■ y " l ” TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICE COMBINED WANT UNO FOR SALE AOS ufiudnittk HOT OF MERCY Strayed— 1 black yearling heifer; swallow fork in right ear, square crop in left; wearing small bell. R. DENVER MAN ON TRIAL FOR G. Palmetccr, Rte. 1, Estacada. 11-26 MURDERING INVALID OF T H E U N IV E R S A L C A R TRUCKS AND CABS OF EVERY TYPE FOR EVERY HAULAGE CONDITION THE ECONOMY OF FORD PERFORMANCE IS BASED NOT only on low first cost, but on dependable service as well. FORD TRUCKING UNITS ARK BUILT TO COMBINE THOSE characteristics o f stamina and reliability which are direct results of quality workmanship and material. This quality, made po sible through volume production, is responsible for the dependability of Ford performance at low operating cost and with minimum upkeep expense. WELL OVER A MILLION FORD TRUCKS AND LIGHT DFLIV- ery cars are today rendering dependable, economical service. They arc helping to build business, and to increase profits by reducing costs. Efficient delivery adds to the truck operator’s reputation for prompt, dependable service. The Ford truck enjoys a world-widi acceptance as a commercial c :rr:er, adaptable alike to farming and business enterprises. W HATEVER YOUR BUSINESS MAY BE— NO MATTER HOW small or how large— it will pay you to investigate the delivery efficiency and the saving o f time and money which come with Ford transportation. YEARS FREE MAN _ For Sale— Knitting machine in good condition, $50; will give three ---------- lessons free to purchaser. Call at TRFAL W AS INTERESTING ONE Denny’s Barber Shop, Estacada, Ore. 11-26 Prosecutor Requested Court to Di«- mits Charge When Jury For Sale— A fine fresh cow and a large Chester White brood sow, reg­ Disagreed istered. R. II. Millard, one and a half miles outhea 3 t Springwater. Dr. H. E. Blazer o f Denver, who 11-26 has been on trial for some time, ac- For Sale— Straw. 37 per ton; oat cused o f first degieo murder, is a hay, 14 per ton; vetch and oats, $15 free man. The jury who tried the E a „ PhE T J d , ,i l ' S i , 20' 16' 0I1- 1 --------------------------------------------------------for conviction. The jury was dis- Marcelling done at popular prices missed. The district attorney, who S i„, L„e, „ S ,” ,' c j f r f j . r 1 i h° L n . y a S : derwood. 11-26 ------------------ ;--------------------- — — ;------ Want to buy a cow. Telephone ~ ‘ r ™ « » « "" W H w m ni l . i l to the court that the charge against Blazer be dismissed, and this was (|ono EVERYTHING FOR o s g iv m g Cranberries, Nuts, Candied Citron and Lemon Peel; in fact, everything to make a feast to be remem­ bered. ALBERS FEEDS W e are unloading a car of Mixed Feeds today. W e also carry FISCHER’S AND CROW N BRAND FEEDS Z n < a ,I , COMPLETE STOCK GROCERIES W e buy, sell or trade most kinds of farm produce Estacada Peed Store K ________________________1 l-26ch Blazer chloroformed his helpless For Rent— 5-room house, furnish- 34-year-old daughter and character­ ed. See Mrs. J. T. Irvin, First and ized his actions as one of mercy. ----------- | Currin sts. 11-26 | The following story tells o f the th was bei inj ected into the case. THANKSGIVING DINNER -------------------------------------------------------- 1 c a r -* Lewis De R. Mowry, chief defense The Estacada hotel will serve th For Sale— Heavy work team , 1 To the little village o f Dillon- counsel, countered with similar following menu Thanksgiving day, cheap. Inquire or phone H. B. Da- vale, Ohio, there came in 1890 a heated charges. from 12:30 to 7 o’clock: I vis. ll-2 6 c 26-year-old youth just admitted to The state introduced evidence de- Toke Point Oyster in Cream 77 — 77 r* 7 7 7 „ the practice o f medicine signed to prove that the imbecile For Sale— Cedar posts, 6 , 7, 8 ft. ‘ ___. . . Roast Young Turkey, Cranberry suffered the same torments Cedar blocking. J. F. Whalen. . Harold . Blazer, _ . his life , , consecrat- : daughter ---- =----- ----------------------------------------- Sauce OREGON ll-2 6 c ° to su^ erlnKs ° f humanity, a3 any 0ther normal person wher ESTACADA Rhone 70-1. Roast Leg o f Pork, Apple Sauce ------------------------------------------------------- settled down to the none too re- po;son was administerCd. Creamed Cauliflower NOTICE— Any one wishing their muneralivo duties o f a country doc- The most dramatic point in the Baked Sweet Potatoes clothes cleaned and pressed phone tor. There are those left in Dillon- building up 0f the state's case wai Mashed in Cream Potatoes I Miss Laura Douglas, 58— 6. 10-29 4t vale who recall the enthusiasm and reached when Mrs. Bishop, hei Stewed Corn Baked Bea the tenderness o f the young prac­ frame wracked by sobs, took . the Baked Squash Pointer’s Furniture Exchange, the titioner. stand and recited the events subse­ Fruit Salad Combination Sal: d — \ place to get what you want and Dr. and Mrs. Blazer were promi­ Huckleberry Pie Apple Pie sell what you don’t want. 6 - 8 -tf nent in the social life o f their vil- quent to the coming o f her sistei and father to her husband’s home Squash Pie Lemon Pie LOANS on farms 6 per cent. No *aSe- They were comfortable and It was a gripping ordeal o f fam Any Old Drink, with Walnuts commission City loans monthly aaPPy- Mrs. Blazer learned not to ily life concerning the creature whe “Per plate, $1.00. plan. Oregon City Abstract Co. mind the long trips her husband was frightened strangers away, but whe SHELL GASOLINE in your auto ........................... 20c forced to make at night along was carried about, fed like a baby About 20 members o f Mount? SHELL GASOLINE in your barrel ............... 18c MONEY TO LOAN. We have plenty country roads and nursed lovingly through manj chapter, O.E.S., enjoyed an aft SHELL MOTOR OIL, quart ..... ................... ............. .................... 15c o f money to loan on farms at 6 In May, 1891, a daughter was violent illnesses. noon, Tuesday, at the home o f M WOMEN’S RUBBER BOOTS .........................................................$3 00 per cent— from one to twenty born to Mrs. Blazer. The child was Mowry in his opening statemen years. No commission on large named Hazel Ingrit and was nor- for the defense said the doctor “ did H. C. Gohring. As a diversion, MEN’S RUBBER BOOTS, $3.50 and up to $7.00 loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaea- mal and healthy. But six weeks af- the right thing and the moral thing few ga#nes were played, which ta: MEN’S HEAVY WOOLEN SHIRTS ........................................... $1-99 the mind considerably, but crea’ 1 HEAVY LOGGERS’ SHIRTS ...................... $»-00 ,lu’ 0rt,>-un-________________ G~10' tf ter birth, spinal meningitis devel- for ¿he‘ daughter*whom h eT a d car much amusement The hostess, r e ­ WHOLE GRAIN ROASTED COFFEE, pound................................ 40c Any girl in trouble may commur.i -1 and for four or five weeks the ed for 34 year8 to save her iron sisted by Mrs. A. E. Sparks, served J child lay near death. The baby RED STAR COFFEE, ground, package ............... .................45c becoming a charge o f others whei light refreshments. cate with Ensign Lee o f the Salva- BLUE STAR COFFEE, ground, package 50c ho felt his own end was near.’’ tion Army, at the White Shield; , l08t, the ,vltal ,® park ,.but “ PRIDE OF WALDO HILLS FLOUR, 49-lb. sack $1.85 __ - . . D .,„ „ 1 had burned so low it could not Home, 565 Mayfair Ave., Portland, , . ,, . , ... TI , Genuine Gillett Razor and Briar Pipe, both for SOc Carl Schock is in Estacada Í „ ’ v ' n on . , flame into radiant health. Hazel CANDY, ju >1 In, pound . . . 20 « Mr 3 . S. E. Lawrence and daughte; week from his home at Cushm:' Oregon. w -d u-tl was a deformed imbecile, never to We sell nice BOILING BEEF at, pound .........10c were in Portland Tuesday. Wash. home- develop an adult brain or phy­ (Phone your orders for Fresh Meats.) ANYONE— Wishing good ( 10 ¡regular practice and in 1910 moved folks in future. The Elys came from ganizations o f the county. If you want a Real Radio, s'ea Clyde to Colorado. He settled in Walsen- Stress was laid upon the impor- the state o f Washington. tam . of ending produce to market j Schock and get a ’ HALOWAT” TR5. | and became physician for the ... attractive container,, rather than H c e .-tly made, backed by. and built Colorado Fuel & Iron company Th» CURRINSVILLF.’S NEW HALL y pe“ e. U J tl lft ■ZÜÍZ J. 0 . Tunnell has remodeled the forwarding it in gunnysacks or old, >y « Portland concern and we’ll back Ye» 3 Upstairs part o f his warehouse, and dirty boxes, which had been the rule “ “ 1 ‘ Dr. Blazer and his invalid daugh- , . r __xi . in future it will be known as the for many years with many ranchers. ,n> 11 ' e-tuber on the maikct. r=^ iv 1 * r.vp moved to Littleton in Ranchers were urged 1 to raise one h01 crntid K°on Guaranteed uueranieeu Radios twcuios see see 1 __ Noveni- Community hall. A stairway, two Clyde Sehock at Cook Motor Co. \ “ er that year to the home o f his fire escape, floor, stage, walls and crop which is a known certainty, i _______ _____________________________ .[daughter and son-in-law, Roy Bis­ celling have been constructed out of rather than mix too much and not i hop. Say you saw it in the News. new material, which makes the hall be ing able to supply the local mar­ On March 24 o f last year the a fine place for entertainments, kets in anything. It was stated that ing, died Tuesday morning at the Bishops left for the day. They re- ; meetings, etc. Four carpenters have the county imports more than 75 family home. Surviving arc the turned at 6 o’clock in the evening been employed remodeling the place. cars o f potatoes annually, and this widow, Julia A. Hartnell o f Clacka- and found Hazel dead from chloro- It is now ready for occupancy. It is cou’.c ■a.-ilj be changed l>> increa - mns< two sonSi o . R. and II. M. Hart- form and the physician slashed understood that the Currinsvilb mg acreage. Large quantities of nell o f Clackamas, and two daagh- across the throat with a razor, school students will give a home tal­ ■eg arc« a’so imported into the tors, Mrs. Agnes Lauker o f Portland Two not»», evidently written to ent play in this place November 24, county, but the convention urged and Miss Amy Hartnell of Cli cka- Mrs. Bishop, were found. One of under the tutelage of the teachers, mnat 'iir poultry ra;sers to go slowly mas. Funeral services will be held them read: Elsio Poole and Margaret Tyberg. until they get their hearings. from the Methodist church at Clack- j aaj weary and afraid An organization ha, been per­ amas this afternoon at 2 o clock. j afraid o f being taken suddenly CONCERT AT HIGH SCHOOL fected which will watch all markets and leaving Hazel. I know my TOMORROW EVENING outride the county. TEACHERS 100 PER CENT blood pressure is very high. I Miss Dorothea Shoop, who will ac­ Recommendations for growing One hundred per cent o f the made up my mind a great num­ STANDARD CORN, Dozen ................................................................ $1.5( company Mr. Delcpine at the violin more vegetables for canning; closer teachers o f the Estacada school dis­ ber o f years ago I would not 1 can free with each dozen. concert tomorrow night, November co-operation between logging oper­ trict No. 7 are enrolled in the Na­ leave her behind. 20 , at the high school auditorium, is ators and ranchers to utilize logged tional Education association. This PREFERRED STOCK TOMATOES, dozen ................................ $2.2: She is a burden, notwith­ 1 can free with each dozen. a Portland pianist and teacher. The off lends; employment o f n dairy in­ D the second year all the teachers standing our love for her. With following are the opinions o f the spector, cutting away o f orchards o f this district have been members PREFERRED STOCK TENDER MELTING PEAS, dozen....... $2.5t great love— Dad. p n ss: “ A talented and cultured mu­ producing less than 150 boxes. Pears o f th(, a v i a t i o n . The National 1 can free with each dozen. The other note referred to tiis- sician.” “ Her efforts are always ar­ nnd i uts. it was said, are no; to b Education Association was organized position o f the bodies, PREFERRED STOCK TINY KERNEL CORN, dozen............... $2.5C tistic.” “ One o f the most finished encouraged, hut those planted should ,n 1>57. Through its efforts the The coroner’s inquest named Dr. 1 can free wflth each dozen. And brilliant pianists in the west.” be cared tor. United States bureau of education Blazer responsible for his daugh- PREFERRED STOCK PINEAPPLE, dozen ........................... $2.50 Mr. Delcpine is going to consider was established. It has more than ter’s death and a charge o f first de- 1 can free with each dozen, able expense in obtaining the ferv i i ACKAMAS 1 IMBFR SOLD 100,000 members. It is the largest gree murder was filed by District ices o f Miss Shoop fo r the even "tip SPINACH, dozen ......................................................................... $2.25 > « 1 .- of government timber in professional teachers’ nssociati 'it in Attorney Joel Stofte. At a pre’ im- 1 can free W’ith each dozen. It goes without saying, howc.-er at mis Marion " a s h ng: and th« world and the greatest publisher inary hearing the doctor was re- that an accompanist o f Miss Shoop" ■.ultnomah counties for $12,4 72 32 o f literature on education. Among leased under $10,000 bond. CATSUP, regular 25c, 3 for ........................................................... .. 50c ability will add greatly to the pro 1 Hs repotted Tuesday by No er I the planks in its platform o f service Selection o f a jury proved ardu gram. i core. Sr., register rt the loc.il of- »re: A competent teacher in every ous. Hailed as a “ merciful mar­ The public might bo interested ¡1 i e >t th United States Ian I of- public school position in the United dorcr,” sympathy poured in on the knowing that such numbers will b< Ioit> acic :ii Marion , 'uotv g-.ttes; inch inducements to enter doctor. O f the first 44 mea dr."*vn played as the second Beethoven So ¡ old to J. I Keith fo>- f l,- the profession as will attract the from the-fleld, 43 had formed an nata, an Indian group, featuring In v , 0 ; 1 0 acres in Washing»-e. most talented men and women; the opinion. And out o f these 32 effly dim Snake Dance (B urleigh); In ; ity to E. J. Sherman for $3,- establishment o f a department o f nine had form ed opinions uns.itis- dian Lament (Dvorak-Kreis’erl -1 .0 ; 81.41 acres in Mult omah education with a secretary iff the factory to the defense, From the Iaind o f Sky Blur Wste unty to J. H. A oltz for $2.795.58. P r sident’s cabinet, and ratification The un'quc qualities o f the trial ( f adman), and Pale Moon (Logan Fruit and Vegetables always in season .■•1 l(i a r< s in ( i:n kamas rot nty t» o f th*' constitutional amendment r.u- Attracted nation-wide attention. No- Kreisler). Such composers will h< A d : . f o r $1,673.31. T h: tim- thorirmg Congress to regulate child ted physicians, scio’oglsts and c!*r- represented as Mozart in “ Landlcr,” >er was o f var.otis types and si Id for labor. ics commented on the burning is- Winternit* in “ The Blue Lagoon.’ he appraised valuation. ----------------------------- sue: “ I# it ever right to take r IVvorak-Kreisler in "G oing Home. Mrs. R. M. Brown o f San Fran- human life ?” Schubert in "Moment Musical," and RICHARD v. HARTNELL cisco, with her little daughtrr Lois During the progress o f the trial Krakaner-Kreisler in ’Tarad -e. U Richard K. Hartnell, resid at o f J.an Moore, was in Estacada this Prosecutor Stone made a bitter is - mentioned to give some idea of • ' ' rk -------- -----------------— » W R ” * e vsnv iw r.i vt nm i«« ' > ;on H tin a io a s.il fur I the ; t 34 RVfK week visiting at the W. J. Moore n* wspaper attack upon Blazer and the high type of this tntsruinm . nt •years, where he was engaged in faim- horns. She ha» been visiting her upon those whose maudlin »ynipa- BOB C O O K E MOTOR CO J. O. TUNNELL, W atch this space next week ,H. Smith, Hardware Canned Foods Stock your pantry at these money saving prices M ORTON GROCERIES, DRY GOODS SHOES imi Phone 74-1 i