Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 22, 1925, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    P A G E TWO
T H U R SDA Y, O C T O B E R ••2. 1025.
Eastern Clackamas News
Entered a t the postoffice in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Published every Thursday at
Estacada. Oregon
by the
A C O R P O R A T IO N .
S u b sc r iptio n
One y ear
Six months
R ates
A suit has been instituted in circuit
co urt in Multnomah county to restrain
th e directors of school Dist. No. 1.
their principals and teachers, from
n ing the pupils of tlie public school?
for other than educational purposes.
It seems th at the children have been
r i ll as a sort of auxiliary collection
a r c . ncy for every "drive’' from the Fled
Cross and Community Chest down to
collecting pennies for the reh ab ilita­
tion of "Old Ironsides,” for the secre­
tary of the navy; and other pennies
for some “T r u s t” company or other to
loan at a profit .under the guise of
teaching the children to boycott Wrig-
ley, Ileeman, Jensen and Von Her-
h.-vg, Woodlaw, et al, by saving such
P nnles.
The good-natured, accom ­
modating members of the school
board, not having tho actual work, in­
cident to such “collections” to do,
readily consent to Its being carried on
in the public schools, and, “he It
therefore ordered; tliut the secretary
be instructed to advise the s u p e rin ­
tendent of schools of tills action in the
m atter, etc.”
Forthwith the superintendent calls
u meeting of the principals, and they
are advised th a t the honorable m em ­
bers of the board wish them to lay
aside all and sin g u lar their business,
as educators, and attend to m a r s h a l­
ing this corps of in structors, who, in
tu rn , are to lay aside their profession
"teaching the young idea to s h o o t ;’’
. and instruct tlie children in com m er­
cialism; 1. e.: the gathering in of the
coin of the realm, shekels, filthy lucre,
moioch, or the golden calf, by w h a t­
ever name one chooses to apply to it;
so th at tlie salaried representation of
these different organizations may wax
fat through th e prostitution of our
public schools.
The public taxes
should be used in the m ain ten ance of
the public schools for tlie education of
the youth of the land, and for no
other purpose. Tlie golden o p p o rtu ­
nity of youth at the fountain of know l­
edge should not be diverted by c a tc h ­
penny schemes, w hether it be for the
en richm ent of the Individual, who Is
brought in from outside the state to
conduct a "drive”, or make up the
deficit of a couple of hotels run under
the guise of charitable associations—
that. Iiuving no re n t or ta xes to pay.
ren t rooms and sell food cheaper th an
the hotel and r e s ta u ra n t with these
overhead expenses. The children of
the public schools should not he called
upon to assist in such commercialism.
Every moment devoted to m atters o u t­
side the purpose for which our public
schools are m aintained is robbing the
child of its rig ht; and every moment
devoted to such outside m atters by the
superintendent, principal, and teacher,
ts a breach of tr u s t —a waste of t a x ­
p ay ers’ funds—a diversion to other
uses th an those for which levied and
collected, and they should lie e n ­
joined from using tlie d istrict's funds
In the payment of salarie s, when any
portion of their time Is devoted to
these outside matters, not prescribed
In the course of study.
One of tlie last lottor h w ritten hy
Iho Into William Jennings Bryan was
a personal one to the Muster of the
National Orange, in which In vigorous
term s Mr. Ilryan expressed his a p p r e ­
ciation of the grange as an o rg a n isa ­
tion of service to the farm ers of Am >r-
George A Palmltor. m aster of Ih
Oregon State Grange, rec >ntly nt
tered this significant sentence
"Something ia wrong with our metli
oils of marketing, when the aggregati
money value of a large r op of p
necessity ts sm aller t h a n the value .
a sm aller crop.”
Looks Good for Rotators.
Reports from the big potato-grow
lug sections of the New Kaglam;
states indicate that th e price of pota­
toes will he good for this year. New
H am pshire rep o rts a succession oi
price advances and the Bureau of
Markets states. October 7. potatoe-
w rre selling in a large way at $1,59-
$1*5 per bushel.
The Hereford* will he showing in
the old time stren g th this year, P rac-
tlcally all the old (allows are out
again this .tear, including Chandler
Cook, Thtessen, Weatherford. Finery
Bnrnum and on top of this the famous
B ald v ln ran ch of California. It's go ­
ing to he a mighty p retty show and
th eir section will be easy to look at.
Dinner in our large, well ventilated
dining room. Atmosphere about right
and well cooked meals, properly served.
Where everybody wears a smile, where
you feel the welcome awaiting you—and
the price of the meal is reasonable—
does this not make you realize that Esta­
cada needs just such a home hotel as
New Winter “Red Crown” now on sale ¡8
a new gasoline expressly developed to
meet a ll the conditions that cold weather
imposes on your motor.
Split-second starting that saves the starter*
battery, undue priming and crankcase oil
dilution. .
The quickest-acting gasoline made— smooth
acceleration, tremendous power-energy—
and maximum mileage!
Here is the achievement of our 47 years
of gasoline-making experience.
On sale now at Standard Oil Service Sta*
tions and at dealers displaying the red,
white and blue “Red Crown” pump.
H. C. G O H R IN G Prop.
Beef, Mutton, Yea! and Hogs Bought
Open from 7 a. m. lo 6 p. m,
Saturdays, o p en to 8
: :
¿IAN&A ( C 3 US
p. m
[ W
m ^ m t iip i wjuu mah.
y '
k T postland ,
Oct.3l - Nov.7,
$90,000 in P rem ium s
W ith en tries com ing in from over th e en tire country, the 1925 Pacific International
Livestock E> r*oeition, In c ., will presenr th e preatest array o f livestock ever show n
un d er o n e roof in A m erica. See thousan d of Beef and Dairy C attle, Horses. Swine.
S heep, G o ats and Poultry; in ad d itio n th e P oultry an d Dairy Shows. Land a n a
Industrial Products Exhibits s n d th e world fam ous H orae Show.
Dairy Cow Testing and Feeding
fbr Ccomomieal Transportation
8 E Û I S P l E T E R T J E P R O S P E C T —22184«
W o r l d ’, R e r - r d C ow fo r Milk P r o d u c t i o n — V .'81.4 P o u n d , in On* Y e ar- B o rn A p r I
10. I»IJ. D u d M a r c h 10. 1926. O w n e d a n d D e v elo p e d by C a r n a t i o n Milk F a r m ,
Seattle, W ashington
One of th e features of th e Dairy < on top of their milk and cream check.
Section at the Pacific Internationa! , some added money from, th eir off­
Livestock Exposition. Portland. Octo­ springs.
ber 31st to Nov. 7th. will he a demon
Prof. P. M. Brandt of Oregon Agri­
strntion of testing foi butterfat and
cost accounting of feed of two groups culture College has beeu requested
of dairy cattle, using five average to take charge of this exhibit which
Oregon co* - in one group. These cows will also feature daily tests for butter-
will give about 4000 pounds of milk fat by accredited testers of the
per year, which is about Oregon's state so th at lay people may get a
standard and the standard of the Uni-, close-up of what testing really means.
A c h a rt for each anim al will show
ted States, too.
In an o th er group will bo five pure­ exactly the amount of milk they pro­
bred cows, featuring each of the five duce at each milking and the exact
well-known breeds whose production amount of butterfat in th eir milk for
will be from $.000 to 13.000 pounds of that day. The amount of feed given
milk per year. Purebred cettle have to each of th ese anim als in the various
productions of more than this amount groups will also be tabulated, which
but it is thought to impress th e pub­ will clearly show that, although an
lic of th e desirability of owning a anim al giving a good flow of milk
String of well bred cows which shall takes more feed than a scrub animal,
give at least twice as much as the th at th e differences tn this amount of
average Oregon cow the cost of these feed co not correspond to the differ­
eov. s Ic ing not greatly in excess of ence in production
good grr.de e - w i and with a possibil­
This exhibit will he housed promln
ity. during ti n e a «lien calves are in ently In the dairy h a m and is expect­
demand, ci i .■
: for their owner*. ed to attra c t a great deal of attention
Touring Car
Roadster • • 5 2 5
Coupe • • - 6 7 5
Sedan • • • ■ 7 7 5
Chassis • •
Express Truck
r o.
all p r ic e s
Fine quality built into an autom obile makes it
run well, wear well, look well for a long time. It
keeps satisfaction high and operating costs low.
W h en you can get fine quality at a low purchase
price you have gained the highest decree o f
econom y in the purchase o f an automobile.
Because Chevrolet represents the highest type o f
quality car at low cost it has been the choice o f
over two m illion people.
Visit bur showroom and see for yourself h ow
truly Chevrolet com bines quality w ith low cost.
The Coach
/. • . K
Flint. M ic h ig a n
Special Exh i bitTh is Week
P atro n ise your home m erchant and
business and you leave the money in
If your business men d o
well it is easier for them t o I m p r o v e
and give E stacada people employment
FOR SALE;—One large Prlmroee
creaui separator, almost new. with two
(2) ten-gallon cream cans, cheap
1’evple# »tors.
The only milk sold in Estacada from Federal
accredited Tub« rcul n free cows.
Phone No. 37-3
Chevrolet iactorie*. Com« in and m them.
Cascade Motor Co.
hileex Bros.,
Estacada, Oregon "