Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 29, 1925, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    tasterò Clackamas i\ews
1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C arrack and
Mrs. Wiley Howell was a Monday
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, i ion of Portland were guests F riday j caller at the Smiley Lovelace home
Oregon, as second-clasa mail.
. . the J. F. Moger home.
in E stacada.
Earl Shibley and son, Bobby, vis
Elm er Dibble and fam ily we c
Published every Thursday at
ted a few days the first of the week Oregon City visitors Monday.
Estacada, 0 retron
at the J. A. Shibley home.
The Gfover, Ciififoru and E verett
by the
Lucile G uttridge spent S aturday Kiggins families of E sta-cd a werr
ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY. night as the guest of G ertrude and guests Sunday at the William Fir.’:
Mildred Macehall.
Guests a t the Dr. W allen’s home j
John M arshall- is logging a t tV.c
S u b s c r ip t io n R a t e s
on S aturday were his sister, Mrs. Hassel mill in Dodge.
One year
$1.5<i H argraves of Clackamas, and Mr. | The many friends here of Eyge.'.c
Six months
.76 and Mrs. Twohy of Portland.
Young were grieved to learn of h:
E verett and Elva Shibley were j death a few weeks ago at Salen. He
The adm inistration, a term used -¡u.iday guests a t the F orrest Erick-1 passing was due to com plicaCors, f. 1
lowing his ap p aren t recovery from
promiscously, but under the a!;o.< son home.
The Hansen fam ily entertain ed a diphtheria.
caption, meaning, “ Wall stre e t,” hoi
Mrs. George P erry and daughter.
determ ined, in the parlance of thn number of relatives from Portland
Helen, were business visitors in P o rt­
street, to cut a huge "M ellon.” It Sunday.
Mrs. P eter Erickson and daughter, land S aturday.
other words, it has decreed, and it:
Nellie Tracey* of Logan was vis­
ultim atum has been issued through j Mrs. Ed Aycock, spent several days
its mouthpiece, th a t its rapaciou? i recently visiting relatives in P o rt­ iting Sunday with Dicey Tucker.
maw will not be satisfied with less
than a 60 per cent reduction in its
sur-taxes. This means a mere bag
o’ sheckels, or approxim ately a half
billion dollars, which it has decreed
its governm ent does not need, to
reduce the national debt; since that !
might prevent it from loaning its
governm ent, through patriotic mo­
tives, additional half billion at 4 .'1-4
per cent.
Its mouthpiece has fu rth e r de­
creed th a t the poor w age-earner, or
the "5 and 10-cent” people of these
United States, shall continue to pay
th a t share allotted to their station in
life by it, with an infinitesimal, if
any, reduction in the present ra te ; I
Dinner in our large, well ventilated
or through an infinitesimal increase
in th eir exemption. I t thoroughly
dining room. Atmosphere about right
believes th a t it has a God-given pow­
and well cooked meals, properly served.
e r to prescribe those burdens which
Where everybody wears a smile, where
the poor shall bear, and those bu r­
you feel the welcome awaiting you—and
dens which it may lighten from its
the price of the meal is reasonable—
own shoulders. In other words, “to
him th a t hath, it shall be given; and
does this not make you realize that Esta­
to him th a t hath not, it shall be ta k ­
cada needs just such a home hotel as
en aw ay.”
Greed and selfishness may explain
but not excuse its decrees, and ul­
tim atum .
If any class should be
taxed, and bear the g rea ter portion
of the burden, it is th a t class that
robbed its governm ent when its
governm ent was in distress by the
cost-plus system, the spruce ra il­
roads and the $600,000,000 squan­
dering of aeroplane funds w ithout
results. Surely the “ 5 and 10-cent”
people mentioned by its mouthpiece
were not in th a t class; neither arc
they arrogating to themselves the
pretended right or power to dictate
w hat, or how much, the other class
shnll pay; nor what or how little
they shall pay.
The adm inistration’s program has
been broadcast by its mouthpiece,
who rem ains silently silent, as to
the “ Mellon” a 60 per cent reduc­
tion in sur-taxes would place in his
Christm as stocking; and as silently
silent as to the melons th a t will be
O p e n from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m .—S a tu rd a y s , o p e n to 8 p. m
Neat, Durable work
absent from the Christm as stock­
ings of the “ 6 and 10-cent” people,
: :
Whom he proposes shall continue to
bear an u n ju st proportion of the ex­
H a v e th e soles sewed on
penses of governm ent.
your a r e s : shoes with a
Silent Cal, the sphinx, looks wise,
and says nothing; fo r it is an “ad ­
m inistration” reduction in taxes for
itself, and "a house divided against
itself must surely fall.” Hence si­
A. R. DAHLKE, Estacada
lence will he the order of the day
in the W hite House; but let us hope
there are n few honest to God rep­
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howell and
resentatives of the people ut Wash­
daughter, Mary, visited relatives in
ington who will not em ulate Silent
P ortland Sunday.
Cal, but lift up th eir voices and cry
aloud over the length and breadth
of the land against this proposed in­
G EO R G E .
iquitous adm inistration program for
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maxwell of
You have been Intending to establish your
the reduction of sur-taxes, so that
P ortland spent S aturday and Sun
banking connection with us
this may continue to be a govern­
day with home folks in George.
m ent by and for the people, and not
Mr. and Mrs. Deo Rath and son,
by and fo r wealth, lest it revert to
Henry, m otored to Portland Wed­
taxation w ithout representation.
John Dew and Mrs. E. Dew spent
' Saturday in Portland.
They were
With our new building and equipment we shall
accompanied by Mrs. A lbert Lins of
He is n man th a t gets up in the
bo better able than e\<.r to care for the banking
small hours of the morning. Ho dis
The G range of George gave a
turbeth the whole household, goes
nerds of the community. If not already a cus­
dance last Saturday.
out and is gone all day, comes homo
tomer. we invite you to come in and do business
Remember the date, O ctober 31,
at night, all w et, smelling of strong
with us.
S aturday evening, at the clubhouse.
drink, and the tru th is riot in him.
Mr. Holt, the county agent, will
show some educational pictures, be­
A special road election will be
sides there will be other numbers
held at Kagle Creek, November 16,
on the program.
according to order signed by the
county court Thursday of last week.
The election has been called to vote
Emil E. Bode of Howell, Mich.,
on a proposal to form a special dis
is making a short visit with his sis­
“Safety and Service ’ *
trict to finance the construction of
ter, Mrs. M. L. Sevier, and also' vis­
the grade and base of a four-mile
a in g friend* at Corvallis. He will
stretch on the B arton road.
stop on his re tu rn home at Salida,
strip is included in the county road
Colo., to visit his brother, Csrl, who
bond project, which provides for
has been a Denver t Rio G rande an-
surfacing of th s road, but no pro­ . .
j irineer fo r 35 years.
visions have been made for thfe prep­
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Powers had
aration of the grade for surfacing.
as th e ir eleventh wedding anniver­
The proposed district, which would
sary guests, O ctober 25. the follow­
include Barton, Eagle Creek, Cur-
ing: Mr. ar.d Mre. E. L. Evenson of
nnsville. E stacada, George and G ar­
R cd ltn d ; Mr. and Mr*. Elden Lam-
field. would be taxed for the funds
kin o l Viola: E rnest E verson and
to get the road in condition fo r la­
Mis* Annie Bateson, and the two
te r surfacing. A pproxim ately $26,-
children of Mr. and Mrs. Power?
D ecora*let s. H a ts.
1 U ce
C ird t
000 will be needed and the levy will
There were o th er friends th a t called
not exceed 3W mills. The stretch
during the afternoon.
F ancy N apkins, C repe P a p e r for m aking p a rty gow ns.
D. G. W hite ha* installed a gaso
which make it one of the most ex­
line filling station at his Viola store.
I n f e c t everything for vour H a llo w e c i p arty .
pensive base* to prepare in the
Elden Lamkin has Recovered hi?
autom obile which had been missing
S As the road will serve all the
fo r a weok or more.
eastern p art of the county, the court
believes th a t the several districts
should bear the coet, which would
be fa r too heavy fo r the B arton dis-
trict to stand alone.
H, C. G Ó H R IN G Prop.
Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought
f ir Cemtmlcet ihntfiortoiioH
‘The Way to Start is to Start’
that make
world’s finest
low priced
Coach u mi
In the C hevrolet C oach you
will get «cores o f unusual
quality features such as you
w ould expect to find only on
higher priced cars—dry disc
clutch—extra large brakes—
semi-floating re a r axle w ith
one-piece pressed steel hous­
in g - v a c u u m fuel feed w ith
tan k In rear—R em y electric
starting, lighting and distrib­
u to r ig n itio n — F is h e r W
one-piece w indshield, auto­
m atic w in d s h ie ld w ip er—
and cowl lam ps.
Cab Riot Mich,
Why not do it Now?
Com e in and see for yourself
this rem arkable coach valua.
T ouring $ 5 2 5
R oadster
C oupe
ChM™.*rCi*'- 4 2 5
fiScTch.M i, 5 5 0
Wilcox Brother», Proprietor«.
Estacada. Ore
Halloween Novelties!
- jN f c
Q c t . 3 l - M o v