PASTERN P A G E FO U R CT U ’K A V A S NEW S TH U R SD A Y , O C T O B E R 8, 1925. f For .v.i* or H nl. 12 te r e s ’g> m ite east of poatofllce, I Estacc.da Oregon. Seven buildings, t New house p lastered , 2 acres in logan i berries, a c re iu blackcaps, 2 acres fence;! for chickens, B alance in p a st­ LU M B E R PCJR S A L E — W e have a ure. all fenced. A. H. F raley , E sta c a ­ sm all a m o u n t of 2x1 an d 1x8 ship- da, Oregon. ’ lap, g ra d e su ita b le fo r g e n e ra l use a b o u t th e farm . Y ou will find the L. D. S. SERVICES p rice v e ry reaso n a b le. Come dow n T he R eorganized C hurch o f J e ­ an d see w h a t we have. E lectric sus C h rist o f L a tte r D ay S ain ts L u m b e r & M fg Co., R iver M ill,-h o ld s S u n d ay school a t I. O. O. F. 3 5 -tf hall ^0 A. M. O regon. « T H E U N IV E R S A L C A R NO IN C R E A SE IN P R IC E S While your first thought will be of their pleasing appear­ ance, you will quickly realize how greatly comfort, con­ venience and usefulness are increased. BOB OREGON PHONE 24-5 W ILL ROGERS Modern Appliances at Moderate Prices Rooms for Rent Two good clean fu rn ish e d room s, lose to school, n e a r C h ristian church Mrs. F. C. Himmon We have an excellent stock to select from. Electric S t o r e , Electric Budding Portland Electric Power Company ELECTRIC BUILDING, PORTLAND. OREGON. F o r Sale Concord and Sw eet W ater grapes. -See Jo h n Osborn. , F a rm W anted. SO acres, few good cows, pigs and . q u ipm ent; 25 a c re s cultivated, som e .vood amt p a stu re . Good sp rin g es- ential. W ill d a tle equity suburban acreag e w ith 7-room house oil ear Hue close to city. O w ners o n ly ., P. l>. box .,bU4, P o rtlan d . For Sale Going E a st; m u st sell. 1 team d o rses and h a rn e ss, 5 y ears old, wt. -GOO. * vows, m ilking b etter th an 5Go per m onth. F ive m iles no rth , 1 mile 1 east oi E atacad a on the B aker farm . | C. fel. K eller, K. 4, box 50, B agie Cleek, | Oregon. FOIl SA LE—G uernsey am) D urham ¡m ilk cow. See or w rite B. D. K elly, Camp 8. BOBS UNION BARBER SHOP •nd MARCEL SALON STRICTLY SANITARY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HOURS— 9 :0 0 A. M. TO 8 :0 0 P. M SATURDAY— 9 00 A. M TO 10:00 P. M. MASONIC BLDG. ESTACADA ART. SMITH. Propr. Currinsville Store 10-pound sack S u g a r .................................................................................... 25-pound sack S u g a r ................ .............................. .................................... 50-pound sack S u g a r........................................................................ Shell Motor Oil (W e ste rn ), q u a rt ................................................... Golden Shell Oil (E a ste rn ), q u a r t............................................... . ,. Shell G asoline, g a llo n ..................................................... S hell G asoline In your b a rre l, g a l l o n ............................................... A rm o u r’s V erlbest Milk ....................................... .. Cam el C igarette*, n i t o n ........................................... Mason J a r Capa, d o z e n ...................................................................... Sw eet P o tato es. S lbs. f o r ................................................................ Sw eet T ep p ers. pound ................................................................. C abbage, (hom e g ro w n ), p o u n d ............................................ C abbage tfo r your k ra u t) Ask it* f p:ic>> 6 .75 1.75 L.V) .15 .¿5 ¿| ,19 ,|q I^ri .j B uy one sack of F lo u r at a tim e u n til p rice re che* the Low Point, then a sk us for price. J. O. TUNNELL, C U F it;N S V U X S , OREGON FOR SALE— A good light wagon in A rst-cluss condition. Elf q u ire oi .V M. T racy. DO-1-8-15 FOR SALE— Two lots for sa!o on j co rn er. Two blocks from high school. <130. J. E. B arg er, care Ida P alm a- teer, Estacnda. X EVERYTHING CALLED PRODUCE. u X B E ST P R IC E S PA ID FO R > VEAL, HCGS, LAMBS, EGGS, POTATOES, ETC. < 5 -X o a u a WF. REMIT BY RETURN MAIL M. J. KERKES, Manager. Near Morrison. MAIN 2989. - IN D E X PR O D U C E COM PA N Y 151 Frort. IN D EX PR O D U C E COM PANY R . G . M • A R C H B % A N K CONFECTIONERY and LIGHT LUNCH Im proving o n H istory I just finished hearing a Politician, one of the Washington Boys, talk on Abraham Lincoln. The only thing I could picture in common between him and Lincoln was that they had both been in Washington. When a Politician aint talking about himself he is talking about Lincoln. Lincoln has had more Public men speak of his good qualities, and fewer copy any of them, than any man America ever produced. His famous address wag only about two hundred words long- No Politician has ever been able to even copy his briefness. In fact that is the last one of his qualities that they would try to copy. Lincoln said more in those 200 words than has been said in the entire City of Washington in the last 10 years, and here is a quality that no historian or speaker has ever brought out before. At the completion of the Gettysburg eech, h® wisely refused one of rant’s Cigars, and borrowed a sack of “ Bull” Durham from an Ex Southern private, rolled his own, got on his Mule and went back to Washington. International Made to Me a s u r e CLOTHES The “Square Deal’ Barber Shop The «hop w h e r e th e b a r b e r knew « hi« «tu ff." E A R L LA FO R G E , P ro p rieto r, ESTACADA S LEADING TONSORIAL ARTIST. HAIR CUT 35c; SHAVE 15c. All o t h e r w o r k a t p o p u l a r p r ‘cc*. MOTTO— “LIVE AND LET LIVE.” BOBBING AND SHINGLING A SPECIALTY. BATHS BROADWAY, NEAR LINN'S INN, ESTACADA, OREGON. S ^ ^ I u L v R: 10 . CARVER, OREGON. P. S. T here will he another piece here two weeks from now, Look lor it. FARM FOR RENT -Good In i L . , .c - i H ie lights. 25 a c re s cleared. 10 excel- ! lent p o tato ground. 25 a c re s pasture, just outside city lim its. An E. Sp; ks. CHEVROLETS F or S a K Going E a s t; m ust sell. 1 team ot iio rs.s and h arn ess, 5 y ears old. wt. 18"0. 3 cows, m ilking b e tte r th an 860 >.r Five m :’es no rth . 1 mile a t of E u e n d a on th e B aker faim , C. E K, R. I. Box 30. E in le Creek, X egon. WANTED About M head of i k M on sh a re s In q u ire Malt P ark . Col­ ton. Oregon R. I. FOR SALE— Je rse y black cockerel* for sal*, 82.90 each. Madsen. 1 m ile east of E agle ir.r.ige hall. FOR SALE—3 w ork horsei l.o. • • and sadd!.'. A ddress ( er*. C u rrin sv ille. O regon. , tj - ¿»j FOR SALK— 15 head good ewes. Ja*. Rush. jig Fi>:;l* C reek. Oregon. New York Ciry BOOT and SilOE REPAIR SHOP BLOCK SOUTH OF P.0. ESTACADA. OREGON ' “da. Ore-oa. Neat, Eur¿tie work RADIO J l l F tn b .V Phene 19-5 •TASTED— t ton baled straw . Ad- ress Te; »r M aizacint. B o x 81. E aia- R S.'.i E - K raut cabbage a t J. T. Uw y’s. 1 c>Hi a pound by the sack. G uaranteed by BUICKS ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS, GAS AND OIL—At Portland Prices R. G.-MARCKBANK, Owner. FOR SA LE —38 A ngora goats, vig­ orous and stro n g . 81.00 per head. S. \V S try k e r. 1 8 5 4 . 4th St., Portland. Oregon. . FOR SALE -D affodil bulbs. 73c a loxen: also an e lec tric ¡.-on r .th ex tra extension co rd ; a stone c h u m , a ment w ash tu b a d irt anger, a long crow b ar, a gaso lin e to rch , a large m eat grin d er, a hand to r n c ra c k e r and a small plow. .Mr*. J. W. Moxley, Morrow elation. . 4 lit CO. W holesale D istrib u to rs of h ELD ER HOGS for sale. See Johu M arshall, S p rin g w ater, R oute 3, E sta- cada, Oregon. L arg e m ahogany phonograph, slig h t­ ly used. W ill trau e for a good cow. Gall 59-4. IN D EX PR O D U C E COM NANY PORTLAND, OREGON. A N Y O N E— W ishing good hom e­ m ade cak e o r b read, call M rs. G. W. G u ttrid g e , K stacada. Phone 11-12. 9 R eg istered Jersey bull (o r M l*. W ill I veil for $75, also a q u an tity of rye for 1 -ale. W. F. G reer, R oute 2, E stacuda. T lu o z ttr n u n tt* o f ifu tic tu im fa m ify J A ny g irl in tro u b le m ay com m uni­ c ate w ith E n sig n Lee o f th e S alva­ tion A rm y , a t the W hite Shield Home, 5G5 M a y fa ir A ve.. P o rtla n d , O regon. 9-20-tf WANTED— Oliver 2-bottom 14-lnt!i plow in good condition; late model p referred , for F ordson. Give price aid full p a rtic u la rs lu lu s t letter. ; J. G. H am ilton, blstacada, R oute 2. L O N G L O A F TAURANTS IN ESTACA- DA AND VICINITY. "Editor and g e n e r a lM a n a q e r FO R— S A L E — A t a b a rg a in — F o u r- room house an d th re e lots . W rite o r in q u ire a t N ews office 8-13-tf Why not start now and let Elec­ tricity do all your household drudgery for you? R O LSÜ M and RES-^ BULLS EYE E sta o a d a W ood Y ard, H . R. S tubbe Mgr., P h o n e 24-3, E stacn d a, O regon. £ , adv 8 -1 3 -tf j ITE GROCERY IN D EX PR O D U C E COM PANY ? i Electrify Your SOLD AT Y CUR FAVOR­ The M ONEY TO LOAN. W e have plenty ’* o f m oney to loan on fa rm s a t 6 — p e r c e n t— fro m one to tw en ty | y ea rs. No com m ission on larg e t ; loans. Sec S. E. W ooster, E staca- t, da, O reg o n . 6-19-tf You already know that Electric Service is the most useful and economic servant in the h om e. The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same puce as the regu­ lar !?i ge loaf. ;f u w ar.t a R -al R-»dlo. see C yde chock and g et a "HALOWAT" T.R5. Icuest.y m v ’ r .- b :c it'd by. a i d hullt y a P o rtlan d concern and w e ll back t or. a m oney-back gu aran tee against tr y live-tuber on the m arket. F or good G uaranteed R adios see ^grue «Knock at Cook Motor Co. Guaranteed H ave th« sole* sew ed on y cur arrss sboo* w't’i a HOT W.' X V A C H I V I ?. DAHLKE, Estacada Ih* Newa i* only fl.50 per year. IN D E X PR O D U C E COM NA NY IN D EX PR O D U C E C O M N A N Y ! CO O KE M OTOR CO To The Loaf Econom ical fo r Large Families H allow een D ance. T l.- A m erican Legion A uxiliary will big m asquerade dance In the LO A N S on fa rm s G p e r c e n t. No •iv park pavilion on H allow een night, com m ission C ity lo an s m on th ly p lan . O regon C ity A b s tra c t Co. Oct: a 31, 1923. P rizes w ill be given ior h - ' H allow een costum es. FO R S A L E — 10-acre fa rm know n at th e A. S. H assell place, ad jo in in g E sta c n d a ; 8 a cres in cu ltiv atio n o f w hich 2 a re b e a rin g p ru n e s; good fa m ily o rc h ard , all kinds of g ra p e s a n d sm all fru its , good 6- rooru house, fa ir b a rn , sev eral o u t­ buildings. F o r p rice und p a rtic ­ u la rs w rite owmer’, N. P. N elson, N ew b erg , O regon. 7-30-tf SLICES An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children's between-meal snacks. P o in te r’s F u rn itu re E x ch an g e, the place to g e t w h a t you w a n t and sell w h a t you d o n ’t w an t. (i-8-ti A pronounced stream-lino c’fTect is given by the chassis being dropped and the hoc:ios lowered and lengthened. More room, more ease, more stye. Seats, low and deep, inviting relaxation and giving a sense of comforting se­ curity both to driver and passengers. f I : A nnual K a/nar, CASH p aid fo r fa lse te e th , d e n til The L adies’ Aid of the C hristian gold, p la tin u m an d discarded je w ­ church v.-ili hold th e ir a n n u al bazaar elry . H oke Sm ith S m eltin g and l Or ; Fellow s hall S aturday, N ovem ­ R efining Co., O tsego, M ichigan. ber 1 Di nner will bo served at noon. Extreme beauty and attractiveness of design, is offered in the improved Ford Cars now on display. ESTACADA CUTS MORE UNII FOD Säf AOS