* Nr ma Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County VOLUME XVIII No. 52 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST E S T A C A D OREGON, I PROTECT THE FISH AND G A I T 4_!------- rX rroN THURSDAY CCTOHER 1, 1925 $1.50 PER YEAR LOCAL BREVITIES ESTAt \ I» \ UMPOKMLB BAND. !H OF GIÖ 3 S IS ORGANIZES A vc y rn'oytble reception spon­ Mr3. J. W. Miller went into I’ ort- The stnte game commissioner seems The hand had the distinction of hi , to Jie functioning again in harmony sored by the "Good Will c ub," was land Monday. | ing the official hand for the three day I which is an act of good judgment for given the teachers, Mr. Earl Tracy of the Independent Order of Odd Fel Mrs. Geo. Armstrong of Camp concerned . We have in Oregon a and Miss Ruth Whitehead, Saturday lows Sovereign Grand Lodge conven Brief Resume of Happenings of ail vast amount of wilfl life and their pro­ evening, September 19. There was a was a visitor In the citv Monday. Mon, and one of the main things ac­ At tlie county fair grounds Friday tection depends on a well organized short program consisting o f all sing complished by this engagement wa the Week Collected for Attorney and Mrs. W. W. Smith placing Estacada before representa evening the Greater Clackamas Union ing "America,'' a violin duet by Mr. game commission. >f Clubs was organized and officers Our Readers. During the last meeting there en- j c - Delpine and Miss Clara Tiffany, a spent Friday at the county fair at Uves from all over flic world. Til chosen for the coming.year. tered into the picture Professor Jar- s°ug by the Good Will club members, Canby. band was complimented on every sid With only a few minor changes the and mention was made by some of tli constitution and by-laws reported by More than 200 youngsters are em dine of O. A. Cv and outlined a pro- ! Owing to the absence of chairman of The new postofflee building will be the committee of eight were adopted convention officers that there was rolled in boys' and girls’ club work In gram by which experienced fish cul- 'l16 rchpQl board Mr. M. A. Nelson, ready for occupancy this weak or turists might be developed in Oregon. Superintendent Brenton Vedder gavq possibility that an invitation might be and the next meeting place fixed at Union county this year. Milwaukie on the third Wednesday nearly so. extended for them to represent Mu' it October. If the new president finds Work has been started on pouring Does Professor Jardine forget that ■ Hi® welcome address. Mr. L. 0. Ger- ^ Mr A(1oIph Haidlen of Floreston. state at the next convention to be held that the attendance will be greater the foundation for the new $300,000 Osh culture is not in its Infancy In j her Mr. I. Brown and Mr. Baker, the Oregon and that the Oregon system I clerk- " ere not present a few remarks Ca||fornla ,g visUlng ,n the city fol. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, next than Milwaukie ran accommodate, he . hotel of nine stories at Marshfield. were given by Harvey Gibson, Mrs. j f . September as the World's Fair is In can change the place of meeting. Mrs. M. J. Olds. 88, a pioneer of has long been pronounced the best in Frank Tiffany, Mr, Tracy and Miss i 3 eW * ays‘ _______ Those elected to head the new or Ing held there next year it will cer the land. Why then look for a tech- Oregon In 1846, died at ^fcMinnvllle nican versed li^ scientific fish culture? Whitehead. The program closed by j Mrg R jj . Carter and daughter tainly be a great boost for Clackamas ganization for the first year were: after an Illness of more than a year, There Is no one, however well educat­ ail singing the "Star-Spangled Ban­ were in attendance at the I. O. O. F. county to have our local band in that president. H. H. Chindgren of Colton: Dedication of the new Elks' temple Refreshments were served convention last week. city. If the citizens of this communi vice-president, M. P. Shrock of Mil- ed along the lines of scientific fish ner." at Salem has been set for November ty will continue their support and waukie; secretary-treasurer, E. A. culture, who would be of value to this consisting of cake, sandwiches and 7. The temple cost approximately A. W. Botkin recovered what was everyone do their bit there is no doubt Koen of Oregon City. There was but stale what service could he render, coffee. A large whipped cream re­ $175,000. ception cake was made by the presi­ left of his auto Monday. It was stolen but what the Odd Fellows of the state me contest, there being two nominees who could he direct? With the regular registration com will send them East. So let ns all gel for secretary-treasurer, E. A. Kpen It has come to the writer's knowl­ dent of the Good Will club, Minnie in Portland last week. pleted at Willamette university at edge that 'he state hatchery depart­ Froman and was presented to Miss Mrs. R. H. Currin is enjoying a in and boost the hand: they arc cer and Miss Margaret Beatie, the latter Salem, tke enrollment has reached ment hav .n its personel men with Whitehead and Mr. Tracy to cut. Miss visit from her daughter, Mrs. Don tainly deserving great credit. secretary of the Oregon City Cham­ only 460, a tk .cease of nearly 160 college training possible along other Whitehead cut her half one way and Allen, of California, for a few weeks. ber of commerce. Mr. Koen urged from last year. that someone outside of Oregon City lines rather than fish culture but who Mr. Tracy another which caused a GEORGE ITEMS Letters from Mr. and Mrs. Te.nnler he chosen, but those attending Di­ The timber on six tracts In Mult have many years of practical fish cul lot of merriment. All reported an en­ of Viola, who are visiting in the East lated upon a vote. It resulted in joyable evening, wishing Mr. Tracy nomah, Benton. Polk, Clackamas and ture experience. Is not his mind Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus and Koen being elected. Washington counties was sold by the trained, at least trained to think and and Miss Whitehead a succ ssful report they are having a very fine little daughter Savern, were visitors trip. government last week for an aggre above all he knows conditions in his school year. Tlie only significant change made in of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joyner, Sun gate Of $60,648.45. own state. Educate that man. Why ither the constitution or by-laws was Mrs. Earl Odell and her sister. Mrs. Mr. D. C. Zink, traveling freight day evening. Thomas B. Kay, state treasurer, was educate a total stranger to Oregon Lloyd Odell, visited Mrs. Loyal Lake that the board of directors shall fix Ray Miller pf Portland is spending and passenger agent, P. E. P. Co., was elected president of the Oregon Linen and Oregon's methods? Who have and her mother, Mrs. Johnson, of the amount to be levied upon each af­ a visitor in Estacada Friday, last his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mills, which was Incorporated at you in mind, Professor Jardine? filiating organization, this not to ex­ Logan last Thursday. Mrs. Robt. Miller and family. week. 8alem recently with capital stock of ceed 10 cents per member annually. Even the eminent Dr. David Star Misses Grace and Edith Ferrel of Mrs. Harold Joyner, Mrs. H. Kllnker approximately $600,000. Jordan and his assistants have long Portland spent the week-end with \V. W. Smith, attorney, was ill Ore­ Mrs. Leo Rath and Mr. John Welling All organizations are to report to the Recent hall storms damaged the conceded that their scientific informa­ their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Fer­ gon City on business Friday last week, were visitors at school Friday after Milwaukie meeting their selection of members of the board of directors, so Cove prune crop so badly that work tion on trout and salmon of the north­ rel. W. O. Echols of Currinsvillc was also attended the Bar association noon. hat ” ie organization can Immediately has been curtailed and the prunes west has been obtained through a also a visitor there Sunday. Mr meeting. Julius Paulsen was in Portland Sat begin '.o function. will be either dried in the Cove dryer series of practical experiments car­ Echols left for eastern Oregon Mon­ urday and Sunday to attend his fath It vas predicted by a number of ried on by our local hatcheries. Who day morning. or else sent to canneries. Mrs. A. O. Antes was a Portland er's 84th birthday. hose present that the Union of Clubs visitor during the I. O. O. F. conven­ A good start Is being made In mov' then furnished this scientific knowl­ Jim Chaney fell out of a tree oi Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stone and family s goirg over big, this being particu- tion last week. ing the Oregon onion crop, about 50 edge to the world? Monday evening and was knocked un spent the week-end with friends in arly true in that there is nothing It is not so many years ago that a car* having been shipped out already. conscious, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norton were Esta igalnst women’s clubs officiating. If The State Will have a good crop esti­ certain college in the West construct­ Mr. and Mrs. Decker and little gir Miss Jessie Odell, who is training cada visitors over Sunday at the home hese organizations loin, and it is pos- ed a fish hatchery and conducted a mated at around 700 cars. at Good Samaritan hospital in Port­ of Mrs. Norton's parents, Mr, and Mrs of Portland spent Saturday and Sun iible to get still further affiliation course along these lines. What was day on their ranch here, The public service commission has land, spent the week-end with her J. K. Ely. rom Granges and Farm Bureaus, the Miss Flora Lins and brother Carl authorized discontinuance of station the result? The fish died, The class parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Odell. Mr. issoclatlon will easily become a pow- was conducted by one of these so- facilities at Quinton, on the line of called at the home of Julius Paul­ G. W. Robertson, paymaster P. E. P. and Mrs. Elingham and Mrs. Godfrey rfttl body in the interest of count' the Oregon Railroad k Navigation called scientific fish culture experts. of Portland, Were also visitors there Co., was in Estacada Friday of last sen’s Sunday evening. ievelopment. At the county fair mooi­ This would be a fine program to force company in Gilliam county. Mr. John Willing and mother, Mrs ng two Farm Bureaus and two Orang- onto our all ready hampered hatchery Sunday. Their son and daughter. Mr. week, painting a smile on a goodly Willing of Portland were visitors oi An attractive young woman, fash­ and Mrs. Lloyd Odell have moved to number of our citizens. s were represented. More are ex­ department. Friday afternoon and evening of Mr ionably dressed and with polished pected to come in at the first regular As the hatchery department stands Bridal Veil where Mr. Odell* is em and Mrs, Julius Paulsen and Georgi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gunter of Camp 8 manners, fleeced Klamath- merchants meeting in Milwaukie. today we have in its personal the re­ ployed. have returned home after a two weeks Willing. out Of a considerable quantity of mer­ For the Oregon City Chamber of instated superintendent, Matt Ryck- chandise by means of forged checks. vacation, part of which was spent at ’ ommcrce, Ralph Shepherd, the pres- man, a man of vast experience and a I’.-T. A. Meeting. ELWOOD Pendleton at the Roundup. One hundred and six mills report­ flock of wonderful material that scien­ dent, extended on Invitation to the The first meeting of the Estacada ing to the West Coast Lumbermen’s tists and politicians must let alone. P.-T. A. for this 'season, Will be held A number of Rebekahs from here Dan Stahhiecker and family re­ lub to meet in Oregon City whenever association for the week ending Sep­ t chooses. By a vote the offer was at the grade school assembly room, attended the convention in Portland turned from the hop fields Saturday. tember 19, manufactured 101.871,766 Mr. and Mr? Tack Hayden visited on Friday afternoon at 3 o ’clock. iccopted with thanks. ' last week and report both a very en­ Mr. and Mrs. Otis Vallen and baby feet of lumbet and sold 109,342,532 Portland on Saturday. It was made evident at the meeting By order o f'th e president. joyable and instructive time. Mrs. Ruth Cox and three children and feet, hat the club will need little financing. Mieajah Vallen attended the Canby Mrs. W. S. Davison visited Portland Forty-three of the 61 applicants who The practice of having each person Visitors at the Theo. Ahlberg home RADIO fair Friday. took the state bar examinations held on Tuesday. ttending pay for their own lunch, t!*-- on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. P. H. If you want a Real Radio, see Clyde Matt Park has been building an ad­ osl of which Is limited fio 50 cent . in Salem last July were successful, Harth, and Mrs. Adelia. Wilson and Schock and get a "HALOWAT” TR5. Mrs. J. W, Miller was a Portland dition to his father's house, Mr. John makes it possible for there to bo a according to announcement by Arthur Honestly made, backed by, and built daughter Mary of Portland. Park, at Estacada. 8. Benson, clerk of the State supreme visitor on Monday. arge attendance at each gathering. by a Portland concern and we'll back court, Mrs. Mary Adams and her sister, Will Bittner is working at the Eiliotl A motion wns passed after a talk it on a money-back guarantee against Campfire Girl« Mrs. Neely, who Is here from Toeoma sawmill near Molalla. Indorsement of the Oregon Trunk’s pon the subject Instructing the sec- any five-tuber on the market. proposed extension from Bend to A Camp Fire business meeting was Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Vallen had as etary to present to the county court For good Guaranteed Radios see returned home from Portland Satur­ day, having visited there during the dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. he endorsement of the club of the Klamath Falls was urged by the Klam­ held Thursday, September 17, to get Clyde Schock at Cook Motor Co. week. ath county chamber of commerce raiE organized for the following year. Ed. May. Clyde, May and Dessie Mar­ ircposal that $500 be appropriated to road committee in a report recently There are twelve members and great pay for the county's exhibit at the tin, of Highland. Luncheon for Mrs. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Alexander of made public, times are expected. Last Thursday at tate fair. Stanford Cox visited with his broth­ On Wednesday Mrs. Sam D. Dunlop Portland took dinner with Mr. and It was also proposed by Mr. Chind- Mistaken for a deer, Henry Alvin the close of school a treasure hunt er, Willis Cox, at Enumclaw, Wash­ of Garfie|d was hostess for a very- Mrs. Heylman Sunday. Mrs. Alexan­ ren that the club promote the pro­ Boyce, auto mechanic of Corvallis, was was held and proved to be very good ington, for a few days last week. Two trail blazers lovely luncheon for Mrs. Dan Allen, der is principal of the Woodmere posal that the 350 members of the shot and Instanly killed on Klickitat entertainment. Louis Vallen is butchering some of who is here from California. school, Portland. )oys’ and girls' clubs In the county 1 mountain, approximately 11 miles went ahead to blaze the way which led his beef cattle. He also killed some After lunch "500" was the diversion ndered a banquet In Oregon Oily southwest of the Fisher postoffice in to River Mill. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Richardson and ogs for Mrs. C. Bittner. After fiuding the buried treasure, of the afternoon. Lane county. following the fairs. lie held th: son 6f Hillsboro were visitors at the The guests were Mrs: Alien, Mrs. here is need of eneoiirngement for A posse outfitted and provided by which proved to be marshmallows, a R. H. Currin, Mrs. W. W. Smith, Mrs. home of Harry H. Smith over Sunday. lunch was eaten. The climax of the UPPER EAGLE ( REEK his movement, and that it should be the Klamath county court left Klamath Mr. Richardson is agent for the Car­ Theo. Ahlberg, Mrs. R. F. Lovelace, mottragod in every possible manner. Falls for Huckleberry mountain in a evening's fun came when they crossed Mrs. Henry Heiple, Mrs. Dunlop and nation Milk Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Paddison and The president of the association final effort to find some trace of Mar­ the river under the dam and came her mother, Mrs. Standfsh, of Port­ ( olton farmer. He Is much intei tin Owensby. Merrill rancher, who home on the opposite side of the river. Geo. J. Kelly, of the real estate and family were the recipients of a pleas­ land. :ted in the lmprov< merit of fa• ni eoi had been missing for nine days. tax department of the P. E P. com­ ant call Sunday from Mr. and Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Eves are the ¡lions, is a breeder of fine livestock, pany, called at the News office op Paddison, Mr. Paddlson's brother and Announcement was made -at Med­ FOR SALE. proud parents of a baby girl born ml lias shown In many ways that h- ford of the sale for $125,000 of the Team, harness and wagon. One six Wednesday. George still wears that his wife, of Portland. Eagle Creek Grange held a Bhort s able to see the posslbllltioa for good Butte Creek orchard of 260 acres, near September 15th at Emanuel hospital vear old black horse, weight 1700 lbs. genial smile. and her name ia Betty Nadine. Mrs. One 4 year old black horse, weight business session last Saturday with in the new club. M. 81 Shrock Is i Eagle Point, mostly planted to pears 1100. Both guaranteed sound, gentle, We notice on the hoards at th<* Lib­ about 20 present. There were two vis­ Milwaukie business man, who i■; as­ and apples, to Robert Hunstock of Eves will be remembered as Audry willing and good workers. Wagon Miller of 1.712 East Uth street.—Sell- Los Angeles by S. J. Greenwood. heavy, light running, farm type and erty this week that Kenneth Harlan, itors, Mr. and Mrs. Weatherby, of sociated with the Orange and lias bo< wood Bee. very active In the affairs of that o: good as new. For price and general May Carr and Madge Bellamy arp Garfield Grange. A total of $267.500, representing one- information, address Earlcrest Stock playing In "On the Stroke of Three." ganization. E. A. Koen, the secrets Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke of Da­ fourth of the receipts from motor ve­ Farm. Eagle Creek. Oregon. NOTICE. reaBuror, Is publisher and odltor r Yon should see this trio of stars. mascus and Mrs. R. B. Gibson, were hicle registrations In Oregon during Artisan card party. Lunch and calling on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaw, the Banner-Courier. All three in : the period March 16 to Betember 16 dance Wednesday, October 7th at I. 0. CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTICE. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Horren, Mr. Jno. who live down by Ed. Douglass' mill. have been active in all the m iv< lea ! of this year has been apportioned O. F. hall. Artisans are asked to bring t am requested to announce that on Horren and Mr. Marion Rupe of St. Mrs. Shaw Is a daughter of Mr. and Ing to the formation of the club.— among the various counties of the their friends. Tickets 35c. COMMITTEE. Banner-Courier. Sunday. October 4, 1925. following the Francis, Kansas, motored through and Mrs. Cooke. state. have been visiting at the home of Mrs. With apple harvest well under way, Mrs. Katie Douglass and Ethel Gar- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ? ” n'?ay ' Ch°°,1 3 “ *he'i* W‘ !* Horren’s brother, Fred S. Baldwin. .MEETING PthSTPONEI Department of the Interior. »* a™ “ » ' meeting of the church Hood River orchardlsts have cut their wood were calling on Mrs. Asp on Owing to Rev. W. J. Herwlg pre-harvest estimates of tonnage mors U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon, I for the election of officers and the Two hunter* of Portland came Friday. been operated upon the past w September 24. 1925. ] transaction of such other business as than 25 per cent. It is estimated that Mr. and Mrs. G. Moshnke, John the Hines# of Rev. R E. Close through town one day last week with Notice is hereby given that Milo M. may come before the congregation. the crop this year will reach 2000 cars, Meader. of Route 4, Box 28, Estacada, two fine deer which caused consider­ j Moehnke, Leslie Moehnke, of Shu-bel, Impossible for the illustrated B. F. CLAY, Former Minister. approximately 60 per cent of the ton­ Oregon, who, on August 7, 1920. made able excitement among the huntsmen : Mr. and Mrs. Will Bluhm, Mr. and on "The Triumph of Justice' Homestead Entry, No. 06926, for NW>4 nage of 1924. of the town as few have been brought Mrs. Basil Saunders, Mrs. Virgil May given last Sunday evening as Card of Thank«. Of 600 acres of potatoes inspected In NEH. Section 15, Township 3 8. Range In this year. and Miss Wallace, of Oregon City, Used. the Weston mountain district of Uma­ 5 E. Willamette Meridian, haa filed no­ We wish to express our sincera Geo. Prelster and family of Logan, At a later date the lecture tice of intention to make Final Proof, tilla county, a big percentage passed to eatabllah claim to the land above thanks and appreciation for the many Thos. Harris, road superintendent; were guests at the home of Roy Doug* given when It will be ferope the eerond field Inspection with rat­ desc rlbed, before the Register U 8. kindnesses and floral offerings given las. Roach, assistant superintendent < lass Sunday. nounced. ings entitling the tubers to classi­ Land Offic? Portland. Oregon, on the as during the sickness and death of suburban lines and Thos. Pumfrey, B F. CLAI Mrs. C. H. Paddison and daughter. 12th day of November, 1926. fication as certified or standard seed, our loving wife, daughter and sister. engineer of maintenance of way, all Claimant names as witnesses: ! Miss Naomi, were Portland visitors on according to Fred Bennlon, county A. H. Fraley, Dora E. Fraley, Mrs. with the P. E. P. company, visited Es­ A No.Host Party# Frank Ahne:t, of Route 4, Estacada, I Monday. agent. Sadie Schoephoerster. Oregon. tacada last week. A number of friends of Mr. and Mr Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson were up Lawrence Thompson, of Route 4. One of the largest land deals eon Henry Heiple gathered at their hon: ) this way on Sunday. •animated at The Dalles In some time E tecada. Oregon Dr. Morrow returned Monday morn­ on Saturday evening. Five huudr. All the principal float* used in the Henry Kllnker. of Route 4. Estaca­ was announced, approximately 6006 da. Oregon. School commenced in District No. was the game of the evening, hig Wednesday parade of Odd Fellow* ing from Albany. Oregon, where he acres of grating and farm land l> Joe Wiederhold. of Route 4. Esta­ and Rebekahs were decorated by was railed Saturday evening to in­ 50 on Monday, September the 28th, scores being won by Mrs. W. W. Snrit southern Wasco county being sold by cada. Oregon. j Ernest Lyle, Well known Sellwood spect a new grandson who made his with Miss Edythe Peters of Oswego as and D. B. Rsheiman. Consolati D. P. Keteham to his son. William Ket­ Clackamas County: 40 acre«. Twelve pupils were en-1 prizes gong to Mrs. Don Allen and V | young man. who was so snccessfnl in appearance about 6:30 p m The doc­ teacher. Act 6-9-16. ch am The consideration was placed W Smith. buiidng prize float* for the Rose tor reports mother and child doing rolled. WALTER L. TOOZE. Sr. at 171 . 66 «. ______ Register. ¡Carnival. The work wa* done in the nicely, and that with good nursing (he Mr. and Mr* F J. Brower of Orient At midnight a most delicious iuiu Notice to be published Ive consecu­ I Mtlwaukle Auto and 8torage garage father will ultimately recover —M l* were In the neighborhood last Satur­ was served after which music sl Mr. Mnrchbank has been confined to the house for several dajrs.wt tive weeks in Eaater* Clackamas I la Milwaakie.—0sliwd lie« day calling on former friends. siugtug wa# enjoyed. ^ wood Bee. News, Estacada, Oregon. hope $• *66 M ai r * » » J