o’clock the pastor will open the doors and are busy getting the beds ready getting in contact with the banks, and the kind of o f the church for the reception o f for it. This raising o f ginseng roots assistance they render. new members. We would urge ail is being quite extensively carried on As soon as the college has a list of the banks those who are desirous o f uniting and is proving very profitable to tho ' in the state desiring to adopt plans to aid agricul- with our church to give this matter growers. ture as indicated by project blanks sent out to all their careful consideration. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodward of the banks in the state, by the State Bankers A sso - Sunday school Sunday morning at Oregon City visited Sunday with Mrs. Woodward’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ciation Agricultural Committee, it gives practical 10 o ’clock, E. S. Womer. suggestions to each banker on the list as to what Junior church, 10:45. D. H. Otis Preaching service, 11. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kigglns spent he can do to stimulate, organize, and conduct the Epworth league, 6:30. Sunday in Portland. work In the particular project he has Evening preaching service, 7 :30. Mrs. Henry Johnson o f George selected. Then either a department suggestions are the more valuable Notices for next week: was a passenger on the train to Port- specialist from the college or the they are to the banker. Following art county agent gets in personal touch samples of such project outlines: Monday land Saturday. She was going in to , Dr. Hisey will be here with the banker to assist him In an evening, November 30, to conduct ! attend tho wedding o f her sister, Farm Accounts Project advisory capacity. the first quarterly conference of the : which was to occur the next day. l. Danker can select group of farmers Samples of the project outlines are who can and should undertake the work conference year at 7 :30 p.ni. j Mrs. T. J. Reagan and little grand given below to illustrate the details The ladies’ aid society will meet children Margaret and Vernon Betts, of the procedure the college takes In ° V aA?l-ange0Uwfih county agent or spe- Ctaltst from agricultural college for first at the home of Mrs. George E. Law- ! spent one day in Portland this last accomplishing its plan. meeting of the group and select an , . . _ „ „ i r , * account book. rence Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. ¡week. College Provides Expert Advisers 3. Assist individuals at their request . rorin ai invitation is extended to Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wooster drovo A coruiai nation is ejuenuea to In counties with no county agent a with Information relative to entering ac- and other data properly all. j to Pacific City Friday, returning list of the banks desiring to carry on counts 4. Act aa or select leader for the group. j Sunday. They report the tides as a project Is sent to a specialist at the 5. Assist in checking inventories as a j means of securing individual financial state college, according to the project statement j being high and such heavy winds that at close of the year. C O M M U N I T Y C L U B F R I D A Y The Estacada band was a feature listed. For instance, the banks desir­ Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work Friday evening at 8 o ’clock the it was impossible to get on tho beach it the Odd Fellows’ gathering at ing to carry on the farm accounts 1. The banker can arrange with the Community club will meet at the Es- i to get clams or crabs, but they did Wilsonville last Saturday night. It project are assigned to the farm man­ county agent or the specialist of the agrt- tacada hotel in regular monthly ses- bring home some very fine salmon. vas named the official band of the agement specialist, those desiring to cultural college for organizing a club . ... . . Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Johnson and 2. Plan to present various types of club sion. 1 he m eeting w ill be opened Oregon I.O.O.F. lodges, and there is ' carry on the legume project to the Per,eC‘ hy a concert, the Estacada band be- Mrs. R. F. Lovelace, drove into tho talk o f sending the boys to the con­ agronomy specialist, those Interested city Saturday. tention in Philadelphia next year. In boys’ and girls’ club work to the the clubker may aCt a8 ,OCa* leader of the entertainer. A Portland Mrs. Henry Heiple entertained at Junior extension specialist, and so 4. Cooperate with county agent or spe- man will address the gathering, of- This is a great boost not only for forth. an afternoon party Wednesday. The die band, but Estacada as well. In counties that do have a county * 6UBankearnnmay " offer*'pilaeV fiw'rh.h cel'3 wiU be elected and a lunch will following ladies were present: Meg- work or otherwise assist In financing be served free to all present. Ev- agent a list of the banks and the proj­ dames Cary, Currin, Ahlberg, Smith, erybody invited. See Heylman for good cottage; ects In which each is Interested Is Legume Project Linn, Wilcox, R. Lovelace, J. F. tery close in; on ten acre tract; for sent to him with a request that he get 1. The banker can get Information from There will be a dance at Carver Lovelace, Ewalt, Johnson, Gohring rent. Will sell on good terms. House in touch with the bankers and help county agent or specialist from the agri­ cultural college on the value of alfalfa, Saturday night, November 28. Ev- and the hostess. A most delicious n good condition. This is desirable them in regard to the various projects. soy bean, or sweet clover crops to farmers , . . The next step by the college Is to of the community. , erybody invited. It luncheon was served. iroperty. 2. Arrange for meeting of interested ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ write to each banker on the list send­ farmers with county agent or specialist. Mrs. J. W. Reed and daughter, n . n , ing him project outlines and Inform­ 3. At this meeting county agents, spe- r or Kent or bale— Hhe Docken- Florence June, were Portland visi­ WINS AGAIN ing him that the county agent or a C,a*\Sa ^ V a lu e ^ c r o p 1 dlsc,l!,s: dorf 10 acres at Morrow Station; 5 tors Saturday. The Estacada high school football specialist from the college will get In (b) Seed supply and varieties. room cottage, plastered and tinted; Mrs. Wiley and Miss Maud Stur- earn defeated the Scappoose squad, touch with him. If there Is no agent (c) Methods of handling the crop. , , , (d) Use and disposition of crop water in house; bath; 20 minutes I geon and her mother, were Portland i to 0, on the local field Friday aft- In the county this letter reads as 4. Plan with county agent or specialist walk to high school. Inquire of visitors Thursday. meetings and demonstrations on plots or 0 M ;rnoon. follows: fields. | neighbor on either side. Phone Mrs. Ernest Amacher o f Garfield is Union State Bank, countyCfa"lr. eXh,b',S conlmun' t5, or Kellendonk, or write C. E. Docken- driving a fine new Chevrolet coach, Bankville. Don’t miss “ The Ten Command- Gentlemen—Too will find enclosed a Cow Testing Associations dorf, Molalla, Ore. which he recently purchased from the nents’’ at the Liberty theater Nov. brief outline of 'he farm accounts project In which you hr.ve Indicated your Interest Cascade Motor company. 1. The banker can arrange with county 17, 28 and 29. Matinee Saw "day to your State Agricultural Committee and agent or specialist from agricultural col­ Shell ga.-oline 20 cents a gallon at Mrs. S. E. Lawrence and baby to the Agricultural Commission of the lege for meeting of Interested group of afternoon. American Bankere Association. farmers in the community for the purpose the Currinsville store. J. O. Tunnell, spent several days in Portland this I am sure that tho specialist from the of organizing a cow testing association proprietor. 11-26 week. agricultural college will be pleased to 2. Danker may act as leader, and with Shell gasoline 20 cents a gallon at assist you In carrying out the suggestions county agent or specialist plan to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ford A. Harrow and We have oeked him to get prospective farmers who may Join the -he Currinsville store. J. O. Tunnell, Indicated In touch with you. children spent Saturday shopping in association. WANT COUNTY AGENTS Director, Agricultural Extension proprietor. 11-26 3. Organize for work and assist In se­ curing testing equipment and other ma­ Sacramento. — A resolution in Portland. The letter to bankers In counties terials whenever necessary. Dr. W. W. Rhodes was in Port­ W AR MEMENTO 4 Call meetings periodically to discuss line with its policy on co-operativo that do have a county agent Informs association business arid hold picnics or marketing throughout the country land Thursday on business. ‘ He was Plans fo r the placing o f a Ger­ them that he will get in touch with tours. 5. county _______ atrent or - special .. Banker _____ with _________ , __ was passed by the national grange , I accompanied to town by Mrs. Rhodes man howitzer, given to Waldo Cau- them. 1st may arranca for Ç. T A booth at • 6acity. All expressed their appre- iation o f having an opportunity to njoy themselves in more comfort han the crowded school room. There .vas more tahn $33 taken in from he sale o f pies. This goes fo r the renefit o f the school. It is hoped his is only a beginning of many more vonderful evenings for the comraun- ty at large, and others who will come ,nd meet with us. It is expected the Currinsville Ladies' Aid society will oon use the hall for an entertain- nent. Mrs. Nellie Currin motored to Bull Run Sunday, taking Mr. Currin back ;o his work with the water depart- nent of the Portland Water works. Ur. and Mrs. J. H. Kitchin accom- lanied her. L. J. Crossier left Sunday for tedmond, Ore., where he will make lis future home. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones o f Ore- >on City were Sunday guests at the lobert Davidson home. The Robert Davidson family moved o Oregon City Monday, where they vill reside in the future. P.E.P. EARNINGS Slight increase in earnings o f the Portland Electric Power company foi the year ending October, 1925, com pared with the previous 12 month: period, is indicated in a statement is sued by the company. Gross earn ings for the year just ended were $10,986,357, and fo r the year end­ ing October, 1924, earnings amount ed to $10,835,230, a difference oi $151,127, or 1.3 per cent in favo. o f 1925. Operating expenses, including de preciation, amounted to $6,229,290 compared with $6,181,65.. last year interest amounted to $2,460,163 compared with $2,200,105 for thi year ending October, 1924, and taxe: and bridge rentals totaled $1,071, 051, compared with $1,154,005 Iasi year, leaving an operating surplus o f $1,225,854 fo r the 12 months just ended, compared with $1,299,256 foi the previous year. Construction work the last year called for $2,714,237 and for the pre­ vious year the total charge to this account was $4,768,657. Paving as 6esments totaled $55,178, compared with $57,317 fo r 1924, and sinking funds amounted to $1,238,480, com Shell gasoline 20 cents a gallon at pared with $1,186,938. :hc Currinsville store. J. O. Tunnell, For October gross earnings were proprietor. 11-26 $910,245; operating expenses, $522, 505; interest, $210 212; taxes and Mrs. Jako Mess has returned from bridge rent'd-, $*2 423, i : J operat­ Portland to r.main. She brought ing suvphr, $T5,200. S:nl:'ng fund .v.h h_r a 2-ytar-old baby, which for October were $102,207; .paving . h r s s t .r s , and will occupy her- ; s. -7. $2765 and crn.truc- during the winter in caring for lien $343,923. ::t:le one. Chariie Sparks c f Port’ and. well A new Atwatcr-Kent radio has iov.n in this locality, whire he re­ bee i in. tailed at the J. J. Penner led for a number o f ;-enr3, visited home. s uncie, A. E. Sparks, for a short ne Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Linn went to Poi viand Monday to see their son, Herbert Dunlop came down from Gdd e, off fo r Illinois. the mountains the latter part o f last r » » k to visit at the home o f his par­ A number o f people from Victory ents, Rev. end Mrs. J. F. Dunlop. O.E.S., Portland, ware the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Syron Thera ware move then 20 o f the alurdsy r.ighc The evening was bekahs who responded to the invi- pent in playing »60. A iunch was tion o f Rev. Rankin to attend the served at the midnight hour. angelical services at the M. E. urch last Wednesday night. Morris and Glenn Ely attended the I.O.O.F. convention at WiDonvdle Mother, may I go out to play? .„st Sa.urday and then drove over Yea, my darling daughter, but re- I to Estacada to visit home folks over icmber the things you want to do the week-end. re the thief» you hada t oufhter. $1.50 A YEAR ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1925 VOLUME XX, NO. 8 - PROMOTE BETTER AGRICULTURE If it ..... have m errim ent and jo y and turkey w ill not be missed. time Hve(J at Allcn okia bul ginc8 to th,„. Il()nu, in ,.„rlland Saturd Thanksgiving day is heie. Let us tiy to lev ive its (|eaj b „f tbe f athcr they evident- where Mr. Kirby is pastor o f the Mt Spirit and hospitality and com e together to cherish the ly have moved away. Some t.me ago Tabor M.E. church. He filled th flowers o f friendship. M any there are whose souls are a letter was written the postmaster pulpit th: r< Sunday morning an dving in these days o f unrest. There are no neighbors at Ailen for thtir “ ddresse , but an then return, d to Estacada in the eve tn h im tn fpw frien dlv con ereeation iinswcr a short unknown. timu la- M *»"*• R«v- that lra evening. Ra'>kin preached * to turn to, lew Ilien u iy con gicg d liu n s s where vvueie t everyone v e i jr n c tef th(U wa* the rect’ived parties wcre t. Tabor shares the joy s and sorrow s o f all. lh e flies on the altar jvj r Moore is keeping up the search, Mi. Clare Kenyon o f Denve mUSt be lighted afresh. W hatever the task, let US do our however, and has addressed another Colo., i here, a guest ut the H. »1 parts gallantly, and forg et not acquaintances w ho are letter to the mayor of Allen. Otevcns hop. . Mr. und Mr*. St struggling against the current and w’ho have seen better Mr- Moore livcd in Oklahoma for ven went to Portland to meet 6B 3 (j ycarg< u e served a» constable at Monday night. Allen for 15 years, four year* as a The M.E. church haa a new ii Then the Thanksgiving daj. w ill be a realLy and a deputy marshal, and was interpreter rectory placed on the front, whi true festival in our broad land o f A m erica, w here with for the Indian court at Fork Bogey, I a n improvement that tells strat freed om we are striving to maintain the blessings ot Choctaw country, for four years. A f- era what ' hurch It is and the on peace and equal opportunities fo r all. ,er leav,n“ Oklahoma he came to o f «. rvi-e*. It is one o f the la w # 0 f life that we cannot truly en- Oregon in 1911 and lived in Port- Ed I „ n left for Illinois Mond , . , _ « • l i l _ * 1 1 T I T i o l i u d l i u H U U U IVIVC1 , ____ 1 _____\A/„ land and 1 ,,ood Klver> hMa,|y *«lect- wheri ' l l l l c l l i y » w i t to pend the u| jo y anything from which our brother is excluded. W e ir)(r K8Ucada a. h futur„ homc- ter. o b , .. . , ... „ , d o not know how much o f this sharing is g oin g on. Rut this Thanksgiving, as we gather about our board to en- jo y one o f the descendants o f those 20-pound “ turkies, w hich sallied gaily past the d oares,” it w ill warm our hearts to rem em ber only this one instance which will be taking place, as usual, this year. The scene ol it is in a famous street in the heart o f New Y ork ’s underworld, Outside the great building early in the foren oon 'h » line begins to form until by m id-day it is thouuuids long, and when the doors are finally thrown open, each man tato, cranberry sauce and m ince pie and coffee in t change fo r a n ick el! The dow n and outer, the vict o f adversity— w hoever com es— is fed. The room , I as it is, w ill not accom m odate them all, but one cro rapidly gives place to another, u d w ail are taken c of. This happens every year becau e there u One n o f wealth who e heart is filled with Thanksgiving. 1 stance. Y ou will know o f others. | So, let us all rejoice and give thanks fo r the sj takes his tray and is served with roast turkey, mashed po- w hich is w ithin us. _ ^