Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 12, 1925, Image 3

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    EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEV.'t-, 1 HURSDA >, NOV KM :JEU ¡2. t'.'-’j
' ! th er inform ation desired.”
N. P. E. I. gospel team services
Friday evening, 7 :30. Saturday eve­
ning, 7:30. All day service, basket
dinner, Sunday, November 15. Sun­
day school 10. Ju n io r church, Miss
M orford in charge, 10:45. Gospel
| te rm service Sunday m orning 11.
: Boys’ and girls' service, Sunday a f ­
An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and
ternoon, 2:30. Gospel team service
children’s between-meal snacks.
Sunday aftern o o n 2:30.
league devotional service 6:30. Gos­
pel team sendee Sunday evening at
7:30. The following two weeks, No­
The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M.
vem ber 16 to 29, Rev. L. C. Kirby
Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The
j will preach every night. You are as-
same price as the regular large loaf.
I sured of tim ely messages and good
music throughout this evangelistic
campaign. A half hour p ray er m eet­
Sold at Your Favorite
ing W ednesday evening a t 7 o’clock
Grocery and Restau-i; 5»
will be held a t the home of Mr. F ra ­
ley, the first house east of the
rants in Estacada and | C j > T
initrJa e f ifv
“ W ilt thou n o t quicken us again:
th a t thy people may rejoice in thee?
Shew us thy loving kindness, O
dark-m eated th a t you cannot sell Lord, and g ra n t us thy salvation.”—
P R O F I T A B L E B U S IN E S S them a t an y price. But, on the o th­ Psalm 86:6-7.
John R. Townsley, carrier of mail er hand, larg er white-m cated squabs,
district No. 1, Milwaukie, who makes th a t will weigh 10 to 12 pounds to V/ORD FROM BEN S. P A TTO N.
Ben S. P atton, one-time game
u business of raising squabs, gave the dozen, sell readily at a good
the E astern Clackamas News a lit­ price, especially during the w inter w arden of Clackamas county and a
tle history of squab raising this season, while the tim e " fry e rs ” are form er resident of E stacada, now in
the real estate business a t H unting-
week. His experience with pigeons off the m arket.
“ The age fo r a squab, ready for ton Beach, Cal., has w ritten a short
is related below:
“ A bout three years ago I pu r­ m arket, is fo u r weeks. The m eat is le tte r to the News. Mr. P atto n will
chased 18 pair of the Red Carneaus, then firm and hard and the bird is be rem em bered as being one of the
best game w ardens we ever had, an
and about the same num ber of W hite fully feathered.
“ Squabs produced from high-class upright citizen and a man well
Kings, and also a few Homers.
find th a t these are all very fine birds are rich in body building pro­ thought of. His le tte r follows:
tein and protoplasm, which builds up
E d ito r News: I t has been about
squab producing birds.
“I have my pens built 8x10, w ith a the hum an brain and nervuos sys­ eight years since I le ft E stacada,
two-inch mesh fly pen of the same tem, and is exceptionally beneficial b ut I still feel an in te rest in the
size fo r the birds to fly out into and fo r under-nourished small children town and its people, and Clackamas
and elderly people. There is as county in general. I t has a g reat
get the sunlight.
“ This is a good business fo r boys much protein in one squab as in five deal to offer as a place to live—
there are few localities th a t have
girls or Women who wish to make a pounds of choice beefsteak.
“ There are more squabs being any more. Well paved roads, more
little money as a sid e jin e , requiring
but little tim e or capital. Ju st a few raised a t this tim e th an ever before, than any other one thing, will de­
moments mornings and evenings will and m any fam ilies are ju s t begin­ velop and bring to the fro n t its
many advantages and attractio n s
ning to see th e ir value.
care fo r quite an extensive flock.
“ An old piano box will be large which N atu re has supplied it with.
“F o r those who cannot afford tc
s ta rt on a very large scale, my advice enough to handle fo u r or five pairs,
Who is the very slangy chap you
would be to get the very best foun­ with a small wire enclosure on the
dation stock and you will not regret south side of a building fo r sunlight. were ju s t talking to?
H e’s a teacher of English enjoy­
it, fo r your birds will soon increase F or feed, you can use whole corn,
and you cannot expect to raise big. w heat, cafiier corn, peanut hearts, ing a day off. 1
heavy squabs from cheap, so-called peas, vetch and some bread or to ast
I ’m sorry, b u t this ap artm en t
barn pigeons, the ones you see flying They are also fond of lettuce or won't do, either. N ot a room in the
sour grass; fo r grit, use a m ixture of place big enough to swing a cat in.
at large on city streets.
“A high-grade squad producing fine ground oyster shell, charcoal,
Fed-up A gent— Ah, then, why
pigeon has taken years of careful V enetian red, all dissolved in salt lo t find an o th er hobby?
grading and attention to make them water.
O ur Bobby was in a store with his
w hat they are today. A nother thing
“To those who can conveniently d<
about the common barn variety of so I would be glad to have them cal m other when he was given candy
pigeons is, they will not work or and see my lofts, th ree-fo u rth s mdi by one of the clerks.
“ W hat m ust you say, Bobby?”
thrive in captivity, and w hat few south of Milwaukie, on the Rive:
“ Charge it,” he replied.
squabs they raise are so small and road, and I will gladly give any fu r-
^ 'F |.s
i ML
for Economical Transportation
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
Construction of a new $17,000 high
school building was begun at Cascade
So successful was the state fair at
Salem this year th a t there is a cash
balance of $24,989.
Portland, with permits of $2.295,800,
took fourth place in construction on
the Pacific coast in October.
The Ed Douglass sawmill and plan­
er, located between Sandy and E sta­
cada, were destroyed by fire.
Earl Fisher, state tax commissioner
Is in New Orleans to attend the an­
nual meeting of state tax commission­
To date 1495 carloads of pears and
374 cars of apples have been shipped
to eastern m arket by Medford packing
The new E lks’ temple at Salem,
which was erected recently at a cost
of approximately $175,000 was dedicat­
ed Saturday night.
A movement is on foot at Ashland
to prevent the use of all Josephine
county grounds for commercial pur­
poses on Sundays.
All but 12 of the 36 counties of Ore­
gon were represented at the annual
meeting of the Oregon County Asses­
sors’ association at Dallas.
A limited season for the killing of
adult bull elk was proposed by E. F.
Averill, stgte game warden, in a report
filed with Governor Pierce.
Rails have been laid between the
Kitson creek and Salt creek w ater­
sheds on the Eugene-Klamath Falls
line of the Southern Pacific.
A 4-year-Old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Kittson of Marshfield obtained
matches and set his clothes on fire.
He was so badly burned he died.
John Campbell, pioneer Klamath
hardware merchant, died unexpectedly
at a natatorium in th a t city when he
was stricken with heart disease.
Six Japanese steam ers of the 8000-
ton class or greater size will load on
Coos bay before the first of the year
and take 10,000,000 feet of lumber to
tlm far east.
The immigration office at Portland
spent $1345 for ticke'ts during the
month of October to return aliens un­
lawfully In the United States to their
native shores.
D. L. Bailey, 31, employed as clerk
at the Hammond Lumber company
store In Mill City, was killed, being
shot just over the heart with a 25-35
rifle he was carrying.
Ratios of assessed values to actual
values for the year 1925 wero announc­
ed by the state tax commission. It
was said that the ratios for 1925 show
a slight decrease when compared with
those of a year ago.
As the result of an outbreak ol
smallpox among patients In the Ore­
gon state hospital at Salem, It may be
necessary to quarantine at least two
wards in the institution.
w inter Comfort
at Low Cost
To drive in comfort this winter
you should have complete protec­
tion against rain, sleet, snow and
wind. Only the finest closed car
construction can give you that.
The Chevrolet Coach body is
Fisher-built—the same construc­
tion used on the world’s finest cars.
Doors and windows fit and stay
tight to keep out wind and water.
Rain or snow cannot penetrate
the Fisher V-V one-picce wind­
shield which gives you perfect
vision and ventilation. Long semi-
elliptic springs and balloon tire*
take the jars out of frozen roads.
Add to bodily comfort the safety
of semi-reversible steering and
equalized brakes and the assur­
ance of a motor that always starts
easily, and you can realize why
Chevrolet spells winter comfort.
Yet you get all this in the world’s
lowest-priced Fisher Body Coach.
Let us show you the quality fea­
tures of this fine closed car and
explain how easy it is for you to
own one this winter.
The Coach
Touring Car
Roadster -
Coupe • •
Sedan • •
Chassis * •
Baprrys Truck
-5 2 3
-6 7 5
.4 2 5
.5 5 0
WILCOX B R O T H E R S ........................................ESTACADA, OREGON
Receipts of the state motor vehicle
departm ent for the month of October
aggregated $56,632.29, according to a
report prepared by the secretary ol
state. Thus far this year the receipts
have totaled $5,315,625.18.
A. J. Greeg, farm supervisor at the
state tuberculosis hospital at Salem,
is suffering from numerous injuries as
the result of being attacked by a
blacktail buck deer which recently was
imported from Baker county.
The jury in the case of J. R. Haless,
tried in the Coos county circuit court
at Marshfield, returned a verdict ol
not guilty after 45 m inutes’ delibera­
tion. H aless killed George Holmes in
H aless’ home In North Bend.
Tests of sugar beets grown by 17
Marlon county farm ers have proved
so satisfactory that the chambers ot
commerce at Salem and Portland are
much Interested In the possibility ol
establishing refineries in that section
H. F. Schillings, receiver of the
Firat National bank of Bandon, which
closed April 2, has announced that the
first dividend amounting to 30 pel
cent would be paid depositors and
creditors the latter part of November
A total of 1,617,205 fish wore plant
ed in lakes and atream s of Douglas
Oregon b u tte r eclipsed all oth. r
Fairm ont, Minn. — F. R. Iverson
county, the eggs having been hatched
| of Fergus Falls, Minn., husked his production in quality la ;t week wh
In the Rock creek hatrhery, according
j way to the corn husking cham pion­ Adolphe Krick«on, b u tte r m aker a
to the report filed by Superintendent
ship of the northw est in the J. W. ih** Raven cream ery of Portland,
Hill with the state game commission
C ourtney field, fo u r miles from here, ! cured the gold medal with a score < >'
96. This n an unui-ually high - to :,
The highway between Klamath Falls one day last w#ek.
and Ashland will be kept open
lh e
A fter an hour and a half, he even for exhibition*.
throughout the winter regardless ol flaunted 22 bushel* of newly husk­ j was made at the Pacific In tern atio n -
heavy snow storma. It was announced ed corn in the face of his oppo I al with b u tte r maker* from all ov< t
The be -t
An effort also will be made to keef nents. He won first prize of $100 the country com peting.
the Klamath Falls-Bend highway open and the honor to atten d the midwest b u tte r th at Iowa, Wisconsin and
Minnesota, as well as the Pacific
Three children, Helen Peterson, age contest a t Bargess, 111., Nov. 19.
I. S. M. Selvog of Winnebago, slope, could produce was overtopped
6 years. "Buddy" Peterson, age 4 years
and Howard Carr, age 7, suffered Minn., took second place, while Geo. in quality by the Portland m aker.
serious Injuries at Baker aa a result i P ru st of Ceylon, Minn., gathered Mr. Erickson, while born in Minne­
of the explosion of dynamite caps witt | enough ears for third place honors. sota where good b u tte r m akers arc
More than 1000 persona came to born, lived for many years on a
which they were said to have hssc
witness the g rea test corn husking farm at Junction City.
contest ever held in Minnesota.
E stacada is having her share ot
Say you *aw it in the News.
wet weather this week.