TACK FOUR EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 19 2 5. V C L A C K A M A S F A IR A PPR O V E D . Action o f backers o f the county 1 fair may obtain a $3500 appropria- | tion from the county next year, ac- V____________________ 1 cording to approval fo r the plan, Going south; want to soli separa- voted by members o f the budget tor and cow that will be fresh Dec. committee in session Tuesday at Or- 7; $50 fo r each. Milton G. Weather- cf?°n C ity- Other new funds that by, Garfield district. 10-29-11-5 may be established this year arc ________________________________________ $5000 fo r a county poor farm and For Sale. $1800 fo r a boys’ and girls’ club Kraut cabbage at J. T. Dowty's; 1 leader, cent a pound by the sack. Get busy The three items may be included if you want kraut. It’s A -l and its *n tbe draft o f the budget as it will ready. be submitted to the taxpayers o f the . __ _____________________________________ county at the annual budget meet- ■ For Sale— Full blood W hite Mi- inS> » ’ though final decision on a ll. norca cockerels, $2.50 each; good expenditures has not been made a.~ cross with Leghorns; also have fine )'et b- the committee. County Judge improved Oregon strawberry plants, K. ’ rose, Commissioners C. W. $3 per M. W.H.Holder. 10-29; 11-5 Kruse and Richard W right, H. H. ________________________________________ Chind ren, M. C. G lover and John WANT UNO FOR SALE ADS T H E U N IV E R S A L C A R The demand for FORD cars has already outstripped all previous records. Motor car buyers who seek beauty and comfort are finding the improved Touring Car exactly suit­ ed to their desire. See this good looking car. As you inspect its many new features, bear in mind that this improved car is available at no increase in price. PRICES A T E STA C AD A TO U R IN G $474.00 TUDOR SEDAN ROADSTER $442.80 FORDOR SEDAN COUPE $624.80 B A LLO O N $697.20 $770.40 $25.00 T IR E S BOB CO O KE M O TO R CO ESTACADA OREGON ! Now Is The Time To Electrify Your Home You already know that Electric Service is the most useful and economic servant in the X X X X , 1 , I h o m Ï i i i t i Î '* e . W e have an excellent stock to select from. * Y Electric S t o r e , Electric Building $ t X Of medium size, good quality; the kind that retails for about 40 cents. The Luckel King & Cake Soap Co. takes this meth­ od o advertise their new floating hand and bath Soap. With 8 bars o f NILO soap, for 75c, you will receive one of these bath towels. NILO sells regularly for 10c, and is one of the best hand soaps we have ever handled. W e have just 3 dozen of the bath towels. Estacada Feed Store IN D E X PRODUCE C O M P A N Y IN D E X PRODUCE C O M N A N Y Z a H INDEX PRODUCE CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. ". P O R T L A N D . OREGON. *•**•* *•**•**•**«**«**»• Wholesale Distributors o f EVERYTHING CALLED PRODUCE. BEST PR IC E S P A ID FOR and MARCEL SALON S T R IC T L Y S A N IT A R Y S A T IS F A C T IO N G U ARANTEED HOURS— 9:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M S A T U R D A Y — 8:00 A. M. TO 10:00 P. M. M ASO N IC BLDG ESTACAD A AR T. SM ITH. Propr. WE R E M IT BY R E TU R N M A IL M. J. K ERK ES, Manager. MAIN 2989. a INDEX PRODUCE Near Morrison. COMPANY o f money to loan on farms at 6 per cent— from one to twenty years. No commission on large loans. See S. E. Wooster, Estaca- 6-19-tf da, Oregon. _________ ___________________ _ Any girl ill trouble may communi- annual homecoming has been set for October 31, just two weeks away, Elaborate preparations are already u,uIer wa? a host of committees ! ,llu'er command of Gordon Pratt of | Portland, homecoming chairman. A i ; ’**“ * * M •*>•«*« trough a atu- ■ate with Ensign Lee o f the Salva- ,lont contest' Last ^ a r '3 ral,J r,n8 c fy ' tion Army, at the White Shield was " Hom0 A * ain' Win A « ain'” Home, 565 M ayfair Ave.. Portland. Montana univer8,t>’ w ill furnish the. 9-20 t f °P P °8ition ,or Schissler’s Fighting I Oregon. _______ | Aggies this year, and indications point to plenty of opposition on both sides A N Y O N E — Wishing good home­ Bell field that day. made cake or bread, call Mrs. G. * 11 t an Never iu the memory of the oldest in­ W. Guttridge, Estacada. Phone habitant have the Aggies had so 11-12. 9-3tf speedy an aggregation, while the Grizzlies boast the fastest back field FOR SALE— Two lots for sale on flash in the conference in Sweet, who I orner. Two blocks from high school, cleaned up the dashes in the coast f 130. J. E. Barger, care Ida Palma- track meet last spring. cer, Estacada. R. EGGS- W e are paying- today (Tuesday) CO PPER C ARR (fo r wheat onlv) lb. FO R M ALD E H YD E , pints ...................... LU1 \ : i tOL 8HEL1 MOTOR OIL, Western, ([lift GOLDEN SH ELL, Eastern, quart SH E LL G A S O LIN E , in your auto, gallon SH E LL G A SO LIN E , in your barrel, gallon V A L L E Y W H E A T FLOUR, 49 pound sack V A L L E Y W H E A T FLOUR. 49-pound sack GOOD CO O KIN G A P P L E S , box SW EET S P l’ DS. 4 pounds fo r < ! I FRY. bunch .............. L E T T U C E , bunch ........ M ATCHES, six boxes to carton W H O LE G R A IN H O Y S T F D CO FFEE round GOLDEN W E ST CO FFEE, pound C R A N B E R R IE S , pound Li ! r SUGAR, sack J. O. TUNNELL CURRINSVILLE, OREGON o a a o z X ► Z -4 151 Front. a H "0 o Ö a n tf Q O 2 2 > V. INDEX PRODUCE COMPANY 3 G. M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY and LIGHT LUNCH International Made to M e a s u r e CLOTHES The “ Square Deal” Barber Shop W ar in the Balkans is merely FOR SALE— Jersey black giant their little way o f bringing business “ The shop where the barber knows his stuff.99 ! . ockerels for sale, $2.00 each. V. E. back to normal. Madsen, 1 mile east of Eagle Creek EARL LA FORGE, Proprietor, 1 crange hall. E S T A C A D A ’ S L E A D IN G T O N S O R IA L A R T IS T . For Sale — Good team, coming 7 this spring; weight 2900; sound and Hair Cut 35c; Shave 15c: Children’s Hair Cut 25. FOR SALE— 3 work horses, 1 saddle true; in fine shape; 2 wagons, har­ All other work at popular prices, horse and saddle. Address Oeo. W alt­ ness, plow, scraper, 2 chains, 2 shov­ M O TTO — “ L IV E A N D L E T L IV E .” ers, Curriusvtlle, Oregon. els, pick. Price fo r all, $350. S. E. BOBBING AND SHINGLING A SPECIALTY. Wooster. 10-29 It I FOR SALE— 15 head good ewes. Jas. l i Rush. Eagle Creek. Oregon. B A T H S For Sale— Pony; weight about 900 *: “ pounds; works single, double and B R O A D W A Y , N E A R L IN N 'S IN N , ESTACAD A, OREGON. For Sale or Iteni. ride. W ill trade. N. E. Stingley. 12 acres fe mile cast of poatofflee, Ragje Creek- i o . 29 ; u _6 h : Estacada. Oregon. Seven buildings j New house plastered. 2 acres in logan Good brooms fo r 59c Friday and berfies, acre in blackcaps, 2 acres Saturday only. A fine stock o f school fenced for chickens. Balance In past­ supplies. Model Supply Co. It ure. all fenced. A. 11. Fraley. Estaca­ da. Oregon. The United Artisans will hold their monthly card party next Wed CARVER, OREGON. For Sale. qcsdny night at I.O.O.F. hall. Dan­ Going East; must sell. 1 team of cing and cards. I It horses and harness. 5 years old. wt.. 2600. -3 cows, milking better than $60 RADIO per month. Five miles north. 1 mile ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS, If you want a Real Radio, see Clyde east of Estacada on the Baker farm C. E. Keller. R. 1. Bo* 30. Eagle Creek Schock and get a "H A L O W A T ” TR5. G AS AND OIL—At Portland Price* Honestly made, backed by, and built Oregon. J __ by a Portland concern and we ll back FOR 8A LB — Milch goat for sale or it on a money-back guarantee against trade for chickens or a hog. Enquire any five-tuber on the market. For good Guaranteed Radios see of Henry Heisereon, R 3. I-M Clyde 8chock at Cook Motor Co. Philadelphia Ond of the ■ a n y i climax when she sang the aria, dis­ FOR SALE— Plant your tulip beds tre s s in the elaborate musical pro- playing a most remarkable range and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. in October. Get your bulbs of Mrs. cry m hr« — * . gr..m of » the Sesquicentennial T Inter- 1 coloring of . voice, Department of the Interior. C. A. Jocques. 50c per dozen. I*. 8 .'Land Office at Portland, Oregon national exposition ne«t year, w ill be T be young singer will make her September 24. 1925. ihe appearance of Dusolina Gianinni. j Berlin debut in "Cavaliers Rustlcana " TEN ACRES for sale by owner, Notice is hereby given that Milo M. ft young opera star of American birth | after which she will tour Germany. m.lo south of Estacada depot. 1 acre Header, of.Route t l k . x 2S Estacada. " nV VtnlianU ne^e Miss Gianinni, a she will return to the United States In of I Of an berrtfs. 4 acre of ttrtw ber- Oregon, who. on August • i - m«ri * mwr.e. acre u, „ra w o e r- Entry,~Na 0492«! ffr N W * dramatic soprano. 1, a Philadelphia November. rles. llorse and implements go with \ ev «. Section 15. Township 3 S. Range girl, ond a pupil of Mme. Marcella place. For price and particulars ad- 5 E. Willamette Meridian, has filed no- Seinbrith Frank Porter of Halsey, the famous lice of intention to make Final Proof, dress E-tacada R F D. 2, Bo* 2 A rebent cable dispatch to Mme. Red Polled breeder who ha3 bsen out to establish claim to the land sbov > Nvcribed. before the R -si ter U. 8. S tnbrlch announced that 27 curtain I on the circuit year after year, regard­ FOR SALB One large Primrose ,.*„<1 office Portland. Oregon, on th- calls were accorded her pupil and i less of the fact that there has been no cream separator, almost new. with two 12th day of November, 1975. P 'o; ■ e on the occasion of her debut competition, and who always has his Claimant names as witnesses: ( 2> ten gallon cream cans, cheap Frank Ahnert, of Route 4. Estacada. :i "A Ir" at Hamburg. Germany. After cattle in spl.ndid condition, looks to Peoples Store. Oregon. be final curtain the eutire audience 1 be in for a sign of it this year. One of Lawrence Thompson, of Route 4. crowded to the front of the theatre | th? famau* Red Tolled herds of the FOR SALE— A grindstone, a 5-gal- Estacada. Oregon. and gave the American an ovation cornhelt states coming from Iowa on Henry Klinker, of Route 4. Estacr. | Ion cream can. a long crow-bar. a seldom witnessed in Hamburg, where­ the special train. FVank smiled and . level, a cake mixer, an egg carrier. da. Oregon. Joe Wiederhold, of Route 4. Esta- by «he scored the greatest success of said he would welcome any kind of 1 collet leg-bands, a hand cultivator, a caj ^ o 7 .Ton any foreign artist tim e the war. The competition. rip saw and an Eastman kodak Mrs Clackamas County: 40 acres. well-known teacher. Dr. Weismann. J W Mosley. Morrow station. Act Í-9-16. sees In the youthful American the W A LTE R L. TOOZE Sr Billy Sunday has run the devil greatest "A lda” since Destinn Register. The water melon season is just out o f Portland, but all the cops on Notice to be published Ove consceu- an intermission between tornado : won the audience in the j the force won t keep him out very t i v * . weeks In Eastern Clackamas J season* in the south. 6r » i act, but her euvceee reached a I long. Neva, Estacada, Oregon. I CHEVROLETS R. G. MARCHBANK, Owner. (T irrm s v ilte S to re » Z ‘ VEAL, HOGS, LAMBS, EGGS, POTATOES, ETC. MARCHBANK CHEVROLET CO. BOB’S UNION BARBER SHOP - buildings. For price and partic­ ulars write owner, N. P. Nelson, 0 reS™ Agricultural College, Cor- Newberg, Oregon. 7-30-tf vn 11 is - A g g ie grads from near and far ___________________ __________ will l rck back to their alma mater W hy not start now and let Elec­ tricity do all your household drudgery for you? y . 1 , N O T IC E — A n y one wishing their *’• Ri '-°y form the special commit- clothes cleaned and pressed phone tee- Miss Laura Douglas, 58— 6. 10-29 4t The FrouP voted Tuesday to in- __________:_____________________________ elude an item o f $50,000 fo r the re- For Sale— Large quantity o f fine Auction o f outstanding indebtedness, carrots, $1.75 sack. G.A.Masse. provided that the sum did not run ________________________________________ the total expense over 6 per cent W ill pay 10 per cent fo r $200; more than the 1925 total, one year’s time. Box 294, City. ! Those backing the movement to 10-29- It. | establish a fund fo r a young peo- ___ pie’s club leader believe that the LU M B E R FOR S A L E — W e have a county will benefit from such a step, small amount o f 2x4 and 1 x 8 ship- County Agent W. A. Holt has car- lap, grade suitable fo r general use ri0 ' n addition to his other du- and see what we have. Electric ties* but the expansion o f the work Lumber & M fg Co., River Mill, 13 held to necessitate the employ­ Oregon. 35-tf ment o f a leader fo r club work alone. The expenditure o f the $5000 fund to start a poor farm has not been I Pointer’s Furniture Exchange, the place to get what you want and worked out by the committee, but sell what you don’t want. 6-8-tf the court has several sites in mind, j Last year’s budget included an L O A N S on farms 0 per cent. No item o f $2000 as a fund to provide commission City loans monthly work fo r county prisoners, but such plan. Oregon City Abstract Co. work has never been carried out, and the fund is held against the time FOR S A L E — 10-acre farm known as when some system o f work fo r pris­ the A. S. Hassell place, adjoining oners is outlined. The money would Free Bath Tow el BUICKS Phone 19*5