Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County ESTACAD \ , VOLUME XX NO. 7. Eagle Creek Notes 38,000 F E E T O F T IM B E R S TO BE S E N T TO BRAZIL, SOUTH A M ERICA A N O T H E R O RD E R TO BE F IL L E D Dodge Mill W orking to Capacity on F u tu r e Order» All Ready Placed. The H. B. Snyder sawmill at Dodge, reopened three weeks ago a fte r a shutdown of some tim e while extensive rem odeling and repairs were being made, is w orking one sh ift full tim e these days, turning out dimension stuff fo r a num ber of orders placed recently. An order for 38,000 board fee t of large dimension stuff is being hauled to Estacada this week to be reloaded on cars fo r P ortland, where it will be tran sfe rred to the steam ­ ship Conab, bound fo r Brazil South America. The shipm ent will be re ­ loaded at the E ast Side Southern Pacific dock in Portland. The tim ber sold by Mr. Snyder is classed as first grade Douglas fir. The large tim bers are on the dock aw aiting cars. I t is the finest of Douglas fir, and com plim entary re ­ m arks are heard from everyone who looks them over. A nother order for five carloads of big tim ber was received this week from another party, and as soon as the Brazil shipm ent is out of the way the mill will commence tu rn in g it out. A carload of railroad ties are also being shipped out of Estacada this week. M. W. Heinkle has the contract fo r the hauling from the mill to E s­ tacada. M A R K E T S BACK IN M IN N ESO T A We picked up a paper from Jack- son county, M innesota, this week, and found the following prices quot­ ed fo r farm produce. It is quite a co n trast from prices quoted in O re­ gon: ^ Produce— Springs, 14 cents per pound; hens, 15 cents; light hens, 12 cents; Leghorns, 11 cents; ducks, 14 cents; cream, 47 cents; eggs, 36 cents. Live Stock— Hogs, top, 100 lbs., $10.25. G rain— Oats, 29 cents; corn, 58@ 60 cents; barley, 49@ 5 . cents; flax, $2.32; rye, 63@ 65 cents; tim othy, $6.25. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Miss E dythe P eters were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass last F ri­ day evening. I Mrs. Ike Akers was very pleas­ antly surprised last S atu rd ay eve­ ning when some of her friends and neighbors dropped in to spend the I evening with her in honor of her birthday. The evening was spent in playing 500, listening to the radio and social chat. R efreshm ents were served. Rev. B. F. Clay of E stacada came over this way Sunday afternoon and held services in the school house. TViere were about 29 present, some coming from E stacada to attend. Mrs. Will Douglass retu rn ed home ; on Monday a fte r a three w eeks’ visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney, of Stevenson, Wash., and her brothers and sisters, who live near Stevenson and Camas. She had a delightful visit. Eagle Creek G range will give a dance a t the Estacada pavilion on W ednesday night, November 25. The Sandy orchestra will furnish music. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Douglass celebrated th eir ten th wedding an ­ niversary recently by giving a din­ ner. Those present w ere Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus, Mr. and Mrs. H er­ man Duus and little daughter, and Will Douglass. F IV E H U N D R E D P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sm ith en­ tertained Tuesday evening a t a de­ lightful card party. There were five tables of cards in play and high hon­ ors were won by Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Lovelace. Consolation prizes w ent to H. C. Gohring and Mrs. F. C. Bartholomew. A delicious lunch was served. Those present were Messrs, and Mesdames Gohring, Rhodes, B arthol­ omew, Lovelace, R. D. Johnson, Ger­ ald Wilcox, Roy Wilcox, Ahlberg, Mrs. Dave Eshleman, Mrs. R. H. Cur- rin, H. Heiple and the host and hos­ tess. S U R P R IS E P A R T Y A birthday surprise p arty was tendered Mrs. Jennie K rieger one day recently, when relatives and friends called a t her home. Those present w ere Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Kitching and daughter, W ilma, Mr. nod Mrs. Ed Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Linn, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lons- hury, Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur Wade and Mrs. J. Ki Ely. R. H. C urrin came over from Bull Run Saturday to spend a few days Officers elected by the Clackamas a t home. County Christian E ndeavor union, Mr. and Mrs. George B arr are the which completed its session in O re­ proud parents of a baby boy, born gon City Sunday night, w ere: Geo. to them one day last week. Ross, Gladstone, president; M. A. Miss Lillian Zogg of Sandy Ridge Lehman, Milwaukie, secretary; Miss is visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Wil­ Clara Tate, Gladstone; trea su rer; cox, fo r a short time. Mrs. E sther Frost, ju n io r superin­ The high school football team will te n d en t; Mrs. Mary Wiley, Wichita, play the school team from Scap- alum ni superintendent; Miss Erm a Vose, Oswego, prayer m eeting; Miss poose tom orrow afternoon on the lo­ cal gridiron. Eiva Shipley, Oregon City, mission*- The E stacada band and a num ber ary superintendent; Miss Helen of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are Woodward, Oregon City, librarian; planning on attending the district C arl Moline, Oregon City, C. E. convention at Wilsonville Saturday. world representative; the Rev. M. M. Milt Marshall was taken suddenly Stocker, Oregon City, pastor advis­ ill while in Portland one day last e r; Mrs. Grace M. Eby, Gladstone, week and has been slightly indis­ publicity superintendent. Miss Dul- posed since. cina Brown, Portland, in sta te d the G. C. Fields, general superinten­ officers. dent of the P.E.P. company, was on Thirteen societies were represent­ the pay car the 10th in s t, looking ed a t the three-day program , with over the lines. nearly 100 delegates. _ Rhodes received a fine new ra­ dio S aturday which he purchased SAW ’LIFTED ’ through the Cascade Motor com­ Somebody “ borrow ed” Norman pany. McKinzey’s cro.scut raw the other The Yellow Jack et orchestra from day and has failed, so far, to bring Portland gave a dance a t the E sta­ it back. The sr.w, with cth r wood cada hotel on Arm istice night. It cu ttin g implements, were left by Mc- was well attended. K inzey over night where wood was M-s. Jack Hayden, Mrs. Dave being cut. The raw was lifted, the Eshl man Mrs. C. F. Howe and Mrs. re st unmolested. M ary Adams were in Portland Sat­ urday. THANK3GIVING DANCE Eddie Linn, Jr., expects to leave The Eagle Creek G range will give th 's week fo r Iliinois. where he will a dance a t the pavilion Thanksgiv­ vi t with relatives and friends for ing eve., November 25. D inner at a fin e . A sister resides in Chicago the E stacada hotel. a: d e. b ro th er in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Smith of Oak G -ovc w ere visit ng friends in this LOCAL ITEMS William G illian is now w orking a vie r.ity Sunday. Mr. Smith lived here a t one tim e and owned the m eat m ar­ Bridal Veil in a lum ber camp. A. F. Stephens of route 1 was in k e t The American Legion and Wom­ town on business yesterday. W. E. Linn has been on the sick en s ru x 'lirr y met a t th eir social m eeting on Monday evening. Next list fo r a few days this week. Miss Anna Dillon was in Portland re g u la r m eeting will be election of officers. on business Tuesday. Shell gasoline 20 cents a gallon at Miss Hazel Symms came out from P ortland fo r a short visit with her the Currin.wille store. J. O. Tunnell, • n .2 6 sister, Mrs. O. E. Syron, Tuesday. proprietor. The Estacada hotel will serve lit­ Shell gasoline 20 cents a gallon at the Currinsville store. J. 0 . Tunnell, tle neck clams, steam ed, fried or proprietor. 11-26 barbecued. S atu rd ay evening. Nov. The bright skies and warm sun 21, 6 to 9, a t 36c. N ectar on the j r . i t v . ^ y v i s - - c r c V 'o a . It » u side. Dancing, too. The usual E tta- ENDEAVORERS P IC K O F F IC E R S : l ' r r-’l d : t? order. da welcome of coone. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1925 STATE BUNK ¡N ;i ROM) Ï0 BE COMPLETED ONE OF THE F IN E S T STRUC- VOTE IS O V E R W H E L M IN G T U R E S IN CLACKAMAS COUN- FA V O R T H E ROAD IM- TY H O U S E S LOCA L B AN K PROVEMENT O P E N IN G HELD L A S T SA TU R D A Y COST W IL L BE A B O U T IN $22,000 Modern B anking Method» U»ed, and E staca d a Will Now Be As»ured o f V aults, Fixture», Etc., Co«tly F irst Cla»* H a rd S u rfaced and U p-to-date. Highw ay Garfield Notes W alter Shriner was painfully in­ ju red while at work at his sawmill last Salurday. A leg was caught between a log and the carriage and crushed. He was attended by Dr. Midford, who pronounced the mem­ ber not broken. Mr. Shriller will be confined to his bed fo r some time. The N ora memorial Sunday school will m eet a t 10:30 a. m. each Sun­ day. The Skip-a-week club will m eet at the home of Mrs. J. C. Moreland this coming week. Joe Robertson is recovering from an in ju ry received to his hand while cutting wood some tim e ago. At the special road election, Mon­ The E stacad a S tate bank held open house to thousands of people S atu r­ de y, held a t W ilbur’s hall, Eagle day when the doors of the in stitu ­ Creek, to vote a special tax to 'm ak e tion was throw n open for the first th grade and prepare the base for tim e to the public. E verything was the completion of the pavement on in readiness fo r the occasion, and the m arket road No. 7, th a t p art of the event proceeded throughout the time highway near G rants Park which was TUCKER-KELLER allotted to visitors, from 4 to 9 p.m., left untouched on account of lack of On Monday, November 9, a t P ort­ w ithout a hitch. Many w ere on funds, was carried by a vote of 216 land, Miss Dicey Tucker became the hand before the opening hour, b rav­ ; to 31. A ccording to the engineer’s esti­ bride of Vernon Keller. Both young ing an old-fashioned Oregon rain, to be on time, and a continual line of m ate of the am ount of money need­ people are very popular in this vicin­ people passed through the building ed fo r this im provem ent is $22,000, ity. Mis« Tucker is the daughter of onc-half of the am ount to be raised Mr. and Mrs. W. W. T ucker of up to closing hour. Springw ater and Mr. Keller is the To say everybody was surprised by the county, the oth er half by spe­ son of Mr. and Mrs. John Keller of cial tax in special d istrict No. 2, to find such an up-to-the-m inute in ­ Dodge, both pioneer families of this stitution would be putting it mildly. com prising districts Nos. 30, 39, 40, district. They spent th e ir honeymoon 56 and 59. The floor, the fixtures, the vaults They retu rn ed last Voters in the town of Estacada in P o rt’and. and safes, are all new and of the Thursday evening. They will make latest typos and designs, such as were fo r the measure 100 per cent. their home on the Mrs. E. Lacey are found only in banking estab ­ Many citizens rounded, up friends farm in Dodge. The News joins with lishments of towns m any tim es the and took them to the polls. Keen their many friends in wishing them I in te rest was taken in th e m atter, and size of E stacada. happiness, health and prosperity. The lobby floor is made up of a when the vote was counted and found to be so overwhelmingly in fa- composition resem bling concrete, P.T.A. MEETING with m arble chips rolled in, which I vor of the m easure, the victory was There was a good attendance at gives it the appearance of a real ' made doubly sweet. the P arent-T eachers’ m eeting Tues­ The unfinished p a rt of the road m arble surface. I t is known as day afternoon at 3 o’clock, held in magnotile, is very p retty and will ■ above m entioned is tru ly a sore spot the high school auditorium . The to people who travel over it. When last a lifetim e. president, Mrs. Cary, presided and The fixtures and woodwork are it is finally paved, people in the val­ Miss Lillian Schmidt, the secretary, composed of mahogany, while a plen­ ley will have access to a hard sur­ was also present. A fter transacting tifu l supply of m arble is located here faced road to Oregon City and P o rt­ such business as usually comes be and there, on desks, railings, etc. The land.. Good roads these days are as fore the organization, an interesting upper portion of the fixtures are of essential to a com m unity as railroads. program followed. The high schoo’ plate glass, with solid bronze wick­ Automobiles have made good roads Glee club made its first public op a necessity. Those who own au to ­ ets. pearance of the season nnd delighted The vault door is of massive con­ mobiles will more than save the the audience with a few numbers. A' struction, absolutely b u rg lar and fire i money to be spent in taxes fo r this the last minute, almost, word wn proof, weighing many tons. I t is io a l in money saved on upkeep of received from Portland th a t th* operated by a tim e lock. Tw o-thirds their cars. speakers promised by the sta te or The News is happy to chronicle | of the Federal Reserve banks in the ganfzation would not be present country use vault doors of this make, the resu lt of the election. It was to Rev. L. C. Kirby, the evangelist hold­ our liking. known as the York. ing religious services a t the M.E. _____ The vault proper is in two parts. church this week, creditably substi 3 MILL ROAD L E V Y W IN S On entering, the room is fitted up I Oregon City, Nov. 18.— The spe­ tuted, and gave a talk on “ Book;- with safety deposit boxes fo r the cial 3 mill levy on the overlapping and Good Reading In the Home.” use of custom ers. This room is large road district No. 1, which embraces enough to accommodate 600 users. eight reg u lar road districts of the A num ber of men from this vicin­ I t is b urglar and fireproof. I county, including Oregon City and ity w ent over to Pacific City during The other room is used by the bank Molalla, was carried a t an election the last week to get salmon. They for currency, records, etc., and is a t Liberal Monday afternoon by a rep o rt plenty of fish being caught, for its own convenience. A large vote of 265 to 190 against. The b ut the price is much higher than in safe is* located here, known as a fund will be used to surface the form er y ea r’. Ju st why this should Mosler, and has a trip le time lock. Spangler hill grade, prepared thiough be so no one seems to understand. These rooms, by the way, are re ­ money raised in the same district inforced concrete, 10 tons of steel lrs t year. EXCITEM ENT being used on the top, bottom and “ Bell Hop” Moore of the Estacada Opposition to the m easure in O re­ sides. The rails were placed in the gon City drew out a much larger hotel strayed to P ortland yesterday same m anner as generally used in crowd of voters than usual a t a road nnd had the time of his young life the building of log houses, and con­ election, b u t w eather conditions were A 16-eent dinner was “ enjoyed,” :• crete poured over them to a consid­ not favorable fo r as heavy a vote as ride taken on an elevator and a tre 1 erable thickness. As was m entioned a t first expected. car and he heard a jazz tu n e played before, this vault is b u rg lar and The Spangler hill grade has long on a phonograph. fire proof, one of the things so es­ been a source of difficulty on the Mo- 1 Hot dog! sential to the safety of the bank and lalla-Oregon City road, nnd the its custom ers. The rails are known money provided through the special The local hand played a few se ­ as 90-pound. levy will take care of one of the last lections on the stree t last evening The building is a tw o-story brick bad stretches on the en tire length p rep arato ry to atten d in g the Lib­ and concrete, 25 by 66 feet. The o f road. e rty th eater, where a benefit pro­ bank occupies the main floor, while gram was given. the second sto ry will be devoted to LOCAL NEWS “ Dinty” Moore wns a Linnton offices and apartm ents. The finish­ Mrs. M ary Ross and daughter, Le­ business caller yesterday. ing touches are being applied to the upstairs part, and they will be ready flore, of Portland have been in thi.s FAIR MAKES CAIN vicinity several days recently. They for occupancy n ex t week. The building is heated by hot w a­ have supervision of the Ross plan- [ Carl Joehnk of Canby, secretary ter, and electric ranges will be ad d ­ ng mill, which has been busy again of the Clackamas County F air asso­ ciation, has made his financial re ­ lately. ed to the apartm ents. Miss Neva Smith and a girl port of the 1925 Clackamas county The lobby of the bank was a real flower garden Saturday. Large bas­ friend from Stayton have been vis­ fair, held a t Canby. According to kets of flowers came from the U nit­ iting a t the home of h er brother, W. j the report subm itted by Mr. Joehnk ed S tates National bank of Portland W. Smith, fo r a few days. Mr. and there rem ains an indebtedness of Clackamas County B ankers’ associa­ Mrs. Smith took them home in their $975. The total gate receipts for this y ear’s fa ir am ounted to $2990 car Sunday. tion, Bob Cooke and m any others. Farm ers in this com munity, p ar­ Previous to this year’s fair th -re was Among the guests from out of town were Paul S. Dick, vice presi­ ticularly on route 1 o u t of E sta­ a total indebtednem of $2000. dent and cashier of the United States cada, have sold potatoes recently for ENGLISH Ab SPOKE N ational bank, P o rtlan d ; W. A. as high as $1.65 a bushel. Many O verheard a t a directors’ m eeting: Holt, vice president; F ran k C. Hak, potato buyers are in the com munity “ While we are sitt'n g here let u* assitsant cashier, and Mr. Stevens. now. •*- Miss Irm a Gates has a position in see how we stand on running From the Bank of Oregon City were Will T. W right, president; Percy the local telephone exchange at penses.” Caufield, assistant cashier, and Will­ Gresham. On account of her eyes TURNED TABLES iam Hammond, tru s t officer. L et­ he was compelled to give up her A negro w ent fishing^ He hooked ters and telegram a of co n g ratu la­ chool fo r a time, a big catfish which pulled him over- tions were received from many other parents in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen of Marmot hoard. As he crawled back into the banker* who were unable to attend. Music was furnished by the high fam e over from their home Tuesday boat, he said, philosophically: "W hat I wanna know in dis: Is to visit relative* and friends and to school orchestra. Citizens of Estacada are proud of attend the regular m eeting of the dis niggah fishin’ or is dis fish nig- the new stru ctu re, which is located E**f*rn S tar, which m et the same g erin ’?” so prom inently on one of the main evening. TH EY ’LL NEED IT Mr*. W. E.. Chandler and daugh­ com er* of our growing little city. Heaven help those who help o th ­ ter, Mis* Vera, were passengers to They welcome improvements of like n ature, which is so e*entfal to the Portland Saturday. They are study­ ers to help themselves. beauty and prosperity of the com­ ing music a t the Clifford studio* and DAY EARLY NEXT WEEK munity. On behalf of the people, the go in each week fo r lessons. Mrs. The New* will be published News wishes to extend to the E sta­ Chandler is studying the piano and and put in the mail* W ednesday cada S tate bank th eir appreciation for Mis* Vera the violin. n ex t week to enable us to enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilcox drove the vast im provem ent it has m ads, Thanksgiving day at home. Co­ snd, in the words of Thomas Jeffer­ to Eugene S aturday to atten d the operation on the p art of new* son, who has played the leading role football game between the O.A.C. gatherers and advertisers in in "R ip Van W inkle” fo r so m any and U niversity of Oregon. Mr. Wil­ bringing in th eir copy not later years, “ H ere's to you and your fam ­ cox, being an O.A.C. man, most than Tuesday will be appreciat­ ily; may they liv« long and pros­ i thoroughly enjoyed the game, since i t per.” __________ tue team came eut victorious. ed. __ _« METH0BÍ3T. GHOP.CH BASKET DINNER SERVED IN THE CHURCH BASEMENT LAST SUNDAY AFTERNOON M O R N IN G -E V E N IN G S E R V IC E S Gospel T eem from N orth Pacific Evangelistic In s titu te, With S tu dents, A ttend Last Sunday, at the M. E. church, services out of the ordinary were conducted. The gospel team from the North Pacific Evangelistic Insti­ tu te "was in attendance, accompanied by students. They came to E .laca- da Friday evening and held services th a t night and agn’n Saturday ami Sunday. Sunday m orning the large audience was favored by a sermon from the president of the institute, Rev. Edw ard Mott, anti the director of music at the institute, Bess Owcn;1 Runyan, conducted the musical pro­ gram . Mrs. Am anda M ilzner had ih a rg e of the ju n io r service in the morning, assisted by A letha Allen. Both services were interesting. The ladies of the church served a basket dinner in the church base­ ment. Services wore again held in the afternoon at 2:30. John G. Bringdale, director of the week-end conferences, gave an elo­ quent sermon a t the evening service. These week-end meetings w ere n prelim inary to the commencing of a .-eries of evangelistic services, which sta rted Monday evening, conducted by Rev. L. C. Kirby, and will con­ tinue for two weeks. The gospel team of the institute arrived in a large autom obile bus. The party retu rn ed to P ortland a f t­ er the Sunday evening service. Rev. Ira F. Rankin, pastor of the local church, says: “ Evang li .tic services will be held every night throughout this week and next week. A goodly num ber of Jjeoplu have liu fm itm ty fn n n ,l C h r is t as th eir Saviour, nnd we believe th at many more will soon make the su r­ render to Him. A spirit of prayer is evidenced throughout the com­ munity. Tho visit of th e N .P.E.I. gospel team has been a graceous blessing to the community. Rev. L. C. Kirby, p asto r of the Mt. Tabor Mi thodist church of P ortland, is bringing tim ely and impressive mes- -ages, which ail should hear. Mrs. \irb y is assisting by bringing splen­ did messages in song. Rev. Kirby will preach every night. “ The Odd Fellow and Rebckah lodges will atten d the service in a body tomorrow (F riday) evening, nnd n gospel team from B rother K ir­ by’:: church is planning to be here (lie :ame evening. “ Services on Sunday,” continued Mr. Rankin, “aro as follows: Sunday chool 10 a.m. Ju n io r church serv­ ice, 10:45. M orning worship, 11. Epv orth ln g u e , 6:30 p.m. Evening .service, 7 :30. Every one is welcome it all services.” DRAWPACKS OF R F L IG IO N A co'orcd woman consulted the village lawyer. “ Ah w ant to divo’ce mah hus­ band,” she said. “ W hat’s th< tro u b le?” anl-.ed th/ lawyer. “ Th it nigger’s done gone a n ’ got religion, and we ain ’t seen a chicken on de table foh two weeks.” S A F E T Y F IR S T A lady w ent into a photographer's to have her picture taken— •■nturil. iy. While the photographer was ad ­ ju stin g tho cam era, the lady w rapt a clothesline around her kirts. “ You'll have to take th a t off, madnm ” raid the photographer; “ I can ’t take your picture th a t w ay.” “ You can’t fool me th a t w ay,” she said. “ I know you see me up- dde down in th a t cam era.” G IV IN G T H E M A RIDF. The flapper had ju st powdered h er nose and was taking a hurried aok fit herself in the m irror. To the image therein she said: “ Clothe'-, I am going to tow n; if you w ant to com«-, ju st hang on.” TOO IN FO R M A L Young Dobbs— I w ant to try on th a t suit in the window. A ssistant — Sorry, sir, hut you'll have to use the dressing room. DEFECTIV E PLUMBING I've eome to fix th a t old tu b in the kitchen. "Oh, mamma! H ere’s the doctor to see the cook.” Prof. Brown— W hat can you tell us ab o u t n itrates? Prep— They a re cheaper than day | rates.